Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-31 Thread Neil_H
I wrote bigger programs than those in MaxScript for 3D Studio Max :-) As for Pascal, well that was just an example, there are many others out there.Liberty Basic, Free Basic, Scala, Clojure, Steel Bank Common Lisp, SmallTalk, Erlang…….need I go on?

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-26 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Pick your poison: []( Some of those projects are small and extremely simple ( _MetaMorpher_ , _PolyDice_ ), some counts thousands of code lines (

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-24 Thread sschwarzer
> Typing nimble install blah is not hard. Those libraries can be as > multiplatform as the stdlib. In my opinion the main advantage of having a GUI toolkit in the standard library isn't that it's easy to install (although that's a big plus), but that there is a _default_. > Python's "standard

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-23 Thread Libman
> > Is having a "std" GUI / drawing / clipboard / etc lib really so important > > when there are non-"std" candidates in nimble? > > Yes, quite a lot. Std GUI lib means that you can and will be able to make ui > using same code for every compatible platform and 90% extensions (like custom >

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-20 Thread Neil_H
PureBasic lacks many features (some of which I have mentioned here) that considering how long its been going should be included, it maybe okay for small apps but how many big applications have been produced with it? It kinda reminds me of a AutoIt but with a GUI designer...but unlike AutoIt and

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Araq
Well your list lacks: [](

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
> Cost of implementing such std GUI / drawing / clipboard is not smaller than > third-party one, isn't it? If there is a such third-party library supports > major platforms, nice license, open source, why is std one needed? **If** there is - sure. Right now it's probably QT wrappers, which was

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
If "nice" means this 4 functions: # SDL_clipboard.h proc setClipboardText*(text: cstring): cint {.importc: "SDL_SetClipboardText".} proc getClipboardText*(): cstring {.importc: "SDL_GetClipboardText".} proc hasClipboardText*(): Bool32 {.importc: "SDL_HasClipboardText".}

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Araq
Just in case somebody doesn't know already: SDL2 has some nice, simple clipboard support.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Neil_H
I didn't want to introduce more complexity by using XML (which is a pile of crap and always was) or JSON (which will hopefully go the same way as XML because its just as bad) just to put some strings into an array. Simple things like that should be built into the language.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread demotomohiro
There are platform without GUI or clipboard. (e.g. embed system, Linux without Xorg) Making std GUI / drawing / clipboard library means that the language doesn't support such platforms? When I want to compile these language that has std GUI / drawing / clipboard library, I also have to build

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
> Is having a "std" GUI / drawing / clipboard / etc lib really so important > when there are non-"std" candidates in nimble? Yes, quite a lot. **Std** GUI lib means that you can and will be able to make ui using same code for every compatible platform _and_ 90% extensions (like custom

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-16 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Tbh, "Data" command was never meant for anything useful except backward compatibility - just like, say, "GoSub". You can always just use 'IncludeBinary' and std JSON/XML parsers.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread oyster
@Libman []( []( [](

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Libman
I'm sure this is interesting for some people, but the choice of languages seems peculiar. I think Nim's biggest competitors are: D, Rust, Crystal, Swift, Kotlin Native, etc... Is having a "std" GUI / drawing / clipboard / etc lib really so important when there are non-"std" candidates in

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Neil_H
Its quite a while since I used PureBasic so it was probably updated since then, however I also found it lacking in other areas, for example, it had a Data command for storing strings etc in your source file, however there wasn't a way to find out how many items were in the data section before

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
All arrays in PB (except ones with square brackets) are dynamic by design and can be easily resized.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Neil_H
I tried PureBasic for a while until I came across the fact it did not have dynamic arrays I did find a .dll (cannot remember its name) that solved that but unfortunately it made the .exe start up painfully slow.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
For Nim it means that using regex, ssl and some other stuff requires auxiliary .dlls to be placed where compiler wants them to see. For C# it means that *Nix and MacOS will require separate Mono installation to run your binary.

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread zulu
I think your comparison is too high level. Eg. the standalone executable. Just looking at the Nim vs C#. What does partial mean for Nim and what does it mean for C# ?

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
> > Russian glyphs support ;) Dat pain was immense back then ((0(. > > Fortran Actually there are rudimentary macroengine in Visual Fortran. Not Nim level even remotely, but still usable. > > For some other features, it's easy enough to replicate, for example the > > existence operator can

Re: Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread mratsim
I think people are more likely to understand the strength/weaknesses of a language by their domain of expertise. For example you are a CLI app dev, what was good/bad in Nim (Russian glyphs support ;)). As a numerical computing dev, my top 3 are: operator overload, multithreading, autotyping.

Nim VS The World (CoffeeScript/Boo/PureBasic/C#/ES2018/Python)

2019-07-15 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
[]( So, I more-or-less finished comparison table. Of course, feature coverage (as well as langs choice) is rather contrary - but hey, it's me. Thoughts ?