[PEN-L:5324] Kondratieff and Recession

1995-06-06 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Howard Sherman in his book on business cycles points out that in the history of modern capitalism there can only have been 3 or 4 observations possible of a Kondratieff (60-70 years apiece) cycle. So how do you know if such a beasty exists and what regularities to look for? ;) Let me add, I'm

[PEN-L:5320] Comparative Deficit Reductions

1995-06-06 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Doug Henwood asked: "Does anyone know if any OECD country has experienced as sustained an episode of fiscal tightness as the U.S. has since the 1990 budget deal, and is likely to experience further through 2002 as a result of the new austerity mood in DC?" Yes, New Zealand. Budget deficit was so

[PEN-L:5176] U.S. Poverty Rate

1995-05-22 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Some more info. on defining and measuring poverty in the U.S.: The New York Times reported on April 30, 1995, pp. 1 & 15 that the Panel on Poverty and Family Assistance at the National Academy of Sciences was about to recommend changes to the definition and measurement of poverty. The major re

[PEN-L:5079] World Bank: Last of the Leninists?

1995-05-13 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Since Jim Devine mentioned George and Sabrelli's _Faith and Credit_ in which they argue the case for using a religious metaphor for understanding the World Bank's activities, I thought we should not overlook the other "revitalization movement" aspects they suggest as possibly applicable to the

[PEN-L:5063] UK & NZ: "Religious" Revitalization

1995-05-12 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
The metaphor of the religious fervor of Thatcherism, Reaganism, and Rogernomics is an apt one. Anthony F. C. Wallace, an anthropologist, did a lot of work on revitalization movements defined as "a deliberate, organized, conscious effort by members of a society [or group] to construct a more sa

[PEN-L:5024] Shorter Work Week

1995-05-09 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
For a video account of the movement for a shorter work week and other ways to rebalance work and leisure (along with material on the double-shift of women in household and market production) see "Running Out of Time" produced by Oregon PBS (Order info: 1-800-440-2651 $28.90 incl. S&H).

[PEN-L:4390] NZ For Sale?

1995-03-09 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
At a time when all the cutbacks in Washington, DC, can lead to depression, along come some newspaper clippings sent from New Zealand by my dear old mom to cheer me up. I thought PEN-Lers might be in need of cheering up too -- along the lines of "things could be worse". Some may recall that (Si

[PEN-L:4332] Waiting for the Reviews: Library of Congress Magazine

1995-03-01 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Ah, it's true: many lefties/academic types don't have a sense of humor. Surely only academics would debate an issue of where Marx went wrong and who said he went wrong before actually reading the article hyped up in an advertising "frenzy" by the Library of Congress Magazine. Reminds me of the

[PEN-L:4321] Library of Congress Magazine

1995-02-28 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Barkley Rosser observes: "Well, now we have someone "remembering" that someone else "thought" that the "noted economist""might be" Bohm-Bawerk. Obviously he would be one of the usual suspects (right up there with Gil Skillman! :-)), but was he the one actually in the Library of Congress of Ma

[PEN-L:4266] Currency Boards

1995-02-23 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
For a somewhat more even-handed view of currency boards than the Wall St Jl and Bus. Wk articles, see: Nathaniel C. Nash, "A Strong Leash for Currencies on a Rampage," New York Times, Sunday, February 5, 1995, p. 3 (business section). In addition to Mr Hanke's song of praise for currency board

[PEN-L:3698] re: Taiwan and Maori?

1995-01-11 Thread McClintockBrent%faculty%Carthage
Last I heard, the Maori were content with staying put in New Zealand rather than undertaking an expansionist expedition over 5,000 miles to Taiwan :). Of course, many Maori too would like their turangawaewae ("place to stand") by regaining sovereignty over what they call Aotearoa. Cheers, Bren

Job Announcement: International Political Economy

1994-11-15 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
The following announcement of a Professorship in International Political Economy will appear in the December issue of Job Openings for Economists. A similar ad appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education, November 2, 1994, p. B31. This is being cross-listed, so apologies to those afflicted w

Re: Greenfield strategies

1994-11-14 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
>Jesse Vorst asks: Can someone guide me to references on the "Greenfield" practice of a company threatening to transfer production to an existing plant in an area with low union rates and/or high unemployment? ___ For a discussion of th

The Games Economists Play...

1994-10-12 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
For what it's worth, here's what one of last year's Nobel recipients said about game theory in 1990: Douglas North: "Game theory highlights the problems of cooperation and explores specific strategies that alter the payoffs to the players. But there is a vast gap between the relatively clean,

More on principal/agent and social conscience

1994-10-03 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A couple of comments/questions on coupon socialism: 1. Robin Hanel points out that Roemer's proposal to distribute coupons would lead to wide dispersion of stockholders -- surely an intensification of the separation of ownership from control problem that the principal/agent theory is meant to

Thanks: re principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-25 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Just a brief note of thanks to the various protagonists on this topic addressing the substantive issues at the end of last week. Some earlier messages seemed to verge on assertion rather than explanation. Anyway, thanks for clarifying positions; I've learnt some. Hope others have too. This med

RE: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A reply to Bob Pollin's condescending comment on my "anecdote on Germany"'s banker capitalism: I guess I was a mite too subtle. Let be more direct. It is not clear from Bob's posts _how_ Bank-based financial systems are organizationally more efficient than the alternatives (American system of

Re: principal/agent and social conscience

1994-09-20 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Re banker capitalism in Germany: The organizational efficiency of the banker capitalism model has come under question in Germany over the past year precisely because bankers haven't demonstrated effective control over industrial managers in a number of high profile corporate disasters. Metallg

More on Transaction Costs

1994-09-13 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Another critique of transaction cost economics is that it ignores the implications of its own analysis for the role of the state in the economy. The state has to be incorporated because of its part in creating and operating the market and its interaction with the firm. Bill Dugger defines the

Urpe, Smurfe, Burpe!

1994-09-09 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
"The best [progressives] lack all conviction while the worst [right wing reactionaries] are full of passionate intensity" "The Second Coming" W. B. Yeats P.S. I'm out to beat Doug Henw

re: competitiveness index and New Zealand

1994-09-09 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
The World Competitiveness Report is published by the International Institute for Management abd Development in Lausanne, Switzerland and the World Economic Forum in Geneva. It ranks countries across a range of categories: domestic econ. strength, internationalization, government policy permitti

New Zealand

1994-06-10 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Some comments on responses to my earlier message: On Bill Mitchell's comments: --- "NZ merely has translated the idea of a welfare state for all into a welfare state for a few privileged..." In substance, of course, the romantic notion of a NZ welfare state for all nev

Re: New Zealand (5 paragraphs)

1994-06-08 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Comments by: mcclintockbrent@faculty@Carthage Forwarded to: NET[[EMAIL PROTECTED]] I tried sending this last Friday and it got bounced. Subject is now truly off the boil but maybe of interest to a few. Cheers, Brent -- [Original Message

re: single-payer health plan

1994-04-05 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
The single payer system would probably expand choice in form of doctor and possibly some treatments/coverage -- Wall St Journal made the case a month or two back that most of those insured under private health insurance schemes are already substantially choice-constrained. And what choice is no

A Clarification

1994-03-26 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond Andresen has issued a couple of "not fairs" in response to my posts this week about "progressive international positions" (PIP) and "progressive nationalist positions" (PNP) in terms of economic strategy and the state. I apologize to Trond and others for some sloppy drafting on my part. I

A Clarification

1994-03-26 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond Andresen has issued a couple of "not fairs" in response to my posts this week about "progressive international positions" (PIP) and "progressive nationalist positions" (PNP) in terms of economic strategy and the state. I apologize to Trond and others for some sloppy drafting on my part. I

re: Economic strategy and the state

1994-03-24 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond your assumptions about the cause and effect relationship between nationality and support for nationalist or internationalist positions on progressive reform and the state is a misplaced one in my case. I am a New Zealander who very much retains an empathy for the risks facing small, open

re: Economic strategy and the state

1994-03-24 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond your assumptions about the cause and effect relationship between nationality and support for nationalist or internationalist positions on progressive reform and the state is a misplaced one in my case. I am a New Zealander who very much retains an empathy for the risks facing small, open

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-23 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Doug Henwood asks in reply to one of my earlier posts: "if "we" (the Good Guys) have virtually no influence over national states, how can we have any over these megastates [EU, UN, etc.], whose terrain is highly technical and abstract to most people?" I don't agree that "we" have virtually no

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-23 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Doug Henwood asks in reply to one of my earlier posts: "if "we" (the Good Guys) have virtually no influence over national states, how can we have any over these megastates [EU, UN, etc.], whose terrain is highly technical and abstract to most people?" I don't agree that "we" have virtually no

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Marty Hart-Landsberg observes and asks: So, at the risk of oversimplyfing, one approach calls for building opposition to the mobility of capitalism on the basis of the nation state and projects a vision of greater national regulation of capitalist activity through a restructured and more powerful

re: economic strategy and the state

1994-03-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Marty Hart-Landsberg observes and asks: So, at the risk of oversimplyfing, one approach calls for building opposition to the mobility of capitalism on the basis of the nation state and projects a vision of greater national regulation of capitalist activity through a restructured and more powerful

S&L Mortgages and the Market's Fool

1994-03-18 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A few additional thoughts to those of Doug Orr and Marshall Feldman in response to Jason Hecht's inquiry re S&L mortgages and hedging. S&Ls in the 1980s did engage in securitization of home mortgages on a wide scale. Aided by the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, S&Ls packaged mortga

S&L Mortgages and the Market's Fool

1994-03-18 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A few additional thoughts to those of Doug Orr and Marshall Feldman in response to Jason Hecht's inquiry re S&L mortgages and hedging. S&Ls in the 1980s did engage in securitization of home mortgages on a wide scale. Aided by the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, S&Ls packaged mortga

Central America and World Bank/IMF Adjustment Programs

1994-03-14 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
One of my students is researching the impact of World Bank/IMF structural adjustment programs in Central America for a course he is taking in political science. While he and I are familar with World Bank/IMF activities in Africa (he is Nigerian) and the recent World Bank report on East Asia, we

Central America and World Bank/IMF Adjustment Programs

1994-03-14 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
One of my students is researching the impact of World Bank/IMF structural adjustment programs in Central America for a course he is taking in political science. While he and I are familar with World Bank/IMF activities in Africa (he is Nigerian) and the recent World Bank report on East Asia, we

Origins of the State

1994-02-25 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A question for PEN-L subscribers: In my Public Finance class we have been discussing capitalism and the state from neoclassical, public choice, institutionalist, and marxist perspectives. One of the issues considered involves the different explanations of the origins of the state. My questio

Origins of the State

1994-02-25 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A question for PEN-L subscribers: In my Public Finance class we have been discussing capitalism and the state from neoclassical, public choice, institutionalist, and marxist perspectives. One of the issues considered involves the different explanations of the origins of the state. My questio

re: Michael Jordon and the Cost of Nikes

1994-02-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Some six months ago, one of my psychology colleagues came into work looking very troubled. He'd just heard some DJ give the data on Nike, Michael Jordan, and Indonesian footwear workers. He was perplexed as to how to make any sense of the statistic that it would take 5,000 years of wages for th

re: Michael Jordon and the Cost of Nikes

1994-02-21 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Some six months ago, one of my psychology colleagues came into work looking very troubled. He'd just heard some DJ give the data on Nike, Michael Jordan, and Indonesian footwear workers. He was perplexed as to how to make any sense of the statistic that it would take 5,000 years of wages for th

TQM and Academia

1994-02-17 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A week or two ago Jim Devine asked if anyone had heard about moves to introduce Total Quality Management into Academia. The Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin just north of here has been doing some proselytizing on this issue and I dug the following out of my paper mountain. The Foundation

TQM and Academia

1994-02-17 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
A week or two ago Jim Devine asked if anyone had heard about moves to introduce Total Quality Management into Academia. The Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin just north of here has been doing some proselytizing on this issue and I dug the following out of my paper mountain. The Foundation


1994-01-20 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
I'm putting together a section in my undergrad. public finance course on theories of the state, especially heterodox views. In particular, I am looking for suggestions on articles on Marxist theories of the state that would be accessible to undergrads with little or no prior knowledge of Mar


1994-01-20 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
I'm putting together a section in my undergrad. public finance course on theories of the state, especially heterodox views. In particular, I am looking for suggestions on articles on Marxist theories of the state that would be accessible to undergrads with little or no prior knowledge of Mar