Thank you, Peter Rolf, for your suggestion.
The tool Filemon showed me that directories were searched from an old 4TeX
installation which I thought I had completely removed.
I searched my whole hard disk for files which contained these paths and -if
possible- deleted them.
Then I ran my test docu
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> Yes, I still get the same warning message
SK> and yes, c:\localtexmf\context\perltk is in my MS-DOS path (step 0 in my
SK> list of steps).
I'm lost. If your sample document is small, could you send it
over to me?
Maybe some
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> Yes, I still get the same warning message
SK> and yes, c:\localtexmf\context\perltk is in my MS-DOS path (step 0 in my
SK> list of steps).
I'm lost. If your sample document is small, could you send it
over to me?
Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta
At 16:16 06.06.2003, you wrote:
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> 16. A simple testfile with a short text, a flowchart and a metafun graphic
SK> does not generate the graphics, but only the texts.
Uhm. I really don't see why it wouldn't work. Do you still get
the same warning mes
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> 16. A simple testfile with a short text, a flowchart and a metafun graphic
SK> does not generate the graphics, but only the texts.
Uhm. I really don't see why it wouldn't work. Do you still get
the same warning message about not being able to ru
I (re)installed MikTeX 2.3 and ConTeXt according to the following steps and
then ran (outside c:\texmf\miktex\bin): mpost --version.
This gave the following result:
MiKTeX-MetaPost 2.3.1222 (0.641) (MiKTeX 2.3)
Copyright 1990 - 1995 by AT&T Bell Laboratories
TeX is a trademark of the American Math
Friday, June 6, 2003 Matthew Huggett wrote:
MH> Isn't metapost called with the command "mp" under MikTeX?
Both names are available:
c:\texmf\miktex\bin>mp --version
MiKTeX-MetaPost 2.3.1222 (0.641) (MiKTeX 2.3)
Copyright 1990 - 1995 by AT&T Bell Laboratories
TeX is a trademark of the American Mat
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK>> But I noticed the warning (not in the log-file):
SK> Unknown command "mpost"
SK> Does this give a clue to what is wrong?
Yes, you either don't have metapost installed or it's not in
the path.
SK> I found a file mp
Friday, June 6, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK>> But I noticed the warning (not in the log-file):
>>SK> Unknown command "mpost"
>>SK> Does this give a clue to what is wrong?
>>Yes, you either don't have metapost installed or it's not in
>>the path.
SK> I found a file mpost.exe (only 4 kb) i
SK> But I noticed the warning (not in the log-file):
SK> Unknown command "mpost"
SK> Does this give a clue to what is wrong?
Yes, you either don't have metapost installed or it's not in
the path.
Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta
I found a file mpost.exe (only 4 kb) in c:\texmf\miktex\bin. Is this
Wednesday, June 4, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> Thank you, Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta and Helmut
SK> Schwertner, for your advice.
SK> In texexec.ini I added --enable-write18 to the line:
SK> for miktex set TeXPassString to --alias=context
SK> I ran texexec --make en nl metafun mptopdf,
Thank you, Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta and Helmut Schwertner, for your advice.
In texexec.ini I added --enable-write18 to the line:
for miktex set TeXPassString to --alias=context
I ran texexec --make en nl metafun mptopdf,
regenerated the filename database and tried my example again.
The r
Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:
SK> 2. Install MikTeX 2.2 (large). The localtexmf and texmf trees are generated.
BTW there's a more recent MiKTeX (2.3).
SK> 12. In c:\texmf\miktex\config we find the file miktex.ini
SK> Under the heading [ConTeXt] add:
SK> pool_size=100
Dear ConTeXt users,
I tried to (re)install ConTeXt under MikTeX in the following way, but a
simple test file with a flowchart and a MP graphic gave me the texts of the
flowchart only. Can anybody give me advice?
Thank you in advance,
Sytse Knypstra
These are the steps I took:
0. Perl has alre
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