Interesting, Per, thanks for the notice.
发件人: netmod [] 代表 Per Andersson (perander)
发送时间: 2023年10月31日 21:24
抄送: ''
主题: [netmod] IETF 118 Hackathon for Revision Label in YANG tooling
I just registered th
Here is what RFC 7950 says: The "error-message" Statement
The "error-message" statement, which is optional, takes a string as
an argument. If the constraint evaluates to "false", the string is
passed as in the in NETCONF.
Since state data is not (directly) modified
I think the use “must” for state data makes sense, the logic in my
understanding, is the state data can not be modified by the management system,
if we allow error-message to be sent to the management system,
It doesn’t help for the management system since the management is not allowed
to modif