Re: Please, need help urgently

2002-02-19 Thread Sundara Pandian
is Linux specific. If your hardware is flaky, Linux, Windows 3.1, FreeBSD, Windows NT and NextStep will all crash. If you are not reading this at, that's where you can find the most recent version. cheers, Sundara Pandian, Megasoft Ltd, India. - Original Message

Re: question on selects in multiple tables

2002-01-02 Thread Sundara Pandian
Hi, I faced the same problem, but the solution to this is you is you add as many qualifiers as you can (i'm sure there are more elegant ways to do it but it works for me:-))specfiy the qualifiers FOR BOTH the tables you are picking data from in the where clause : For Example : as you said lets

Re: New Comer

2002-01-01 Thread Sundara Pandian
v.v.simple download the window binary of version of mysql(latest) and go next,next,next..:-) only thing if install on anywhere else other than C:\mysql you'll have to place a file called my.cnf in you C:\ directory, there'll be a line there asking you to pint to the installation directory.

Re: Need Driver for JRun

2001-12-20 Thread Sundara Pandian
Hi, You can connect to the mysql database with the following line con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:mysql://localhost/database?user=someuserp assword=somepwd); But first you need the mm.mysql driver download it from the following URL: You would

Re: Reset MySQL Root password

2001-12-19 Thread Sundara Pandian
Hi, Did u by any choice not FLUSH PRIVELEGES when u changed the root password, if u didnt do this it makes things very easy you could go inside with mysql -u root command, then go into mysql DB -Users table and remove password where root id specified there should be two of em change both of em.