Re: Image map not working

2001-11-12 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Klaus Krtschil wrote: the following code is not working with Mozilla: map name=Tes t area shape=CIRCLE coords=57,24,7 href=; target=_new /map hr img src=; width=600 height=58 border=0 alt= usemap=#Tes t This is

Re: handling of file: urls

2001-09-25 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Michael Jakob wrote: * Does the idea of using file:... links relative to a http:... document make sense at all? (remember, I can assume that the files exist on all machines from where my document can be accessed!) * If it does, shouldn't this be supported consistently by Mozilla (i.e.,

Re: Mozilla keybindings

2001-09-25 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Bill Jonas wrote: handler event=keypress keycode=VK_BACK_SPACE command=cmd_scrollPageUp / The keycode is VK_BACK without _SPACE, although we have DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE. Clarence

Re: feature wish

2001-09-20 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Greg Nee wrote: If this isn't going to be fixed in the general release, can somebody at least instruct me how to map a single key to the back function? I've made a XPI that restores the old behavior: But I'd still prefer to have this in

Re: feature wish

2001-09-16 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Gervase Markham wrote: Boban Jelica wrote: Hi all. I would like my Mozilla to go back one page when I press Backspace. That's all I wish. I use Opera a lot (50/50 with mozilla) where I can use Backspace... This was taken out because it's too easy for people editing a web form to

Re: CSS Bug?

2001-09-13 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Shawn Neumann wrote: I've notice a difference between the way IE 6.0 anc Mozilla deal with CSS divs and I'm wondering which is correct in terms of the standard. If you set a div to have a width of 150px and then give it a right border of 5px this is what results: Mozilla: Created a

Re: DOCTYPE/Table formating unwanted space

2001-08-27 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
aleph-zero wrote: I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm putting a image inside a table cell and I want the table cell to collapse so it only contains the image: table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 tr td bgcolor=redimg

Re: text/css

2001-08-26 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Chris Hoess wrote: As Garth commented, we should be stripping whitespace from CDATA attributes, but I don't think we do this yet. We strip '\t', '\n' and '\r', but no spaces. Additionally we strip '\b', which is wrongly treated as whitespace at many places in Mozilla. Does anybody know why

Re: Rendering Problem

2001-08-14 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Zavier Sheran wrote: I have a website at The blue main menu consists of 5 images. It displays well on other browsers (IE5 Mac PC, iCab) but in NN6.1 (latest) it falls slightly apart... Any ideas why? Because it uses images in table cells for layout, but has a

Re: Right-click busted in latest nightly

2001-08-13 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
JSA wrote: Right-clicking is busted in the latest nightly (build 2001081208). Also, auto-completion has been broken on the trunk for about a week. Has anyone else noticed? Clarence

Re: 0.9.3.: Problem with quot;-Tags and #34;-Tags ???

2001-08-09 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
A.Pesch wrote: In one of my pages, I got a link which passes on values to a CGI script. The values have to be inserted between quotation marks, so the HTML sourcecode looks like .../cgi-bin/;Stuttgart#34;... or

Re: Viewing HTML source and HTML 4.0 standards

2001-08-06 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Steve wrote: I was trying to do a regular expression search on some HTML based on Mozilla's View Source, and it just wouldn't work. I downloaded the file to my machine and opened it up with a text editor. I saw that what showed up as foo in Mozilla's View Source was actually FOO on the

Re: Mozilla's rendering of slightly buggy HTML

2001-08-04 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Dave Huang wrote: Seems to me that Mozilla can be a bit too picky about HTML... in particular, see It's a bunch of lines like: font size=2somethingbr font size=2something elsebr etc... There are 200 lines like that, but Mozilla only shows the

Re: Mozilla and .gz files (esp. on linux)

2001-07-27 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
FT Rathore wrote: I have been trying to figure this out for a while, why does mozilla gunzip my .gz files on the fly while leaving the .gz extension in place. This can be very annoying because all my .gz file (even though they appear gzipped by extension) are not gzippped. The behavoir has

Re: Talkback reports

2001-07-19 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Ashant wrote: Recently when mozilla crashed on my windows machine, I sent a talkback report that was automatically generated. What happens to these things? Do they get filed as bugs? How do I find out what happened to my report? If a similar crash has been reported several times, you can

Re: JS css attribute setting problem

2001-07-19 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
wingnut wrote: Hi! I've been fiddlin' with using a JS timer to change the background colors of style attributes. The page I'm working on is at... (better use Moz .9.2 or something in that class) If any of you experts are bored,

Re: Moz and table layouts

2001-07-15 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Bill Lee wrote: First, please don't say you're not supposed to layout pages with tables. The entire web does it. You are not supposed to do it if you use XHTML or HTML 4 strict. You can still do it, but then you must explicitly say that you want such behavior, e.g. with IMG { display:

Re: xhtml transitional

2001-07-13 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
rob wrote: We've been experimenting here with XHTML transitional code and we're continually finding extra space around elements, particularly images which are laid out horizontally in TD's, etc. See (resolved invalid). Clarence

Newsgroups restructure

2001-06-11 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Is obsolete? At this newsgroups for additional information about client-side browser development using web standards and Netscape technologies are listed: *

Re: Netscape has pulled service

2001-06-11 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote: DeMoN_LaG wrote: well it can't be completely down... I'm reading this via You must have got it when they were preforming a test. because I tried just a few minutes ago and received messge that the server was not accepting

Re: Netscape 6.1 instead of 6.5?

2001-06-10 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Mark wrote: The directory is not accessible, but it looks like there may be a Netscape 6.1 before 6.5. Who knows! I have seen the name 6.1 in some bugs, and news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said 6.TBA. Application name for talkback in 0.9.1 is Netscape6.10B1 . Clarence

Re: releases Mozilla 0.9.1

2001-06-08 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Erich wrote: The recommended x86-Linux Talkback-enbled Installer for Moz0.9.1 currently available on downloads as .tar.gz, but is in fact not gzipped. You might want to fix that soon... Clarence

Re: More top-secret BS commits with hidden bug reports

2001-06-07 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Jay Garcia wrote: I get Sorry, access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons That's the new behavior. Try with a build from a few days ago. Clarence

Re: More top-secret BS commits with hidden bug reports

2001-06-07 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Rip Toren wrote: The connection goes either to the outside world, or localhost. How about a security popup (and associated preference settings (allow, question, deny)) concerning connection to the local host (localhost,,myIP,etc). Then the user would be in some control when a page

Re: Bug: 2001060708 Linux : Strange browser scrollbar behavior with small screenshot

2001-06-07 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Eyes to the Skies. wrote: In build 2001060708 of linux, the browser scrollbar appears to be misbehaving. See the attached graphic. Notice the middle of the 'grab' bar with the horizontal lines, but there is no lower border. There is also no upper border if i scroll down. It can still be

Re: More top-secret BS commits with hidden bug reports

2001-06-06 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Jeffrey W. Baker wrote: A fix was committed for 83401 into the Mozilla tree. I'm looking at the diffs and it looks like this will prevent Mozilla from contacting an HTTP server that listens on a well known port other than 80, such as 25 or 389. What business is it of Mozilla's that my

Re: More top-secret BS commits with hidden bug reports

2001-06-06 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Rip Toren wrote: To be blunt, a problems for whom? Mozilla parsing problems, or for the server working on the other end of the connection? Spammers could use it to send spam with other people's IP address. Clarence

Re: More top-secret BS commits with hidden bug reports

2001-06-06 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Rip Toren wrote: OK I am trying to get a grip on this. The spammer uses this magic URL in his browser. The browser connects to 'host' at port 25, while expecting to implement an FTP login. The remote server picks up the 'SMTP commands here' and the envokes sendmail to send some

Re: problem on eBayISAPL.dll

2001-05-14 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
K wrote: I am using Mozilla 0.9 5-13 built. Each time I go eBay ( then go my eBay section, and the browser request to download a eBayISAPL.dll file. Anybody has the same experience? How to solve? Thanks.

Re: New to this Group :Fireworks-related issue

2001-04-29 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Chris Ivey wrote: Any page after the index will break for me. I isolated the cause as the Object tags used to embed the Flash movies. If I remove them, the page displays fine. If I leave them in, the Flash Movies, and any other content not displayed in a layer with a position:absolute

Re: Link problem

2001-02-24 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Mark Anderson wrote: "Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T." wrote: Gervase Markham wrote: There's a bigger issue here. Who do we respect more? Old and broken browsers, or W3C and other internet standards (such as RFCs)? If we "find a meaning" for this sort of broken URL, what else should

Re: W3C: Common User Agent Problems...

2001-02-16 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Roland Mainz wrote: Noone prevents you from creating a "tracker" bug... Clarence

Re: So where is 0.8?

2001-02-14 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
James Akula wrote: I assume it's delayed. No big deal if it incorporates all the new enhancements but gets rid of recent regressions and instabilities (the latest nightlies have all been hit or miss). Can someone inside the project let the rest of know when to check back for it? See

Re: W3C: Common User Agent Problems...

2001-02-09 Thread Clarence (Andreas M. Schneider)
Christian Mattar wrote: 1. Usability 1.1 When the user follows a link to a target anchor, highlight the target location. Techniques: Put the target location at a consistent location in the viewport (e.g., at the top of a graphical viewport). Allow configuration to highlight I