Re: Red Hat 7.2 install - problem with fdasd

2002-05-22 Thread Makhijani, Beena
Thanks, using dasdfmt did solve the problem and I also had to IPL after dasdfmt before I could run Anaconda. Beena -Original Message- From: Rob van der Heij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 6:33 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Red Hat 7.2 install - problem with

Red Hat 7.2 install - problem with fdasd

2002-05-16 Thread Makhijani, Beena
I am installing Red Hat 7.2 in an LPAR and am using Anaconda. I am at the stage where I am partitioning the DASD with fdasd. I used command "n" to create the new partitions and when I issue command "p", I see the partitions. I then use command "w" to exit but I find that the partitioning is los

Re: no lcs moudle found with REDHAT 7.2

2002-05-06 Thread Makhijani, Beena
Hi, The instructions on DeveloperWorks seem to indicate that you need a Linux system somewhere before you can install the OCO OSA modules. What could I do if I do not have a Linux system? I was under the impression that by using the rawhide code, I do not have to install the OCO modules, but I

Re: Red Hat 7.2 - install by tape? (thanks)

2002-05-02 Thread Makhijani, Beena
Thank you all for your responses. Beena -Original Message- From: Michael MacIsaac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 6:22 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Red Hat 7.2 - install by tape? > can someone tell me what > it means to not be "able to insmod the qdio/q

Re: Red Hat 7.2 - install by tape?

2002-04-26 Thread Makhijani, Beena
Thanks Mark, Mike, and Florian for your responses. Florian, please forgive my ignorance, but I need some clarification: Is applying the rpm at equivalent to applying the updates at that Mike mentioned? i

Red Hat 7.2 - install by tape?

2002-04-25 Thread Makhijani, Beena
Hi, I am new to Linux (and UNIX) but need to do a proof-of-concept for using Linux on S390 for file and print serving. I was planning to use Red Hat 7.2 as that seems to be the only free downloadable commerical distribution with the 2.4 kernel. However, when browsing through the "Offical Red Ha