Re: Copying messages

2003-02-07 Thread Chris A. Dahl
You could use the sample program that comes with the MQ server distribution in /usr/mqm/samp/bin/amqsgbr. This sample program will dump the contents of a queue to the screen which you could redirect to a file (e.g. /usr/mqm/samp/bin/amqsgbr QUEUE.NAME file_name). There are also other sample

Re: MQMQ MsgID - valid characters

2002-11-20 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Ben, I believe you must be able to account for all possible byte values between 0x00 and 0xFF unless you generate the message IDs yourself. Even if the MQ generated IDs don't use all possible byte values now, they very well may in the future. Regards, Chris Pope, Ben

Re: Weblogic/MQ/Solaris Kernel Parms

2002-10-31 Thread Chris A. Dahl
You might take a look at your ulimit or user limits for open files. I'm not that familiar with Solaris but I think it's a universal Unix convention. ulimit -a should show you how many open file handles you can have for the current user. - Chris Wyatt, T. Rob

Re: Unable to load message catalog - mqji

2002-10-28 Thread Chris A. Dahl
You must put the base MQ directory (where all the mqji??.properties files are) in your CLASSPATH. As an example on AIX, it would be /usr/mqm/java/lib. Chris Frank Mollica. Frank.Mollica@U To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Support Pac MS03 (SaveQmgr)

2002-10-09 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Bruce, Maybe your FTP is not downloading in binary mode for some reason. You may have to force it into binary mode if it's set to automatic or defaults to ASCII. Chris Robert Broderick robertbroderick@H To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MQ 5.3 and BEA Weblogic

2002-09-26 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Rebecca is referring to the thread JMS Under non-Websphere app server. The following is Bob Tilton's response: I have seen this before and we updated the JDK level from 1.2.2 to 1.3. and that got us around this issue. The new MA88 has a JDK level per-req listed by platform Bob This thread

Re: Free MQ management tool

2002-08-29 Thread Chris A. Dahl
I also couldn't get it to work properly, I could see a queue manager, but no queues. Since I had already wasted enough time trying to get it to work, and it would expire shortly anyway, it seemed to be a waste of time to even look at. Hopefully, others out there will have more luck than I. If you

Re: Triggers on WinOS to Java Pgms

2002-08-02 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Neal, Just a wild guess but is c:\program files\ibm\mqseries\bin in your PATH while the other directories (folders) you have been trying are not in your PATH? You might also make sure your CLASSPATH includes the folders you need when trying to run from a different folder/user. The environment

Re: messages pile up on a triggered queue

2002-07-25 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Graham, One of the things that may cause this is that the application servicing the queue is not processing the queue until it is empty. If the application exits abnormally before the queue has been completely processed you should get an initiation message in the dead letter queue with reason

Re: JMS and XA

2002-07-25 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Tony, We do have it working here on Weblogic 6.1 although it is not officially supported until Weblogic 6.1 SP3 using the messaging bridge. Weblogic 7.0 has much better direct 3rd party XA support although I haven't tried it yet. Officially, BEA only supports the messaging bridge and WebLogic

MQPoolToken Class Missing

2002-07-01 Thread Chris A. Dahl
I am integrating Weblogic 6.1 with MQSeries 5.2 and I have an existing third party jar file that references the MQPoolToken class. It works fine on MQ 5.1 AIX NT and on MQ 5.2 NT. When I try to run it on AIX with MQ 5.2, I get an error stating the class doesn't exist. When I look in the jar

Re: MQException 2030( MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q)

2002-06-24 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Lara, You will also have to set the maximum message size on your channel definitions on both sides. Give that a try and see if you get further. Regards, Chris Lara M magicinson@yaho To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sample Java Code

2002-06-21 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Warren, Try adding the following to your CLASSPATH: %MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/java/lib/ Example environment setup: set MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH=d:/progra~1/MQSeries set CLASSPATH =%CLASSPATH%;%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/Java/samples/base;%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%/java/lib/ set

Re: MQSeries + WLS 6.1

2002-06-13 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Paulo, I think you need to specifically shut down your messaging bridge(s) in order to release the queue manager connections. I have been told that this capability will be included in the Weblogic Console for the Weblogic 6.1 SP3 release at the end of June. Until you can update to Weblogic 6.1

Re: archives

2002-06-07 Thread Chris A. Dahl
Mike, Try for MQ List Server archives. Regards, Chris O'Neill, Mike Mike.O'Neill@53 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .COMcc: Sent by:

Re: RC 2071 with JMS

2002-05-24 Thread Chris A. Dahl
PROTECTED] 408.256.5656 t/l 276.5656 Chris A. Dahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT on 05/21/2002 02:15:26 PM Please respond to MQSeries List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by:MQSeries List [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject:Re: RC 2071 with JMS Bill, That looks more like MQ

Re: Java or JMS -which way to go?

2002-05-17 Thread Chris A. Dahl
A agree with Stephen, if you want the features and framework that J2EE buys you (and there are quite a number of excellent features) then JMS is really the only way to go. XA transactions, connection pools, bean pools, message driven beans, can all be used with J2EE/JMS and give you easy control