[REBOL] [REBOL]HELP!! Inserting text problems Re:

2000-02-09 Thread icimjs
Hi Tim, why don't you simply use save or write? You don't need to open a port (fp), just use: foreach txt insert_txt [ write/append/lines %some-file.txt txt ] and you're done. insert always inserts at the head of a series, that's why your getting the stuff in reverse. If for some

[REBOL] Update file as port/Security Re:(5)

2000-01-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Jim you wrote: Actually, you only get prompted for permission if you attempt to lower security levels. Raising them is fine at any time! in response to my statement: If you go from secure allow for instance to secure throw, now permission is You're right, was a typo, here's a little REBOL

[REBOL] Update file as port/Security Re:(6)

2000-01-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr, you wrote: I just hope you are not speaking in cosmic time terminology ;-) Ah. ;- Elan [: - )]


2000-01-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Mike, you wrote: Hello, I just noticed this on todays (Friday 1/28/2000) Zdnet Screensavers Web page, where they were talking about REBOL. "The beta release of REBOL/View begins this week and along with REBOL/Core is available for free download at REBOL.com. " Do they know something we

[REBOL] Weird Re:(2)

2000-01-27 Thread icimjs
Hi AR, you wrote: I wanted to get the number of actual arguments in a function last week, but restrained from doing it in a similar way. Means it crashed immediately.( f: func [x y z] [ args: third :f print length? args print mold args bind args 'x foreach

[REBOL] Catch Carl on ZDTV tonight Re:(4)

2000-01-27 Thread icimjs
Hi, could someone at RT tape it and make copies available over time, perhaps together with T Shirts, mugs and baseball caps, in a nice package deal, (including REBOL/View of course)? ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] [REBOL]Update file as port/Security Re:

2000-01-27 Thread icimjs
Hi Tim, let me know if you have more questions on this: usage The command line usage is: REBOL options script arguments All fields are optional. Supported options are: --cgi (-c) Check for CGI input --do exprEvaluate expression --help (-?) Display this

[REBOL] Catch Carl on ZDTV tonight Re:(6)

2000-01-27 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr, noting the date, I meant the final release commercial version bundled with video tape ... (considering in .cz you may not have access to ZDTV) I'd think you wouldn't really mind ... At 08:50 PM 4/1/00 +0200, you wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, could someone at RT tape it and

[REBOL] Find Function Re:

2000-01-27 Thread icimjs
Hi Paul, What the example is supposed to illustrate is that even though find returns none, find data 432 == none - after all, you can't expect to find 432 in a block that doesn't contain 432 - due to the fact 'any ORs its argument block, you will still get some "valid" result other than

[REBOL] [REBOL] Updating a file as a port Re:

2000-01-26 Thread icimjs
Hi Tim, 1. Your code causes an error, before it completes executing: fp: open/lines/write %test.txt forall fp ** Script Error: forall expected body argument of type: block. ** Where: forall fp 2. help open states that: help open Opens a new port connection. Arguments: spec -- (file

[REBOL] [REBOL] Updating a file as a port Re:(3)

2000-01-26 Thread icimjs
Hi Jim, oops, guess I haven't quite outgrown C myself. At 03:32 PM 1/26/00 -0800, you wrote: At 02:17 PM 1/26/00 -0800, you wrote: The /write refinement disables read operations! Solution: Use the /mode refinement with a block [lines read write] like this: Hi Elan, Gee, you really just

[REBOL] HTTP basic auth - object? Re:

2000-01-26 Thread icimjs
Hi Porter, Andrew already set a few things straight. A few more comments: When you do the following: a: b: 1 then the set-word! value b: attaches itself to the digit 1, returns its value, which is consumed by the set-word! a:. Subsequently both words evaluate to 1. This can be used to cascade

[REBOL] HTTP basic auth - object? Re:(2)

2000-01-26 Thread icimjs
Hi Porter: I wrote: get_vals: func [] [ make block! reduce [ to-lit-word! protocol username password hostaddr filepath ] ] Should be: get_vals: func [] [ make block! reduce [ to-lit-word protocol username password

[REBOL] State Machine Re:(2)

2000-01-25 Thread icimjs
Hi Andrew, In state.r, I think you can save yourself the lines if set-word? :Item [ Item: mold :Item replace Item ":" "" Item: to-word Item since you can directly convert a set-word type to a word using make word! or to word! (to-word will fail): a: [word:] == [word:]

[REBOL] [REBOL] Logging Rebol Errors Re:

2000-01-25 Thread icimjs
Hi Tim, you can use something like this: if error? error: try [ your-code more-code end-code ] [ send [EMAIL PROTECTED] mold disarm error ] if error? error: try [ your-code more-code end-code ] [ write/append %logfile.log mold disarm error ] Example: if error? error: try [ 1 / 0 ] [

[REBOL] Where is that string comming from? Re:

2000-01-25 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, you wrote: What really concerns me is how the string "REBOL Web" keeps getting into the output at the wrong spot. I inserted 'print statements after each assignment to see what data was being dealt with, and I cannot find out how s-tag is reading "REBOL Web" from a series that no

[REBOL] Where is that string comming from? Re:

2000-01-25 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, if you look at the source of build-tag, you will find that the culprit is compose: source build-tag build-tag: func [ "Generates a tag from a composed block." blk [block!] "Block of parens to evaluate and other data" /local m out ][ blk: compose blk out: copy ""

[REBOL] I wrote a REBOL beginners tutorial Re:(2)

2000-01-24 Thread icimjs
Donald wrote: Huh? Why would REBOL change the comma to a period? If I lived in Portugal, this would tick me off. It would be better if this were user configurable. ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] My project Re:

2000-01-24 Thread icimjs
Hi, If database connectivity was currently available, I believe you would most certainly significantly reduce your development effort by using REBOL. Since you say: I have the luxury of waiting for REBOL to develop abit as the data normalization should take a bit longer to do. Any thoughts

[REBOL] REBOL Auto-upgrade not working.. Re:

2000-01-24 Thread icimjs
At 05:28 PM 1/24/00 -0500, you wrote: I run REBOL and type upgrade at the prompt. The following is what I get: 17:26:11 upgrade connecting to: www.rebol.com ** Syntax Error: Script is missing a REBOL header. ** Where: do http://www.rebol.com/releases.html 17:26:16 Any idea what's wrong?

[REBOL] odd form posting problem Re:

2000-01-23 Thread icimjs
Hi Ed, decode-cgi returns a block containing set-word string pairs. Given cgi-input: "name=Ed[EMAIL PROTECTED]" == "name=Ed[EMAIL PROTECTED]" decode-cgi will return decode-cgi cgi-input == [name: "Ed" email-address: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] Note that the set-words name: and email-address: have

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(6)

2000-01-21 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr, However, REBOL can't imho replace your foxpro. It will not natively support .dbf, as /Command is supposed to integrate ODBC environment only and ODBC will be slower imho. And that is why - Petr - I didn't understand that people, who have use for /Command, did not take kindly to my Open

[REBOL] strange append behavior Re:

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Ridley, help next Returns the series at its next position. Arguments: series -- (series port) Note the use of the words "the" and "its" in "Returns THE series at ITS next position." b: make block! ["hello"] == ["hello"] b: next b == [] index? b == 2 head b == ["hello"] help append

[REBOL] Does REBOL support multiple instances of functions? Re:

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, the reason you get this result is that your gettext function returns a reference to the string 'text which is defined in your tag-parser object. This 'text string is created exactly once, namely when the object is created. Each time your parse-rule evaluates (append text txt), the

[REBOL] How do I test for simple regex from external string Re:(8)

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Hi Andrew, nice work. (I was planning to get started on something like that myself. Haven't had time yet.) One little bug I found (adding ?! to the first sample regex string): a) "noty" causes an error in "?!" (append RegExp_Parser [noty]) | here: "intruder" [noty "ted" | "admin" | "bobr" |

[REBOL] How do I test for simple regex from external string Re:(5)

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Hi Bob, this is a candidate for storing as a separate script library element with your name on it. set it up so we can call do %simple_re.r from within wiki.r if you dont get to it by the weekend, then I will. Thanks. I'd like to test it a little more thoroughly, though. I wrote it rather

[REBOL] [REBOL] Reading text a line at a time Re:

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Hi Tim, help read Reads from a file, url, or port-spec (block or object). Arguments: source -- (file url object block) Refinements: /binary -- Preserves contents exactly. /string -- Translates all line terminators. /direct -- Opens the port without buffering. /wait -- Waits

[REBOL] How do I test for simple regex from external string Re:(2)

2000-01-20 Thread icimjs
Hi Bob, A) Since Andrew was the only one to respond so far, I'm adding my 0.2 cents. My solution differs from Andrew's: 1. In that it is much more bloated. Well, ok. 2. I try to more accurately model your specification (at least the way I understand it). I believe Andrew didn't consider the

[REBOL] Datatype Hierarchy Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, nice going. I should have read your first email a little more thoroughly, I guess. So I'll be a little more thorough with your second email instead, and take my time responding. 1. According to what you say, my type designator is a word whose value is of type datatype!. 2. When a

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, my priorities are a little different. 1. With the exception of a few minor glitches (and some very rare crashes) REBOL/Core is currently doing most of what I would like to see it do. It would be helpful if you posted a more detailed list of items that you think are missing. 2. For

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi jb, I agree with Robert: the priority should be on /Core, with /Command a close second. Shucks. While /View sounds very interesting to me, it's relatively easy to observe that most of the "interesting stuff" going on out there today uses HTML and Javascript etc. as its GUI toolkit (yeah,

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(3)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, you wrote: There are now some people trying to develop real-world-applications with Rebol, applications to earn some money with (at the moment at least from the generated output). And guess what, most real-world-applications with Rebol, applications to earn some money with stand

[REBOL] Mystery solved, ICKY LINUX BUG! Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Bob, If you run REBOL under UNIX and do write %unix.txt read %mswin.txt then REBOL will strip out incompatible eol characters. If you run REBOL under MS Windows and evaluate the inverse expression, then REBOL will add the needed eol characters write %mswin.txt read %unix.txt This is

[REBOL] REBOL Product set questoins... Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, Additionally, if someone could define the currently understood definitions of (1)REBOL/Core, REBOL/Core contains the complete REBOL language, minus GUI extensions and minus the ability to execute external programs or load dlls. (2)REBOL/Command Adds the ability to execute external

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(4)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Ted, you wrote: [IF REBOL/View] is not going to ship this week as originally promised, what makes you think so? ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] local vars - did I miss something?? Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, 1. Your localvar, even though you call it localvar is a global word. To make it a local word, either say: test: func [input [block!] /local localvar] [] or test: func [input [block!]] [ use [localvar] [ ] ] 2. As a matter of principle it's not a good idea to use the word

[REBOL] REBOL/View vs. OpenAmulet?

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, something that doesn't fit in my mind all that smoothly: Why would some one who regularly signs off his email saying: Use the free portable GUI Library OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org want to discourage REBOL Tech from publishing REBOL/View? Certainly your sign off suggests

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(3)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
At 08:03 PM 1/19/00 +0100, you wrote: Hi Elan, I choosed to comment on your post, if you don't mind :-) No, I don't mind. What's missing? Well, if you will look into REBOL system object structure, you will find system/user/words and system/script/words fields. I think it was Carl, who

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(6)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Ted, Carl mentioned in December (was it in December?) that he expected Beta testing of the GUI version will begin in the middle of January. We are currently in the third week of January. Don't you think it is a little early to start looking at your watch? Let Carl share his expectations and

[REBOL] OpenSource REBOL

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Ted, Petr, If REBOL Tech is supposed to take the statements re: OpenSource REBOL seriously, perhaps we should pracitcally demonstrate our commitment and ability to implement OpenSource REBOL related production quality code. Otherwise, it just looks like alot of hot air, no? Quite a few

[REBOL] Wishlist (was Openletter to Rebol HQ.) Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
At 02:55 PM 1/19/00 -0600, you wrote: Okay, here's my wishlist for Rebol priorities, putting on my "Web developer" hat, loose priority order. (1) Database connectivity See my OpenSource REBOL thread. (7) Big-ass kit of Web gizmos Also a good candidate for OpenSource advocates. ;-

[REBOL] How do I simulate CGI? Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
;;;query-string is redefined to simulate input from a form query-string: "name=tim[EMAIL PROTECTED]phone=9005551212" cgi: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string cgi: make object! decode-cgi query-string will work in your

[REBOL] How do I simulate CGI? Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
At 12:28 PM 1/19/00 -0900, you wrote: I am a CGI programmer new to Rebol. In previous work, I have begun a project by simulating the CGI environment on my desktop and redirecting output from stdout to a file. I have installed Apache on my MS Windows desktop machine and run a Web browser

[REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:(4)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Mike, you wrote: My own preference is to get /COMMAND as soon as possible. [snipped Thomspon Toolkit (it's still around?)] especially reformatting data from many external sources for import to relational databases. I have been using REBOL/Core for that. Don't need REBOL/Command to

[REBOL] OpenSource REBOL Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi jb, At 04:19 PM 1/19/00 -0600, you wrote: Elan offers: ...perhaps we should pracitcally demonstrate our commitment and ability to implement OpenSource REBOL related production quality code. Otherwise, it just looks like alot of hot air, no? Part of the reason that you aren't seeing a

[REBOL] Pulling values from parsed HTML ... more REGEX trouble Re:

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, The simple question first: sample-text: "alpha/tdtdbeta" == "alpha/tdtdbeta" probe parse sample-text [copy txt1 to /td td /td td copy txt2 to end (print [txt1 txt2])] false == false ; So, why is my parse grammer correct for a single seperator (whether text or tag) but incorrect for

[REBOL] OpenSource REBOL Re:(4)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi JBone, you wrote: Look, here's *just one* way to handle these issues. (There are plenty of others.) HQ writes specs. We'll call ourselves HQ for now and write specs. HQ manages builds. Since REBOL is a scripting language and my contention is that building DB support into REBOL can be

[REBOL] Pulling values from parsed HTML ... more REGEX trouble Re:(3)

2000-01-19 Thread icimjs
Hi Steve, I just noticed that I included too many rules. The following - shortened - rule will also work: parse parse-string [ some [ ["TRTD" copy text-1 to "/TD" thru "TD" copy text-2 to "/TD/TR" (append result reduce [text-1 "=" text-2 newline]) ] |

[REBOL] Rebol Crashes Re:(4)

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, as much as I'd like to help you with your problem, as long as I don't have access to the critical sections of your code, I don't know what you could possibly to do to avoid the crashes you report. ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] Datatype Hierarchy Re:(2)

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, interesting and worthwhile observations, regarding the use of examples in place of datatypes. However, you report that third :f == [x [decimal!]] first second third :f == decimal! type? first second third :f == datatype! in other words, the type designator we provided when we

[REBOL] accessing files on other partitions Re:

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
test: read %d:\whatever\file.txt read %/d/whatever/file.txt ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] Strange problem with --cgi Re:

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
My guess is you're using Apache. Try #! /usr/local/bin/rebol --cs (or was it #! /usr/local/bin/rebol -cs ?) ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] How do I conditionally shadow a variable Re:(2)

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
Hi Bob, well, we'll see what other restrictions apply. Here's a first solution: do %4bob.r Script: "Untitled" (none) a1: false readFile "zzz" a1: 1 readFile "this" a1: false readFile "that" --- output - includelevel: 1 zzz includelevel: 300 this includelevel: 1 this

[REBOL] Curiouser and curiouser --- rebol doesn't invoke properly via !# magic? Re:(2)

2000-01-18 Thread icimjs
Hi jb, I tried the following under FreeBSD: $ cat test.r #!/usr/sbin/rebol -cs REBOL [] print "hello rebol." $ ./test.r hello rebol. Appears to work on FreeBSD. I'll have access to a Linux machine next week. ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] Datatype Hierarchy Re:(2)

2000-01-17 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, Speaking of datatypes, here's a puzzle! (If you're sick of puzzles, think of it as a conundrum ;-) Why does this happen? array2: func third :array second :array array2 8 ** Script Error: array2 expected size argument of type: datatype datatype. ** Where: array2 8 I don't really

[REBOL] why dosent this work? Re:

2000-01-17 Thread icimjs
Hi, you wrote: append emailalias "@gsat.edu.au" send [ emailalias ] emailbody_init ] The main problem is that your emailalias is a string. You need to use something of type email! For instance: send to-email emailalias emailbody_init will work. Check out source

[REBOL] OK I got it, but what about headers? Re:

2000-01-17 Thread icimjs
At 03:22 PM 1/18/00 +1100, you wrote: Ive gotten the script to work, but now i have trouble adding a header to the email, i dont know where to put the object in send. help send Send a message to an address (or block of addresses) Arguments: address -- An address or block of addresses

[REBOL] Modify an array element Re:

2000-01-17 Thread icimjs
Hi a/1/2: "this works" == [none "this works" none] a/:c/:c2: "this does not work" ** Syntax Error: Invalid word -- :c2:. ** Where: (line 1) a/:c/:c2: "this does not work" this has been reported before, and I think Carl announced it will be fixed an upcoming version. For now you can say, for

[REBOL] Literate path problems Re:

2000-01-13 Thread icimjs
Hi Robert, you wrote: [...] test: 'h1s == h1s [...] So far so good. Now comes the problem: test: to-lit-word "h1s" == 'h1s Why this? You can see it yourself. Compare the response of REBOL when you literally assign the literal h1s to test: == h1s vs. when you programmatically assign a


2000-01-11 Thread icimjs
Hi Martin, are you sure the security permissiong settings of your CGI REBOL process permit opening the pop port for reading? Have you tried running rebol from the command line with the exact same settings in the CGI directory of the Web hosting machine? Which settings are you using and which

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(7)

2000-01-11 Thread icimjs
Hi Jeff, you wrote: (Dare I ask for people to "me-to" on this on the mailing list??) ;-) How not? me-to(o). ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(8)

2000-01-11 Thread icimjs
Cheryl wrote: Jeff, You mention: One other important ground rule is that everything has got to be done with REBOL. No name-your-other-script language allowed !!! (-: Of course, we at REBOL Tech. will lend as much direct support as possible, and would certainly like to

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(11)

2000-01-11 Thread icimjs
Hi Bob, you wrote: sadly, it was written before we knew about rebol. it does shell-out via system() and examine environment variables so it will have trouble getting by with rebol/core even if we did convert it to another language. so while free/open source, jeff will not allow it. I wouldn't

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(4)

2000-01-10 Thread icimjs
Hi Cheryl, you wrote: I'm viewing that web page under IE 5.01 and right in the middle of the HTML text for the source code of wiki is a form to fill out with a submit button. Does any one else get this? Seems like pretty strange (if not alien) behavior to me. Or could it be a security hole in my

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(6)

2000-01-10 Thread icimjs
Hi Cheryl, As an end user, I shouldn't have to put up with this. End user? What's an end user? You're an end user? Elan ;- Elan [: - )]

[REBOL] datebases Re:

2000-01-04 Thread icimjs
Hi -t, you wrote: I wanna be able to use my little database as the basis for a shopping cart, or to convert it to xml, but am not sure about how to handle nested blocks. db: [ [id-1 "name-1" {description-1}] [id-2 "name-2" {description-2}] [id-3 "name-3" {description-3}] [id-4 "name-4"

[REBOL] Off Topic: Amiga Revival

2000-01-03 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr (et al.), For those of you, who are taking an active interest in the future of Amiga, check out: http://news.excite.com/news/zd/000103/05/gateway-sells-amiga Elan

[REBOL] What's next for REBOL... Re:(5)

2000-01-03 Thread icimjs
At 03:48 PM 1/3/00 -0800, you wrote: Hi: This sounds great. I've been contemplating learning HTML and it doesn't interest me at all. So I think I fit into the 'everyone else' sector of society. My guess is, so does everyone else. I can't imagine anyone, who has ever enjoyed writing HTML

[REBOL] What's next for REBOL... Re:

2000-01-02 Thread icimjs
Hi Carl, I downloaded my email this evening, expecting something important and exciting to appear in my mailbox. I wasnt' disappointed, this is it. I can't wait to get my fingers and REBOL/View. It appears to be exactly what I've been dreaming of for some time. Java VM was too slow, too bloated

[REBOL] Thanks Re:(2)

1999-12-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Petra, it is a bitter truth. Jobwise you will currently find more opportunities with Perl than with REBOL. You will also find far more competent competitors in the market. If I may wonder out loud: How many people on this list know of job openings that could be filled with someone who knows

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(2)

1999-12-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, you appear baffled by my use of the term "dereference". I hope the following quote will help. Note the sentence: "Is it important to clear large blocks of data before DEREFERENCING them?" Quote Begins Here From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi Bo, Thank you very much for showing me your

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(2)

1999-12-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, I have a moment, so here is another piece of the puzzle. You wrote: The series used as the range argument must reference the same series that's being searched. You'll see that a "series" is said to reference a "series" - not terribly clear wording, but given that they haven't

[REBOL] How to form a rule? Re:(3)

1999-12-28 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr, I'm also interested in a good challenge - and I happen to be looking for an opportunity to practive parse rules. If you have the time, could you release (on or off list) a more detailed specification for what you are trying to do? If parse can't handle it well, I'd like to know that

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(10)

1999-12-27 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, we appear to agree on the role of load in the translation process. Glad to see that the translation process itself is now public knowledge. Looking forward to more comments. Elan

[REBOL] Series essay Re:(5)

1999-12-27 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, hope you don't mind my butting in. e == [a b c] print e 1 2 12 c ** Script Error: c has no value. ** Where: c same? 'c third e == false This WASN'T what I expected. It appears that the third element of 'e is a different 'c from the one whose

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(10)

1999-12-27 Thread icimjs
At 06:14 PM 12/27/99 -0600, you wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Reference in REBOL has a specific meaning. It describes a process that occurs when a set-word! type value is evaluated. Words certainly can refer to values. However, that's not the only way the concept of "reference" is used

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(8)

1999-12-26 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, this response was written on Thursday last week. At the time the message I am responding to was your latest message to the list. Since then you have sent a few other messages. Text begins here === R Stands For Relative! I decided to review your messages bottom up (the latest

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(8)

1999-12-24 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, you quoted me: The line in which 'b was created wasn't changed. Most dramatically, it continues to be the exact same line you commented on as the creation of B is "dynamic" as opposed to A, where the creation is "static" ... Let me see an explanation that maintains that

[REBOL] REBOL in HTML file Re:

1999-12-23 Thread icimjs
Hi Carlos. I don't know the URL for your webpage that embeds REBOL code. Let's say its http://carlo.rebol-programmer.com/first-try.html If you fire up REBOL and say do http://carlo.rebol-programmer.com/first-try.html Then REBOL will print out: "This is it! REBOL is much better than

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(12)

1999-12-23 Thread icimjs
Hi Ladislav, When I read your explanation on why you oppose self modifying code, I thought, hey the guy has a good point to make. It's not all black and white, but still... However, the kind of code that has been identified as self-modifying and the proposals to debunk the code both fail to

[REBOL] Series essay (to follow) Re:

1999-12-23 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, At 04:08 PM 12/23/99 -0600, you wrote: I've had a bit of "down" time, so I have been able to finish writing down some notes on what I believe to be a useful way to understand series behavior in REBOL. I'm very curious. (Of course, I don't recommend getting the flu as a standard

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(8)

1999-12-22 Thread icimjs
At 11:37 PM 12/21/99 +0100, you wrote: Hi, I had a problem to find your post and respond to it (sorry). Tell me which one you couldn't find and I'll be happy to email you a copy off list. just want to point out some errors made by you: 1) In Rebol A and B don't mean the same as you suggest:

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(9)

1999-12-22 Thread icimjs
Hi Ladislav, At 04:01 AM 12/22/99 -0800, I wrote. And I should have been in bed fast asleep. Sorry for taking up so much unnecessary bandwidth. My imagination was running wild. Two points I'd like to make: in 1. I comment on the unlikelyhood of there being a "return context". in 2. I provide

[REBOL] get dir listing in 2 lines Re:

1999-12-20 Thread icimjs
Hi, still lazy, but conscientious ... ... an improvement and a simplification: 1. It's nicer to remove the tail of the list-dir function that we are not using. 2. Of course, we can create the get-list-dir function directly. get-list-dir: make function! [dir [any-type!] /local file ] head

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(9)

1999-12-17 Thread icimjs
Hi Petr, hmm, it has a value ... so, if "" and [] are not considered being datatypes, it is very strange, and as comparison to other languages I know (well, very few :-), pretty uncommon, that we assign some word to the value, rather than value to the word I'm not quite sure I understood

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(5)

1999-12-17 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, I see that (so far) you chose to ignore my invitation in a previous message, to comment on whether the logic of my argument is acceptable to you. My question was addressed personally to you and not anonymously to the list. I conclude that since you have otherwise demonstrated a

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(3)

1999-12-16 Thread icimjs
Hi -jn- At 11:32 AM 12/15/99 -0600, you wrote: BORING PREFACE: Perhaps I should clarify my purpose. My 25+ year career in computing (including 12 years teaching math and computing science) has routinely [snip] With all due respect ... ;-) ACTUAL REPLY: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... I

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(6)

1999-12-16 Thread icimjs
Hi Ingo, without wanting to sway opinions one way or the other. You wrote: Thus insert? / tail? would work on the series at the variables index, empty? / append would work on the series at a whole. That seems consistent to me, not to words, that seem to mean different things (empty?/tail?)

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(5)

1999-12-16 Thread icimjs
Hi Joel, you wrote: a: next "123456" b: next next a I suggest that there are three entities of interest: i) one which we get at via the variable 'a ii) one which we get at via the variable 'b iii) one which we can't get (directly) but which corresponds to a copy of the literal

[REBOL] logical value referencing ... Re:(2)

1999-12-16 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, you wrote interesting stuff: If you ask REBOL, any-string! is a datatype! value. datatype? any-type! == true This works better (for this particular example ;-): datatype? any-string! == true That's the problem. type? any-string! indeed returns datatype! However, any-string! is not

[REBOL] novice level -database Re:(3)

1999-12-14 Thread icimjs
Hola Javier, Words: There are three possible states for words: 1. literal word 2. word bound to value 3. word not bound to value 1. and 2. REBOL accepts. 3. causes an error: re 1. The tick can be used to create a literal word print 'literal-word literal-word re 2. word bound to a value:

[REBOL] novice level -database Re:(7)

1999-12-14 Thread icimjs
Hi ebierly, you wrote: Genetic Programming http://www.genetic-programming.com/ Thanks, I'll check into that when I have a moment. I would also like to invite you to check out http://www.kx.com/download/products_download_k.html I'm quite familiar with K. About 1/2 year before I bumped into

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(6)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
It seems to me the problem is the command "clear". Consider the analogous sequence in Scheme The sequence in Scheme is not analogous. It is analogous to the following in REBOL: list: [1 2 3 4] list2: copy next list Elan

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(2)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
Hi Eric, Clearing from the head of the data while you've got other pointers farther along in the series doesn't make sense, which is no doubt why this bug has taken so long to be discovered. Oh well, different things make sense to different people. I think that the evaluation of a sequence of

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks - Ticket #1593 Re:(6)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
Hi News, you wrote: It's important to note that the (defective) behaviour is consistent regardless of whether you start by CLEARing LIST2 or LIST1 or any other pointer to the same (unnamed) series. So, it's not an exception, it's a bug (that proves the rule). I'm not sure how you mean this

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(6)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
Hi Jeff, Maybe so. It's sad an extra layer of logic has to be added across the board to deal with outlying cases. I was thinking the exact same thing. Do you thing it will introduce a signficant overhead? Can leaving it as is be justified with the additional overhead it would introduce?

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(4)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
Hi Jerry, What do you think of this sequence of legal expressions? a: 1e150 print a * a Print a * a * a 1E+300 ** Math Error: Math or number overflow. ** Where: Print a * a * Numbers are defined together with a range that informs you about their limit (see the User's Guide). I don't think

[REBOL] A function bug Re:(10)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
At 04:08 PM 12/12/99 -0600, you wrote: Hello, On 09-Dec-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Ladislav, Are you trying to get a free online tutorial in REBOL? Be my guest: Elan, are you talking about this on-going tutorial called the Rebol ML? :) Exactly. Best one around! ( Pssst: I've learned

[REBOL] User Guide in PDF 8) Re:(5)

1999-12-12 Thread icimjs
At 05:18 PM 12/12/99 -0600, you wrote: Hello, On 09-Dec-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Ingo, Please, not RTF. Not everyone has RTF capabilities. (I for one haven't found an editor on Linux that understood RTF _AND_ was worth having around.) How about Postscript, then? Or just the

[REBOL] User Guide in PDF 8) Re:(5)

1999-12-10 Thread icimjs
Hi Ingo, you wrote Hey! The "macro/scripting" feature is slated for the dim Future - sometime past 1.2 (they're on 0.7.5) - how about REBOL for AbiSuite? It's OpenSource so someone (more qualified than I) could jump right in! Great idea. Someone (with more time than I) should definitely look

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