Re: Thoughts on imports

2019-01-19 Thread Libman
> It might look useful for simple cases Which is what people do the majority of the time, especially when getting acquainted with a new language. Simple things should be simple and clean. > but what happens when you want to import an operator? Or if you want to > import a hash procedure that

Re: Thoughts on imports

2018-01-27 Thread GULPF
It might look useful for simple cases, but what happens when you want to import an operator? Or if you want to import a hash procedure that the `tables` module should have access to? Using a macro like that will just be an uphill battle and shouldn't be encouraged. The "import everything into

Re: Thoughts on imports

2018-01-27 Thread matkuki
This is a great macro you made **@Libman**: macro load*(modulesSeq: varargs[untyped]): untyped = result = newStmtList() for module in modulesSeq: result.add parseStmt("from " & $module & " import nil") # Usage example load os, math

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-28 Thread Libman
That would be consistent and logical. But (IMHO) pragmas are ugly...

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-27 Thread matkuki
Could the {.pure.} pragma be made to work with imports the same as it works with enums? Example: import math {.pure.} echo cos(1.0) # Error echo math.cos(1.0) # OK

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-24 Thread Libman
(My previous post was posted before mapi's post became visible due to new account moderation.) > Only I used `require` for its name. The three related keywords (`import`, `include`, and this proposed new one) should be easy to remember which is which. * `include` reminds people of C

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread LeuGim
> Writing `from blah import nil` for every import is ugly Probably less idiomatic/encouraged way should not be absolutely the same easy, as more idiomatic. So two extra words for the whole imports list should be OK, it could be like this: `from xxx, yyy import nil`.

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread Libman
Looks like my `load` macro example has become `require` [on Reddit]( (which I am now boycotting, along with the rest of social media, due to the _still_-unexplained [shadow censorship

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread mapi
@Libman Oh man, I've spend this whole day learning about how macros in Nim work only to recreate the exact same macro you've listed. Only I used `require` for its name. Too bad it doesn't read args from the next line like usual sections can.

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread Araq
> Yeah, unused imports still increase binary size despite deadCodeElim > (--d:release --opt:size). In a perfect world that would not be the case... How so? That needs to be fixed then.

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-23 Thread Libman
> if the condition is never met importing xyz is wasteful Yeah, unused imports still increase binary size despite deadCodeElim (`--d:release` `--opt:size`). In a perfect world that would not be the case... * * * > you can use `from math import nil` Yup. But I

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
well importing in a local block/function has nothing to do with runtime importing. Just see scala import. []( and yes for your case use a when clause. The content of a when brach is at top level it does not

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread scriptkiddy
As @stisa mentioned above, runtime imports are not really possible in Nim because Nim is not an interpreted language. Runtime imports are possible in a language like Python because the CPython VM can stop execution in a scope to import a module. Nim, however, pulls in modules at compile time.

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread stisa
For 1, if the condition is available at compile time (generally this means `abc` and `def` are `const`) you can use a `when` block to import the module, eg: when cond: import foo # this is only imported if `cond` is true and evaluable at compile time if cond: