[mou-net] Pope County

2014-06-07 Thread Sid Stivland
We birded for a short time on Friday morning. There were at least 3 Bobolinks apparently defending territories across the road from my farm. Also calling from the same area were at least 3 Sedge Wrens, 1 Clay-colored Sparrow, a couple Song Sparrows, 2 Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and the usual ph

[mou-net] Pope County Snowy Owls

2014-02-17 Thread Joel Claus
I came across two Snowy Owls in Pope county this afternoon. The first was a very lightly barred individual on a power pole along Hwy 28 0.5 miles east of where CR 33 goes north in NE Pope County. This is two miles south of where Ron Erpelding, Herb Dingmann, and others have reported snowies in

[mou-net] Pope County Snowy

2014-02-10 Thread Sid Stivland
I have received a second-hand but credible report of a second Snowy Owl in Pope County. This owl was seen just off Highway 55, near Lake Ann, roughly half-way between Glenwood and Lowry. Sid Stivland Plymouth, MN (and Pope County) Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S

[mou-net] Pope County birding

2013-07-26 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County for the last five days. Most was a desperate effort to fill in areas for the MBBA, but did manage a few hours of “personal birding”. Most of the birds were your basic, garden variety birds – the ones you would expect to see around. But here are a few of my usual “u

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2013-06-24 Thread Sid Stivland
This report is late because I live in what my neighbor affectionately terms “third world Plymouth”. We have been “off the grid” since Thursday night/Friday morning and we just got internet back last evening - but still no actual power. There are at least 7 generators humming on our block inclu

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2013-05-15 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County from Friday to Tuesday, mostly in MBBA blocks. Changes over the weekend were almost instantaneous. Agriculture is finally off the ground – or should I say “into the ground”. On Friday only areas with light soils were worked or planted – By Monday everything was in pl

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2013-04-17 Thread Sid Stivland
Spent the last three days in Pope County and was able to squeeze in some birding – if you can call it that. Sunday afternoon was some of the worst weather I can remember, and I grew up there so I can recall a good many snowy April (and May) days. The combination of 20 to 25 MPH winds combined

[mou-net] Pope County

2012-12-28 Thread Sid Stivland
Quick trip to Pope County after Christmas. The bird activity was pretty subdued; too much Christmas celebration, perhaps. The Common Redpolls were out in force – one larger flock on Thursday between Lowry and Starbuck contained 75+ birds attacking seed pods along the road. Two smaller flocks

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2012-11-11 Thread Sid Stivland
A very quick trip to Pope County. A day and a half in the snow, fog, and wind. Tundra Swans: Pretty good sized flock, maybe 200, on Larson Lake west of my farm. There was also a smattering of waterfowl but too far away to ID. Common Redpolls: Flock of 25 – 30 birds along the back roads south

[mou-net] Pope County again

2012-07-09 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around western Pope County again Sunday PM and Monday. Since I was already in Pope County trying to be a good son and help my mother with some appointments and tasks, I worked on my MNBBA surveys a bit. I also decided to survey another block near my others. It turned out to be a great

[mou-net] Pope County

2012-07-04 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County the past couple of days mostly for MBBA survey (in the warmish weather). Of interest: Still more Dickcissels, this time in my “new” White Bear Lake township priority block. At least two males that appeared to defend territories, one pair copulating (with a female –

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2012-02-16 Thread Sid Stivland
A bit late but here it is: My wife and I took the alternate route to Pope County last Sunday on I-94 to look for the snowy in Stearns county. It was at the same location reported by Betsy Beneke and others off 390th and CR 26. It must have been within 100 yards of the location reported. It d

[mou-net] Pope County birding

2011-08-19 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Glacial Lakes State Park in Pope County yesterday with my “grand” niece and nephew. Highlight of the day, not including the fun of birding with the kids, was an Olive-sided Flycatcher. It was a new Pope County bird for me and a “lifer” for the kids. Not far behind was a cooperat

[mou-net] Pope County Birding

2011-06-29 Thread Peter J. Makousky
Hello - I may have a chance to go birding near Glenwood Minnesota in Pope County on Saturday July 9th. Does anyone know of any interesting spots to bird or any recent sightings? I am looking for: bitterns, Whimbrel, Upland Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope, cuckoos, and grebes (western & eared). May

[mou-net] Pope county birds

2011-05-24 Thread Sid Stivland
My wife and I did a little birding around western Pope County this weekend – actually very little considering lousy, rainy, stormy weather and out of town visiting family with 4 under 3 years old. Fun but hard to get away to bird! We found pretty much the same good supply of birds as everyone

[mou-net] Pope County update

2010-06-26 Thread Sid Stivland
Did some more birding around Pope County early in the week - then moved to Douglas County. Eurasion Collared-dove still calling until Tuesday at the 275th Ave/215th st location on the south side of Lake Minnewaska. Alder flycatcher at the 240th St location south of Glenwood, sharing negotiatin

[mou-net] Pope County birds

2010-06-20 Thread stivl...@cpinternet.com
Saturday and Sunday in Pope County. South of Starbuck, 275th and 215th. Eurasian Collared Dove Yellow-throated Vireos Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Red-bellied Woodpecker Belted Kingfisher Green Heron Yellow Warblers Am. Redstarts Baltimore Orioles singing all day long Clay-colored Sparrows Eastern Wo

[mou-net] Pope County

2009-07-15 Thread Sid Stivland
Quick one day trip to Pope County Tuesday PM and Wed AM. I managed to get out for a few hours. Not much rare was happening but here is a smattering of my "findings". At my farm: Pair of Pied-billed Grebes on Mitmoen Lake Two female Pintails on Mitmoen Lake. Noisy family of Great

[mou-net] Pope county birds

2009-06-12 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County the past week. Most birds were regular or common for this area. I wanted to explore some of the newer WPA areas and CRP land around in addition to the typical areas. A couple highlights: There was a pair of Grasshopper sparrows in a WPA NW of Lowry (2 miles north of

[mou-net] Pope County Summer Tanager

2009-05-13 Thread Sid Stivland
On three return trips to the WPA south of Starbuck, I was unable to relocate the Summer Tanager. This does not mean it has left the area, the wind is howling like crazy out here. One "consolation prize", however. On Tuesday evening's attempt to locate the tanager, there must have been 500 or

[mou-net] Pope County Summer Tanager?

2009-05-12 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County this week. This morning (Tues) I birded a small patch of woods and prairie about a mile south of Starbuck on the west side of Hwy 29. There were a surprising number of birds for such a small patch but I have a dumb question about a bird I saw there. I was looking for

[mou-net] Pope county

2009-03-25 Thread Sid Stivland
Took a walk around Barsness Park in Glenwood Monday evening. One pair of Song Sparrows and what I think was a Chipping Sparrow. Very overcast and nearly dark but no belly spot. Confirmed on Tuesday AM when I heard one singing. Tuesday - water everywhere - between 2 and 3 inches of rain and

[mou-net] Pope county birds

2009-03-22 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded for a couple hours this afternoon before the rain started. Many very large flocks of blackbirds, several thousand birds per flock. These were 90% Red-winged (mostly males), some Common Grackles, some Brewer's, a few Starlings, and a few Brown-headed Cowbirds. Also, several pairs of bla

[mou-net] Pope county bluebirds

2009-03-17 Thread Sid Stivland
Eastern Bluebirds have arrived in West Central MN, Pope county. A flock observed south of Lake Minnewaska and a pair north of Lake Minnewaska. Also saw one Kildeer on my farm west of Lowry, an immature Bald Eagle south of Starbuck, one Mourning Dove in Glenwood and a flock of Longspurs west o

[mou-net] Pope county Red-wings

2009-03-16 Thread Sid Stivland
Drove highway 55 to Glenwood early this morning. Red-winged Blackbirds are back in force at least as far as Pope county. Most wetlands have males apparently staking claims. No reason they stopped here. Also several Kestrals perched on wires along 55. Sid Stivland Plymouth Join or Leave

[mou-net] Pope County

2009-02-22 Thread Sid Stivland
Birded around Pope County Friday and Saturday. Redpolls everywhere along with the usual Horned Larks and Snow Buntings. Locations included feeders in Glenwood and along county roads west of Glenwood and south of Lowry. Redpoll flocks between 25 and 50 birds foraging on roadsides, cornfields,