in item 3 above.
> >
> >6.With a text editor, open your "/rc.local" file, add the
> >"setserial" command defined in item 3 above at the end of the file, save
> >the file and exit the editor. ##For example, if your editor is xemacs,
> >you'd type
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if it's a 33.6 USR he should have jumpers on it. Tell him to jumper it to com2
irq3 and tell kppp to look for it on dev/ttyS1. Tell him to type dmesg in the
console and see if he is missing any error msgs on boot up.
he can do dmesg > errorlog and i
Does the modem share any IRQ's with other devices?
Is it PnP?
Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst
maxtorator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 22/02/2000 11:52:23
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject: [newbie] mod
To all:
I know that you are gonna look at the subject and say "oh noanother modem
problem" Well, I have read the docs, the man pages and searched various sites
on the internet for help. Usually I can figure it out myself by doing enough
reading (I am a newbie) but I must now be at your