Don't try this...

2000-09-07 Thread John Vokey
As a possible method to add the facility to have the development environment open when a stack is opened directly, I thought that I could modify the templatestack (from which all stacks are generated with create stack) to include a preopenstack handler that automatically opened the home stack (whi

the Create command, an epiphany, and an accolade for Scott

2000-08-30 Thread John Vokey
Metatalkers: All this time using Metacard and I just discovered the "create" command. Metatalk never ceases to amaze me! And for those who haven't been aware of it, check it out, especially former hypercardians (who, like me, probably would have killed---well, something---for this command in hype

Re: dbl-click to launch, Mac OS and Metacard

2000-08-26 Thread John Vokey
on 8/25/00 2:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Pierre Sahores wrote: > >> I don't have my G3 still running but try to click at the topleft corner of >> the >> selfopened stack window. Does'n it act like selecting the quit menu ? > > I forgot about that -- yes, if the stack

dbl-click to launch, Mac OS and Metacard

2000-08-24 Thread John Vokey
Despite knowing better (and when does that ever help for over-learned responses?), I inevitably dbl-click on a stack to open it for further editing/development as with hypercard stacks. Of course, that simply launches the metacard engine (assuming it wasn't alreday opened) and opens the stack *wi

two questions and a comment/suggestion

2000-06-15 Thread John Vokey
1. For reasons I won't go into, I am using a mono-spaced font in a field and spaces to format columns of text with different columns on subsequent lines (so, "use tabs" isn't the answer here). I wrote a simple routine to format numbers to fit that works fine for numbers *except* those with trail

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n381

2000-05-26 Thread John Vokey
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 14:10:56 -0700 (PDT) > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Digest metacard.v003.n381 > > From: Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: Features, etc > Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 13:26:01 -0700 > MIME-Version: 1.0 > C

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n126

1999-11-03 Thread John Vokey
It would seem more efficient to make a copy of mc.exe (called, say, mc.bup) as a separate file, and then use: put url "binfile:mc.bup" into url "binfile:c:/metacard player/mc.exe" in the installer. As the file mc.exe is needed to run the installer, this adds no overhead. That way, -- Regardi

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n120

1999-10-30 Thread John Vokey
There are probably many reasons to purchase Metacard. I purchased Metacard for two reasons: (1) *I* want a rapid, cross-platform development tool that (2) actually works. While the world flails away with the almost useless Java, a tiny company develops and markets a truly functional, cross-platf