[mou-net] Red Knot at Park Point, Duluth

2014-06-04 Thread David Zumeta
While walking along the Park Point beach about 200 yards north of the airport yesterday morning, I saw one Red Knot with in a mixed flock of 5 Ruddy Turnstones, 5 Semipalmated Plovers, several Sanderlings, 20+ Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 1 Dunlin. The birds were very tame, affording great views

[mou-net] Yellow-throated Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Tufted Titmouse, Whitewater State Park area

2014-05-23 Thread David Zumeta
At 10 a.m. today (5/23), four other observers and I saw a Yellow-throated Warbler from a distance of 20 feet for about 10 seconds while the bird hopped in the grass in the picnic area below (north of) the Whitewater State Park Nature Store (same general area where this species occurred last May,

[mou-net] Least Bittern and Prothonotary Warblers, Hok-si-la Park, Lake City

2014-05-21 Thread David Zumeta
Leslie McInenly, Paul Smithson and I saw 103 species today at Hok-si-la Park in Lake City and Frontenac State Park (Goodhue County), including 22 species of warblers. Best finds included a Least Bittern flushed from wet grass along the path that goes south from the boat landing parking lot on the

[mou-net] Prothonotary Warbler at Crosby Lake Park

2014-05-19 Thread David Zumeta
Saw a male Prothonotary Warbler (which sang only once), 2 male Bay-breasted Warblers, 1 Blackburnian Warbler, 1 Black-throated Green Warbler and 10 other species of warblers plus FOY Warbling and Red-eyed Vireos and an Olive-sided Flycatcher between 7:20 and 8:20 am. today within the first 100

[mou-net] Hooded Warbler at Murphy Hanrehan

2014-05-18 Thread David Zumeta
On 5/17, a Hooded Warbler was singing on the south side of the trail between trail markers 14 and 15 in Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park, Scott County. This location is about 1/2 mile east-northeast of the northeastern most part of Murphy Lake. The warbler sang five times @ 12:30 p.m., so may be on

[mou-net] Sparrows and warblers on U of MN St. Paul campus; warblers in Mississippi River Gorge

2014-05-13 Thread David Zumeta
From 2:30-3:00 p.m. today on the U of MN St. Paul campus across Buford Avenue from the bus stop just west of the Student Center, the following species were present, most feeding on the ground, some on the sidewalk: 2 Swainson's Thrush 3 Tennessee Warbler 8+ Nashville Warbler 10+ Yellow Warbler 1

[mou-net] Warblers and white pelicans

2014-05-11 Thread David Zumeta
Observed 19 species of warblers on Saturday and Sunday in South Minneapolis at two locations: the Mississippi River gorge (around 36th Street and West River Road in South Minneapolis) and along the bike trail between the dog park parking area in Minnehaha Park south to Coldwater Spring (east of

[mou-net] Pine Warbler

2014-04-26 Thread David Zumeta
On Saturday, April 26, I observed one Pine Warbler singing in the old growth white pines at Boot Lake SNA. Also saw one Field Sparrow elsewhere in the SNA. One Osprey, one Lesser Yellowlegs, and one calling Common Snipe at Carlos Avery WMA. -- Dave Zumeta Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Waterfowl at Weaver Bottoms

2013-11-12 Thread David Zumeta
Observed 40 species, including 12 species of ducks, yesterday at and en route to the Weaver Bottoms along Rt. 61, just south of where the Whitewater River flows into the Mississippi River. The following are highlights (waterfowl counts are conservative): 7,000++ Canvasback at once, seen from

[mou-net] Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Avenue bridge

2013-09-16 Thread David Zumeta
Good numbers of some interesting species at Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Avenue bridge on Saturday p.m., 9/14. 50 species total, all but two at those two locations: 16 Trumpeter Swan 8 Great Blue Heron 20+ Great Egret 2 Northern Harrier 1 Peregrine Falcon 3 Sora 30+ Franklin's Gull 2 Caspian Tern 2

[mou-net] Great day at St. John's University campus and Albany sewage ponds

2013-05-18 Thread David Zumeta
As part of St. John's Arboretum birding day on Saturday, May 18 and subsequent MOU tour to Albany sewage ponds and vicinity, I saw 130 species (121 at the two locations noted above). This included 20 species of warblers at St. John's campus (including Orange-crowned, Cape May, Pine, and Palm) ,

[mou-net] Hok-si-la, Frontenac, Spring Lake Regional Park

2013-05-16 Thread David Zumeta
Yesterday Paul Smithson and I birded Hok-si-la Park in Lake City plus Sand Point trail in Frontenac State Park and Rt. 42 just north of the Highway 61 Cannon River bridge. By 3 p.m. we saw 100 species, including 9 species of ducks at Sand Point (3 late Bufflehead, 4 Redhead, 2 Ruddy Duck), 20

[mou-net] Whitewater State Park sightings

2013-05-12 Thread David Zumeta
Saturday, May 11, 8:30 a.m., several of us relocated the singing Yellow-throated Warbler by the Whitewater State Park nature store parking lots, enjoying views from as close as 15 feet while the bird foraged along branches and sang. It was on the picnic grounds side of the parking lot toward the

[mou-net] T.S. Roberts Sanctuary and Lake Harriet area

2013-05-12 Thread David Zumeta
At 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, enjoyed outstanding views of male Hooded Warbler from as close as 15 feet while it fed in the open on the ground, chipping loudly at times. This was one of 17 warblers seen at or near T. S. Roberts on Sunday. About 8:15 a.m., in the parkland just west of King's Highway

[mou-net] Yellow-throated Warbler

2013-05-10 Thread David Zumeta
This morning (Friday, May 10) between 10:30 a.m. and noon, three companions and I had excellent views of a singing male Yellow-throated Warbler at Whitewater State Park. The bird was in mature hardwoods and white pine around the parking lot for the state park nature store, as well as in the

[mou-net] South Minneapolis migrants

2013-05-02 Thread David Zumeta
A brief walk down to the Mississippi River from West River Road near 34th Street late this afternoon yielded 5 species of warblers feeding on or near the ground: scores of Yellow-rumped, 2 Black-and-white, 2 Orange-crowned, 1 Nashville, 1 Northern Waterthrush, plus 1 Lincoln's Sparrow and several

[mou-net] MN Riverfront Park and Black Dog Fen

2013-04-21 Thread David Zumeta
On Black Dog Lake at and near Minnesota Riverfront Park (located 1/2 mile east of Black Dog Road exit off of I-35W), several good finds this evening (Sunday, April 21) in spite of the rain: Canvasback 60+ Ruddy Duck 40+ Am. White Pelican 8 Franklin's Gull 7 Caspian Tern 1 Forster's Tern 2 Also

[mou-net] MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge

2013-04-20 Thread David Zumeta
Saw 60 species today (April 20) at the MNVNWR headquarters and at Old Cedar Avenue bridge. The latter involved walking 1.0m to 1.5 miles west of the parking lot, and then a 90 degree left along a running stream down toward the open water. This is where the swan and most of the ducks, loons,

[mou-net] Good birding in bad weather in South Minneapolis

2013-04-14 Thread David Zumeta
From 7:30-8:45 a.m. this morning, in spite of a stiff wind and some sleet/snow, I observed 37 species along the Mississippi River in South Minneapolis (33rd Street south to 36th Street, Edmund Boulevard east to the river, plus a brief walk two blocks west of Edmund Boulevard on 34th Street) (some

[mou-net] Good day at Bass Ponds

2013-04-01 Thread David Zumeta
In spite of a cool day and stiff winds, saw 44 species and some good spring migrants at Bass Ponds and Minnesota Valley NWR HQ feeders yesterday (March 31) afternoon in 3 hours, including the following (not all listed below): Wood Duck 3 Gadwall 10 N. Shoveler 26 Green-winged Teal 2 Canvasback 7

[mou-net] Rough-legged hawk

2013-03-11 Thread David Zumeta
This afternoon about 2:45 p.m. I saw a Rough-legged Hawk in a tree next to I-35 on the east side of the highway 1/2 - 3/4 mile north of mile marker 178 and the exit for Beroun in Pine County. Dave Zumeta Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] Red Crossbill near Ford bridge

2012-10-20 Thread David Zumeta
At 10:45 a.m. on Saturday 10/20, I saw a male Red Crossbill by the upper parking lot at the Army Corps Locks and Dam #1 on the Minneapolis side of the Mississippi River just north of the Ford bridge in South Minneapolis. The bird was flying from north to south calling kip-kip-kip, and landed at