At 14:02 16/09/99 +1000, Rob wrote:
>And, anyway, if East Timor is still a viable entity, it was NEVER going to
>be meaningfully independent. Neoliberal hegemony was ALWAYS its fate for
>the foreseeable future.
Agreed. Ironically autonomy rather than independence is the only outcome
that is
Thanks for the article. Yes, I had seen it before. I won't address
everything in it only a couple of issues (very hastily I might add).
**PRD are reformist because the support a two stage revolution..
According to the article a two stage revolution is a " Menshevik/Stalinist
List(s): I received a post from a friend where the Dalai Lama praises
Marxism, calling himself a half-Marxist, Half Buddhist. Unfortunately I
have already deleted the post, but not before sending it to a few
individuals, including our friend Nestor. His responses remind me somewhat
of Engels'
G'day Thaxists,
>But Rob, do you really imagine that there can be any political situation,
>let alone a crisis , that does not team with numerous contradictions and
>different class interests?
Oh, I don't doubt that for a minute, Chris. It's just that the particular
contradictions in play at th
At 15:11 15/09/99 +1000, you wrote:
>The plot sickens ...
But Rob, do you really imagine that there can be any political situation,
let alone a crisis , that does not team with numerous contradictions and
different class interests?
>Wiranto has apparently given notice that he may resign after
Not that many people now probably realize it but I'm the other moderator of
this list, I'm kind of in hiding at the moment but plan to emerge on a more
frequent basis in the near future so if people want something and can't get
hold of Rob try me.
Bill C
>From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[E