[osint] FW: Muslims on a bus in France Where next ?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Muslims on a bus in France http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzaVEwl_HQs &NR=1 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to discuss this topic? Head on over

[osint] A Tale of Two Babies

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
A Tale of Two Babies Posted By David Solway On March 23, 2011 @ 12:10 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 8 Comments The brutal murder of Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children in Itamar, a village in the Sama

[osint] Terror and Moral Imbecility

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Terror and moral imbecility WEDNESDAY, 23RD MARCH 2011 http://www.time.com/time/daily/2011/1103/israel_bombing_b_0323.jpg A bomb went off about an hour and a half ago on or next to a bus in central Jerusalem. About 25 people have been hurt; details are still unclear. An interview transmit

[osint] Egypt Air Removes Israel from the Map

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Egypt Air Removes Israel from the Map By Martin Solomon | Published: March 23, 2011 http://www.solomonia.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/egypt-air-250x 15

[osint] Now, THIS is a beheading!

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Now, THIS is a beheading! Posted: March 21, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam | Filed under: Beheadings (GRAPHIC) |

[osint] Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time Kerem Oner DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) is the largest socialist organization outside of the CPUSA (Communist Party U.S.A.) honest enough not to masquerade as something other than what they are. In 1997 DSA goals <

[osint] CAIR The Council on American Islamic Relations: Civil Rights, or Extremism?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
The Council on American Islamic Relations: Civil Rights, or Extremism? CAMERA Special Report April, 2008 by Eric Rozenman and Meredith Braverman http://www.camera.org/images_user/the%20council%20on%20american%20islamic%20 relations.pdf Introduction The Council on American Islamic Relations (

[osint] Fesial Rauf Advisor Blames "Zionists" For Problems of US Muslims; Has Ties To Global Muslim Brotherhood

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
- The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report - http://globalmbreport.org - Fesial Rauf Advisor Blames "Zionists" For Problems of US Muslims; Has Ties To Global Muslim Brotherhood Posted By GlobalMB On March 17, 2011 @ 5:00 pm In Daily | No Comments <>

[osint] DHS Swears in Terrorist as Advisor

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
- The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report - http://globalmbreport.org - EXCLUSIVE: New US Homeland Security Advisor Head Of Organization With Ties To Global Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas Posted By GlobalMB On October 30, 2010 @ 12:48 pm In Exclusive | 5 Comments <>

[osint] FW: Guns

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
WHEN THE PEOPLE FEAR THEIR GOVERNMENT, THERE IS TYRANNY. WHEN THE GOVERNMENT FEARS THEIR PEOPLE, THERE IS LIBERTY. Shooting advice by Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch. He's a drill instructor (Thunder Ranch is a firearms training facility located in Lakeview, Oregon).

[osint] Top 10 Islamapologists in the Obama Administration

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
- NewsReal Blog - http://www.newsrealblog.com - Top 10 Islamapologists in the Obama Administration Posted By Lisa Graas On March 13, 2011 @ 11:00 am In Email,Feature,In The Family Way,Main | 2 Comments

[osint] Friend of CAIR, Dennis Kucinich Pontificates: 'Islam is Peace'

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
- NewsReal Blog - http://www.newsrealblog.com - Friend of CAIR, Dennis Kucinich Pontificates: 'Islam is Peace' Posted By Lisa Graas On March 14, 2011 @ 4:40 pm In Email,Feature,In The Family Way | 2 Comments <> Yesterday, we brought you the Top 10 Islamapologists in the Obama Administration

[osint] After Qadaffy, Democracy or Jihadists?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/34753 Why has the West been silent so long and why is it so late in taking action against this dictator? After Gaddafi, Democracy or Jihadists? - Dr. Walid Phares Wednesday, March 23, 2011 We all agree that Colonel Gaddafi is a dict

[osint] FW: Will Congress Become Accomplices In Obama's Illegal War?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams140.htm WILL CONGRESS BECOME ACCOMPLICES IN OBAMA'S ILLEGAL WAR? By J.B. Williams March 24, 2011 NewsWithViews.com Congressional leftists like Dennis Kucinich and Maxine Waters have falsely claimed that every war since WWII was an "illegal wa

[osint] FBI Launches Investigation of Most Dangerous Islamist on Earth

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/34766 CFP report bears fruit: Most dangerous Islamist on planet earth now subject of criminal probe FBI Launches investigation of Gulen and his movement - Dr. Paul L. Williams Thursday, March 24, 2011 Fethullah Gulen, dubbed "the mo

[osint] Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368693/Libya-war-Germans-pull-force s-NATO-Libyan-coalition-falls-apart.html Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart By Daily Mail Reporter

[osint] Obama's 'Birth hospital' in Cover-up

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=103633 BORN IN THE USA? Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up Hospital once proudly celebrated president, now in active mode to hide 'proof' _ Posted: July 10, 2009 11:49 pm Eastern By Joe Kovacs C 2011 WorldNetDaily

[osint] Joint STARS Demos Multispectral Intelligence Sensor Integrated Into New KAB

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Joint STARS Demos Multispectral Intelligence Sensor Integrated Into New KAB "From long distances, the APY-7 radar combined with the MS-177 camera could identify very clearly people, buildings, automobiles and ships," said Mos. "Coupling the electro-optical/infrared [EO/IR] capability of

[osint] Hawaii Hospital Refuses To Let Senator View Letter By Obama Saying He Was Born There

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://democratic-forum.com/2011/03/24/hawaii-hospital-refuses-to-let-senato r-view-letter-by-obama-saying-he-was-born-there/ Hawaii Hospital Refuses To Let Senator View Letter By Obama Saying He Was Born There

[osint] 2,200 Marines Go To Libya, 'What Happened to No Boots on the Ground'?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/34754 Obama's supposedly steadfast claim that there will be "no boots on the ground" in Libya? 2,200 Marines Go To Libya, 'What Happened to No Boots on the Ground'?

[osint] Libya: Qadaffy Compound Bombed after Libyan Airforce Destroyed

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://groups.google.com/group/bible-prophecy-news/browse_thread/thread/018d 1b0c85cbe7b6# Libya: Gaddafi compound attacked after air force 'destroyed'* Col Muammar Gaddafi's Tripoli compound was targeted by coalition air strikes on Wednesday night as a senior British commander sa

[osint] Bulletin of Christian Persecution March 2-March 22, 2011

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
https://staticapp.icpsc.com/icp/loadimage.php/mogile/162528/0ea1dd7eada96c51 fa7095be26fac658/image/jpeg Bulletin of Christian Persecution March 2 - March 22, 2011 March 2, 2011 Egypt

[osint] BAHRAIN: "Iran and Saudi Arabia cold war has entered a new era"

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Iran and Saudi Arabia cold war has entered a new era Saudi Arabia fears Iranian influence - its Bahrain intervention has echoes of the Soviet reaction to the 1956 Hungary uprising Meir Javedanfar guardian.co.uk, Thursday 24 March 2011 11.42 GMT http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/24/

[osint] Libyan Airstrikes March 23-24, 2011

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Libyan Airstrikes March 23-24, 2011 STRATFOR March 24, 2011 | 1219 GMT Libyan Airstrikes March 23-24, 2011 (click

[osint] Islamic Group Jamaat-ud-Dawah Places $2.2 Million Bounty on Florida Pastor Terry Jones' Head for Burning Qur'an

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
About time Christians and Jews started reciprocating. B Islamic Group J

[osint] Durbin is wrong about Muslim rights

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Of course he's wrong.he's a Democrat. B The Daily Caller

[osint] Obama: Coalition Cannot Militarily Force Qadaffy to Leave

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://homelandsecuritynewswire.com/obama-coalition-cannot-militarily-force- gaddafi-leave Obama: Coalition cannot militarily force Gaddafi to leave Published 24 March 2011 The Obama administration is continuing to send mixed messages about the direction, purpose, and effect of the U.S.-led

[osint] Border Patrol Intercepts Jihadi Insects in Oakland

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://homelandsecuritynewswire.com/border-agents-intercept-destructive-paki stani-insects-oakland Border agents intercept "destructive" Pakistani insects in Oakland Published 24 March 2011 The Khapra beetle, which is native to India, can eat its way through up to 70 percent of grain stores

[osint] ISAF: Bringing Islamic Law... to U.S. Troops

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9062/pub_detail.asp March 24, 2011 ISAF: Bringing Islamic Law... to U.S. Troops Diana West Print This E-mail This http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/

[osint] The Japanese Reactor Leaks - Without the Hype

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9060/pub_detail.asp March 24, 2011 The Japanese Reactor Leaks - Without the Hype Don Petersen, PhD,

[osint] The Jerusalem Bus-Station Bombing: A Chilling Reminder to Us All

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/262860/jerusalem-bus-station-bombing-ch illing-reminder-us-all-giulio-meotti The Jerusalem Bus-Station Bombing: A Chilling Reminder to Us All

[osint] Qadaffy Is Facing a Coalition of the Unwilling

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
03/22/2011 04:23 PM The World from Berlin 'Gadhafi Is Facing a Coalition of the Unwilling' NATO is split over whether it should take over command of the coalition military operation against Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. German commentators warn that the alliance could be playing into the

[osint] Six Americans Injured in Deadly Jerusalem Bus Bombing

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Six Americans Injured in Deadly Jerusalem Bus Bombing Published March 24, 2011 | FoxNews.com March 23: Israel rescue workers and paramedics treat an injured man after an explosion near a bus stop in Jerusalem. AP March 23: Israel rescue workers and paramedics treat an injured man after

[osint] The Failure to tell Right from Wrong: The Possible Collapse of Western Civilization

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
The Failure to tell Right from Wrong: The Possible Collapse of Western Civilization By Howard Rotberg I am convinced that Western liberal democratic civilization will fall, not because of conquest from outside it, but because its citizenry has ceased understanding right from wrong. Cult

[osint] What Should the Government Tell the Mother of a Dead American Soldier . . .

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
What Should the Government Tell the Mother of a Dead American Soldier . . . Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on March 24, 2011 12:31 PM . . . who loses his life in Libya? Answer: That he died for the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaida, two organizations that have been identified a

[osint] Bin Laden sets alarm bells ringing

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Misdirection.bin Laden is safely ensconced in Iran. B http://atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/MC25Df01.html http://www.atimes.com http://atimes.com/images/f_images/spacer15.gif Bin Laden sets alarm bells ringing By Syed Saleem Shahzad ISLAMABAD - After a prolonged lull, the

[osint] Iowa Terror Drill Portrays Illegal Immigration Foes as Killers

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
How about getting realistic? They should be using muslim males between the age of 8 & 60. http://tinyurl.com/6xc3bgc Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a f

[osint] Iran Blasts U.S. Intervention in Libya While Escalating Its Meddling in Neighbors' Affairs

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://blog.heritage.org/2011/03/23/iran-blasts-u-s-intervention-in-libya-wh ile-escalating-its-meddling-in-neighbors-affairs/print/ Iran Blasts U.S. Intervention in Libya While Escalating Its Meddling in Neighbors' Affairs Posted By James Phillips On March 23, 2011 @ 4:00 pm In American Leade

[osint] Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands Federal investigation of intense questioning of Muslims at the Canadian border

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands Federal investigation of intense questioning of Muslims at the Canadian border

[osint] Obama Tells Brazil: U.S. Wants to Be Dependent on Foreign Oil

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article.aspx?id=566719&p=1 Obama: Drill, Brazil, Drill! Posted 03/21/2011 07:08 PM ET Energy Policy: While leaving U.S. oil and jobs in the ground, our itinerant president t

[osint] The Tijuana-San Diego Border From An American Perspective

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
The Tijuana-San Diego Border From An American Perspective BY RUXANDRA GUIDI March 24, 2011 AUDIO Popup | Download

[osint] "Obama vows Salvadoran aid, immigration reform Visit cut short by Libya crisis"

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Hi Gang: My commentary today will focus on the President's trip to El Salvador, his last stop on a trip to Latin America. Certainly it is important for our country to maintain good relationships with other nations, especially when those nations are part of the western hemisphere, however

[osint] Libyan Forces Still Possess Scud Missiles

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Mobile Scud B Missiles are believed to still exist in Libya. http://www.examiner.com/public-safety-in

[osint] John Drew's Meeting Young Marxist Obama

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
February 24, 2011 Meeting Young Obama By John Drew My first meeting with young Barack Obama raised strong feelings and left me with a positive first impression. At the time, I felt I'd persuaded a young man anticipating a Marxist-Leninist revolu

[osint] US Belatedly Designates al-Qaeda Bomb-maker as a Terrorist

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110324/ap_on_re_us/us_us_al_qaida_bomb_maker US designates al-Qaida bomb maker as a terrorist - Thu Mar 24, 11:42 am ET WASHINGTON - The U.S. has designated as a terrorist an al-Qaida bomb maker suspected of involvement in trying to assassinate a Saudi prince an

[osint] If Obama Can Bomb Libya, a President Palin can Bomb Iran without Congress's OK

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20110323/cm_csm/371808 If Obama can bomb Libya, a President Palin can bomb Iran without Congress's OK By Robert Naiman Robert Naiman - Wed Mar 23, 12:19 pm ET Urbana, Ill. - The US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that i

[osint] After attack on Jews, Obama gives condolences to Palestinians

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
_ CAN ANYONE BUT AN islamic LIKE THIS MAN OR THINK HE IS RATIONAL? Steve _ FROM WND'S JERUSALEM BUREAU After attack on Jews, Obama gives condolences to Palestinians Woman killed, at least 38 wounded in attack at crowded Jerusalem bus stop _ Posted: March 23,

[osint] Good News America....We are not at War...we are involved in a "kinetic military action"

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Good News AmericaWe are not at War...we are involved in a "kinetic military action" Sc


2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/ NO-FLY ZONES: CONSIDERATIONS FOR CONGRESS The decision to impose a no-fly zone on Libya is scrutinized from various perspectives in a new report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service. The report distingui

[osint] Western Air Strikes Fail to Dislodge Qadaffy Armour

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Western air strikes fail to dislodge Gaddafi armour Photo 8:35am IST By Maria Golovnina and Michael Georgy TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Western warplanes hit Libya for a fifth night on Thursday, but have so far failed to stop Muammar Gaddafi's tanks shelling rebel-held towns or dislodge his armour

[osint] Hatem Bazian's Pernicious Misuse of 'Never Again'

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Hatem Bazian's Pernicious Misuse of 'Never Again' by Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene FrontPage Magazine March 24, 2011 http://frontpagemag.com/2011/03/24/the-misuse-of-never-again/ http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/6 Just when it seemed as though the misuse

[osint] Federal Cyber Incidents Rose 39% in 2010 - Nearly One Third of Cyber Incidents Involved Malicious Code

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Federal Cyber Incidents Rose 39% in 2010 OMB: Nearly One Third of Incidents Involved Malicious Code GovInfoSecurity.com March 24, 2011 http://www.govinfosecurity.com/articles.php?art_id=3463&rf=2011-03-24-eg Cyber i

[osint] Did Terrorists Win Egypt's Revolution?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Did Islamism Win Egypt's Revolution? Posted By Barry Rubin On March 23, 2011 The world's eyes focused on Egypt's dramatic revolution. Yet incredibly, the media, government intelligence agencies, and experts haven't answered a simple question: Who made the revolution and what were their motives a

[osint] Reuters Redefines Terrorist Attack

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://honestreporting.com/reuters-redefines-terrorist-attack/ Reuters Redefines Terrorist Attack March 24, 2011 15:13 by Simon Plosker Nothing captures the media's attention like a bomb in the heart of Jerusalem. At this time, one per

[osint] Black civil rights activist threatened by Latino group

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Black civil rights activist threatened by Latino group A radical Mexi

[osint] Freedom and Liberty vs. Islam and Sharia

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
This is Bone-Chilling, indeed. There are links at the top on this home page, that would prove well worth the perusal of intelligent and questing minds. http://nosharia.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/understanding-egypt-iran-the-twelfth-imam-and-the-end-of-days-a-grave-threat/ Freedom and Li

[osint] Afghan War News - March 24, 2011

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://tinyurl.com/4zd5aph War In Afghanistan News 24 Mar 2011 3rd LAR Bahram ChahDozens of bad guys were ventilated in recent operations. Dozens more were captured, along with weapons, munitions, and explos

[osint] Sanctions in 72 hours: How the US Pulled off a Major Freeze of Libyan Assets

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/sanctions-in-72-hours-how-the-us-pulled-off-a-major-freeze-of-libyan-assets/2011/03/11/ABBckxJB_story.html Sanctions in 72 hours: How the U.S. pulled off a major freeze of Libyan assets

[osint] Chinese Hackers Paid to Paralyzing Korean Sites

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Chinese hackers paid to paralyzing Korean sites http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2011/03/137_83781.html Regrettably online hacking has become the order of the day. Internet sites of government agencies and businesses remain vulnerable. Netizens are also concerned about their cybe

[osint] Half of America Approves of Islam

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Probably the same ignorant ½ of America that voted for Obama. B http://www.kplctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=14313087 Half of America approves of Islam Posted: Mar 24, 2011 9:49 AM EDT Updated: Mar 24, 2011 3:15 PM EDT (So

[osint] Underwear Bomber: Detroit Flight was 'Cheapest'

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Underwear Bomber: Detroit Flight was 'Cheapest' CBNNews.com http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2011/March/Underwear-Bomber-Detroit-Flight-was -the-Cheapest/ Thursday, March 24, 2011 RSS Podcasts The man behind the foiled 2009 Christmas airline bombing reportedly targeted Detroit because it w

[osint] Is Obama's Steering the Ship of State into World War III?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://online.wsj.com/community/groups/obama-administration-250/topics/obama s-steering-ship-state-world Is Obama's Steering the Ship of State into World War III? In siding with the mob, our president is joining hands with Ahmadinejad and Bin Laden, not with George Washington and Thomas Jeffer

[osint] Don't Expect Peace, al Shabaab Tells Somali People

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.allheadlinenews.com/briefs/articles/90041846?Don%26%23146%3Bt%20e xpect%20peace%2C%20al%20Shabaab%20tells%20Somali%20people Don't expect peace, al Shabaab tells Somali people Official said that jihad is a religious obligation on every Muslim and he who doesn't voluntarily take par

[osint] Muslim Violence a Fact, not Prejudice

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/muslim-violence-a-fact-not -prejudice-20110324-1c8ge.html Muslim violence a fact, not prejudice Mark Durie March 25, 2011 Comments

[osint] Al-Jazeera, Global Jihad, and the Suicide of the West

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
March 24, 2011 Al-Jazeera, Global Jihad, and the Suicide of the West James Simpson Cliff Kincaid is holding another one of his amazing press conferences

[osint] Egypt: Triggered by Safety Concerns, Gun Ownership on the Rise

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
http://tinyurl.com/4fal5qb Triggered by safety concerns, gun ownership on the rise Many people are forced to carry around guns for protection. (Photo by Ethar El-Shabrawy) By Safaa Abdoun / Daily News Egypt March 23, 2011, 11:16 pm CAIRO: With

[osint] Jordan's National Anthem ?

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Al-Qaeda Flag Flies in Salafi Jihadist Demonstration in Amman, Jordan Following are excerpts from footage of a Salafi Jihadist demonstration in Amman, Jordan, which was posted on the Internet, dated March 1-6, 2011: htt

[osint] Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands Federal investigation of intense questioning of Muslims at the Canadian border

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Terrorist Front Group CAIR demands Federal investigation of intense questioning of Muslims at the Canadian border

[osint] 19th suspect charged in sex assaults of Texas girl

2011-03-24 Thread Beowulf
Bring rope. Bring LOTs of rope! http://tinyurl.com/4z88mck 19th suspect charged in sex assaults of Texas girl Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/03/24/1th-suspect-charged-sex-assaul

[osint] ICE Fraud

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Federal Probe Identifies "Cracks in Ice" Passport fraud, money laundering and potential terrorist findings from the inside of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Federal Probe Identifies "Cracks in Ice" By Doug Hagmann Monday, March 7, 2011 There is a major national scandal in

[osint] 663 Illegal Aliens From Countries With Ties to Terrorism Arrested Along Southwest Border in 2010

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/663-illegal-aliens-countries-ties-terror 663 Illegal Aliens From Countries With Ties to Terrorism Arrested Along Southwest Border in 2010, Senator Says Friday, March 18, 2011 By Edwin Mora

[osint] CBO Sees Benefits in Taxing Motorists Based on Miles Driven

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/cbo-sees-benefits-taxing-motorists-based CBO Sees Benefits in Taxing Motorists Based on Miles Driven Friday, March 25, 2011 By Susan Jones gas prices The federal governmen

[osint] U.N. Human Rights Council Moves Away From 'Dangerous' Defamation of Religion Concept

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/un-human-rights-council-moves-away-dange U.N. Human Rights Council Moves Away From 'Dangerous' Defamation of Religion Concept Friday, March 25, 2011 By Patrick Goodenough

[osint] 'Kinetic Military Action' or 'War'?

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51893.html 'Kinetic military action' or 'war'? By: Jonathan Allen March 24, 2011 02:39 PM EDT Police action, conflict, hostilities and now "kinetic military action." They're all euphemisms for that word that this

[osint] Muslim Brotherhood Is Rising Force in a New Egypt

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/world/middleeast/25egypt.html?_r=1 &hp=&pagewanted=print March 24, 2011 Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New Egypt By MICHAEL SLACKMAN

[osint] Thousands of Christians Displaced in Ethiopia After Muslims Torch Churches, Homes

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/03/24/thousands-christians-displaced-ethio pia-muslim-extremists-torch-churches-homes-2057387870/#ixzz1HbfheT5E Thousands of Christians Displaced in Ethiopia After Muslim Extremists Torch Churches, Homes By Diane Macedo Published March 24, 2011 Remains of bu

[osint] Napolitano Warns Police Chiefs About Evolving Terrorism and Domestic Extremism - Lauds DHS 'Fusion Centers'

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/napolitano-warns-police-chiefs-about-evo Napolitano Warns Police Chiefs About Evolving Terrorism and Domestic Extremism - Lauds DHS 'Fusion Centers' Friday, March 25, 2011 By Edwin Mora (CNSNews.com) - America faces

[osint] CIA Behind Anti-drug Operation in Costa Rica

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
**sounds like a good op to me -- CIA behind 'illegal' anti-drug operation in Costa Rica Posted on March 25, 2011 by intelNews| http://intelligencenews.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/01-682/ By IAN ALLEN | inte

[osint] North Korea: Libya Should Have Kept Nukes

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Copyright 2011 GlobalPost - International News Source URL (retrieved on 2011-03-25 01:12): http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/110324/north-korea-li bya-should-have-kept-nuclear-weapons North Korea: Libya should have kept nuclear weapons program North Korea says Libya

[osint] Facebook traffic rerouted through China

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
March 24, 2011 5:10 PM PDT Facebook detour through China: Accident or not? by Elinor Mills Barrett Lyon's blog revealed that traffic destined for Facebook was mysteriously re-routed through China. (Credit:

[osint] "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work."

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
“Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.” George Soros Posted on March 8, 2011 by a12iggymom

[osint] Police Captain Sues over Orders to Attend Islamic Prayer

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Police captain sues over orders to attend Islamic prayer Posted on March 25, 2011 by creeping Don't expect the DOJ to intervene, unless it is on behalf of the mosque. via

[osint] New Guidance Allows FBI To Delay Reading Miranda Rights To Terror Suspects

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://tinyurl.com/499dkqb New Guidance Allows FBI To Delay Reading Miranda Rights To Terror Suspects Ryan J. Reilly | March 24, 2011, 11:52AM

[osint] The Three Stooges Take On Libya

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
The Three Stooges Take On Libya by Irwin N. Graulich http://www.jewishindy.com/modules.php?name=News &file=article&sid=14907 The Three Stooges Take On Libya Posted Thursday, March 24 @ 21:01:45 EDT

[osint] Trump Says Obama Must Release Birth Certificate

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Trump Says Obama Must Release Birth Certificate Written by CAA National on March 24, 2011, 01:02 PM NEWSMAX WIRE Donald Trump at the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference

[osint] Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/donald-trump-birther-obama/2011/03/24/id/390 681?s=al &promo_code=BF0E-1 Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth Thursday, 24 Mar 201

[osint] Obama's War on "War"

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
"The whole sorry issue bespeaks of a White House desperately in need of adult leadership."pretty well spells it out for me, K Obama's War on "War" Administration tries hard to dodge the obvious By THE WASHINGTON TIMES

[osint] CAIR and A.N.S.W.E.R Protest Controversial Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauley amid Death Threats and Anti-Semitic Slurs

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
The Iconoclast Friday, 25 March 2011 CAIR and A.N.S.W.E.R Protest Controversial Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauley amid Death Threats and Anti-Semitic Slurs by Jerry Gordon http://www.newenglishr

[osint] Europe's Libya Intervention

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
View on Mobile Phone | Read the online version .

[osint] Muslim radicals taking over in many countries

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.youtube.com/embed/A3YQANdvvbY [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to discuss this topic? Head on over to our discussion list, discuss-os...@yahoogroups.com. -- Br

[osint] Iran is Involved" in Gaza Rocket Attacks

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://blogs.cbn.com/stakelbeckonterror/archive/2011/03/25/exclusive-israeli -vice-pm-moshe-yaalon-tells-cbn-iran-is.aspx Israeli Vice PM Moshe Yaalon tells CBN: "Iran is

[osint] Steven Seagal, Sheriff Raid Valley Home In Tank

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
The neighbors are PISSED!:-)Rest of story at the link http://www.kpho.com/news/27272012/detail.html Steven Seagal, Sheriff Raid Valley Home In Tank POSTED: 11:07 pm MST March 21, 2011 UPDATED: 1:18 pm MST March 22, 2011 PHOENIX -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio rolled out the tanks to tak

[osint] Libyans Resident in UK Plan Revenge Terror Attacks over Bombing Raids

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Libyan expats plot revenge terror attacks on UK streets over Gaddafi bombing raids By Tom Kelly , Tim Shipman and Ian Drury

[osint] Egyptian "Freedom Protestors" Get Virginity Tests

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
http://www.ansamed.info/en/news/ME.XEF23398.html EGYPT: AMNESTY REPORTS VIRGINITY TEST ON PROTESTERS 23 March , 18:20 (ANSAmed) - CAIRO, MARCH 23 - Amnesty International has asked the Egyptian authorities to investigate reports of torture, including the obligation to perform a "virginity t

[osint] Violent Jihad Kills Muslims, 'Islamophobia' Does Not

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Violent Jihad Kills Muslims, 'Islamophobia' Does Not by David J. Rusin . Mar 25, 2011 at 8:39 am http://www.islamist-watch.org/blog/2011/03/violent-jihad-kills-muslims-islam ophobia-does-not By demanding that the enormous

[osint] New Bill to Secure U.S. border; Over Ten Police Officers Killed in two days

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
New Bill to Secure U.S. border; Over Ten Police Officers Killed in two days March 25, 2011 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FORMER BORDER PATROL OFFICERS Visit our website:

[osint] Understanding the Third Terror War

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Understanding the third terror war By Caroline B. Glick http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/3/24/13009599 53321/A-blood-stain-is-seen-on--007.jpg The aftermath of the Jerusalem bombing http://www.JewishWorldReview.

[osint] An Education In Incitement

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
An Education In Incitement By Hadar Sela http://www.propagandistmag.com/2011/03/24/education-incitement palestinian israeli incitement terror hamas fatah middle east politics education'Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. (Alexander Pope, Epistles

[osint] Napolitano: US Border Towns with Mexico Are Safe

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
Someone needs to remind her that she IS NOT Secretary of Commerce. Her job is security of the United States and she IS NOT doing it. G. Napolitano: US border towns with Mexico are safe Published March 24, 2011 | Associated Press March 15: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano addres

[osint] NATO to Police Libya No-fly, Can't Decide on Command

2011-03-25 Thread Beowulf
This is rapidly degenerating into a VERY poor imitation of Abbott & Costello Is there ANYONE inside the Beltway that can run a war successfully anymore? Oh, I forgot...they're too busy socially re-engineering the Republic to care. K Reuters NATO to p

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