Re: [M100] stupid move = expected results

2023-02-12 Thread Charles Hudson
Home Depot will have alcohol in the paint aisle along with the other thinners. Most drugstores will have high-concentration isopropyl as well. In a pinch you could get by with 70% isopropyl; it's just not as effective and you're paying for 30% water which won't dissolve most solder fluxes. -CH-

[M100] For Today

2022-12-25 Thread Charles Hudson
My thanks to all: For their willingness to assist others, for their dedication to this obsolete and sometimes maddening bit of technological history, for their curiosity that pushes the boundaries of the possible. May you enjoy a day of peace and rest and may you spend it as you please,

Re: [M100] TRS-80 Model 100 schematic transcribed to KiCAD (Henner Zeller)

2022-08-03 Thread Charles Hudson
May I add my thanks for undertaking this task: It is a marvelous piece of work and greatly appreciated. -CH- Virus-free.

Re: [M100] (no subject)

2022-07-08 Thread Charles Hudson
John H. wrote: "Oh, good. I went to the librom page and didn't see it. Guess I should have dug deeper. And apparently the outliner is called THOUGHT not THINK. Memory fail... -- John." I was surprised to find LUCID among the contents of the ROM. I have a copy of LUCID 3D for DOS that I have

Re: [M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Okay, this is what I was looking for:

Re: [M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-07 Thread Charles Hudson

Re: [M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Interestingly, found this email archive while nosing around: Rick Hansons's advice: "Download the files as if they were .txt files to your PC, then move them over to your Model "T" as .do files, load them into BASIC

Re: [M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-07 Thread Charles Hudson
John or Joshua, Thus far I have only found documentation for the UR2100 ROM, and that only an overall description. Specifics of operation of the TEXT and BASE programs are still a mystery, e.g. how to call up a print menu. Apparently there is one but ... As for the other ROMs I haven't found

Re: [M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks, Joshua, I found out more about the Intex HEX format and also found the pre-converted ROMS at the end of the REX# Manager documentation. I have successfully installed the UR2100 ROM and created a text document with it; I'm making my way, slowly. Thanks again for your help. -CH-

[M100] REX# and Option ROMs: Qs from a noob

2022-07-06 Thread Charles Hudson
Late to the party, I just got my REX# installed and have managed to communicate with a PC running Laddie Alpha from a T102. Reading the REX Manager User Guide ( I am now interested in loading one of the option ROMs

Re: [M100] LCD repair video and alternative use for unused screen RAM

2022-06-16 Thread Charles Hudson
Jeff, Thanks for posting the repair video. I watched it in its entirety, hoping I never had to follow the procedures, which are way above my skill level. If I may ask: Where did you obtain the replacement "zebra strips"? -CH-

[M100] is the list actually working?

2022-05-05 Thread Charles Hudson
John Hogerhuis wrote: " some people apparently have the opinion that you shouldn't respond unless you have a specific, substantive thing to say" Yeah I hope that's not where we're at. There's a balance somewhere. In my case I receive regularly from the M100 list through Google mail. If the

Re: [M100] The passing of Richard J. Wyatt

2022-03-26 Thread Charles Hudson
The Color Computer mailing list on March 5 mentioned a similar topic, about a Canadian citizen who had recently deceased. I wonder if the two are related. Participant posted on My son was asked to help liquidate the collection of a former radio shack

[M100] TRS 80 Model 100 + and = key not working

2021-12-05 Thread Charles Hudson
Martin Harding wrote: "Many thanks for the advice. Can thin nosed pliers be used rather than a keypad puller ?" Martin, There isn't a lot of room between keycaps and thin-nosed pliers won't give you a very good grip on the cap or very good leverage, either. If you don't have a keycap puller,

[M100] Cables for M100

2021-11-30 Thread Charles Hudson
Martin Harding wrote: Hi, I have just bought a TRS 80 Model 100 that has no cables or accessories. I am in Australia and I would like to know where I can get the correct cables and accessories for my Model 100. I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards, Martin Harding Sent from my

Re: [M100] corroded battery contacts

2021-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson
It is true that the battery "medium" is an alkaline paste. If that has leaked on the contacts then an acid will neutralize the alkalinity but if the paste has dried it may be hard to remove the "crust" or to re-dissolve it. And if the contacts are rusted vinegar or citric acid by themselves may

Re: [M100] NOT an M100 Question

2021-10-15 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you all for your responses. I was sorry to miss the Tandy Assembly; maybe I can make the CoCo Fest.

[M100] NOT an M100 Question...

2021-10-14 Thread Charles Hudson
I recently acquired a Radio Shack Color Computer Model 1, about which I know nothing. Can someone here recommend a site that is mainly concerned with this computer? Thanks, -CH-

[M100] Model 100 printer woes

2021-08-19 Thread Charles Hudson
Lloyd, There is an algorithm for printing fewer than one page-full of labels. Let me see if I can find it; I remember coming across it but where and when is a little fuzzy. The algorithm allowed for starting in the middle of a page, as I recall, and I think it also allowed you to define the

[M100] Text Formatting Program

2021-06-17 Thread Charles Hudson
Nice work, Lloyd. I have the files and will report beck my results. -CH-

[M100] Dot matrix printer ribbons

2021-06-08 Thread Charles Hudson
I have used WD-40 to "revive" an old dried-out ribbon. It seems to both soften the dried ink and lubricate the print pins. But it doesn't add any ink, so eventually you need to re-ink. I have owned two "MacInkers", devices designed for re-inking ribbons, but I got rid of both due to what I

[M100] Printer Prologue?

2021-06-07 Thread Charles Hudson
A Model 102 came equipped with an Interactive Solutions ROM that included SS, DB and WP utilities. Using that word processor I created enough text to fill a page or so of content. The WP includes a print capability and I used that to print out my text. I got "justified" (R/L flush margins)

[M100] Printer Prologue?

2021-06-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks to Jerry, David and Peter for their suggestions. It was nice to be reminded of the BJCSetup utility - I may have that on disk somewhere. I'll report back on that if I find success. I repeated my experiment using a Panasonic KXP1180 DMP (DIP switches set to emulate an IBM Proprinter II)

[M100] Printer prologue?

2021-06-06 Thread Charles Hudson
I have a DMP105 printer that I acquired along with my M100 and early on I verified that the M1 could "print out" to the DMP. Formatting and a few graphics characters notwithstanding, the text from an M100 file printed out on paper. But the 105 has the world's smallest and least obtainable ribbon

[M100] Bricked again

2021-05-03 Thread Charles Hudson
Nada. -CH- Virus-free. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

[M100] M100: Bricked again

2021-05-02 Thread Charles Hudson
My Model 100, which has been the subject of several posts in the past and which has received several repairs is now inoperative once again. I was experimenting with printout: When I obtained the M100 a few years ago it came with a dot matrix 105 printer. There are no more ribbon carts for this

[M100] Memory release question

2021-05-02 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you all for your suggestions: Douglas, thank you for pointing to the Club100 files; I copied them. Joshua, TPDD and emulation are two topics I have yet to explore successfully. I do have a working DVI, however. Jeffrey and Peter, I did successfully create a copy of the Data / Sort software

[M100] Memory release question

2021-04-30 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks, Peter, for your explanation of the memory segmentation issue; the fact that there is no 80C85 Jump Relative opcode and thus no relocation was unknown to me. As you may deduce my depth on the M100 is pretty shallow. Until recently I had only the bar code reader software to play with (other

[M100] Fwd: Memory release question

2021-04-29 Thread Charles Hudson
-- Forwarded message - From: Charles Hudson Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:35 AM Subject: Memory release question To: As noted, got the Model 100 assembler / debugger recently. Installed on a Model 102 which has 32k and which, before installation, reported 28k free. Only 1 .BA

[M100] Memory release question

2021-04-29 Thread Charles Hudson
As noted, got the Model 100 assembler / debugger recently. Installed on a Model 102 which has 32k and which, before installation, reported 28k free. Only 1 .BA program beside the standard applications. Loaded ZBGASM from tape and saved it to memory, after which the free memory was about 7k. I

[M100] Assembler question

2021-04-26 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you all for your responses. Douglas: I saw the Internet Archive pubs too, but can't read or speak Spanish. Jeffrey: I downloaded the extensions from your GitHub site this morning; I already had the un-registered version of the Assembler. If I get it going I will register. John: I remember

[M100] Assembler question

2021-04-25 Thread Charles Hudson
Currently reading about 8080 / 8085 assembly language, a subject of interest as the M100 uses an 8085. I am familiar with the concepts of assembly language and with the syntax of some other assemblers and processors' instruction sets, but this is terra incognita to me. Even stranger is the fact

[M100] TPDD Service Manual

2021-03-20 Thread Charles Hudson
Darren, Stephen: I have a TPDD-1 and a TPDD-2. Both are basket cases. I had hoped to resurrect one or the other but in the interest of the general good you are welcome to cannibalize either, on condition that you at least return the parts to me when you are finished. If you are interested you

[M100] Looking for source code for TASM

2021-03-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Jeff, Thank you for citing your YouTube videos; I was unaware of their existence but I am a subscriber now. If anyone locates Mr. Tom Anderson I would like to purchase a copy of the source code as well. Thanks again, -CH-

[M100] Manual for the NEC PC-8300

2021-02-16 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks, John. I've downloaded all I can - found a BASIC and Text manual, etc. I've had my NEC for about a year but without much info didn't have a clue what it could do. I'm gonna have to start looking for accessories and peripherals. -CH-

[M100] Manual for the NEC PC-8300

2021-02-15 Thread Charles Hudson
Uh, I just tried to download the manual from Steve's Google drive and found myself unable, as the file was "in the user's trash". Can we reactivate the link or could someone please PM me with another solution? Thanks, -CH-

[M100] Manual for the NEC PC-8300

2021-02-15 Thread Charles Hudson
Jeffrey, I have a PC-8300 as well. Like you I had visited Gary Weber's Web8201 site and retrieved the information available there. But there are enough differences and options that I too would like to find the manual for the 8300. If I can find a paper copy I will scan it. Thanks, -CH-

[M100] Just checking

2021-02-07 Thread Charles Hudson
Model 102 acquired recently has M7 occupied by Hitachi HM6264LP-15 8k static RAM IC; M6 is open. I can add a similar IC to M6 to bring RAM up to 32k, correct? No other special procedure involved? -CH- PS: Mapped!

[M100] Edit: Another brick for the wall

2021-02-03 Thread Charles Hudson
My apologies: Steve or Stephen, but not Steven. -CH- Virus-free.

[M100] Another brick for the wall

2021-02-03 Thread Charles Hudson
Steven, Thanks for the PDF of the documentation. -CH- Virus-free.

[M100] Another brick for the wall

2021-02-02 Thread Charles Hudson
Just acquired another M102, this one with a ROM cartridge containing a program which identifies itself as Interactive Solutions V.1.0.0. The program contains a database, spreadsheet and word-processing module. It looks to be quite a piece of programming but without documentation I can only

[M100] Cassette file formats

2020-12-22 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks for the reference to the Oppedahl book; I didn't know it existed but I found it on the Internet Archive. I'm glad I made a donation to them earlier this month. Reading through the title pages I was floored when I read that Carl Oppedahl / Weber Systems was located on Mayfield Road in

[M100] Cassette file formats

2020-12-22 Thread Charles Hudson
I've been trying to find some information on the format used by the Model 100 when writing to the CCR-81 (or other tape recorder). I know that there are a couple of file formats, e.g. text, compressed BASIC, ASCII BASIC and machine code but I don't know any specifics about any of these formats.

[M100] Season's Greetings, Thanks to All

2020-12-22 Thread Charles Hudson
My thanks to all of you for your help this year as I stumbled my way up the Tandy learning curve. Your insights and practical advice have been truly appreciated. Best wishes for a pleasant holiday season and for a better 2021. -CH-

[M100] Cassette file transfer question

2020-10-22 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks to Willar Goosey, who wrote: "IIRC TRSDOS 6 (and maybe earlier versions -- sorry I'm not a trsdos guy) includes a special command to read m100 tape data files." I found in the LS-DOS reference manual a TAPE100 command which will transfer files between (to / from) a Model 4 and cassette

[M100] Cassette file transfer question

2020-10-21 Thread Charles Hudson
I was verifying operation of the cassette port on a Model 4 today and found that while the cassette recorder responded to commands from the M4, both saving and loading a basic program, the M4 did not recognize any files written by the M100 /102. I've been using the CCR-81 Cassette recorder as the

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen wrote: If M28 pin 13 has 2.13V, then I think that is enough to turn on T20. Which is why the power supply is "off". So what I think this says is * When you turn on the power switch (mem switch also on) the power supply tries to start * something triggers the PCS signal or the /RESET

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson

[M100] Fwd: Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson
-- Forwarded message - From: Charles Hudson Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 9:08 AM Subject: Model 100 Boot Issue? To: Stephen, Thank you again for your responses. You pointed to M28 (an MN4013B flip-flop on my board) as an indicator of a shutdown signal. I tested M27 (an MN4011B

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen, Thank you again for your responses. You pointed to M28 (an MN4013B flip-flop on my board) as an indicator of a shutdown signal. I tested M27 (an MN4011B 4-output NAND) and M28. Neither has positive voltage at pin 14, and M28's pin 13 actually measures a few tenths less than 0VDC. The

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-19 Thread Charles Hudson
My apologies. Apparently I haven't been clear in describing the problem. I have three "slabs": It is my Model 100 that is not functioning properly. It will sometimes boot but mostly does not display any life when I hit the power switch. I have verified that its AC adapter is the proper polarity

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen wrote: " Well is the cpu has 5V and there is no clock at pin 37 then..." However, the voltage between CPU pins 40 and 20 is 0.235VDC or so. Too little to light up anything. Somewhere between the power input and the CPU there must be one or more components that are failing. Worse yet,

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Examining documentation for the Model 102 I found that the clock signal is on pin 29 and a usable ground on pin 22. With some wire-wrapped pins and kynar AWG30 I hooked the 102's bus up to the frequency counter. With the 102 power off the frequency read 0. With power on it read 2.458426 MHz. I

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen asked: "Are you using the EXT input or the TTL input at the back?" ...But, is there any way you can, with another M100, confirm that you can measure 2.4576 MHz on pin 37?" I was using the EXT input. I do have another*, a Model 102 that is working, and I can access the system bus from the

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen wrote: " * between 37 and ground you should have clock for sure. * If I were you I would confirm that your frequency counter reads the correct result when the M100 is working. * not sure how your counter works * X1 is for the RTC, won't prevent start up * X2 is the 4.9152 MHz

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-17 Thread Charles Hudson
Delving deeper into the mystery: With no batteries in the tray and no adapter powering the unit I measured the voltage of the (nominally) 3.6V 80mah backup battery at 4.3 VDC. I had replaced the original with this battery a few years ago and it appears to be in good shape. (I bought mine on

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-17 Thread Charles Hudson
Following up on this issue: Not being sure how the recharge circuit for the memory backup battery works, I plugged in the AC adapter and left the computer power switch in the ON position for 24 hours, then tested to see if the battery was charged. In multiple attempts there was one instance

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-15 Thread Charles Hudson
Josh, Thank you for your response and for the link to the Model 100 Service Manual. I was unaware of its existence. The machine is clean around the battery tray; there is no evidence of leaking. But I had been leaving the memory switch on and knowing what I now know about its role in memory

[M100] Model 100 Boot Issue?

2020-10-14 Thread Charles Hudson
I do have a scope and will check for crystal output. Thanks for the suggestion. -CH- Virus-free.

[M100] Model 100 boot issue?

2020-10-13 Thread Charles Hudson
My Model 100 came to me with some problems and I have addressed what I can (replaced memory backup battery and the usual capacitors, for example) but this one has me stumped: After reliable service for more than a year, a few months ago it simply would not light up. I hit the reset button, of

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-25 Thread Charles Hudson
The damage I have been describing, attributed to battery electrolyte leakage, is limited mainly to the power supply board(s) of a TPDD1. The drive controller board shows a little area of one corner that may have been affected but mainly is clean: most of the corrosion is on the area directly

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-25 Thread Charles Hudson
I found that the electrolyte has eaten through wires and corroded traces, plus a coil dropped off and it's copper wire broke. So I have a cable, wall wart, manual and spare belt to show for my investment. I tell myself I'm fortunate to be alive, healthy and able to pursue my interests but

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-24 Thread Charles Hudson
John, The belt has turned to goo, the PSU circuit board is corroded with battery leakage and I have a long project ahead of me with no certain outcome. Bet the under. -CH-

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-23 Thread Charles Hudson
Software loads but TPDD unit does not respond. Pressing F4 key under TS-DOS I get the message "unit not ready". I have tried applying power with the AC adapter (which is putting out 7.9 VDC) and with fresh AA batteries; with the DIP switches in the on and off positions; with the TPDD attached

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-23 Thread Charles Hudson
Kurt, Thank you for your suggestion: I turned up the volume on the CCR-81 to 9 and tried again. This time the attempt was successful, even with the compromised quality of the MP3 recording. I did not have the TPDD attached, but will try again with the TPDD added. I do have DSDD 3.5 disks,

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-22 Thread Charles Hudson
John, Thank you for the suggestion; I found a text file in the archive which says: "DOS100.CO.MP3 TS-DOS 4.01 in MP3 Format. For those who don't have a ROM or DOS loader: SOUND OFF CLEAR 0, 57089 RUNM "CAS:DOS100.CO" and was experimenting with that command string when My M100 suddenly died. I

[M100] TPDD MP3 Software Load

2020-06-22 Thread Charles Hudson
Following up on your responses regarding the TPDD: I found and downloaded the files relating to mComm. I have mComm installed on a Windows10 machine but I haven't yet sorted out the cabling. In the meantime I ported the MP3 file from the front panel through a patch cable and recorded it on

Re: [M100] TPDD Disk?

2020-06-21 Thread Charles Hudson
Brian, Thank you for your offer which I gladly accept; let me compensate you for your expenses. Please PM me at with details. Thanks again, -CH- Virus-free.

[M100] TPDD Disk?

2020-06-19 Thread Charles Hudson
Brian, Thank you for the clarification. I obtained the MP3 of the DOS installation, as well as mComm. I have it installed on a Windows 10 machine (after the antivirus resolved its reservations) and have Linux and Android OSs to experiment with as well. I do have the cassette cable and also

[M100] TPDD Disk?

2020-06-19 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you to Steven, Brian, Kurt et al. for your suggestions. This is the TPDD, catalog 26-3808. I think the simplest option for me is to order one of the TPDD disks from Arcade Shopper, which I will do today. The manual describes the boot process from the disk. I do have a cassette drive,

[M100] TPDD Disk?

2020-06-18 Thread Charles Hudson
I happened to find a TPDD complete with cable, manual, power supply and even a spare belt. What was missing was the disk containing the OS and utilities. Does anyone happen to know where an image of this disk exists? Thanks, -CH-

[M100] Just got my 100

2020-04-02 Thread Charles Hudson
Ken Pettit wrote: " You know, I think I actually *was* born with a soldering iron in my hand. Or was it a keyboard? I keep forgetting. Ken " No wonder your mother complained... -CH-

[M100] Just got my 100

2020-04-01 Thread Charles Hudson
Just a word to "me": Take a deep breath and repeat "I can learn to deal with this," until you begin to see that is true. Nobody is born with a soldering iron in hand; you are just on the low end of a learning curve. The rate at which you progress is immaterial; you are going where you want to

[M100] DVI shakedown

2020-04-01 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks, Kevin and Brian, for your responses; you've answered a lot of my questions. I did order the 3-part cable so I could use it with both the 100 and the 102. I do not have a 200, and I recall answering that question when I put in my order with Arcade Shopper, so I think I have the right

[M100] DVI shakedown

2020-04-01 Thread Charles Hudson
Got the DVI cleaned and reassembled recently and ordered the OS disk and cables from Arcade Shopper. Today I made my first attempt at a connection. Dug out a Commodore 1084 CRT which has an RCA video input and tried to connect to a Model 102, but couldn't figure out where to connect. I have

[M100] sending fast data using modified cassette port

2020-02-05 Thread Charles Hudson
Josh Malone wrote: "Is someone planning to show this at Tandy Assembly?" I don't mean to hijack the conversation but I would like to find out more about Tandy Assembly, which I understand is an annual event held in Springfield Ohio in September. I think I'd like to attend. And let me add my

[M100] NEC PC8300 case separation question

2020-01-31 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you Stephen for your reply. I did get the case separated after I found the catches that were holding me back. I disassembled all the component boards and found two problems: The on-board backup battery was a two-cell, 2.4VDC unit. I replaced it with a 3.6V NiCd battery, same as I had

[M100] NEC PC8300 case separation question

2020-01-31 Thread Charles Hudson
I need to replace the mobo NiCd battery as it will not hold time / date settings. I have all the screws out and the case part-way separated but there seems to be an internal clip or catch holding the case together over by the expansion port door ((right side, as you face the keyboard). I don't

[M100] Call for docs

2020-01-29 Thread Charles Hudson
Just acquired an NEC PC 8300. Unit is in VGC cosmetically and after initial inspection seems to be functional. I can see the Kyocera lineage but there are enough differences that I would like to ask for assistance in locating docs and understanding the differences. Software suite includes

[M100] Another resource

2020-01-27 Thread Charles Hudson
Happened to be searching for information and came across the site Apparently webmaster Andy DIller was off the air for a while but I sent him an email recently thanking him for the info and he responded that he was back in operation. He says he is aware of this group and that

[M100] DIY REX quandry

2020-01-26 Thread Charles Hudson
Stephen Adolph wrote: " has been using these I believe. Pretty good option." Thank you Steven for the suggestion. The holes in Mike's board (copyright 2012) are pretty small. I was

[M100] DIY REX quandry

2020-01-26 Thread Charles Hudson
Well not exactly REX but seems to belong to this thread: I also began work on Mike Stein's expansion board, far enough to assemble the components and order the board ( Mike recommended the technique of populating the board with pins that were the

[M100] REXCPM & M100 CP/M

2020-01-26 Thread Charles Hudson
Philip Avery wrote: "Mike Stein pointed me to this device:; I too purchased one of these to use as a terminal for a single-board CP/M computer. Both kits are in the box I mentioned earlier, waiting construction. Two notes: I bought my kit with the Microchip PIC

[M100] DIY REX quandry

2020-01-25 Thread Charles Hudson
Last year, in my youthful enthusiasm, I also contacted emesystems and obtained the original Gerbers for the MOMBO expansion card, from which I had made a few boards. It seems I have the 27C256 EPROM as well. If anyone is interested I can post them. Brian, please don't delete the wiki yet. -CH-

[M100] DIY REX quandry

2020-01-25 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks Ian and Brian for your responses. As I have the parts I will build with what I have. CP/M on the 100 sounds like fun but not on top of my wish list. Maybe for later; I have a box full of other kits to build first. -CH-

[M100] DIY REX quandry

2020-01-25 Thread Charles Hudson
Last year I resolved to build a REX expansion unit. I obtained the necessary parts and had boards made but that's as far as I got due to family issues. With the waters now settled I find that my documentation for the project has been lost, probably due to a crash and upgrades to Windows 10.

[M100] Club100: Can I help?

2020-01-22 Thread Charles Hudson
In December of 2018 I got my first M100, which was my first TRS-anything. I remember I posted on VCFED asking for advice on how to care and feed the little monster. I remember Mike Stein pointing me to Club100 and to Bitchin100. I remember all the help and advice you people have given me along

[M100] Request for info on RS DV Interface

2020-01-20 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you to Fugu ME100 for the link to the cini information on I took off the cover and removed the drives: both are SSDD, but one is a TEAC FD-54B and the other is a TEC, a brand which I had never seen before. In reading up on the DV I came across this posting:

[M100] Request for info on RS DV Interface

2020-01-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Brian, Thanks for your response to my request, for links to information and for illuminating some of the darker corners of the topic. I have an M100 and an M102 that could interact with the DV interface, but I've been wondering if I need both and will probably opt for a cable that suits on or

[M100] Request for info on RS DV Interface

2020-01-18 Thread Charles Hudson
Thanks to Mike, James, Gregory and Jim for your responses. I found a copy of the manual and learned that there is an OS disk required for startup. I didn't realize there were two different cables, one for the 100 and one for the 102. I was hoping it might be a standard cable, but I guess I'll

[M100] Request for info on RS DV Interface

2020-01-17 Thread Charles Hudson
I just acquired a Radio Shack disk video interface; I haven't plugged it in yet and it came with no documentation. It does have a port on the bottom - looks like a ribbon cable - and a couple of RCA jacks on the back, so there is a way in and a way out, but I don' know what it was designed to

[M100] Basic flavors (Books on programming)

2020-01-15 Thread Charles Hudson
James Zeun wrote: "Could I ask then, does that apply to the rest of the TRS-80 range of computers? I mean, aside from not taking advantage of the M100s graphics abilities, could code from books focusing on these systems still be perfectly fine to work on my M100?" One of the reasons BASIC came to

[M100] M100 AC power supply

2020-01-12 Thread Charles Hudson
While you might be able to power up with USB 5V power, the voltage is just above the M100's threshold of approximately 4.9 volts. And the amperage isn't likely to be sufficient for some of the more taxing tasks, such as powering the bar-code reader. All in all I would second the unit recommended

[M100] M100 Telecom

2020-01-09 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you, Greg, for the offer. I will try that today using dial-up. -CH- "you can log into my bbs at or (503) 852-3170 say no to ansi and select 40 column mode.."

[M100] M100 Telecom

2020-01-08 Thread Charles Hudson
Thank you Kurt for your reply. I'll start looking for C64 BBSs to contact; makes sense now I think of it. Never would have guessed VT-52, either. -CH-

[M100] M100 Telecom

2020-01-08 Thread Charles Hudson
I have verified the modem and RS telecom cable's connectivity, at least so far as the ability to dial out. I can auto-dial with an entry in ADRS.DO from within TELCOM. With the help of a M:M gender-changer, ribbon cable from 1982 and Zoom V34X modem I have been able to control the modem within

[M100] Peripherals for the M100

2020-01-07 Thread Charles Hudson
On January 7th Mike Stein wrote: e.g.: $8.99 Don't know what size is required, so can't say whether it contains the right sizes. Guess I DO shop where you shop. -CH-

[M100] Books on programming

2020-01-07 Thread Charles Hudson
On January 7th James Zeun wrote: "Are these books available as PDFs?" I would begin by looking in the Internet Archive for PDFs and in Amazon for used copies. One more, for game lovers: Tim Hartnell's GIANT BOOK OF COMPUTER GAMES, C. 1984, Ballantine Books Board games, adventure games, dice games

[M100] Books on programming

2020-01-07 Thread Charles Hudson
You might also investigate: Fun With Microcomputers and BASIC, Donald D. Spencer, C. 1981 Reston Publishing Co. Numerous dice and game simulations BASIC Programming, 2nd Ed., VanCourt Hare, Jr.,C. 1982 Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich A more advanced discussion of BASIC, was used as a U Mass text.

[M100] Books on programming

2020-01-07 Thread Charles Hudson
I found several instances of the topic; here is one you might like to consult: INSTANT FREEZE-DRIED COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN BASIC 2ND ASTOUNDING! EDITION An Active-participation & Well-tested Instructional Workbook for the Student, Absolute Beginner, & Compleat Novice For any brand of computer

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