sql query LOAD DATA INFILE question

2002-12-17 Thread moka
sql,query Hi, I am looking at the following situation: I am reading some files arriving every minute and parsing them and creating a set of files ready to be inserted into tables. on the fly. While I am waiting for the next burst of files, I want to insert these

/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld doesn't exist in installation

2002-09-19 Thread moka
Trying to install 4.03 from the tarball... Any idea whay I am doing wrong?? Thanks, S.Alexiou Here is what I get ...linux:/usr/local/mysql # scripts/mysql_install_db Installing all prepared tables 020918 21:55:07 ./bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy

Re: /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld doesn't exist in installation

2002-09-19 Thread moka
ÐáñÜèåóç Gerald Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]: chown -R mysql.mysql /usr/local/mysql Thanks, but apparently it still cannot find it: linux:/usr/local/mysql # chown -R mysql.mysql /usr/local/mysql linux:/usr/local/mysql # scripts/mysql_install_db Installing all prepared tables 020919 22:44:19

Re: Need to cleanly uninstall

2002-09-09 Thread moka
Looks like there is a problem with 4.0.3 or I am doing something wrong: First I tried to upgrade from rpm, linux:/home/me/TMPOUT # rpm -e MySQL-4.0.3-0.i386.rpm error: package MySQL-4.0.3-0.i386.rpm is not installed linux:/home/me/TMPOUT # rpm -i MySQL-4.0.3-0.i386.rpm package

Re: Need to cleanly uninstall

2002-09-08 Thread moka
Thanks It's 2.4.18 So, I will try to unistall and install from the tarball, yes? Spiros, linux:/home/db/TMPOUT # rpm -q mysql package mysql is not installed linux:/home/db/TMPOUT # rpm -qa | grep MySQL MySQL-shared-4.0.3-0 MySQL-client-4.0.3-0 MySQL-devel-4.0.3-0

Performance issue: slow inserts

2002-08-22 Thread moka
I have a lot of tables, and not all of them are filled equally. Inserts to tables that have a lot of entries(see the count below), take a long time (about .06 secs on the average in mysql, over 0.09-0.1 in DBI), for example mysql INSERT INTO T1 VALUES

avoiding skip locking

2002-04-19 Thread moka
I am doing some automated mysql -u user -ppasswd database insertfile.sql in a loop and have some skip locking presumably because there are a number of jobs running to do this (with different files, which however use the same tables). Should I rather do line by line inserts for speed?

Re: Table full with InnoDB

2002-04-18 Thread moka
Well, it will NOT let me add more ibdata files: Any ideas?? Thanks, Spiros Here is hostname.err (On a 2GB RAM, 2x1000 CPU, ) InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally. InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files... InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at InnoDB: log sequence number 3

Error 1114 table full with 14000 error??

2002-01-17 Thread moka
I am running Mysql 4.0 with InnoDB on a linux 2.4.0 machine I am doing a mass import of a file with some 40 inserts and I get a strange unknown error 1114 Interestingly enough , this is not exactly reproducible, i.e. the error occurs in slightly different import positions. I have been

InnoDB Clarifications for InnoDB newbie

2001-11-15 Thread moka
Hi, I am using 4.0 and switching from MyISAM to InnoDB, so quite newbie on this: I have a couple of questions: 1) First, I read in the docs that the minimal thing to do is to add to /etc/my.cnf innodb_data_file_path=ibdata/ibdata1:2000M (although the ibdata file is some 67M in

Need to understand mysql mechanisms

2001-11-11 Thread moka
I am sending this mail in order to get things straight about table corruption which I am experiencing with 4.0(as well as previous versions). 1)System specs: PIII x1000MHz, 1GB RAM, HD 37GB SCSI, AHA29160N SCSI controller 2) Database MyISam tables, BUT 21000 tables in the database(this

Table corruption 4.0

2001-11-09 Thread moka
I am sending this mail in order to get things straight about table corruption which I am experiencing with 4.0(as well as previous versions). 1)System specs: PIII x1000MHz, 1GB RAM, HD 37GB SCSI, AHA29160N SCSI controller 2) Database MyISam tables, BUT 21000 tables in the database(this is

strange table corruption in 4.0

2001-11-04 Thread moka
Hi, I am trying version 4 with myIsam tables. (I am almost ready to move to some other hopefully safer type ). The problem is I get table corruption. I have a large database(21000 tables, but the whole /var/lib/mysql/mydatabase directory is less than 800MB) database. I know this is

MYSQL crashes-SOLUTION found!

2001-08-31 Thread moka
I am posting this in the hope it will be useful; I seem to have solved the problem. The problem was(on 3.23.38) and Linux 2.2.18 or 2.4.0 This is a huge system, all SCSI, 2GB or RAM, 2PIII x1000MHz processors and 37GB in the volume group corresponding to /var/lib/mysql There is an

where option in mysqldump

2001-08-25 Thread moka
Can anyone give an example of how to use the where option in mysqldump to get a dump of only those records whose values of field fieldx are larger than something? For example for all database tables of db mydatabase which possess a field named fieldx store in the dump only those records

8 hr blocking read limit

2001-08-21 Thread moka
Hi, two questions: 1)On the mysql manual, section 4.12.16 Mysql-Win32 compared to Unix MySQL it sas that: Mysql uses a blocking read for each connection. This means that: A connection will not be disconnected automatically after 8 hours, as happens with the Unix Version of Mysql. This is of