WinMySqladmin Question

2004-09-22 Thread Michael McQuade
Can anyone here tell me, what does it mean when a process when a Process goes into Sleep State. I see this under the Process tap in the WiN Mysql administrator.. Seems each time I open my database in a program, after it executes and I close it, I have a Process in Sleep mode.

Desperate here: Connection error 08000 and Connection Pooling

2004-09-08 Thread Michael McQuade
Hi folks, Im dying here slowly. Can anyone tell me what an = SqlState 08000 (connection exception) REALLY MEANS Is it as obvious = as I think it is, Im NOT CONNECTED to MySQL, and if so, why not = 08003 (connection does not exist)... I have a major problem, Im running Windows 2000

DESPERATE: Disconnect from Database Question

2004-09-01 Thread Michael McQuade
Hi folks, heres a real stupid question, but Im baffled. I am running MySQL v . 4.1.3b-beta-nt , JVM 1.4.2_05-b04 by SUN, Tomcat 5.0.27,Windows 2000 Server Im attempting to run SERVLETS for my application. I have a HTML form to kick off my application in Tomcat App