Re: [ LUGOS ] Solaris

1999-06-14 Прати разговор the Blue
To ne spada ravno sem, toda zanima me ce je komur pod Solarisom uspelo usposobiti Ati Rage IIc ali pa Rivo TNT Solaris 7 has native support for ATI RAGE II and RAGE Pro chipsets (the intel version) (including RAGE IIc). (it worked just fine on my RAGE Pro). For RivaTNT i cant help you. if you

Re: [ LUGOS ] linux

1999-05-28 Прати разговор the Blue
Zelo rad bi zvedel, ker nekako prehajam iz obupnih windowsov na super mega the best Linux, glede na to, da je konfiguracija malo "nevsakdanja", ¹e posebej zaradi tega, ker sta v raèunalniku dva SCSI CD-R-ja (TEAC in PLEXTOR) pa SCSI CD-ROM (PLEXTOR), pa tiskalnik PRIMERA za

Re: [ LUGOS ] mac-linuxy

1999-05-28 Прати разговор the Blue
jaoo 10x ps. why the jaooo thingy ? :))) to DoS or not to DoS ? . hnja hnja

Re: [ LUGOS ] mac-linuxy

1999-05-28 Прати разговор the Blue
officialy from apple web site : Machines which do not run MkLinux 68k Macintoshes ALL Early PowerPC Performas 52xx, 53xx, 62xx, 63xx Powerbooks 2300 Newer machines iMac/A, iMac/B, flavored iMacs Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) introduced Jan. 1999 :((( shmrc, and i was so

Re: [ LUGOS ] linux

1999-05-28 Прати разговор the Blue
only the line : " gmc ?!?!" was written by me. the rest was qouted from the previous message. and do you realy think that i dont know how to set up GNOME :) and that i would ask a question like that ? well, never mind. i do understand slovene, but am very bad at speaking it. if you

Re: [ LUGOS ] rh 6 ali slack

1999-05-19 Прати разговор the Blue
some thoughts of different distros I happen to be a proud RH 6.0 user ( after more than 5 years of linux ), and really the single distro that made me the least problems is RH (this sounds funny). so, after those 5 years this is what I think of the 3 most popular distros : Slackware :

Re: [ LUGOS ] Debian 2.1 + netscape 4.51

1999-05-12 Прати разговор the Blue
Mislim, da netscape iz glavne veje se vedno hoce libc5, zato hoce tudi temu primeren libXpm... mislim, da je dovoj, da naredis link iz libc5 direktorija, ki ne vem kje tocno ga imas... fixed now. it was just a fault in debian installation ( my fault ) somewhere in the middle of configuring

Re: [ LUGOS ] Debian 2.1 + netscape 4.51

1999-05-10 Прати разговор the Blue
Katera verzija? Pri meni je: good question, it is the one i got from . $ netscape -version Netscape 4.51/Export, 27-Feb-99; (c) 1995-1998 Netscape Communications Corp. $ dpkg -S libXpm xpm4.7: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ xpm4.7:

Re: [ LUGOS ] WindowMaker Binary za Red Hat-a

1999-05-03 Прати разговор the Blue
a mi lahko kdo pove kje bi se dalo dobiti WindowMaker (zadnja mozna verzija) binary za RH (RPM) in katere vse ostale knjiznice potrebujem (seveda tudi RPM) in kje to najdem.. try looking at .. at least there you can find the complete list of needed libs and most

Re: [ LUGOS ] unix v industriji

1999-04-22 Прати разговор the Blue
Can you actually buy 600MB HDD and 4MB RAM modules these days? :)) ask the amiga guys, they should know something about that .. : to DoS or not to DoS ? . hnja hnja

Re: [ LUGOS ] unix v industriji

1999-04-22 Прати разговор the Blue
How about learning how to spell? pps. we could realy continue this conversation in hebrew ( which is THE language i speak) :))) (tako no offence, this is just my sick sense of humour) to DoS or not to DoS ? . hnja hnja