fficial build, and it is working perfectly with ITunes
> 12.3. So on that note, yes. You'll be fine. I'm running I O S 9, and it's
> fine.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Shawn Krasniuk"
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, October
: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:56 AM
Subject: Thinking of Falling Back To Yosemite
Hi guys. Well, I think you'll be shocked to hear this, so grab a chair
because you may faint after hearing this. Normally, I'm the type of person
that's against going back to a previous operating syste
Sean, I'm using iOS nine with Yosemite and experience no difficulties.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:56 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi guys. Well, I think you'll be shocked to hear this, so grab a chair
> because you may faint after hearing this. Normally, I'm the type of pers
Yep. Definitely faint-worthy news. I’ll set aside a nice warm pile rug and
faint on it later on today.
Now to answer your questions:
1. You can’t restore your backup because that would just restore El Capitan.
But you can extract data from your backup, and copy it manually to your
Hi guys. Well, I think you'll be shocked to hear this, so grab a chair because
you may faint after hearing this. Normally, I'm the type of person that's
against going back to a previous operating system, but in this case, I'm gonna
have to change my tune. Just recently I was in Safari searching