I've put in a request for the list to be created.
J. Elaine Hardy
PINES & Collaborative Projects Manager
Georgia Public Library Service/PINES
1800 Century Place, Ste. 150
Atlanta, GA 30045
404.235.7128 Office
404.548.4241 Cell
404.235.7201 FAX
On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Kathy Lu
Ideally, a process would come before a new list, but given that this is
the third time in my memory that there has been discussion of an
acquisitions list, I have no objections.
On 04/27/2017 10:58 AM, Leslie St. John wrote:
This is not the first time the group has discussed or requeste
This is not the first time the group has discussed or requested a separate
mailing list.This keeps coming up because when the group meets there is
indication that if we had the list more users would become more vocal,
which is really something we need to facilitate. I've noticed that most
of the
Hi all,
I'm just catching up to this email thread now. I also saw that there was
a similar request for a circulation list that was briefly discussed in
IRC last week.
There seems to be two schools of thought in the community about mailing
lists. There are a lot of people who would like to se
I would vote no, also. I agree that the cataloging listserv is currently
very low volume, and I would not mind at all seeing the acquisitions
discussion on the cataloging list if a relatively quiet space is needed to
hash things out. I say this as a subscriber to the cataloging listserv with
no dir
My concern would be that we have already seen other lists (such as the
Sysadmin one) suffer from splintering as Jason pointed out. People may not
sign up for a new list serv and less eyes on communication ends up being a
The cataloging list for example I don't think is suffering from s
My vote would be "yes" for having a specific listserv for Acquisitions. It
would let the discussions be more Acq-specific instead of clogging up the
Catalogers' list with stuff they might not care about, and could be a more
focused discussion since it wouldn't be mixed in with other areas of
I'd argue for "No" on the creation of an acquisitions list. Mainly for
the same reasons that the administrators' list was shut down and that I
disagree with the creation of a circulation list.
I think the discussion of Angularization of acquisitions interfaces
belongs on the development list and n
Works for me
J. Elaine Hardy
PINES & Collaborative Projects Manager
Georgia Public Library Service/PINES
1800 Century Place, Ste. 150
Atlanta, GA 30045
404.235.7128 Office
404.548.4241 Cell
404.235.7201 FAX
On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Christine Burns <
The Acquisitions Interest Group is requesting an Acquisitions specific
listserv. Currently Acquisitions falls under the Cataloguers list with
the rest of technicial services. During the Acquisitions Interest Group
meeting at the Evergreen Conference this month the group discussed the
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