All five of our eastern bluebird youngsters successfully fledged
earlier today. This would not be particularly noteworthy save for the
fact the male
has fed and cared for them all by himself the past 10 days. The female
disappeared seven days after hatching five eggs.
We have continued to pro
I arrived at Sax-Zim Bog around 5am this morning to show a visiting
birdwatcher around the area. The birding trip was so much fun! Our day
started off by walking through the peat trails which meander through the
tamarack & black spruce bog areas. Upon setting foot in the peat trails
around civil t
50 species at TCCAP today including 3 solitary sandpipers and a Wilson's
Warbler.We walked the 2 mile loop between Cty Rd H and I just east of
Ben Wilson
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Sharon Lind found a Eurasian Collared-Dove this evening in our yard
at 320 2nd Avenue in Two Harbors. If accepted, this would be the
first record for Lake County.
The only other records I know of for northeast MN are a bird in Kim
Eckert's yard in Duluth May 9, 2008, and a small number of bi
I spent a couple of hours this morning searching areas near where Milt Blomberg
found the tri-colored heron - without success. There's a lot of possible
habitat there - some not easily accessed - so I hope others will search too.
Thanks, Milt, for your post. Wish I could have found the bird.
May 21, 2012
Spent the afternoon birding in Morrison and Benton counties. With some nice
results. Here are a few of the species I observed today.
Snow Goose - Benton County - Observed on the North side of the small pond, in
the SE corner of the intersection of CR 13 and CR 1. Note this is
Never fear Betsy the 15th Festival of birds in Detroit Lakes was as good as
ever. There were over 200 birders, workshops on golden-winged warblers and
American woodcock, great talks by Carrol Henderson and John Marzluff, and
lots of birds including: redheaded woodpeckers at Balmoral Golf Course,
I thought my shorebird search was going to be a bust today - only one at Albany
sewage ponds was a spotted sandpiper. That was it! Found one excellent spot,
on Stearns CR 4, 1.2 miles south of I-94 at the Meire Grove exit. Floodplain
of the Sauk River was bustling with birds - waterfowl, hero
We have a cabin on the shore of Lake Superior near Cascade River. Between
May 13-16, we also saw a large group of long-tailed ducks, perhaps the same
one seen by the Greens. In looking back at records I keep when I'm there,
we have seen large concentrations of long- tails most years at this time
My wife and I visited Veteran's Memorial Park in Richfield, and found the
singing Connecticut Warbler first reported (I believe) by Scott Meyer. This
bird was singing quite loudly near the SE corner of the park. We heard and
located the bird shortly before noon, and it took us about 15 minutes t
I had my Field Ornithology class out this morning (Monday) at the
Lebanon Hills Regional Park Visitors Center in Eagan (off of Cliff
Road) where we came upon a very loud male Hooded Warbler sitting over
the hiking trail. The spot we found him at is along the trail on the
south side of Schultz Lake.
The misty rain and cool temps on Sunday morning at Springbrook Nature Center
in Fridley (Anoka Co) kept the overall numbers low-at 47 birds-but we did
get 22 species in the 4 hours of banding. As was the case two weeks ago, the
largest number of birds trapped was rose-breasted grosbeaks, this time
A few recent arrivals in western Polk County (East Grand Forks) include Common
Nighthawk, Chimney Swift, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Indigo Bunting. First RT
Hummingbird finally showed at my feeders last Friday.
Sandy Aubol
Polk County
East Grand Forks, MN
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Was heard, then seen at the 180th st marsh at 1015.
Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy & Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)
This weekend John and I took a trip up the North Shore to scout a BBA
atlas block and do some geology field work - in the rain. Most
noteworthy observation was a pair Long-tailed Ducks in breeding plumage
at Taconite Harbor on Saturday the 19th and a flock of Long-tailed Ducks
- about 30 also
Andrew Krenz, Benji Inniger, and I attempted to break the
Hey Birders,
Andrew Krenz, Benji Inniger, and I attempted to break the record Benji and I
set in 2008 for Blue Earth County (157). While coming up short by 12 species,
it was definitely one of the best big days I've ever attempted consid
Thanks to Scott Meyer's direction, I am listening and seeing a male Connecticut
Warbler now at 830-845. Bird actively singing but tends to be eye-level and
On east side of lake. On middle trail that is south of where biking trail
intersects foot path. Landmark on this trail: Seen near la
Yellow-billed Cuckoo & Brewster's Warbler, Kunkel WMA, Mille Lacs County.
Among 166 species last week in Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Sherburne & bit of Crow Wing:
* 24 warblers, only missing Blackpoll & Canada, no waves, however
* 13 shorebirds, only 22 on spring, quiet but much better last few days
May 18 - 20 2012 While leading a Minnesota Birding Weekend trip, with the help
of Herb Dingmann to Benton County and one along the Mississippi River between
Brainerd and St. Cloud, our group observed 133 species over the three days.
Here are some of the species observed during the weekend: Snow
19 matches
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