Can't install Nim on Windows 8 32 bit.

2017-01-19 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I have downloaded Nim 0.15.2 and read the text file. As per the text file, i run the finish.exe but nothing happened. There are 22 items in my Nim folder and it weighs 42.67 MB. I copied this folder to C drive and run the same file again. But no way. What i did wrong. I would like to lea

Re: Can't install Nim on Windows 8 32 bit.

2017-01-20 Thread kcvinu
Thanks @Araq and @mashingan. I have downloaded mingw and place it in C drive and added its path into env. var like this ";C:mingwbin". I think i have done the basic stuff and now i need to find the best IDE for Nim, am i right ?

Re: Can't install Nim on Windows 8 32 bit.

2017-01-19 Thread kcvinu
Hi, Thanks for the replly. This is the result when i try to run it in cmd os.nim(151) raiseOSError Unhandled Exception: The filename, dir name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [OSError]

Re: Can't install Nim on Windows 8 32 bit.

2017-01-19 Thread kcvinu
I tried a new version(0.16.0) and then installation was ok. But it says that it cannot find any proper Mingw compiler. Do i need to install a Mingw compiler ?

Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples

2018-09-07 Thread kcvinu
Hi, i cant digest the example in OOP section. This is a class example is from VB.Net. Please somebody translate this into Nim, so that i can easily understand what Nim offers. 1. Public Class SomeClass 2. Private m_Var1 As Integer '// An Integer member variable 3. Private m_Str1 As String

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
Cool.. ! Is it possible to use all type of events in all type of windows controls ?

How to use com in Nim ?

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, Thanks a lot for com library in Nim. Its fantasctic. I like the way the com behaves in Nim. Its just like in any scripting language. But i would like to know that how can i wrap these com code inside a function and how can i return a com object. Please see this code. import

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Thanks for the reply. I think, in order to use WM_CREATE, one need to use CreateWindowEx and other related functions.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Do i need to git installed in my pc to install this lib ?. My cmd says that "Error : 'git' not in PATH" What to do ?

Re: How to use com in Nim ?

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
No. "com" as return data type didn't worked

Re: How to use com in Nim ?

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
@alfrednewman, There is nothing related to this topic on that link.

Re: How to use com in Nim ?

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
No. "auto" didn't worked

Re: How to use com in Nim ?

2018-09-10 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Now everything is ok. It was my mistake. I just missed the asterik (*) sign after the proc name. Now everything looks perfect.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-10 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Unstalled successfully. Just tested your sample code. Great !. Compiled with "release" flag and get an exe with 352 kb. A simple window. Now, i am planning to study your GUI library as i am interested in Windows gui programming. My previous experience with "win api & gui" is with FreeBasi

Re: Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples

2018-09-10 Thread kcvinu
@LeuGim, Thanks for the reply. Now everything is clear to me. Great explanation. But one thing i forgot to add in my VB.Net class. How write a destructor proc in Nim ?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-12 Thread kcvinu
@ward, I have a question. In win32 api, we can easily fix the location and size of a control. But in your guiLib, i cant set the button's size and location properly. The button is somewhat docked in the whole window. i.e., assume that i set the button size to (120, 50) and location to (50, 50),

Re: what makes the 0.18.1-compiled binary file larger than 0.18.0-compiled binary file

2018-09-12 Thread kcvinu
@enthus1ast, Thats great !. My 140 kb sized release buld gui program is only 44 kb after this "\--pass1:"-s""

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-13 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Let me try. :)

Re: Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples

2018-09-14 Thread kcvinu
The most weird OOP syntax . Thats what is Nim OOP.

Need some guidance in win32 GUI programming.

2018-09-15 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am practising nim by writing a gui library based on win32 api. So far so good. I have a working model now. But i am seeking more better method to make this lib stronger and better. This is my current scenario. Pseudocode; 1\. Create a type named "eventArgs". > Members - > > >

How to write static function inside a type

2018-09-16 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, How to write static functions inside a type ?

Re: How to write static function inside a type

2018-09-16 Thread kcvinu
@Hlaaftana, Thanks. Let me try. :)

CreateFont is not working properly

2018-09-16 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am practicing with win api function CreateFont. This is my code. After setting my new font, button's text is dissappearing. How to fix it. This is my CreateFont wrapper function. proc createFontHadle(wHandle : HWND, fontName : string, fSize : int32, fWeight : int32 = 400

Re: CreateFont is not working properly

2018-09-16 Thread kcvinu
@jlp765, Thanks. Let me try.

Re: CreateFont is not working properly

2018-09-16 Thread kcvinu
@jlp765, No way. It didnt worked. :(

Re: CreateFont is not working properly

2018-09-17 Thread kcvinu
Problem solved. It was my mistake. A typo, Its not LOGICPIXELSY, its LOGPIXELSY.

How to call a proc of Base class from a derived class ?

2018-09-17 Thread kcvinu
Hi, I would like to know how to call a proc in Base class in a derived class ? For the sake of clarity, i have included some VB.NET code. this is my intention. See this. Public Class Animal() '// A Base class Public Weight_of_Animal As Integer

Re: How to call a proc of Base class from a derived class ?

2018-09-18 Thread kcvinu
@mratsim, Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'base'

How to call SendMessage API function with WM_GETTEXT message >

2018-09-19 Thread kcvinu
Hi, I am trying to get text from a textbox. THis is my code. I dont know how to write the stringBuffer part. proc getControlText*(chHwnd : HWND) : string = var bufferSize : int32 bufferSize = SendMessage(chHwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) var strBuffer : # What

Re: How to call SendMessage API function with WM_GETTEXT message >

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
I found a solution last night and i added a reply to this thread but i dont know, it is not here for unknown reason. I think a network problem. By the way, i tried a lot of possibilities and when tried with LPWSTR, voila ! it worked. This is the solution. var stringBuffer : LPWSTR

Re: How to call SendMessage API function with WM_GETTEXT message >

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Thanks for the reply. The code in the link looks Chinese to me. May be because of my ignorance about "templates" and "|" sign.

Re: How to call SendMessage API function with WM_GETTEXT message >

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
@Trustable, Thanks a lot for the link. I am using winim for my hobby project. But its very helpful to understand the code better. In this library, they are using nim data types in win api functions. But in winim, we need to cast everything to win api types.

Please help me to understand templates in nim

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am trying to learn templates in nim. This code is from nim tutorial. template `!=` (a, b: untyped): untyped = # this definition exists in the System module not (a == b) assert(5 != 6) # the compiler rewrites that to: assert(not (5 == 6)) R

Re: Please help me to understand templates in nim

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
Does the **" ``"** symbol (Acute symbol) is the one which differentiate the template from a proc and an operator

Re: How to call a proc of Base class from a derived class ?

2018-09-20 Thread kcvinu
@lscrd, Thanks for the reply. But i have one question. What is the meaning of this line ? new(result) Run

How to access base class member from derived class ?

2018-09-23 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, Please see this code. I somehow managed to access base class member from child class, by giving the base as parameter in child's ctor. See this code. But i cant access the base class member from instantiated child variable. type BaseWindow = ref object of RootObj

Re: How to access base class member from derived class ?

2018-09-23 Thread kcvinu
I have got a work around. See this ; I just add a variable which contain the whole base class. type BaseWindow = ref object of RootObj title : string width : int height : int windowCount : int windowList : seq[int]

Re: How to access base class member from derived class ?

2018-09-23 Thread kcvinu
@Hlaaftana, Thank you for the reply. That's a good suggestion but you didn't tell me that does my approach contains any problem ? By the way, i didn't faced any problem in initializing the child window.

Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-24 Thread kcvinu
Hi, I would like to know if there is any alternative option for "With" in and other basic dialects. In, assume that this is our object ; Structure Window Public Title As String Public Width As Integer Public Height As Integer End Structure

Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.

2018-09-24 Thread kcvinu
Hi, I know that seq[T] only accepts one type of data. Is there any container data type like list in Python ? In which, we can put int, float, string, objects etc at the same time. See this code snippet. This is what i want. type anObject* = ref object objList : # Here, i wa

Re: Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.

2018-09-24 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the reply. Well, i am not using python. But i know that python has a container data type which contains all different types. Anyway, including another module to my project is the last option for me. I just tested with tuple like this. But not succeeded. list : tuple[] #

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-24 Thread kcvinu
cascade looks chinese to me.

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-24 Thread kcvinu
All i new some pseudo code. template `with`(value : someObject) = if indentation is ok here, then allow user to write someObject's members with a dot sign. allow user to write as many lines starting with a dot. Compiler, please take the value on the right of e

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Hi, When i saw cascade first, i thought to study the code and build a "With" macro after that. But most of the words in the code seems like unknown for me. Thats why i said like that. And i used the word ugly because i am ignorant about that. Forgive me, i didnt meant to hurt anybody nor this la

Re: Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Hi, thanks for the reply. If thats the case, then i think i should need overloaded functions for this. One string seq and 3 functions to fill the seq. One for string, one for integer, on for decimals. Anyway, i didnt understand the your code properly. Could you please explain a little bit. espec

How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Assume that i have a proc like this proc myProc( a : auto) = #need to check what the type of a, I am expecting an int, float, string. # do some operations Run How can i check the type of a ?

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu

Re: Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Great help ! Completely addressed the problem. I vote for the first option which you shows through this reply. Thats really a solution for me. (But i think you forgot to init the seq with "@[]") There is a benefit by using the first method. When we need to loop through this seq, we can check the

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
I know that cascade will help me. But i had a question in my mind at that time. I am making a GUI library with winim. So if i use cascade in my project, then later if i send this library to one of my friends, what if they dont have cascade in their PC ? When this thought striked me, i suddenly p

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
I agree but, one thing i would like to point out to you. Is there any place where you can see a detailed tutorial about a tuple ? Especially with this manner 1. Declare a tuple in one place. Probably on top of the file or inside a type. 2. Initialize the tuple in another place. May be inside

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the reply, but i want to check in runtime, not compile time.

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Thank you :) I will check it.

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
proc myProc2(a : int | float | string) = discard Run Thats a great work around. Thanks for it. One question. This gave me error. var mySeq : seq[ int | float | string] Run Any work around for this ?

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
This is my requirement. I am writing a combobox class. This class has an item property. It contains a seq. One wants to insert int or string or float, or even a window handle too. After a lot of experiments, i decided to make that seq[string] type and if i convert the input data to string with "

Re: How to access base class member from derived class ?

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
I have few questions. Please answer this if you don't mind. 1. I have used ref objects in my code. Is that a good practice or bad practice ? 2. You suggested to including base type in child type as member is a good idea. Ok, but is there any overhead problems in it ? For example, i only n

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-25 Thread kcvinu
Ok, then, i can't use cascade since i am giving pure nim files to include his projects.

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
> Three separate seqs with different data types and same name? Obviously makes > not much sense. Ha ha.. In my sense, it was like ; "Hey compiler, this is > 'one' seq but the data type is one among three. If the input value is int, > then treat this seq as a seq[int]. And when the input value is

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
Sorry for disturbing you with my questions. Next time, when i face any obstacles in nim coding, i will insist myself to not to ask in this forum.

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
I don't want to use python because these reasons. 1. I need to use a third party app to make exe from python code. (I think python is not for windows) 2. Compiled exe is very large. A normal hello world gui app will size around 4-5 MBs. 3. Execution speed. I will sure consider the other

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
Thanks. May it was my problem because, i was little frustrated when i cant find what i was looking for. I know, i have asked too many queries in different threads. But actually, the suggestions from others were not satisfied me, but it was my fault, not their fault. I think its better for me to

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
I did not meant that you attacked me. May be you are right. I am asking questions in the wrong way. I think i was little Impatient at that time. I should need to try the trial and error method instead of asking in the forum. > It's not the first time on this forum that somebody has posted a link

Re: How to access base class member from derived class ?

2018-09-26 Thread kcvinu
Sure, i will read it. >I think your own code on the top is a bit "strange and dangerous" I will check what i can do in that case. Thanks for pointing me the right direction.

Re: How to check an auto type parameter in a proce

2018-09-27 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the Link. Let me read. And yes, You are right. Strict typing is problem. But i know, it will become easy after a few hobby projects. My previous experience was in AutoIt. It has no types, Infact, we need types actually. In VB.Net, we can use Object type and then later convert it when

Re: Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects

2018-09-29 Thread kcvinu
Yes. Thats right. But its a dependency. My gui lib already depend upon winim. At first my objects were like this - "" But i have changed that into this - "control.text"

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2018-09-30 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for this. I found this today.

How to get the control ID, control handle and notification code from NMHDR structure

2018-10-04 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I would like to know how to get the control ID, control handle and notification code from NMHDR structure. Here is my code. Is it the right method ? of WM_NOTIFY : var tNMHDR : NMHDR = cast[NMHDR](repr(lParam)) Run

Re: How to get the control ID, control handle and notification code from NMHDR structure

2018-10-04 Thread kcvinu
Finally i got the NMHDR structure without using "repr" but i cant get the BCN_HOTITEMCHANGE code. This is my code but this if statement never resulting a true. of WM_NOTIFY : tNMHDR = cast[NMHDR](lParam) e.nCode = cast[UINT](tNMHDR.c

Re: How to get the control ID, control handle and notification code from NMHDR structure

2018-10-04 Thread kcvinu
No replies still. Don't worry, i found the answer myself. Use "LPNMHDR" instead of "NMHDR".

Re: Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library

2018-10-08 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, How to use SetWindowLongPtrW in Nim ? This is my Wndproc signature proc RED_WndProc*(hwnd: HWND, message: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT {.stdcall} = Run And this the call site; OldWndProc = SetWindowLongPtrW(result, GWLP_WNDPROC,

Re: Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library

2018-10-08 Thread kcvinu
Never mind, I found the cause of the problem. I was declared a variable as WNDPROC and the SetWindowLongPtrW returns a LONG_PTR. That was the problem. Solved !

Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-11 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am trying to learn templates but i coudnt get the idea of templates easily. My aim is to mimic the cast function. Please look this -- template Cast(tp : typed, value : typed) = cast[tp](value) # Failed template Cast[T](tp : T, value : typed) = cast[tp](value) #

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-11 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the quick answer. But i think its only work in version 0.19. I have 0.18 and its not working in my pc. But i have tested this code in Nim Playground and it worked.

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-11 Thread kcvinu
I want to install 0.19 but i am afraid that whether my current code will work or not.

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
I have intalled choosenim but my CMD is not recognizing choosinm

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
I want to install nim 0.19 but i think either i did something wrong or something happened wrong. After installing choosenim, i have a folder in my pc like this-- C:\Users\Vinod\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-0.19.0 Run But if i type "nim" in CMD, it seems that the version

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
Thanks for the example but i want to make a cast function for all data types, not only for the int. Int was just an example. Thats why i planned to write a template.

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
Ha ha, Those comments raising a question in my mind, especially Araq's comment. He said Sorry, but I don't want sugar for this sharp knife. cast is the most dangerous feature of Nim, it's deliberately designed to be ugly. Run How do we do type casting without danger

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
In Win10 editing path is somewhat easy. But in older versions, its an annoying task. I know that when installing some programs, they will ask to add in PATH. So i am sure that a programmer can do this task via code. But why did some programmers not including this feature ? I know what a PATH is.

Re: Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.

2018-10-12 Thread kcvinu
If you ever installed python in your windows pc, the installer window has a checkbox with a text similar to this -- "Add python to PATH"

How to use destructor in nim ?

2018-10-13 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am trying this piece of code proc `=destroy`*(x : var CustomButtonClass) = RemoveWindowSubclass(x.handle, Btn_WndProc, 1) Run All i want to remove the subclassing when CustomButtonClass destroyed. But the compiler says that "signature for '=destroy'

Gui Library is progressing - Windows only

2018-10-15 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, For the laast few weeks, i was trying to learn nim with little project. A GUI library for windows is my project. Not fully finished yet, but i think if i show it you guys, i can improve it more. So for your criticism, i am posting a sample here. Please take a look . import

Re: Gui Library is progressing - Windows only

2018-10-15 Thread kcvinu
GuiLib is just a file with some import and export commands. I divided my code into modules. So there are 14 modules now. I will sure upload those files but now i posted this code sample because i want to hear from experts that do i need to improve anything as per this sample code. If this style

Re: Gui Library is progressing - Windows only

2018-10-16 Thread kcvinu
Hi @citycide, Thanks for the reply. This library is for windows only, since it is based on Win API like wNim. If you try to compare it to wNim, there is some slight differences. This library tends to mimic VB.Net style. But wNim tends to mimic wxPython style. 1\. I didn't get the idea correctly

Re: Gui Library is progressing - Windows only

2018-10-16 Thread kcvinu
So how about this ? type ListBox*= ref object of Control items* : ItemsList # all type members are starting at lower case ItemsList = object iList* = seq[string] proc createListBox(me : ListBox) : HWND = # procs starting at lowerca

Re: Gui Library is progressing - Windows only

2018-10-16 Thread kcvinu
@Araq, Thanks. Let me check. :)

Re: How to use destructor in nim ?

2018-10-17 Thread kcvinu
Aearq, Then it must not be a ref object. Am i right ?

Re: How to use destructor in nim ?

2018-10-17 Thread kcvinu
Oh, I see. My CustomButtonClass is a ref object. You mean to destroy it, it must be an object. Not ref

Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-23 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I am trying to teach myself macro. This is what i want to do. anObject.aProperty1 = anInt anObject.aProperty2 = anStr anObject.aProperty3 = aBool anObject.aProperty4 = anInt2 Run But i want to write code like this- "With" is the name of my macro.

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-23 Thread kcvinu
@LeuGim, Thanks a lot. This reply is such a great help for me. But one think you didn't included in your reply. If i loop through the "body" variable what will i get at "i" ? I tried it so i am sure that it is not a line of code. My first attempt was to get each line and combine it with "obj" va

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-23 Thread kcvinu
@miran, Thanks for the reply. I got the idea of dumpTree because, i saw it two days ago in another thread in this forum. But what is "quote" Could you please explain a little bit ?

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-23 Thread kcvinu
@miran, This is the result of dumpTree StmtList Asgn DotExpr Ident "abc" Ident "x" IntLit 56 Asgn DotExpr Ident "abc" Ident "y" IntLit 142 Run So i think i need to rip the ident "x" and

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-23 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, How about using this method to get the Ident and xxxLit from a body ? var aStr = body.treeRepr# here i can get the complete string representation of the code # Now, i can search for the string "Ident" and then get the Ident. Run

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@LeuGim, Thanks for the offer but i am sorry, I don't want a full solution because i am trying to learn this macro. Now, i think manipulating "i" directly is the easiest option. For that, this is my assumption. Please correct me if i am wrong. 1. In a statmentList, all lines are a valid nim s

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@miran, Thanks a lot. Great help. By using nested for loops, i can get the identifier and value individually. So this is my assumption now. Please correct me if i am wrong. for row in body : result.add(nnkDotExpr(newIdentNode(obj.repr), newIdentNode(i.repr)))

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I think i find a solution. macro With(obj : typed, body : untyped) : untyped = result = newStmtList() var line : string for i in body : line = obj.repr & "." & i.repr result.add(parseExpr(line)) Run

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@miran, I understand the importance of the word "extactly" in bold text. I am sorry if i confused you. It was my mistake. I should have post the original code snippet. But for easiness i just posted something else.

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@LeuGim, I know that my approach was not so good. And ofcourse, i wanted to get the "Ident" and values without parsing it as string, but i couldnt find a way. The documentation about module macro says only about how to create code. It doesnt says that how to rip the elements from code. Or do i m

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@alehander42, Thanks for the reply. But I did not understand the "quote" All i understood is it will give us a nimnode. If NimNode is class, then where i can get a tutorial about all of its properties and methods. If i read such a tutorial, i can easily understand that what i can do with a nim n

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
@LeuGim, I got it. I have got some sample code to study from github. First check the kind and then rip the ident and values. Yeh... its interesting. Thanks for enlightening me. :)

Re: Help needed to learn macro

2018-10-24 Thread kcvinu
If i try to avoid the "repr", then i need to find out how many dot expressions are in the statement. See this scenario. anObject.aProperty4.avar = 500 anObject.aProperty3 = false Run I test this code with "dumpLisp" . So this type of code, i think we need to find

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