Title: AW: AW: [otrs] Special characters in the subject
with the new EmailParser.pm everything works perfect!
Thanks for your efforts and
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Martin Edenhofer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. September 2002 21:50
Hi Ralph,
Quoting Ralph Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I did already open a ticket in the demo system. But the error does not
> appear there.
> I think, it is because of the status of the ticket. The ticket in trouble
> is
> set to the status 'waiting_for_customer' and if the customer replies to
Title: AW: [otrs] Special characters in the subject
I did already open a ticket in the demo system. But the error does not appear there.
I think, it is because of the status of the ticket. The ticket in trouble is set to the status 'waiting_for_customer' and if the custom
Title: AW: [otrs] Special characters in the subject
attached you will find the 3 messages. File 545.txt is the answer from an agent to a new ticket. File 546.txt is the reply from the customer to this answer and file 547.txt is the auto-reply for the new ticket.