try and
see what happens..
Thanks for the help and info..
With kind regards,
David Bouw
> If your default settings are working fine I suggest you only include
> the "max_allowed_packet" variable in your my.cnf
> [mysqld]
> set-variable = max_allowed_packet=2M
Isn't it possible to make the collumn an INT.. ??? Or even better, a Date/Time.. ?
What you can try thought (but I don'tthink that this will work) is to multiply the
which contains the varchar with 1 when you do the query..
If it should be an varchar.. (can't think of a reason) you
I don't know if this will answer the question:
Is MySQL located on the same computer your script/software is running on..??
If this is not the case you have a chance that your network connection to the computer
which MySQL is running on loses some packets which results in the above problem..
our table(s). Usually, if this was indeed the cause
> of the problem, other tables in the directory would also be damaged, if any
> type of file globing was used. I don't suppose you have a backup of your
> original raw data?
> DG
> -Original Message-
> From: D
Hi there,
I would really appreciate any help someone can give on the following awful problem..
I have been working all day on filling a table with data. (Small records..)
Because I have a table which I filled with some binary data someone asked me how big
this will get..
I looked at the di
Hi there,
I would really appreciate any help someone can give on the following awful problem..
I have been working all day on filling a table with data. (Small records..)
Because I have a table which I filled with some binary data someone asked me how big
this will get..
I looked at the direc
ink that I know
now how to optimize the query to about 97%
Bye Bye
David Bouw
> > After I changed the Varchar(50) to an INT I retried (my) shorter query...
> > The results came back immediatly!! (I couldn't clock it..) Previously it was 4
> > After this I
Hi Benjamin...
> > database almost 2 years ago... But the orderid I can convert without
> > a problem to an INT because all data only are numbers... :-(
> It's not so important, that orderid is not of type VARCHAR (although
> better), but more important, as I said, that and cpo.orderid are
Hi Benjamin...
I am not sure, but it looks that I (sometimes) get an email back telling me that your
email address isn't working..
>recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist, verify e-mail address, please
I still want to reply on you other mail, but your email just showed me something
ALL PRIMARY,id2596 where used
Edit Delete cpo ALL 4431 where used
Bye Bye
- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Pflugmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Bouw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Benjamin
> > Then I got my hands on examples which used a left join examples.. I
> > have never tried a normal join (sigh..), but thinking of it, what is
> > the difference between an left join and a normal join..??
> With a "normal join" (I don't know the technical term), I mean
> something l
Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part
perfect_brand 0 PRIMARY 1 id A 16
I am also going to do some reading myself on the normal join, thanks for your info...
Bye Bye
- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Pflugmann"
Hi there,
I am wondering if the Left Join syntax is a very inefficient query for MySQL (and
other databases generally speaking..)???
I have a table which consits of a few tables from which the bigest table contains
about 4500 records...
Heres the scenario:
I have 5 tables fom an ecommerce s
Hi there,
I grabbed the MySQL reference book and was doing some reading on the different Integer
Something that I noticed was that you could also add an option to say if a Int was
unsigned ot signed..
Does it have any sence to use a signed int on a autoincrement table..?
E.g. When usi
Only awkward thing I can think I could think of was that we added some colums to a
very large table..
Thanks for any suggestions..
Bye Bye
David Bouw
gt;= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) directly.
> G'luck,
> Peter
> --
> If I were you, who would be reading this sentence?
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 09:47:40AM +0200, David Bouw wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I don't seem to understand the DA
Hi there,
I don't seem to understand the DATE_SUB / INTERVAL function..
I have a query which basically retrieves data from a table which consists of
ordernumers and quantities..
In the following example everything of ordernr 'te-004' should be retrieved,
quantities counted and this should be don
Hi there..
I am not understanding something how the mysql priviege system works:
I want to do the following:
Give a user access to all tables in an database (also tables which will be added in
the future) except a
few private tables like the mysql table itself
This is the way I thought it sh
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