[MCM] Stevens skates--and justice is denied

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
On April Fool's Day, NPR's Nine Totenberg reported that AG Holder will drop all charges against the felonious Sen. Ted Stevens. Too bad this wasn't just a bit of April Fool's hilarity on Holder's part; because, while letting Stevens skate, Obama's AG hasn't moved a muscle (publicly) about the p

[MCM] The Kindle swindle

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Kindle E-Reader: A Trojan Horse for Free Thought By Emily Walshe The Christian Science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0318/p09s01-coop.html Brookville, N.Y. - All you really need to know about the dangers of digital commodification you learned in kindergarten. Think back. Remember swappi

[MCM] Bush panicked after 9/11

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So here's "the second insider to publicly describe as torture the so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' used by the US." The first was Lawrence Wilkerson--and all due props to him. MCM Ex-Official: Bush Panicked After 9/11 Former State Dept. Lawyer Describes Bush Administration's Gimto

[MCM] BushCo's DNI "a colossal failure"

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The Colossal Failure of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence By Melvin A. Goodman http://www.pubrecord.org/commentary/811-the-colossal-failure-of-the-office-of-

[MCM] The (handy) myth of "liberal bias" at the ABA

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Judicial Nominees, the ABA and the "Liberal" Bias Geoffrey R. Stone The Huffington Post APRIL 3, 2009 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-r-stone/judicial-nominees-the-aba_b_182621.html In a piece in Tuesday's New York Times (March 31, 2009), Adam Liptak addressed the alleged "liberal bias"

[MCM] Help complete an EXCELLENT DOCUMENTARY about organic food!

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
My student, Shelley Rogers, has very nearly finished her terrific documentary, What's "Organic" About Organic?--a work that everyone who cares about the food supply should see, and spread the word. Here she's reaching out for funds. (She doesn't need that much.) So please do try to help, even if

[MCM] Hey, social scientists--WAKE UP!

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes Friday 27 March 2009 by: Heather K. Gerken | Visit article original @ The American Prospect http://www.truthout.org/040209VA We cannot achieve meaningful electoral reform until we can quantify exactly what is wron

[MCM] If we want fair and accurate elections....

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is from my friend James Strait, an independent tending toward conservatism. He's responding to the piece by Heather Gerken, sent out earlier (and which I headed, "Hey, social scientists--WAKE UP!"). MCM We sooo need to get back to basics... Mark, while you may choose to disagree, you and I

[MCM] The "greening" of Sarah Palin

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
See how this bit of propaganda tries to kill all thought of Palin's actual toxic stance on the environment, by making it appear as if she has herself sprung up out of that green and pleasant land: a well-groomed, forward-looking, giant (Christian) wood nymph. It's pretty good, as such deceptive

[MCM] Where are those WH emails? An interview with David Gewirtz

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Exclusive-Interview-with-D-by-Joan-Brunwasser-090329-274.html%23comment201397 Part One of Interview with David Gewirtz, Author of Where Have All The Ema