Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Feature Request: MSEide compiler output window suggestions

2021-04-26 Thread fredvs
Re-hello. You may use the pop-up (right click) to choose options. You may use also shortcuts, to copy all Messages, please use Shift+Ctrl+A (Ctrl+A is not disposable there). To Find in messages = Ctrl+F, copy selected = Ctrl+S, copy line focused = Ctrl+L. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Feature Request: MSEide compiler output window suggestions

2021-04-25 Thread fredvs
Hello. Added in commit 6bd86 of MSEide extended popup in message form. With various types of copy to clipboard and search in messages. Just right-click on Message form to see the pop-up. I hope all is ok and if something is missing, please say it. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Feature Request: MSEide compiler output window suggestions

2021-04-25 Thread fredvs
Hello Graeme. Indeed, there are problems. I will jump into it asap (first ideU and when all ok -> MSEide). Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-19 Thread fredvs
Hello. There are some test-benchmark of mselang here: -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-19 Thread fredvs
> And why do you need LLVM when using Pascal? Because LLVM does it much better for float calculation for example. "Pure" fpc is ok for database applications for example but once you work with animation, DSP, live sound effect, etc, where lot of float calculation is needed, the result is much

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-18 Thread fredvs
Hello Alexander. > Martin did not have time to fully connect MSE and MSElang. Indeed it was just in plan to do the junction with MSElang and MSEguI. His plan was to have something working before the end of 2018. By the way, if the project mselang continue, imho, it would be easier to first make

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-18 Thread fredvs
> I remember that Martin seemed enthusiastic about the progress of MSElang, so > I think this is a project that would be really worth continuing. The skill of Martin is the highest that I met. He is the only one in the world that was able to create a compiler who produces LLVM Bitcode File

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
> If you really want to keep this alive, try finding some computer science > university students with an interest in compiler writing. Hello. I did present mselang to LLVM mailing-list: And also on a LLVM

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
> Umm, this sounds very interesting. I'll definitely take a look around > MSELang and try it out. If you like FreeBSD (that "is" LLVM and uses only clang now), once you have a working bc LLVM bitcode file, you are the king. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
> 2. How far did Martin get with it The last commit of MSElang date of Nov 28, 2018 11:05am And Martin leave us the November 29, 2018. ;-( Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
Re hello Graeme. Note that there is only working releases 32 bit (including FreeBSD). Martin did not yet make a 64 bit version of MSElang. I did try to make a 64 bit version but I was stopped about class conversion to 64 bit (no skill enough). That said, once the mli and bc file is produced,

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
> And lastly, what was the actual goal of MSELang? Was it to introduce a > more modern "Object Pascal" like syntax, or only to use LLVM as the > code generator (thus more optimised code or more platforms)? Or a > combination or these? >From what I understood, the goal is to keep the "Object

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Status of MSELang

2021-04-17 Thread fredvs
roduce executable using LLVM. You may try the demo included in Martin was busy with the RTL but only the basis is done. For example, for console app, "writeln()" is working (like charm) but "readln" was not yet implemented. > 3. A

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-16 Thread fredvs
Hello Med. Yep, many thanks, something to eat there ;-). I see also now, thank to you, this: OK, I will jump into it (asap) and I hope to finally understand that magic ifi. Fre;D -- Sent

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-16 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. There is that answer from Martin:,39416.msg270457.html#msg270457 Also, in a fpc mail , they said: "- Martin provides the "IFI" add-on that allows for remoting the GUI (designed in MSEIDE) of a program via (e.g.) TCP/IP." But

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-15 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. About your error with demo of Med, I get also that error doing this in console: The demo is in directory "/home/fred/mse_ifi", so first: $ cd /home/fred/mse_ifi then $ ./dbfilter Gives that error: fred@fiens ~/mse_ifi> ./dbfilter An unhandled exception occurred at

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-15 Thread fredvs
Hello Med! I just have try your demo now. For me it compiles ok on Linux 64 bit, but if I run it via the ide, nothing appears, but I can see that it is running. So I did try to run your demo "dbfilter" via a terminal and then OK, the form appears. I dont know how to use your demo, so I did run

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
Hello Graeme. In some GitHub C projects where I participate there are automatic reviews and checks that must be ok before the pull-request is acceptable. For example: Do you know it it exists for fpc? And is it useful? Fre;D -- Sent

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
> > Ok, perfect, and after the pull requests, you may accept it! ;-) > Yes, I know I could, but I will let you (or Graeme) do it. Hum, yes, but then Graeme and I have to fight against each other to decide who takes the chair. And it is not the moment to create a second "sofagate". ;-) Fre;D

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-14 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! > I will do the fixes, but I prefer using a fork and doing pull requests. Ok, perfect, and after the pull requests, you may accept it! ;-) > You can take a look to the latest version of the tenumtypeedit page: > Wow, I like

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. Yes, it is still me. IMHO, msestrings.pas (and others) should be fixed, like in the commit of Graeme. To do this, a short remembering how to push the fixes: 1) Clone the last mseide-msegui: $ git clone 2) Go in that directory: $ cd

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Ooops, in previous post: > Could it be the same for msestrings.pas and a _ "_ is missing after > 'Integer' ? Please read this: Could it be the same for msestrings.pas and a ";" is missing after "Integer" ? Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Roland. Did you see one of the last commits of Graeme in mseide-msegui? Here his comment: "Documentation generator detected the malformed syntax, which is now corrected. Having a documentation

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-13 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. About http vs https, it seems that FireFox does not like http anymore and set as insecure. About converting your site into https, maybe this could help: About fpdoc-generate doc, I have to jump

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Which fpGUI branch should I use?

2021-04-12 Thread fredvs
(this to no oblige people to install dev packages and to have more control): The extended version of fpGUI uidesigner uses that dynamic loading of Xlib and friends. Fre;D PS: There is also the fpgui mailing list but, sadly, Graeme

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. My knowledge in Web things is very poor, but I have seen that you use a no-secured site: "http://; vs "https://;. Maybe there is something to do with this. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-11 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. > Superbe, but I have a strange problem that I dont have with any other site. If I click on something, there is that message: "La requête ne peut aboutir Le site à l’adresse a subi une

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] PacmanXG

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
> It is a command-line package manager for some Linux distributions Ha, ok, pacman is for ArchLinux distros. I use Debian based Linux distributions, like Debian (of course), Ubuntu, Mint, ... and they dont use pacman. But there is a emulator for Debian distros:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. > Do you see what I mean? Ha, yes, I see now. Ok, perfect, and, once again, sorry for the noise. Have fun. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. It is still me! In attachment, your project with background color enabled. Now I really let you in peace. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] PacmanXG

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
> It's a GUI for pacman. Sorry for my total ignorance but what is pacman? Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. For the colors, in the synthax def file, there are colors for the col numbers, so you need to have one fixed col (-1) in the grid1. Also for the icon column it is in column = 0. For the text himself it is on column = 1. Did you seen my second attachment in previous post, it has

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. I have seen in MSEgui Russian forum that you said: > (1) It doesn't work well for dark themes, because the background stays > white. Not sure to understand, is "pascal_solarized_dark.sdef" not working for you? Here it works (see picture):

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. > (I noticed that I waste too much energy to find words in english. Maybe I > will continue in french.) Same for me. But I notice that Google Translate works much better from French to English than English to French. So maybe it will be faster and easier to do all the work in

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] PacmanXG

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. Thanks for make that project on the road again. > I didn't really tried it (I mainly use Mageia, even if I have Manjaro > installed on my second computer), but it's one more project example. Not sure to understand, is this project for Manjaro only? Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-10 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! > You can see the result here: > Wow, sincerely the most clear and beautiful doc I ever seen. Congrats. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Re hello Roland. About taste and color. Martin uses for all msegui methods lowercase. Of course it is faster to write but, imho, to read, like in a doc, using some uppercase make it clearer. Example: application.checkwindowname vs Application.CheckWindowName. But this is taste and using only

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui documentation generated with PasDoc

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! Houlala, beautiful! Of course it will be very useful (once filled). Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Allegro5 instead of xorg libraries

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Re-re hello. It seems too that Allegro5 is not Wayland compatible, so it will not help very much: Fre;D -- Sent from: ___

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Allegro5 instead of xorg libraries

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Re-hello. It seems that the only part of Xorg still maintained/updated is XWayland: XWayland is part of Wayland and integrated in each Wayland OS. Then, maybe no worry

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Allegro5 instead of xorg libraries

2021-04-09 Thread fredvs
Hello. There is also the fpc source for Wayland done by Andrew. -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-07 Thread fredvs
Re-re hello Roland. In this mail, new attachment with your project and colors background enabled . It was a few more tricky but it works now. There is some more things to add, for example to enable the color of

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-07 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Roland. In previous post, in the attachment project, please add ";" at end of "ButtonExecute". Otherwise there will be a horrible memory leak and you know that we dont like that. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-07 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! Your project in attachment, lightly modified, works. Take a look at "str1: ttextstream" and what is done with it. ;-)

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-04-07 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard. > (One area I found that is the "stat" file handling of existing components, > that's often writing out data never reloaded, or even vice versa.) Yes, for me it is the biggest problem with MSEgui. "stat" files works ok for all my projects but fails for some MSEide himself on ARM

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-04-06 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Sieghard. Ooops, sorry, I did not read correctly you previous post. So you have a Radeon card but you do not use the Radeon driver. Is it possible for you to load the Radeon driver and see if there is problem? If too many things to change, forget it. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-04-06 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard. Thanks for the infos of your graphic card. So you have a [Radeon R5/R6/R7 Graphics] without problems. Good news, then not all Radeon cards give problems. Yes, for the binary-program of course a command line is easier for a Linux user. For the colormask, yes, it does not work

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Need of tutorials and examples

2021-04-04 Thread fredvs
Happy Easter Roland. Maybe we may look at Russian work. They did a lot of demos and tutorials but, of course, it is in Russian, maybe Google translate could help us. I began to translate the Martin's course in English and French but it is a hard work and I did only 3 chapters (see end of topic):

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-04 Thread fredvs
Re hello. I even dont know what is the signification of the 3 letters: IFI (first "I" should be "Interface" but what mean the "F" and the second "I" ?)... ;-( Fre;D -- Sent from: ___

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-04-04 Thread fredvs
Hello Med. Thanks for the explanation, but for me is it not yet clear what is the purpose of IFI. What kind of link between a form and a data module? Concretely I dont see the advantage of IFI, I even dont understand what IFI is for. Maybe a very simple example could make me understand what is

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] component color not correct

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hum, mail dont work, other try... Hello Pat. You are right, see in the version.txt, tcustomframe.colorclient is set to "cl_default" since 2018, if you set it to transparent = "cl_transparent", it will be like your previous project: MSEide+MSEgui breaking changes

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] component color not correct

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. You are right, see in the log.txt, tcustomframe.colorclient is set to "cl_default" since 2018, if you set it to transparent = "cl_transparent", it will be like your previous project: MSEide+MSEgui breaking changes version history

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] component color not correct

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
> So at some point Martin changed something. What I am totally sure is that nothing was changed concerned this in commits done after Martin. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] component color not correct

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. Sorry but I dont see your picture in attachment. Anyway, imho, if in your project the backgroud is not green, it is because you have assigned a Tframe without assigning the "colorclient". In attachment 3 files: the first facecolor1.png is the result of your project untouched. The

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] component color not correct

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. > Sorry for the big size. Huh, here I only see 0 attachment of 0 bite. -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. > I never try it and have no idea how to use that component. Hum, bad memory. There is also this: -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] How to use a tsyntaxedit

2021-04-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. I never try it and have no idea how to use that component. But there is a demo in mseuniverse that uses it, maybe you may take a look: /mseuniverse/samples/memomse/src/memomse.prj in unit utabeditorform.pas. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
> everyting ok. Yep, my fingers are happy now! Thanks to not give up. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Pat. OK, commited the fixes ( can do a "reverse" if problems ). Just re-compile mseide and it should be ok. I cross my fingers. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
Hello. > Success. Nice! > Did you make source code changes or compile option changes? Changed in source the mask of all TimageList and set it to [bmo_masked,bmo_graymask]. I dont know why but setting, like origin, to "bmo_colormask" gives also the same problem as yours on RPi. It is what

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. Sorry to annoy you once again, but could you try the binary of MSEide included in attachment? I think the previous was not ok. Thanks. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. Could you,please try the binary of mseide in attachment? Does it fix all the icons problems? Thanks. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-31 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. OK, perfect, the icons of palette are OK so it is a mask problem. I will do the same for the other icons and give a other binary here for testing. Asap. Thanks to have tested it. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Pat. In attachment binary Linux 64 bit of MSEide compiled with imagelist.options := [bmo_masked, bmo_graymask] for the components palette (buttons of the debugger commander are still not touched). Are the

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. I have already seen this (but dot remember when). Did you have this with previous version of MSEgui (version 4.6 of Martin) ? May I ask you if you have the same with ideU ? I remember that it happened on a RPi and it has something to do

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. Yes, sorry, see my previous post just before yours. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Re-re hello Pat. I have to clean my glazes. This works perfectly without memory leak, like you explained and that I did not read well. dynedit.createframe; dynedit.frame.caption := 'Hello'; dynedit.createface; dynedit.face.fade_color.count := 2; dynedit.face.fade_color[0] :=

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Pat Ooops you write dynedit.face := tface.createface; But with this it refuse to compile here: > main.pas(44,25) Error: identifier idents no member "createface" -- Sent from: ___

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello PatG > change: dynedit.face := tface.create(iface(self)); > to: dynedit.createface; This produce a memory leak. Heap dump by heaptrc unit of /home/fred/memoryleak/dynedit 1072 memory blocks allocated : 179306/181776 1064 memory blocks freed : 178546/181016 8 unfreed memory blocks :

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
> Fred, please, could you edit the title of the discussion? Ooops! Done. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] tdropdownlistedit

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Pat. Maybe you could read the posts following this: Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. Yep, yep, yep, I think I get it. The trick is to use this to create the face: dynedit.face := tface.create(self); ___ procedure tmainfo.mainformcreated(const sender: TObject); begin dynedit := tedit.Create(self); dynedit.bounds_cx := 100;

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hum, indeed dynedit.face is not removed and if you free face at destroy, there is a error: procedure tmainfo.mainformdestroy(const sender: TObject); begin; // crash; end; What is strange is that with frame only all is or and removed correctly at destroy.

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. For the dynamic creating of a "face" property (Tmseobject.face), it is nearly the same as creation of a "frame": dynedit.face := tface.create(iface(self)); // create the Tface dynedit.face.fade_color.count := 2; dynedit.face.fade_color[0] := cl_ltgreen;

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSE on Wikipedia.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Re-re hello. No, the link is not working. Maybe via the Russian Lazarus site? -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSE on Wikipedia.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Re-hello. I did try the link of my previous post but it is not the one wanted. Other try:

[MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSE on Wikipedia.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello. There is a Russian site about MSE on Wikipedia: Imho a

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Alexander. Ok, Radeon HD 3000, release date October 2007. It seems that you are not the only one with problems with that card and not only with msegui:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. > but the component doesn't look exactly like the one created in the > designer. Yes, if you create the frame "live" nothing is defined and the frame is not visible. You need to assign something for each property of the Tframe, like leveli, levelo, ... etc. Fre;D -- Sent

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-30 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland. Thanks for the answer. The Tedit componenet is in the "Widget" tab (the first tab) and the icon is a white rectangle. msetedit.png Fre;D -- Sent from:

[MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Answer to msegui Russian forum to dyamically create a frame.

2021-03-29 Thread fredvs
Hello. There is a question in Russian forum how to dynamically create a component and his frame. I did try to register but did not get the mail to activate it. I think this is the answer: frame must be created before to use it with:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-29 Thread fredvs
Thanks Roland! In attachment zip of both Linux 32 and 64 bit binary of the /GetGraphicDriver/ programs. Just run it via console. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-29 Thread fredvs
Hello. It would be great if people that has problems with rendering could run this application and gives the result: ___ program ggd; uses Process, sysutils; function GetGraphicDriver(): string; var outstr : string; begin

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-27 Thread fredvs
Hello Vasi. > As it looks now, Xorg seems more endangered on some platforms than gtk and > qt.. Sorry, I did not see this. Akaik, GTK and Qt need Xorg on Unix OS, they are upper-layer widget set, like fpGUI and msegui, and suffer also the Xorg bugs. I have read that GTK4 and Qt5 can deal

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui studies: Ellipse

2021-03-27 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! Nice and it is just like the anti-gravity movement of Michael Jackson in Smooth Criminal! I like it. Thanks. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-27 Thread fredvs
Hello Vasi. Xorg is dead, maybe still maintained for FreeBSD but the successor is Wayland. It would be interesting to test msegui on a Wayland machine with a Radeon card. Roland has a Linux OS with Wayland and it seems that there are no problems. Wayland has a build-in converter for all

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-27 Thread fredvs
Hello. This is interesting: -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] What is 'ifi'?

2021-03-27 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland I found this as explaination: "- Martin provides the "IFI" add-on that allows for remoting the GUI (designed in MSEIDE) of a program via (e.g.) TCP/IP." But I have to confess that I dont know how to use it. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] A new website dedicated to MSEgui

2021-03-25 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! Very interesting the first article of . I did learn lot of things, thanks. ;) Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] A new website dedicated to MSEgui

2021-03-25 Thread fredvs
Hello Roland! Excellent initiative. For the name, it is like colors or taste. For example I would prefer or , this to not restrict to msegui only. But I like too. Fre;D -- Sent from:

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-25 Thread fredvs
Hello Vasi. Maybe we can use a command line that will not need to install anything, nor sudo privilege to run it: This is the case: $ lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display' And with it create a fpc utility/method that will check if a Radeon (or what ever that could have problems) is used. And

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-24 Thread fredvs
>I was thinking ahead... considering that msegui same sources are used for ARM platform (that doesn't have these problems) and that a user already requested for these changes not to be done for windows, The best would be to know exactly what graphic drivers/cards makes problem an then isolate

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-24 Thread fredvs
Hello Vasi. >There is a delay in responding to commands and repaint between 500milliseconds and 1 second. > it solves the smudge but is not usable. At least, for my system. Yes, on mine it is not good too but maybe it fixes the Radeon problems (with delay of repaint) and so we may have a

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] A real forum for MSEide+MSEgui

2021-03-24 Thread fredvs
/fredvs/mseide-msegui Maybe one day we may terminate the work, in peace. Fre;D -- Sent from: ___ mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-24 Thread fredvs
> I got your message but it will take a while until I am able to try that... maybe a day. But I will try it. No problem, take your time, nothing burn. Imho using "invalidate" will work for your intel graphic card (but maybe with less fluidity than repeat "paint"). It would be interesting if

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-24 Thread fredvs
Hello. After many deep tests with the last commit, I did notice some lost of fluidity when resizing forms with lot of resizing-objects on Linux. So it seems to me that is better to use a "repaintcanvas" global variable and/or a define to enable the repaint of selected components. And not apply

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-23 Thread fredvs
Re-hello. I would propose this: A global variable "repaintcanvas" and a define "repaintcanvas". So you may choose with var repaintcanvas := true:false at run time and/or at compilation with parameter "drepaintcanvas". If you choose compilation with parameter "drepaintcanvas", at

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] A real forum for MSEide+MSEgui

2021-03-23 Thread fredvs
About the MSEgui future forum. What color to choose for MSEgui site? The logo of MSE is a Swiss edelweiss with white petals, yellow pistils on a blue background. I propose

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-23 Thread fredvs
Re-hello. And what about a global variable, so people can set is at run-time ?: unit msegui; ... var repaintcanvas : boolean = false; ... function twindow.internalupdate: boolean; ... if repaintcanvas then fownerwidget.paint(bmp.canvas); // can be changed at runtime ... -- Sent

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSEgui and Radeon graphics card.

2021-03-23 Thread fredvs
Hello. Here videos of resizing a application on Linux 64 bit with a i5. There is a video without fixes, one with re-painting (actual fix) and one with invalidate added. wavview_without_fix.mp4

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