ClassCastException while doing REMOTE ejb lookup

2002-01-07 Thread Theo van Niekerk
compile. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Please reply at least to my email. -- Regards Theo van Niekerk Generation 5 tel: +27 21 883 88 58 mob: +27 82 44 81 222 msg17464/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature


2001-05-18 Thread Theo van Niekerk
Hi Just some advice for anybody developing/porting/deploying their J2EE app on Linux. Orion on Linux uses Linuxes file system that is case-sensitive as the HTTP spec requires. Orion on Windows does not respect the case-sensitive requirement of the URI. Use the latest version of Jikes. Jikes


2001-03-27 Thread theo van niekerk
Hi there Orion is a great application server for small web apps. (We have deployed 2 small sites using orion with success). But the moment you start thinking of using it for bigger more serious apps it will always throw a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError The problem: Orion does not passivate EJB's.

FORM login with FRAMES

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk
to only one frameless page. What can we do? Kind regards Theo van Niekerk

ORMI: changing username, password Client Context properties

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk
Hi there It seems like once a client app has established a jndi-connection with the ejb-container through ormi that it can't change the user,password properties for the lifetime of the VM. I've tried resetting properties, closing/unbinding connections and creating new intances of InitialContext.

Orion UserManager and ejbPostCreate

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk
this private method from within the ejbCreate method it works. Kind regards Theo van Niekerk