[mou] Brownsville platform and Houston County Snowy owl

2008-11-03 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I was at the Brownsville platform on Saturday p.m. and noted 203 Bald Eagles in one scan of the river and associated flats and I'm sure I undercounted. There were also 20,000+ coot, 2 black ducks, 800 swans (several thousand at the old platform a mile to the south), and tens of thousands of duck

[mou] Federal Duck Stamp Contest in Bloomington, MN

2008-10-16 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Beginning tomorrow, the 75th annual Federal Duck Stamp art contest will take place at the Bloomington Art center. The art is on display from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m to 2 p.m on Saturday. The opening ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Friday with preliminary judging to begin at 10.30; f

[mou] whooping crane continental update

2008-10-02 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
This update comes from Tom Stehn, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist at Aransas NWR, Texas. The Aransas-Wood Buffalo whooping crane flock reached a record population of 266 at Aransas in December, 2007. No mortality was documented during the 2007-08 winter. During the spring 2008 migration

[mou] Marbled Godwit satellite tracking

2008-08-26 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Minnesota birders might be interested in the satellite tracking project which banded 5 Marbled Godwits on a southern James Bay Ontario island and their current status. Surmising that the estimated total of about 2000 birds nesting in James Bay matched the estimated 2000 birds wintering on the SE

[mou] Louisville Swamp shorebird area directions?

2008-08-04 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Does anyone have directions to the shorebird site described by Craig Mandell on the Louisville Swamp unit of Minnesota Valley NWR. I wandred around there yesterday for a couple of hours and wasn't able to find what is apparently a good location at this moment. Thanks! Never birded that area befo

[mou] Kirtland's Warbler nears MN

2008-07-21 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Recently I became aware that yet another Kirtland's Warbler has been discovered in Wisconsin, this time within 30 miles of the MN border. Is anyone aware of large tracts of young jackpine on the MN side of the border in Carlton, Pine (Mark?), Kenabec (Reverend Al?), Chisago, St. Louis (Jan et al.

[mou] Glenwood BBS

2008-07-15 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I ran the Glenwood BBS route on 13 June 2008, one of my favorite routes because it actually has topography and beautiful views of Lake Minnewaska and a better than average diversity of birds. Unfortunately the day was windy and distant calls hard to pick up and comparing such days to calm days of

[mou] world whooping crane summary

2008-07-15 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Thought folks would be interested in the various whooping crane populations. This comes from the Operation Migration website. Bob Russell, USFWS Date: July 14 2008 - Entry 1

[mou] Chokio BBS (the adventures continue)

2008-07-08 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
On 14 June 2008 I ran the Chokio BBS route which starts on the west side of Fish Lake, Stevens County and heads west on gravel roads into Traverse County, ending 6 miles NNE of Barry. The landscape is almost entirely flat with a high water table but that doesn't stop the farmers from draining, di

[mou] wandering whoopers coming to a wetland near you

2008-07-07 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Whooping Cranes from the introduced Wisconsin population have been reported from several parts of the Midwest recently including North Dakota and western Minnesota. There is a known group of 4 whoopers seen recently in SW MN and at least 5-10 other birds are possible in MN, N WI, or even Iowa or

[mou] Gluek BBS route

2008-07-07 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I ran the Gluek BBS route on 18 June 2008 and recorded 726 individuals of 56 species. This count starts northwest of Clara City, Chippewa County and runs north through the town of Murdoch to a point just north of Hollerberg Lake in Swift County. This marked the 27th year this count has been run

[mou] Appleton BBS

2008-07-01 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I ran the Appleton BBS route on a near-perfect weather day on 6/25/08 with light winds. This route starts about 12 miles south of Benson, runs due west with one jog to a point a couple of miles east of Appleton, then due north to an ending on the Pomme de Terre River bridge north of U.S. 12. It'

[mou] Western Kingbird, Cokato, Wright County

2008-06-19 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Sorry. The location of the second kingbird was at Cokato, Wright County along U.S. 12 in the vicinity of the first wetland west of town. Shouldn't write these on 4 hours of sleep. Bob Russell, USFWS -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://moumn.org

[mou] Western Kingbirds/Eurotrash

2008-06-19 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Ran into Western Kingbirds twice this week: downtown Paynesville, Stearns County on Tuesday perched on aerials on drug store twice between 11 and noon and also hanging out to the south in a large tree just south of Hwy 23 and one along U.S. Hwy 12 at the wetland on the immediate west end of town.

[mou] Cattle Egret, Stevens County

2008-06-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
There was a single Cattle Egret along MN 28 on the north side of the highway about 1 mile east of US 59 and west of the radio tower. Look for some red-striped horse barns and a couple of horses and the egret may be there. First seen at 1 p.m. today. Many Eared Grebes and Black Terns on Crystal

[mou] late migrant pelicans

2008-06-02 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I was quite amazed to see an estimated 124+ White Pelicans migrating northnortheastward at rather low altitude up I-35 just north of Moose Lake, Carleton County Sunday evening. In speculating on where these late migrants might be headed if they followed their observed bearings, I found that the

[mou] Trumpeter Swan buildup danger

2008-01-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
My personal belief and whispered talk around my agency is that this artificially-induced buildup of Trumpeter Swans at Monticello is a disaster waiting to happen. Such huge buildups of swans are way beyond the natural concentrations of swans in most areas of its natural range. The potential for

[mou] huge scaup dieoff/Lake Winnie

2007-11-06 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
This was forwarded around the office today. Another payback from exotic organisms. Bob Russell, USFWS > > Thousands of bluebills dead since Thursday > Sam Cook > Duluth News Tribune - 11/06/2007 > Dan Markham and Noel Hill of Duluth were setting up to hunt ducks on Lake > Winnibigoshish near De

[mou] Feather Atlas

2007-10-31 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
A new website that may be of interest to state DNRs, law enforecement, and raptor folks has been just been announced. THE FEATHER ATLAS OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS is a new web-based resource from the Forensics Lab for the identification of wing and tail feathers. These feathers are often encounter

[mou] BAGO, Blackpoll, and more

2007-10-22 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Took a leisurely trip around the Superior Forest, Duluth, and up to Pigeon River over the weekend. Notables included: jaeger sp. Park Point Bathhouse--2 seen coming from the north on afternoon of the 19th with one heading towards Superior entry and one towards Lift Bridge. Never approached cl

[mou] sandhill cranes staging area--request for locales

2007-08-27 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Midwestern Sandhill Cranes gather in large, premigratory flocks at selected spots throughout the Upper Midwest in the mid-August to November period. The U.S. Fish and Willdife Service is mapping these staging areas to present to the wind power industry as areas to (hopefully) avoid when siting th

[mou] [mnbird] Suspicious Birds

2007-08-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Any waterfowl commonly kept in captivity like Eurasian Widgeon, Smew, Tufted Duck, and Bar-headed Goose. I've seen several wintering Tufted Ducks on Lake Michigan with scaup which would seem to point at wild origin but with waterfowl you just never know for sure. Bob Russell -- next

[mou] 48th AOU Supplement

2007-08-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Here's a brief summary of the 48th Supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-List of North American Birds recently published. Most do not concern Minnesota species and some of those minor changes I've left out of this note. Comments mine unless in quotes and then they're likely fro

[mou] Canadian/Texas whooping crane report (long)

2007-08-08 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Here's an update from Tom Stehn (USFWS) and Brian Johns (Canadian Wildlife Services) on the Alberta whooping crane population. At least one pair of the Wisconsin whoopers has not been located recently and may be summering outside the core area in C Wisconsin. Keep your eyes open as birds in prev

[mou] new numbers for Buff-breasted Sandpiper (watch for banded birds)

2007-07-31 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
New population estimates for North American shorebirds have been published. The article is "Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2006. Wader Study Group Bull. 111: 67-85 by Morrison, R.I.G., McCaffrey,B.J., Gill, R.E., Skagen, S.K., Jones, S.L., Page, G.W., Gratto-Trevor, C.L., & An

[mou] Red Knot banding schemes

2007-07-26 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Since a few Red Knots will be winging their way southward in the next few weeks through the western Great Lakes I thought this note from Jean Iron of the Ontario Field Ornithologists was pertinent. Keep your eyes out for flagged birds for this declining species and report all western Great Lakes

[mou] Glacial Ridge NWR shorebird blitz

2007-04-10 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBF82ADFC6493E8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBF82ADFC6493E Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII The Rydell/Glacial Ridge NWR is once again seeking bird enthusiasts to = help with a "Shorebird Blitz" (survey of marbled godwits, upland sandpipers,=

[mou] Surge of gulls and ? expected

2007-01-03 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBF8CBDFCD5ABD8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBF8CBDFCD5ABD Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII During the first part of this week the large areas of remaining open wa= ter on James and Hudson Bays in Canada froze up (still a couple of small h

[mou] whooping crane update

2006-12-11 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBF8D2DFCB4A468f9e8a93df938690918c09BBF8D2DFCB4A46 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII The "first family" of whooping cranes of the eastern experimental population (2 adults and one chick) departed Necedah NWR in central Wisconsin on

[mou] American Golden-Plovers

2006-10-13 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBF895DFF9D5D78f9e8a93df938690918c09BBF895DFF9D5D7 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII In response to Beau's inquiry on plover, it isn't unusual to find this species as late as early November some year and rarely to mid-November = but

[mou] eastern migration component and what species to dream for

2006-09-27 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFB65DFDF200F8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFB65DFDF200F Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII There appears to be a definite eastern component to this fall's migrati= on due in part to the persistent NE/E winds we have had but also some stro

[mou] Caspian terns, Frontenac

2006-09-11 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFB75DFD84A3B8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFB75DFD84A3B Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII After an absence of a couple of decades I decided to walk out to Fronte= nac Point, perhaps now one of the most overlooked sites in the state and m

[mou] Midwest whooping crane update

2006-05-16 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBE3DFC8F4E38f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBE3DFC8F4E3 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII A satellite reading showed that one of the Wisconsin (introduced birds)= cranes briefly visited Mille Lacs County a couple of weeks ago but retu=

[mou] RFI: banded marbled godwits

2006-05-16 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBE3DFDF6ADC8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBE3DFDF6ADC Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII The time of the year is fast approaching when large flocks of marbled godwits appear for a few hours or a day in northern MN and the Lake Superior

[mou] Todd County whooper clears MN airspace

2006-04-20 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBC5DFD8F1358f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBC5DFD8F135 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Here's an update on the whooping crane that many saw in Todd County ear= lier in the month. Maybe the birds will join up today. No known whoopers

[mou] whooper's mate appears in WI

2006-04-13 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBDCDFC091718f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBDCDFC09171 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII For those interested in the saga of the Todd County whooper, good news regarding its missing mate: 12 April: At 1540 today the radiosignal of no.

[mou] Minnesota whoopers??

2006-04-05 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBD4DFF5578C8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBD4DFF5578C Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII I've received 4 reports of Whooping Cranes in the past day so something= may be up out there. Two reports are from the Tamarack NWR/Detroit Lakes

[mou] color-banded (bills) Lesser Scaup info

2006-04-03 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBD6DFCB03458f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBD6DFCB0345 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII For those of you recently reporting red-billed scaups here's the contact information: Subject: Re: question about bill tag on Lesser Scaup From: Shane Patterson Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 15:15:1

[mou] Big Stone NWR drawdown

2006-03-30 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBD2DFF87FA88f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBD2DFF87FA8 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Alice Hanley, manager of Big Stone NWR, informed me that there will be = a yearlong drawdown of Pools A & B this year in order to facilitate constr

[mou] Canada Warbler report

2006-03-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFBA2DFF13A0D8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFBA2DFF13A0D Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII A report on Canada Warbler, a bird of conservation concern for the U.S.= Fish and Wildlife Service, is available online from the Vermont Institu=

[mou] Cackling Goose

2005-12-08 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFA42DFF16C038f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFA42DFF16C03 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Check out the article in the recent Ontario Field Ornithologists' Newsletter for a status assessment of Cackling Goose records including the Upper Midwest, quite pertinent to the recent MORC d

[mou] the missing birds of Stearns County

2005-11-10 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFA26DFC4C4BB8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFA26DFC4C4BB Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Despite Stearns County having one of the top 10 county lists in the sta= te and a history of bird observations that goes back to Zebulon Pike and T

[mou] whoopers depart Morrison County site

2005-10-11 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFA04DFCDB8E68f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFA04DFCDB8E6 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII The 3 adult Whooping Cranes that spent the late summer near the Rum Riv= er in southeastern Morrison County were last recorded on 7 October 2005. A

[mou] whooping crane update (experimental flock)

2005-10-05 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFA02DFCA03368f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFA02DFCA0336 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII There are now 42 wild birds in the eastern experimental population of whooping cranes centered around Necedah NWR in central Wisconsin. Twen= ty h

[mou] Possible Fairibault frigate

2005-09-30 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFA1FDFFF63728f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFA1FDFFF6372 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Kim Eckert just called in to say he saw a possible frigatebird out of t= he corner of his eye while cruising down I-35 at milepost 62 near Faribaul

[mou] YCNH (Dakota County)

2005-07-01 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBFAA2DFDE9EFE8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBFAA2DFDE9EFE Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII A pair of Yellow-crowned Night Herons were flying low and slow over Rob= erts Street in West St. Paul headed west late yesterday evening coming fro

[mou] Evening Grosbeak trends

2005-02-04 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBE50DDFCD37818f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE50DDFCD3781 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Cornell University has an interesting page on Evening Grosbeak numbers = with several possible theories for their decline. A range retraction afte

[mou] Dakota Co. GGOW

2005-01-21 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBE503DFFAE83D8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE503DFFAE83D Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Jim Mattsson asked me to post. Great Gray Owl. 11:15am. Dakota Co. , Eagan. Bird in tree immediately south of U.S. Postal Office parking lot. Loc

[mou] Ultralight whooping cranes arrive in FL, Migrants leave WI

2004-12-13 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBE5FADFF7961A8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE5FADFF7961A Content-type: multipart/alternative; Boundary="1__=09BBE5FADFF7961A8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE5FADFF7961A" --1__=09BBE5FADFF7961A8f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE5FADFF7961A Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/pla

[mou] merganser buildup underway on L. Pepin

2004-12-01 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
--0__=09BBE5CEDFFC55B78f9e8a93df938690918c09BBE5CEDFFC55B7 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Birded the northern half of Lake Pepin above and below Lake City yester= day. Two groups of 200+ Common Mergansers north of Lake City on Wisconsin

[mou] record whooping crane numbers at Aransas NWR

2004-11-29 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov

[mou] adult YCNH, Dakota County

2004-08-27 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I had an adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron at 0810 this morning (Friday) in West St. Paul on the west side of Lily Lake. The bird was sitting on a low tree branch which extended out over the lake in the NE portion of the property owned by the Oakdale Community Church. Directions: take the Butl

[mou] Arctic shorebird status

2004-08-10 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
This comes from the Ontario bird net with thanks to Ron Pittaway and Jean Irons: Very few southbound juvenile shorebirds from the arctic are currently migrating through southern Ontario indicating a failed nesting season for many northern species. For example, at Townsend Sewage Lagoons near Lak

[mou] Black Rail search image

2004-07-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
As one of Minnesota and the Midwest's rarest and least known species, I thought an article published back in 1999 in the Journal of Field Ornithology (Vol 70, no. 4, pp. 465-480) (authors Larry Spear, Scott Terrill, Colleen Lenihan, and Penelope Delevoryas) might have some relevance to Midwest b

[mou] Gluek BBS (Chippewa and Swift Counties)

2004-07-14 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
This BBS runs northward from a point 4 miles NW of Clara City ending up about 12 miles directly east of Benson. It runs through very intensive agriculture (corn-soybean desert to many biologists) with one nice wetland at the north end of Hollerberg Lake. Shelterbelts are sparsely distributed w

[mou] Alberta whooper news

2004-07-07 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
At least some northern birds are having a productive year. This came in from Tom Stehn, national whooping crane coordinator at Aransas NWR, TX. Here's another reason to celebrate on the 4th of July! Whooping crane production surveys carried out June 16-21 by Regional Pilot/Biologist Jim Bred

[mou] Glenwood BBS results

2004-06-28 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I ran the Glenwood Breeding Bird Survey on 17 June, a beautiful and diverse route that runs from near Grove Lake Waterfowl Production Area west a few miles south of Lake Minnewaska, past the entrance to Glacial Lake State Park, and ending up SW of Starbuck near Lake Emily. I found 84 species an

[mou] Pine County Yellow Rail

2004-06-04 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
I had one, possibly 2, clicking Yellow Rails at 2025 hours last evening on the west side of the big sedge marsh along Route 70 (south side of highway) approximately (DeLorme pp.49, B6--east of transmission line on map) 2-3 miles west of the St. Croix River west of Grantsburg, WI. I believe the

[mou] Whooping Crane update (experimental eastern population)

2004-06-02 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Thought you all might be interested in an update on the introduced flock of Whooping Cranes provided by Richard Urbanek, USFWS crane biologist and Laura Fondow, crane researcher and International Crane Foundation technician. 36 cranes went south last fall. 25 including seven yearlings returned

[mou] RFI re: Salt Lake (Lac qui Parle Co.) shorebird / waterfowl counts for IBA application

2004-03-15 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Anyone that has historical (before today) counts of shorebirds, waterfowl including grebes, pelicans, and ducks, gulls, Black Terns, and other waterbirds and would like to contribute to the nomination of Salt Lake as an Important Bird Area for either the South Dakota or Minnesota portions of the la

[mou] Northern Bobwhite

2003-08-06 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Just a couple of points about Northern Bobwhites that haven't been brought out in recent discussions. Everyone should read Tony Hertzel's fine, well-researched article in The Loon recently on the subject. Taking a regional perspective, it is interesting to note that the Wisconsin Breeding Bird At

[mou] Woodcock survey routes available

2003-04-17 Thread robert_russ...@fws.gov
Dear volunteer birders: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 3, has several American Woodcock survey routes open for volunteers. The routes only require about 1-2 hours after sunset during May once a year and are only 4 miles long with a listening stop every .4 miles. Knowledge of woodcock