Re: [otrs] Auto-Answer for phone and API-generated tickets?

2013-07-30 Thread jverhoeff
Maybe you can use a different queue for that? With different behavior. Met vriendelijke groet / Gruß / Best Regards, Jurjen Verhoeff ___  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail  -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: otrs-boun...@otrs.or

Re: [otrs] Ideas for forwarding from technician's email to OTRS

2012-03-19 Thread jverhoeff
Hi, We have the same situation, customers who are mailing to technicians directly. We simply move the mail to the support mailbox (this is possible with outlook if you have both your own and the support mailbox, just drag and drop) It is than automaticly picked up by OTRS and processed. Met

[otrs] OTRS on windows 64 bit

2011-07-18 Thread jverhoeff
Hi all, I want to run OTRS on a windows 64 machine. - does this work? - has somebody experience with this? thanks for your input. Met vriendelijke groet / Gruß / Best Regards, Jurjen Verhoeff - OTRS maili

Re: [otrs] remove html code in answer

2011-04-19 Thread jverhoeff
nobody an idea? Or is my question not clear? BR Jurjen _ From: [] Sent: donderdag 31 maart 2011 15:08 To: Subject: [otrs] remove html code in answer Hi experts, I (want to) use the tag in a response templ

[otrs] remove html code in answer

2011-03-31 Thread jverhoeff
Hi experts, I (want to) use the tag in a response template / answer. (Admin--> responses) But when the previous email (BODY) has HTML-code (most emails these days do) it shows a lot html code in the edit field like () instead of interpreting this. Is it possible to remove html from

Re: [otrs] Empty answer without body

2011-01-27 Thread jverhoeff
Hi Lars, yes thats what im trying to do now. I found the option to include in the answer, but that gives strange results (html code) in the answer. - Is there a way (function?) to strip html out of data? thanks and best regards Jurjen Verhoeff _ From: Lars Jørgensen [mai

Re: [otrs] 2 ticket counters in one system?

2011-01-26 Thread jverhoeff
Thats an interessting though... I have to think it over. thanks for that. BM__MailAutoSigMet vriendelijke groet / Gruß / Best Regards, Jurjen Verhoeff _ From: Gerald Young [] Sent: dinsdag 25 januari 2011 22:20 To: Subject: Re: [otrs] 2 tic

Re: [otrs] Empty answer without body

2011-01-26 Thread jverhoeff
Yes, I found that option. But how to make 1 empty answare with body and 1 empty without the body? beacuase removing the Body tag from the response Format changes this for all empty anwers > removing $QData{"Body"} from ticket::Frontend::ResponseFormat (sysconf ->Ticket -> Frontend::Agent:

[otrs] 2 ticket counters in one system?

2011-01-25 Thread jverhoeff
Hi All, We use OTRS 2.4 windows for our support, this works very well. We are investigating if we can use the system for RMA (repairs). The idea is as following: a- customer fills in a webform with productnr, serialnr, complaint, etc this is send to OTRS by the webform. b- we (auto) r

Re: [otrs] Empty answer without body

2011-01-25 Thread jverhoeff
Hi Marco, Thanks for you answer. That is an option, but than I have n't the body tag in all the empty anwers. Is there a way to have 2 different empty answers where 1 with the body and 1 without the body tag? BM__MailAutoSigMet vriendelijke groet / Gruß / Best Regards, Jurjen Verhoeff

[otrs] Empty answer without body

2011-01-25 Thread jverhoeff
Hi All, Because i get no answer on my previous questions, I'll try to cut this in portions ;-) We use OTRS 2.4 windows for our support, this works very well. Q) Is it possible to create an "empty answer" without the (old) body, so that there is no previous infomation in it (and it is re

[otrs] Empty answer without body and repair handling with otrs?

2011-01-21 Thread jverhoeff
Hi All, We use OTRS 2.4 windows for our support, this works very well. We are investigating if we can use the system for RMA (repairs). The idea is as following: a- customer fills in a webform with productnr, serialnr, complaint, etc this is send to OTRS by the webform. b- we (auto) r

Re: [otrs] Back Up and Restore??

2010-09-03 Thread jverhoeff
Hi, I made some scripts to backup and restore on a W2000 server. See attachments USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK - NO WARRANTY - NO QUESTIONS - cnage the extention from .txt. to .cmd - To autobackup run it from crontab - The windows installer is needed to restore Do a testrun before

[otrs] Attachment delete in forward ticket doesn't work.

2010-08-10 Thread jverhoeff
Hi all, We use OTRS 2.4.7 for windows. We work as following: We get a ticket request. If we don't know the answer, we forward this question to our supplier. We receive an answer from our supplier. We forward this to the customer. This works fine in most cases. Sometimes the answer from ou

[otrs] FW: Agent Email-Ticket doesn't work

2010-07-12 Thread jverhoeff
Hello, Does anybody have an idea about this problem? _ From: Jurjen Verhoeff Sent: woensdag 7 juli 2010 14:25 To: '' Subject: Agent Email-Ticket doesn't work Hello, For some reason the Email-Ticket (Create new email-ticket and send thi

[otrs] Agent Email-Ticket doesn't work

2010-07-07 Thread jverhoeff
Hello, For some reason the Email-Ticket (Create new email-ticket and send this out (outbound)) doesn't work for me. When I click the link Email-Ticket I get an empty screen with only the header. See attached screendump <> When I click the Phone-Ticket it works correct and I can create a new

Re: [otrs] How to backup OTRS on Windows XP?

2010-05-20 Thread jverhoeff
Hello Michiel, Thank you very much for your answer. So if I understand well for a backup: - I need to make a SQL dump - copy the complete OTRS\OTRS directory? And for a restore on a new system: - I reinstall OTRS package - I copy back the OTRS directory and - reload the sql dump/backup in mysq

[otrs] How to backup OTRS on Windows XP?

2010-05-19 Thread jverhoeff
Hi , I have problems with the standard Backup script ( on my OTRS installation on windows XP. (The script is searching for a linux CP command, and exits with an error - thanks V.Lippe for finding out) Q - How can I backup and restore my system in a safe and easy way? Q - Is there someo

[otrs] Problem with Backup under XP

2010-05-17 Thread jverhoeff
Hi , I try to backup the OTRS database with the script But I get the following error: C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin>perl "c:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\" -d c:\backup_OTRS 'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or b

[otrs] Can't change the system ID

2010-03-26 Thread jverhoeff
Hello, I am testing OTRS for windows V2.4.7. I have installed it and it works well. Now I want to change the System ID. I do this as administrator in Sysconfig --> Framework::Core::SystemID. There I change it from 10 to 9 and then Update. After the update is "jumps" back to 10. I try a restart