>why do you dislike ronda hauben, gordon ?
>kind regards philippe, A-Z-Internet.com
because she is utterly disconnected from the present reality
The COOK Report on Internet | New handbook just published:IP Insur-
ED]>; Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:09:34 -0400
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esther Dyson)
Subject: Re: [IFWP] Re: "I represent the little guy
Kerry and all,
Although your questions are very well posed and as such are deserved
of an answer, completely and unequivocally, it is not likely that you shall
receive any answers either directly or indirectly from Esther or any
other member of the ICANN Interim Board. This is simply because,
> I make trade-offs, as we all (most of us) do.
Yesterday, Ronda mentioned the 3/98 HR committee hearing.
Supposing the points made there to be still relevant to ICANNs
mandate and methodology, Ive borrowed a few quotes from the
transcript (at
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:
> Gordon,
> One does not have to be 100 percent in agreement with everything in order to
> stay involved in something. I think I can do more for the little guy (and
> the Net in general) from inside ICANN than from outside.
So do I. When are we going
Esther and all,
Esther Dyson wrote:
> Gordon,
> One does not have to be 100 percent in agreement with everything in order to
> stay involved in something. I think I can do more for the little guy (and
> the Net in general) from inside ICANN than from outside. If that changed, I
> would resign
One does not have to be 100 percent in agreement with everything in order to
stay involved in something. I think I can do more for the little guy (and
the Net in general) from inside ICANN than from outside. If that changed, I
would resign. (Yes, I have in another case resigned from a