Hi Craig,
Just to clarify, do you mean that it is not possible to them right now and
should wait till next realease of Neo4j, right?
If yes, when would that be?
On Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 7:29:21 PM UTC+2, Craig Taverner wrote:
> Hi Alireza,
> Use cases 2, 3 and 4 are c
Hi Alireza,
Use cases 2, 3 and 4 are covered by the current plans and should be
available in the first release, as long as the points coordinates are in
wgs-84. Use case 1 will not be supported in the first release, as polygons
will not be possible to store or index initially. This, as well as oth
Hi Craig,
Some of use cases are as follows:
1- Given a set of nodes with polygon geometry, find in which polygon a
given point coordinates is located in
2- Given a set of nodes with geometry type point, find all nodes which
thier distance to a given point
coordinate is less than a given r
Hi Alireza,
Yes and no. Yes, there has been progress within Neo4j, but no there is
nothing public to show for it yet, and it is not yet in the schedule for
releases. I'm hoping it is not too far off, but cannot commit to anything
specific yet. Once we have something more concrete to share, we'll d
Hi Craig,
I am wondering if there is any new development regarding cypher supporting
spatial queries.
On Friday, October 17, 2014 at 3:02:22 PM UTC+2, Craig Taverner wrote:
> Hi Alireza,
> Right now there is only one option, the IndexProvider implementation,
> which allo
Hi Alireza,
Right now there is only one option, the IndexProvider implementation, which
allows you to view the spatial index as an index in cypher, and access it
using the 'START n=node:A(B)' syntax, where 'A' is your index name and 'B'
contains your query. This only allows a limited set of possib
Hi All,
I would like to know how much of spatial neo4j queries are expressible
using Cypher?
Is there any documentation of this?
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