Go to Options 1.1 and set it to Family view (If that's what you want.
Good luck!
On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 3:19 PM, Joyce Herzog wrote:
> I have mine set to always Open to the last couple I worked on. Go to
> Options 1.1 and make sure it's set to Family View. That should do it.
> Good luck!
I have mine set to always Open to the last couple I worked on. Go to
Options 1.1 and make sure it's set to Family View. That should do it.
Good luck!
On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 3:11 PM, Valerie Garton wrote:
> Every time I open my file it is in chronology mode and also when I go to
> options c
Every time I open my file it is in chronology mode and also when I go to
options customize the page flashes in and out again. I have done file
maintenance twice.
Cheers from Valerie Garton [nee Vaughan] in sunny Sydney A086848, FTDNA
F742404 & gedmatch
LegacyUserGroup mailing list
I agree with Phillip and Brian. Even though I do not have a MyHeritage
subscription I have been amazed at the amount of detail that is included in
the hint. I advise looking at their hints.
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Brian Kelly wrote:
> Those companies also provide a service by buildin
Those companies also provide a service by building databases to index
all those records for searching and operate the servers that host the
service. None of that comes cheap and there are only two sources of
revenue, host advertisements and get paid by the advertisers or charge
the users who wa
Key here is unique... therefore exclusive... therefore I can charge you to
access records... my own little cash cow... while the records may be public
u less you want to drive or fly all over creation there is also the ease of
access factor... the things we pay for...
On Apr 21, 2017 10:39 AM, "Ch
The use of Hints to point you at other websites can be
useful, BUT most of them, apart from FamilySearch, will expect you to have a
paid account on them if you need to get to the full detail.
Very annoying that, apart from some common records, they will have a set of
Hi all!
I have yet another problem. If I go to the Ancestor Book it refuses to
work. It gets to page 20 then just stops. It doesn't matter if I
select Preview or Create PDF or whatever, it just isn't working.
Any ideas on what the problem is? Has anyone else had this problem?
There are only, at m
bject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names
in a new .gedcom
Sherry, I decided a while back that I no longer wanted to use SW. As
a result I now have both Basic and SW sources. I would like to make
them all Basic. Are you saying that it would be feasible to GEDC
Sherry, I decided a while back that I no longer wanted to use SW. As
a result I now have both Basic and SW sources. I would like to make
them all Basic. Are you saying that it would be feasible to GEDCOM my
data back into Legacy to accomplish this?
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Sherry/Suppo
On 2012/10/06 00:45, Dick Nixon wrote:
> Come on supportget rid of this jerk. This thread has gotten way
> beyond what you should allow in a user forum. I suspect a lot of us
> are offended.
Not offended. Just bored.
Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)
Legacy User Group guidelines:
Good idea Dick, however I simply skip over any comment from him.
-Original Message-
From: Dick Nixon [mailto:nixon.d...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 3:46 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names in
Come on supportget rid of this jerk. This thread has gotten way
beyond what you should allow in a user forum. I suspect a lot of us
are offended.
Dick Nixon
Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
That is definitely one way to endear yourself to them. So, have you
started writing your own program yet? You seem to have all the answers. I
guess civility no longer exists in our society. The attitude seems to be
that the more obnoxious one is, the more likely they are to coerce someone
in to
-Original Message-
From: bgsu1...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 11:13 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names
in a new .gedcom
"Ron Ferguson" proclaimed:
>I suspect that it is being sugge
That very well could be suggested - but would any other program be
able to take advantage of it? Since it would be a non-standard gedcom
tag, it most likely wouldn't be imported into another program - which
is the whole purpose of creating a gedcom!
If someone wants to send in a suggestion on the
From: Sherry/Support
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 10:38 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names
in a new .gedcom
I'll have to see your files. There is no "Template ID" in Gedcom.
-Original Message-
From: bgsu1...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 10:17 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names
in a new .gedcom
"Sherry/Support" proclaimed:
>What kind of data did you &quo
I'll have to see your files. There is no "Template ID" in Gedcom.
Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 2:17 PM, wrote:
> "Sherry/Support" proclaimed:
>>What kind of data did you "attach"? Are you referring to an attachmen
>>in the Picture Gallery fo
What kind of data did you "attach"? Are you referring to an attachmen
in the Picture Gallery for that source?
Did you use the "Legacy" option in Produce file for?
If you want to discuss your situation specifically, please address it
to supp...@legacyfamilytree.com where we can take a look at your
"Sherry/Support" proclaimed:
>Producing the file for
>Legacy includes *all* data in the Family File.
Does it include the SW template ID?
Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
You can save a gedcom to any number of formats. Producing the file for
Legacy includes *all* data in the Family File.
Other options would include less data. Click on the "Help" button in
the Gedcom Export window to be taken to the Help file for that feature
and you can see what's exported dependin
"Sherry/Support" proclaimed:
>The data is there. What you have entered is still available.
>The format has changed.
I attached that data to a specific SW template. I don't see that in the
Legacy User Group guidelines:
The IGI data is in a completely different format/location than it was before.
Whether or not any genealogy program will be able to access it through
a search, I don't know.
At least we're able to get to our previous searches now.
Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree
On Fri,
The data is there. What you have entered is still available.
The format has changed.
When you did the export, did you have the option to override source
options selected?
Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:08 AM, wrote:
> "Sherry/Support" procla
bgsu1...@gmail.com proclaimed:
>Was the exclusion of SW data from a Legacy GEDCOM:
> 1) a mistake
>or 2) intentional
No answer?
Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
You export the cow and then you import hamburger. Same thing!! :-)
Brian in CA
-Original Message-
From: bgsu1...@gmail.com [mailto:bgsu1...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 10:47 AM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with
You have reminded me to ask - since FS has restored the IGI, at least for the
records which they transcribed (I understand the others are to follow), will
Legacy put the links back?
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307
"Sherry/Support" wrote:
>You don't lose *data*.
You don't lose *data*.
As I stated, gedcoms will lose the SW formatting, Dates Added and
Modified and History - the latter three because you have actually
created a *new* Legacy database.
For some people, the dates and history are very important and this is
something that they need to remember wh
That's correct - they never have. They import back as Basic sources.
You don't lose anything, if you've exported using the Legacy option.
Note in the Master Source List or Assigned Sources List that there are
no dots in front of the Source List Name. The dots indicate a SW
You also lose D
It does if you're importing a Legacy created gedcom back into Legacy.
All programs are different and what's in one program may not support
the fields in another program.
Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 9:15 AM, wrote:
> "David C Abernathy" procla
-Original Message-
From: bgsu1...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 5:15 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names
in a new .gedcom
"David C Abernathy" proclaimed:
>The real problem is that
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another problem -- sorry! -- with source list names in
a new .gedcom
Mike Fry proclaimed:
>Why? I'd never use a GEDCOM to go from Legacy to Legacy. It's far
>better and more comprehensive to use the native file format.
I agree, but some
Mike Fry proclaimed:
>Why? I'd never use a GEDCOM to go from Legacy to Legacy. It's far better and
>more comprehensive to use the native file format.
I agree, but sometimes there is no other way to fix a database problem.
A native export just uses SQL to copy a table from one database to
Ah, well in that case you can do a find on TITL and replace with
something else (say _TITL) then do a find on ATTR and replace with
TITL to swap the list name for the source title.
I actually do that myself, I have a macro to do this before I upload
my GEDCOM to Ancestry.
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 1
On 2012/10/05 15:33, bgsu1...@gmail.com wrote:
> Actually, what they should have done is export the SW citations in a
> format (using non-standard GEDCOM tags if required) that could be
> re-imported into Legacy with preservation of the SW format. I suspect
> they didn't do this for the same reaso
All the data you enter in a source using SourceWriter is exported in
the gedcom. Not all data is recognized by the importing program.
The Source List Name is shown in the sources section of the gedcom
with an "ABBR" tag.
If you import a gedcom back into Legacy, you will no long have
Not sure. I don't have access to Legacy just now, but would have to
play. I suspect that because the Source List Name is really not part
of a source citation (that is to say its use is intended for internal
displays in Legacy), that it doesn't get exported to GEDCOM at all.
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 a
Thanks for your reply, Jim. So what happens to the Source List Name when I
actually export that file to a website -- does the title get repeated --
showing once in the title slot, once in the source list name spot??
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:59 AM, James Cook wrote:
> Unfortunately, as has
Unfortunately, as has been stated elsewhere, Legacy's SW does not
export to GEDCOM very well. I have gotten some info. out that way,
and don't have any idea as to why you cannot, but data transformed
from SW to GEDCOM is essentially useless w/o manual tweaking. I do
not toe the party line on this
What do I have to do to get my new .gedcom to show the Master Source List
It SAYS it's giving me the Source List Name, but in that column, it is
actually giving me the Title!
In other words, Legacy has removed the Source List Name and replaced it
with the [Source] Title!!!
I know of noth
Marli - Mine was set to portrait in the printer preferences from the report,
but it printed landscape anyway. Bother.
- Original Message -
From: "Marli Yoder"
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another Problem with
Yes, had to go into printer preference from the report and reset to portrait.
I have not updated either.
From: Kay Fordham
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Tue, February 21, 2012 12:40:06 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Another Problem with
That worked Sherry - thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "Sherry/Support"
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Another Problem with
Try resetting the report options by clicking on the "Reset" button in
the lower righ
Try resetting the report options by clicking on the "Reset" button in
the lower right corner of the main report optiosn window.
Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Kay Fordham wrote:
> I have not downloaded subsequent to Ran into
I have not downloaded subsequent to Ran into a problem today I have
never experienced. Running the descendant report. Report options set at
portrait and printer preferences also set at portrait. I ran one report which
showed as portrait - all subsequent descendant reports turned up in
46 matches
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