re: Sample code for modeless dialogs?

2006-12-21 Thread roderick young
Your solution with a modal dialog box may be better. One thing that took some getting used to for me on Palm OS was that it is not multi-threading. So, even if your modeless dialog could pass a message back to the other form, the other form would not process it unless you returned control (or

Re: segment size of app

2006-12-21 Thread roderick young
Here are some ideas. To learn how to segment your application, look for a file called Sections.h, that PODS may have automatically created for you. If you cannot find this file, try creating another dummy project of type Standard Make or Managed Make. The comments in Sections.h will tell you

Re: PalmResize release

2006-12-21 Thread roderick young
Thanks, Aaron! This is what I'll do. Just as FYI, I initally just commented out the forward declaration, and everything still compiled fine, as the body of this function was earlier in the file than any call to it. Still, I had a concern that the forward declaration was put there for a purpos

re: Numlock

2005-06-24 Thread roderick young
p.s. Don't try to set Numlock for general input. I've never been able to get that to work right, at least on earlier Palm OSes like 3.x. I suspect Palm never really implemented that, even though there is a bit assigned for it in the API, right alongside Caps lock. -- For information on using

re: Numlock

2005-06-24 Thread roderick young
When the field is defined as a resource, there is a bit you can set to force the type to NUMERIC. In pilrc, this is a keyword during definition. In PODS resource editor, highlight the field of interest, and there's a checkbox in the properties for NUMERIC. I assume here that you don't want to

re: Maximum resource size?

2005-06-23 Thread roderick young
I'm not up on current events, but last I checked, making your application require the "Cobalt" OS to run means that it won't run on most people's actual devices, which run earlier versions. Maybe that new Lifedrive has Cobalt, I don't know. If you're not trying to sell your application commerc

re: Getting curosr info of Docs To Go

2005-06-14 Thread roderick young
I have no idea. I assume you already tried , clicking on customer support? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

re: giving error as "app1 just read from memory location 0*000000001,which is in low memory"

2005-06-14 Thread roderick young
Sorry, I was wrong. I read the code dyslexically, it looks ok. In this case, I would take a look at recP1 and check first for an invalid pointer (that is, did the call to lock the handle fail?), and second, that recP1 -> fields has a reasonable length and data. -- For information on using the

Re: giving error as "app1 just read from memory location 0*000000001,which is in low memory"

2005-06-14 Thread roderick young
recP1=(AddrDBRecordPtr )MemHandleLock(recH); str = MemPtrNew(sizeof(char[1000])); //at this point error are coming in accessing recp1->fields StrCopy(str , recP1->fields); len=StrLen(str); str[len]= '\0'; It seems to me that you're copying an uninitialized block of memory to recP1->fields .

re: Icon for Application

2005-06-13 Thread roderick young
If you are using a .rcp file with pilrc, the simplest way to add an icon is to add the lines ICON "icon.bmp" APPLICATIONICONNAME ID 1000 "MyIcon" to that file. icon.bmp is something you have created separately with (say) Windows Paint, say, 22 x 22 pixels in dimension. That will get you start

re: giving error as "app1 just read from memory location 0*000000001,which is in low memory"

2005-06-13 Thread roderick young
What I suggest, if you're using the Palm OS Development Suite (PODS) is to run your program under the debugger, and let it give the error message. You will then be given the opportunity to go into the debugger. From there, hopefully a call stack will be displayed, showing exactly where in your

re: T5 Memory Issue

2005-06-10 Thread roderick young
I'm going to take a wild swing, I could be totally off-base. Is it possible that your customer has an internal RAMDISK program or something like that, and it's eating up most of the internal memory? I had a similar problem, trying to put a 4 MB .pdb into a Palm with 8 MB memory. It should hav

re: How Encryption can be done for Palm database fields?

2005-06-06 Thread roderick young
For RSA, there is a certain datum size that you choose, such as (say) 64 bits = 8 bytes. If your string is shorter than that, zero-fill the 64-bit chunk before encrypting. If your string is longer than that, just do it 64 bits at a time, and zero-fill the last chunk, if it doesn't come out eve

re: Strange behaviour using double type

2005-06-06 Thread roderick young
Might be that the integer result is overflowing before conversion to double. Try casting to double somewhere in the calculation. And hope that an optimizer won't get too smart for you and ignore it: double DayToNum(int d, int h, int p) { return p + h * 1080 + (double) d * 1080 * 24; } -- For

re: Is there any easy way to find the cause of a memory leak

2005-06-06 Thread roderick young
Your classical approach is good, to read your code and comment out portions to narrow down the failure. That's what I would do first. However, failing that, I might try printing out a line to a log file every time I allocated memory, giving the address, and every time I freed memory, again giv


2005-06-03 Thread roderick young
I don't know if it works this way, but after you delete the file, do you close it? That is, could the file still be open somehow until you exit your application? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

re: get free memory on T650

2005-06-01 Thread roderick young
I'm not sure why this wouldn't work. Are you allocating a lot of memory? It looks like this function only returns the free heap in k bytes, so you could allocate 1000 bytes and not see the answer change, theoretically. -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscr

re: Compilation problem

2005-05-25 Thread roderick young
Hmm, are you missing an end } , or was that just not picked up by this message? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

re: displaying a text string that is longer then the screen is wide

2005-05-20 Thread roderick young
Here is a resource description for pilrc, but you can do a similar thing with the resource editor: // choose a resource ID for the alert #define alertInfo 4830 ALERT alertInfo INFORMATION BEGIN TITLE "Info" MESSAGE "^1^2^3" BUTTONS "Ok" END the ^1 ^2 and ^3 will be substituted with the

re: Code bloat with PRC-Tools?

2005-05-19 Thread roderick young
When you compile for release, you want to add ADDITIONAL_COMPILER_FLAGS = -O2 to your makefile. But don't do this when compiling for debug, only just before final testing for release. For debug, you actually want code that matches your source line-for-line, and optimization can destroy that.

re: File System Library API?

2005-05-19 Thread roderick young
Try looking in the book, "Palm OS Programmer's API Reference," in the section, "System Management," subsection "Virtual File System Manager". That said, Google the internet for a GPL library called UniForm.prc, written by Mert Saglam. He also has source for an application, TexT (hard to Google

re: How to add a target to a managed makefile in PODS?

2005-05-15 Thread roderick young
I don't know if this is the best way, but I uncomment the line at the end of makefile like this: ## conditionally include your own for your specific overrides or definitions ## this is useful if you don't want to use the values ## for some reason -include T

How much space left on the Storage heap?

2005-05-13 Thread roderick young
I'm having trouble understanding the help documentation included with PODS. My task is, I want to create a (possibly large) database on the storage heap (as opposed to a VFS memory card), and I want to know if there is enough free space to hold it. I see a MemCardInfo() API, is that what I want

re: Problems with GCC -O3 optimization

2005-05-13 Thread roderick young
Yes, this is a known issue when you enable inlining of code, and have a multi-segment program. A few months ago, I posted something on this bug in the Tools forum. The bug has been filed on the gcc database, but I don't know if anyone is actually working to fix it. -O3 isn't all that good, an

re: USB Device Not Recognized.

2005-05-13 Thread roderick young
This is a general message that Windows puts out, in my experience, usually when USB communication is getting disrupted. If the symptom is that your PDA once could communicate with your PC, but no longer can, it may be that your USB port on the PC (and especially, some notebooks are vulnerable t

re: clear

2005-05-06 Thread roderick young
> Is there any chance of losing data if the palm is not > used or not charged for a long time? > If yes , what is the duration and is there anyway of > preserving the data in such conditions? Things stored on a memory or flash card should be safe. However, things stored in the main battery-backed

Re: Palmgear, etc - an idea of PalmOS developer's labor union and a strike

2005-04-28 Thread roderick young
I've been oblivious to what's been going on, since I only do freeware. However, I would be quite concerned if there was a sudden change in business practice from a company. For example, if company X always paid you on time, but suddenly is falling behind by more than a month, I would be concern

re: Please, Please help me with the field object !!!

2005-04-26 Thread roderick young
Oh, by the way, you need to set the Field's text handle to null even if you only want to read the field's contents, for example, to copy all the text into an array or structure of your own. And a final thought. If you're not using the debug versions of the ROMs, you really want to. I've found

re: Please, Please help me with the field object !!!

2005-04-26 Thread roderick young
This may give some idea of what to do, in general. After getting the handle to the field text, be sure to set the Field's text handle to NULL. Otherwise, things can get messed up while you're doing your processing on the text. In my experience, the field will retain its text, as long as you do

Re: This is very urgent (Please help me to overcome this problem)

2005-04-25 Thread roderick young
Yes, if you declare a variable static, then it will be local to the particular file where it was declared. In other words, if you have "static char myvar" in 3 separate source files, they are actually 3 different variables for link purposes. I would look carefully through my source files, and

re: Messing up previous records with new record..Need help

2005-04-08 Thread roderick young
I can't see anything wrong without more details. It could be that this isn't a palm error, but instead a programming logic issue. If this happened to me, I would try one or more of the following: 1) Use a 3rd party viewer to look at the database, or else send the database to Windows, and look

re: can i draw those items to field instead of window??

2005-04-06 Thread roderick young
I am not aware of a supported way to put anything except text into a field. If you were to try and cheat and draw to the area owned by the field, I'm pretty sure that whatever you drew would not scroll with the text. If you look on the Microsoft website, under the user interface element they c

re: Freeware distribution?

2005-03-25 Thread roderick young seems to be the mother of all Palm software sites. They also seem to have taken over many other places, such as . One warning on - they will display your email address as author openly. This is bad, because I never got spam until posting a pro

re: SclSetScrollBar sometimes does not redraw scrollbars in Treo 600/650

2005-03-25 Thread roderick young
I'm not sure what OS is on your device, but if it's 6.x, then I noticed a similar thing with lack of update in my program. Works great on OS 5.4 and earlier, but not on 6.x I doubt this will help you, but in my case, OS 6.x wasn't putting out enough nilEvents, which I was using to trigger cert

re: where i can download PODS ( palm os develop suit) ?

2005-03-25 Thread roderick young
I'm not aware of any websites other than the palmsource developer pavilion where you can get the development suite. I suspect there would be licensing issues, since you would need to do the developer agreement to log in, there. But it looks like you logged in, already. I'd say, give it a try a

re: i am facing weird problem with trigger...

2005-03-15 Thread roderick young
I would suggest not using that goto on the label CategoryChange. Whatever code was there, just go ahead and duplicate it instead of using the goto. It looks like the goto jumps to a different level of case statement. I don't know for sure whether this will help your problem or not. -- For info

re: .prc causing major lockup

2005-03-15 Thread roderick young
This could be due to trying to access global data during anything but a normal launch. If your program works well in the Emulator/Simulator but dies on a real device, that's the footprint of this failure. There is some kind of notification launch of the program to tell it that it has just been

re: display in the input area

2005-03-09 Thread roderick young
You might try searching here for "DIA" or "Dynamic Input Area". I think there was some discussion on this a while back, maybe it's even a FAQ. A package that was really helpful to me was at , but I'm not sure if that's what you had in mind. -- For i

re: Scrollbar with big values

2005-03-09 Thread roderick young
I have generally set my scrollbar for a range of 0 to 4095, or some similarly manageable number, then scale to the window being scrolled with my own code. At least on my 160 x 160 PDA, there only seem to be about 30 steps of actual resolution in the scroll bar when the slider is dragged. Any fi

Re: Library search paths in PODS 1.1( yet another newbie question)

2005-03-04 Thread roderick young
I must be doing something wrong. I tried going to C/C++ Project Paths, Libraries tab, and using Add External Library to point to the libPalmOSGlue.a library. But when I built the project again, I got an undefined reference, as if that modification was being ignored. I can always go back to th

re: Library search paths in PODS 1.1( yet another newbie question )

2005-03-03 Thread roderick young
I don't know if this helps you, but if you have a standard make, there will be a makefile generated, and in my case, I just put the fully-qualified name of the library there. Here are some lines from my makefile: # List additional libraries to link with # (Full or project relative path) ADDITIO

re: Formatting text

2005-03-03 Thread roderick young
It sounds like you're using the right character to move to the next line. If you were displaying the data in a Field, then the right character to move to the next line would be 0x0a . I wasn't clear on how you're displaying your data on the screen. Are you using some kind of UI control like a

re: Timing problem

2005-03-02 Thread roderick young
I ran into very similar trouble on a delay loop. It turned out to be the C optimizer thinking it could speed up execution for me. If you are using PODS, try setting optimization to "SOME" in the makefile. If you are calling gcc directly, try the switch -O1 instead of -O3 or higher on your comp

re: PODS

2005-02-24 Thread roderick young
I'm sure you've solved your problem, already, but here's my two cents. If you mean a red (looks magenta to me) rectangle just to the right of the scroll bar while editing, this could be flagging a warning. This might not be fatal, and your program might run just fine. For example, the declarat

re: FrmReturnToForm() error

2005-02-24 Thread roderick young
Maybe you've already solved this. If not, as a debugging measure, try FrmReturnToForm(0) instead of specifying MainForm explicitly, to go back to the original form. -- For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

re: Form.c , Line:6071 NULL Form fatal Alert

2005-02-24 Thread roderick young
I don't know for sure, but maybe during your cleanup, you close a form, then are still trying to do an action to it subsequently? If you run the debugger alongside your simulator, it will probably point out the exact point of failure. -- For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to

re: Fw: m68k-palmos-gcc: Palm OS SDK requested via -palmosN could not be found

2005-02-24 Thread roderick young
I've seen this error a long time ago when using the prc-tools command line environment, but not on PODS. As you suspected, it can't find the sdk directory. When you compile with -palmosN , I think the N is appended to a standard name on a standard path. For example, -palmos5 looks for a direc

re: skins

2005-02-17 Thread roderick young
What you need to do is go to the Palm developer site, and follow the download links as if you're going to download the Emulator (which of course, you already have). This will eventually take you to a page that offers a .zip file filled with skins. This does not include the Handspring skins. I

How to validate or enumerate font?

2005-02-10 Thread roderick young
Hello, experts! I'm trying to cycle through all the possible fonts, and haven't noticed any API call to do that, in particular. I have a vague notion that font 0 to 7 or so exists on my device, but don't know if I can count on that in all languages, etc. Also, I load a custom font as font 128