[mou] trip to sax zim and duluth airport

2005-01-30 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, My dad and I took a trip yesterday morning to Sax Zim in hopes of picking up a couple good birds to start off my year. We saw several great grays but I do not remember the county. We also had four hawk owls. Two of the hawk owls were along 52, one was about three miles north of

[mou] yellow-billed loon

2005-01-10 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, As you probably all know myself along with several others were not able to re-locate the loon yesterday. The harlequins were both still their and we had wonderful views of a roosting boreal owl in the vicinity but didn't see the loon, even around 2:00 or 3:00 P.M. after Superior

[mou] hoary redpoll

2005-01-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, The last three day's I have a very classic hoary redpoll visiting my feeder up here near Devil's Track Lake out of Grand Marais. He's so bright he stands out of a group of 50 on the platform feeder about forty feet from the house. It's funny; the hoary redpoll was the first bird I

[mou] varied thrush

2005-01-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello everyone, I received a call this afternoon from our neighbor who lives just down the road from our house. He said that the last couple day's he's had a large orange bird with a dark breast band and dark head with an orange eye brow coming to his yard. I new right away that what he saw was

[mou] redpolls

2004-12-31 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, Yesterday I was treated to a very beautiful glimpse of a classic hoary redpoll on my platform feeder in my front yard. Today I've been searching for it but haven't come across it yet though I spread lots of seed out and have been experiencing common redpolls like I never have before.

[mou] evening grosbeaks

2004-12-29 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello Everyone, Sorry I wasn't able to post this earlier but two day's ago I had an evening grosbeak at my feeder which was the first I'd seen in these parts in quite awhile. Thought it was worthy enough to pass along. I also had a hoary redpoll at my feeder yesterday afternoon but I

[mou] nhow, fosp.

2004-12-13 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, This morning around 9:30, I got a call from my folks (who were on their way to Duluth) saying that they saw a northern hawk owl along highway 61 at the junction of county road 7 right along the road. I also failed to mention that last Saturday I saw a fox sparrow along the

[mou] varied thrush

2004-12-12 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I watched a female varied thrush at a feeder off the old ski hill road at mile marker 210. If anyone is thinking about going I would contact the people living their. The person's name is Sue Abrahamsen and her telephone number is (218)-387-2865. This was the first day in a

[mou] dead hawk owl, other nice birds

2004-12-08 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello everybody, The last two days (6th, and 7th) I've been out birding and guiding two people from Tennessee. The 6th I found two boreal chickadees along the Sawbill Trail and also had four species of gulls in the Grand Marais harbor including; Glaucous, Iceland, Thayer's, and Herring.

[mou] Another great grey

2004-12-05 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello everyone, This morning around 10:30 their was a gorgeous great grey owl perched along the gunflint trail almost directly across from Pincushion but down a hair further on a falling tree three or four feet of the ground. On the way home around noon we saw probably the same bird only

[mou] bohemian waxwings and another ggow

2004-12-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, This morning around 8:15 my dad and I found another great grey owl along the grade less than a mile from the McDonald Lake access between their and the ball club road. It was perched on the edge of a large clear cut and allowed us great views. There was also a large flock of

[mou] Iceland gull

2004-12-02 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, This afternoon somewhere between 1:15 and 1:30 I re-located the first winter Iceland gull in the harbor, and I had excellent views of it. I also saw at least two Thayer's gulls and I there were probably more. Several months ago I said I had a Iceland gull at Wisconsin

[mou] FW: Owls

2004-11-29 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello, I thought this worthy enough to pass along to this list serve. Good birding Josh Watson Grand Marais -Original Message- From: owner-bird...@boreal.org [mailto:owner-bird...@boreal.org] On Behalf Of Beryl Singleton Bissell Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 6:53 AM To:

[mou] FW: owls

2004-11-29 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
-Original Message- From: owner-bird...@boreal.org [mailto:owner-bird...@boreal.org] On Behalf Of Jim Carol Tveekrem Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 1:41 PM To: bird...@boreal.org Cc: Beryl Subject: owls Yesterday afternoon we went owling, drove west to Lake Co. 6 into Finland, Co. 4 and

[mou] ggow-along 61

2004-11-28 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, I talked to a friend the other day that spotted a great grey owl along 61 just outside of Grand Marais by maybe a mile or two on the left hand side of the road. I also spoke with another friend who several weeks ago had a snowy owl outside of I believe Greenwood in northwest

[mou] grey jay's

2004-11-25 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I just had two grey jay's fly through our property this afternoon which I thought was interesting considering the location we are in. Good birding Josh Watson Grand Marais --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system

[mou] Great Grey Owl

2004-11-24 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, This afternoon along with my dad we discovered a tragedy in the Municipal campground in town. Along one of the winding tarred roads there was great grey owl feathers scattered everywhere. Some may have doubts about how I know they were great gray's but I've seen great horned

[mou] FW: American White Pelican

2004-11-21 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I thought this was an interesting report. This morning, after driving down to Duluth last night, my dad and I visited Laura Erickson's and immediately found the hummingbird lively twittering at one of the feeders hanging from the window. We watched her and I got some video

[mou] north dakota

2004-11-15 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello, This last week I spent some time in southwestern North Dakota with my dad and grandpa. On Wednesday the 10th around 8:00 a.m. in the yard of the bead and breakfast we were staying at I found an adult, in full breeding plumage black throated blue warbler. I observed it for about

[mou] winter finches

2004-11-07 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello, Yesterday I spent a good part of the morning sitting in a tree stand to get away from my everyday life for a couple hours. While I sat their, I heard and watched six species of finches fly over. They include hundreds of redpolls, pine siskins, a. goldfinch, several pine grosbeaks,

[mou] iceland gull

2004-11-05 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I was going through some of my old Mou-net emails when I came across the one I had written the day I saw and found the hawk owl in Sax Zim and the black-backed gull at Wisconsin point on the Minnesota side. I must not have re-read it very well as I made a mistake when I said we

[mou] great grey owl

2004-11-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, This morning at about 9:30 I was relaxing in the house when I peered out the window to see a great grey owl fly across the yard and alighted low in an aspen tree. It allowed a couple minutes for me to view it through my binoculars before it took off and vanished. It sure was

[mou] Pacific Loon

2004-11-01 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, This morning around 8:00-8:30 my dad and I re-located a pacific loon at Five Mile Rock that John Hockema had originally found in the east bay of Grand Marais. The bird was a couple hundred yards out on the almost glass still water and was very easy to

[mou] not much around

2004-10-28 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, The last couple day's I've been out and about around the Grand Marais Cook County area but haven't seen a whole lot. This morning there were several bohemian waxwings in Boulder Park feeding on the many mountain ash berries. There are also great numbers of white-winged

[mou] hawk owl, great-black-backed gull

2004-10-27 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, My dad and I had the opportunity yesterday to visit Duluth and get a little birding time in though spent most of the time running errands and getting my sister's pre-brace's in. We began through Silver Bay and up CR-16 in hopes of a hawk owl, great grey, or something like

[mou] Clark's Nutcracker, Townsend's Solitaire

2004-10-16 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, Today was one of many spectacular birding trips this year, fortunately I got a call from John Hockema last night and thanks to Sue McDonnell for posting the directions I was able to chase the Clark's Nutcracker in Silver Bay. Though not without doubling my school yesterday

[mou] spragues pipit cottonwood county

2004-10-11 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I got an email from someone about the sprague's pipit our group found at Red Rock Prairie in Cottonwood County. Because the last couple nights were pretty late and the fact I got to a computer and stayed up late again I was tired and failed to explain a few things as well as I

[mou] a great birding weekend

2004-09-26 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I was down in Duluth this last weekend in hopes I'd pay off with some great birds which it did so. I was down the 23rd but not for birding. I birded with just my dad on the 24th along Park Point and Morgan Park. I found a couple swainson's thrush's and one

[mou] cackling goose

2004-09-22 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, Yesterday I was in town and decided for a quick stop in the municipal camp ground. Not much going on but I did see a little cackling goose hanging out with a couple Canada's. Saw one blackburnian warbler flitting in the trees and that=92s about all. Good birding to

[mou] Grand Portage sewage ponds

2004-09-20 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, Yesterday I did a bit of birding at the Grand Portage sewage ponds. Not a whole lot going on but did see tons of American pipits, a couple horned larks, a few Lapland longspurs that surprisingly allowed me to walk past them at about three or four feet, it was pretty

[mou] C. moorhens

2004-07-27 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello all, Sorry for the late post but last week Tuesday the 20th I was down with some friends in Brown County only a couple miles from the moorhen spot. I was able to see it after ten or fifteen minutes of waiting on the south pond maybe fifteen yards away. I saw only one of the adults as it

[mou] birding with the hockema brothers!

2004-06-14 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, Just this last week I went down to bird southern Minnesota with the Hockema brother's! I have never birded that part of the state before and I'm trying to see my 300th bird for the state before I turn sixteen, before I went down I had 278. I went down on Thursday (the 10th) and met up

[mou] spruce grouse, mockingbird other good birds

2004-06-06 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
Hello All, I have not been around the last couple days as I have been birding hard. On the 3rd of June I found a Northern Mockingbird at Spruce Creek while attending Bob Janssen's Pre-festival class. It was moving a lot through the thick scrubby area around just up where the road bends. Later in

[mou] fallout

2004-05-27 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This morning I was up early to head out birding with Sue McDonnell, our plan was to scout out the north shore highlands field trip on the boreal bird festival. While I was waiting at the end of my drive way I added to land birds, a yellow-bellied flycatcher calling and a migrating Philadelphia

[mou] a few good birds

2004-05-15 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
I found an adult lapland longspur in my yard today. The Baltimore oriole that I found three day's ago is still visiting my fruit feeder. I still have several sparrows around as well. Josh Watson Grand Marais --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system

[mou] a great week of birding

2004-05-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C4313F.5CDCEE60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Last weekend, Friday the 30th, Saturday, and Sunday I was out in western Minnesota with my dad birding. I

[mou] A great weekend of birding

2004-05-03 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C43143.2BAC52A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This last weekend my dad and I headed out to western Minnesota to attend the Morris Bird festival. We left

[mou] waterfowl in Grand Marais

2004-03-31 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C41756.DDDEA9C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey, Today (31) I was birding in Grand Marais and saw a cedar waxwing in an ash tree as well as a merlin that flew over

[mou] a weekend of birding

2004-03-30 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C4167C.C88F3240 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Last Wednesday (the 24) I went down to look for the brant at the Paynesville sewage ponds. We saw several

[mou] brant, mute swans

2004-03-24 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0006_01C41177.1539B3A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you everyone for replying to my email. I am heading for the cities today and now have directions for both. Thank

[mou] Brant

2004-03-22 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C40FFE.BB9DB040 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I was wondering if I could get some precise directions for the brant being seen in Stearns County. I was also

[mou] Evening Grosbeaks

2004-03-02 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C4004A.544F9CA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Today at 11:20 I had a wonderful surprise of 17 evening grosbeaks that sat down in the grove of aspen trees

[mou] gyrfalcon

2004-02-22 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3F97E.1F8AEE20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Today (Sunday 22nd) my dad and I decided to take a trip to county road 2 looking for spruce grouse

[mou] Cook County-Hoary Redpoll

2004-01-15 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB75.FC42D200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Today I had a HOARY REDPOLL visit my platform feeder in my yard among the 50 to 100 common redpolls. It was very white