Ah, wonderful Emacs style commands. Control Q says quote the next
character. Generally, control-L in old emacs systems would re-paint the
screen with TextEdit that shouldn't be needed, so perhaps if it is defined
to do a re-paint then we can just drop that function and a control-L would
then work a
David's solution still works: control+q followed by control+l. Also,
alternatively, you can go to edit/insert/page break and get it this way. The
insert submenu under edit also has insert line option.
> On 10 Apr 2017, at 22:44, Linda wrote:
> I researched but can't find the an
That sounds like a rather convoluted method. I am a huge fan of keyboard
shortcuts, but this one sounds more trouble than it's worth. Alternatively,
you can insert a page break by going up to the Edit menu, down to Insert, then
choose Page Break from the sub-menu. You could also create y
I had to look this up myself once and this is what I found on Google.
To insert a page break, choose Format > "Wrap to page" (or press
Command-Shift-W) so the break is visible. Position the cursor where you want to
the page break. Press Control-Q, then press Control-L. To remove the page
Two ways that I’m aware of.
1. Go into System Prefs, iCloud, iCloud Drive then press on the Options button
and uncheck TextEdit from the table of apps. Since TextEdit doesn’t have an
iOS app, this shouldn’t affect anything with saving of documents other than the
TextEdit folder being rem
I don't recall where exactly this setting is located, but when you open Text
Edit and get that screen, hit escape to get out of it, then hit
command+Comma to open the Text Edit preferences. The setting you're looking
for is in there.
Check out my web site at:
I don't think it can be done This change of how TextEdit opens up a document
disappeared some years ago. The way I deal with it is to hit command+n to open
a new document. I know it's an extra key stroke but that seems to be the only
way. Once the new document is opened, I also check that it
On both Macs, go to System Preferences > iCloud. In the table of iCloud
services, be sure Documents and Data is checked. Also try turning iCloud
completely off, then back on, or at least unchecking and then re-checking
Documents and Data.
On Apr 1, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie