[PEN-L:3116] Re: Wefare Dollars

1996-02-22 Thread Robert Peter Burns
>From memory: Federal spending on AFDC, supplemental social security and food stamps COMBINED amounts to 3.4 percent of the Federal budget for FY 1995. Medicaid is around another 6 percent, Medicare nearly 12 percent, Social Security 22 percent, military and veterans 20.4 percent. --Peter [EMAIL

[PEN-L:3076] Re: privatizing Soc Sec

1996-02-19 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I can't recall the details now, but there was recently a huge scandal in Britain after hundreds of thousands of people lost money on private pension plans which had been sold to them by shady investment "advisors". I believe there was some kind of public inquiry which recommended that the whole pr

[PEN-L:3057] Re: privatizing Soc Sec

1996-02-18 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Eugene, I think the answer to this is: refuse to sell the stocks back to the so-and-sos. Indeed, the government would presumably need to hold on to the stocks in order to generate the dividend income needed for paying social security benefits. Also, why not levy some hefty taxes on the ex-capital

[PEN-L:3045] Re: privatizing Soc Sec

1996-02-17 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Now, I KNOW it won't turn out this way, but in principle, couldn't allowing social security funds to be used to buy up common stocks in U.S. companies be a way of gradually socializing the means of production? (I am assuming of course that the funds would be collectively invested and managed by

[PEN-L:2959] "The Labor Market Is Unlike Any Other"

1996-02-13 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Folks, There is a very interesting review article in the latest issue of Monthly Review (okay, I know it's not JPKE, RRPE, or even AER). It is by Michael D. Yates, economics professor at Univ. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The review article covers 3 books: Card and Krueger, MYTH AND MEASUREMEN

[PEN-L:2863] Re: Another quote

1996-02-10 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Actually I think my translation is pretty accurate, Jerry--I meant it to be colloquial--so the Latin's alright. But I admit I couldn't get the source, even though I did read Caesar's Gallic Wars in high school. The only thing I remember from it is something about Gaul being divided into 3 par

[PEN-L:2842] The American Voter

1996-02-09 Thread Robert Peter Burns
What is it with the American voter? I ask after reading this quote from one of them in the latest issue of Time: "Both Clinton and Dole are just career politicians--business as usual. Forbes is trying to offer something to help the little guy." Still, at least the Washingtoon cartoon was its

[PEN-L:2837] Re: Another quote

1996-02-08 Thread Robert Peter Burns
> > Who said the following, where, and to whom (allegedly)? > > "Nemo mecum sine se pernicie' contendit." > > Jerry > Since it means, roughly, "no-one fucks with me and lives", I'd say, lots of people have said it in lots of places to lots of other people--especially in the pubs of my home cit

[PEN-L:2834] Quote answer

1996-02-08 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Had you all stumped, eh. Well, I did say it was a tough one. The answer is: St Ambrose. A lot more good stuff in similar vein can be found in Charles Avila, OWNERSHIP: EARLY CHRISTIAN WRITINGS (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1983)--PBsj > "Not from your own do you bestow upon the poor man, > but

[PEN-L:2789] Another quote

1996-02-07 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Sorry, Jim, I didn't pay your original post the attention I should have. Now how about this one: "Not from your own do you bestow upon the poor man, but you make return from what is his. For what has been given as common for the use of all, you appropriate for yourself alone. The earth belongs

[PEN-L:2690] Help needed in Zimbabwe

1996-01-31 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Dear Pen-lers, a fellow Scots Jesuit now working in Zimbabwe, Joseph Hampson SJ, sent me an interesting request for help with the theory of co-ops. Please email him ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with any suggestions you can think of. Thanks Peter Burns SJ Forwarded message: > From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed J

[PEN-L:2686] Re: Freedom and Rig

1996-01-30 Thread Robert Peter Burns
In response to Ken Hanly on papal social teaching: (I tried sending a post on this before but it didn't appear). Laborem exercens does represent something of a highwater mark of left-leaning progressivism in papal social teaching. Sollicitudo rei socialis (1987) was okay too, though not quite as

[PEN-L:2666] Re: Freedom and Rig

1996-01-29 Thread Robert Peter Burns
A few of you may be interested in looking at pope John Paul II's 1982 encyclical "Laborem exercens", which stresses the primacy and priority of labor over capital, and while criticizing Soviet style state ownership, indicates approval for what JP calls an "authentic socialization" of the means o

[PEN-L:2591] Freedom and Rights

1996-01-24 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I basically concur with Justin Schwartz's post on these topics, but I would add 3 other comments to make it simple and effective against right-wing libertarians: 1) Whether my freedom is reduced/constrained/restricted by another's intentional interference seems to me to be fairly a question abou

[PEN-L:2557] Help on defense budget

1996-01-23 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Could someone here give me a quick figure *plus source* for the percentage of the Federal Budget taken up by defense (and perhaps closely related, eg "National Security") spending. I think I've seen various figures given in left publications, ranging from 18-25%. Thanks. Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2549] Re: Reich questions

1996-01-23 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Howzabout: "Secretary Reich, you are always going on about the need for more and better job training and education. But what if there is insufficient demand in the economy as a whole? Doesn't the existence of a large reserve army of labor mean that those in work will always be cowed into acc

[PEN-L:2487] Re: practical Marxism

1996-01-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
That should have read, "it amazing how hard *they defend* the right of their employers to profit from their labor"--Peter

[PEN-L:2486] Re: practical Marxism

1996-01-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I wonder if the numbers have been a bit skewed, Doug, by the use of the phrase "income from *investment*". "Investment" is one of those positive, feel-good words. Bill Clinton is forever going on about "investing in our children" (not as lucrative as cattle futures, though). I leave others to th

[PEN-L:2365] Re: Vandana Shiva

1996-01-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
On Mon, 15 Jan 1996, S. Charusheela and Colin Danby wrote: > If we may > respectfully take issue with Peter Burns' thoughtful essay, the > expansion of the urban informal sector in much of the third world is > not caused by the magnetic draw of urban culture, but by events which > have den

[PEN-L:2322] Re: EuroSlack

1996-01-11 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Don't forget that some of the countries with the highest unemployment in the EC are also those with relatively low wages and benefits--e.g. Spain and Ireland. And France has lower wages and higher unemployment than Germany while in Britain the official unemployment figures are a bloody lie! The

[PEN-L:2281] Official: NZ is the model

1996-01-06 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Heard on the radio, Republican congressman saying that the battle over reducing the public sector is now worldwide. New Zealand has done it, quoth he, and other countries are doing it, and if the US doesn't do it, we'll be left behind Yeah, left behind in the race to the bottom. Uugh!! Pete

[PEN-L:2280] Vandana Shiva

1996-01-06 Thread Robert Peter Burns
In a previous post I was not attempting a review of Shiva's book, Staying Alive. It is several years since I read it, and I do not have it to hand. From memory, though, the faults which made me think it the worst book I have ever read were: 1) its astounding repetitiousness 2) appalling style a

[PEN-L:2279] Now is the time...

1996-01-06 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Not being a professional economist, I have always been a bit puzzled by the crowding-out-of-private-investment argument in relation to government budget deficits. I'd like some help here. As I see it, the interest rate paid on government securities must be equal to the lowest acceptable

[PEN-L:2265] Vandana Shiva

1996-01-04 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I once had to read a book by Vandana Shiva, _Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development_. It is the worst book-length piece of writing I have ever had to read. I'm afraid that this kind of rubbish gives both feminism and environmentalism a bad name. Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:1880] C'est tout merde

1995-12-11 Thread Robert Peter Burns
The problems in France re financing the welfare state essentially boil down, IMO, to the following: 1) More than a decade of austerity and financial orthodoxy-- "franc fort" and would-be Bundesbankism--produced vast increases in unemployment and poverty, as well as anaemic growth rates. Natu

Re: [PEN-L:1579] Ireland as example

1995-11-25 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Doug, I think you'll find that there has been a large and increasing amount of emigration of young people from Ireland to Britain, other European countries, and of course, the USA during the period you cite. Ireland is also a recipient of a relatively large per capita EC subsidies and aid of

[PEN-L:1488] Re: Privatization

1995-11-19 Thread Robert Peter Burns
One book I looked at briefly when back in Britain this summer was: M. Perczynski, J. Kregel, and E. Matzner , AFTER THE MARKET SHOCK . It was generally critical of East European "reform", but I can't remember any of the detailed arguments. Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:1476] Re: Privatization

1995-11-18 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I just want to clear something up. My original post on this subject reported the NYT as saying that the growth rate in Poland was relatively strong "DESPITE" the "lack of progress" on the privatization front. In other words, even USING IMF-style criteria for economic success such as the brute

[PEN-L:1475] Re: Privatization

1995-11-18 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Laura Bell asks: > Peter, I have a relevant question from a journalist who writes about > economics. Running at 6.5% -- that tells me little. Annually, for the > last quarter, two quarters? I am assuming the 6.5% figure represents an _annualized rate of growth_. As to _how long_ the gro

[PEN-L:1472] Privatization

1995-11-18 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I read in today's New York Times that economic growth in Poland is now running at 6.5 percent, "despite" the fact that the privatization program there is very incomplete and slow. Does anyone on this list have good information about the empirical facts concerning privatization and the record o

Re: [PEN-L:1399] A Dishonest Abomination on Public Television

1995-11-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Meeropol rightly rages: > him that lots do in fact have children just to get the money (despite the > evidence that there's no difference in out of wedlock births between states > with wildly different benefit levels). Amazing how people internalize others' stereotypes of them, even negative one

Re: [PEN-L:1387] the "new" AFL-CIO

1995-11-13 Thread Robert Peter Burns
John Gulick is right to warn of the dangers of a progressive left/labor agenda simply dissolving into US economic nationalism, or worse, outright Buchananism . But I think *some* folks in the US labor movement *do* recognize the need for a different strategy, one based on a renewed labor interna

[PEN-L:1166] Could the Republicans get away with it?

1995-10-29 Thread Robert Peter Burns
In the midst of the current Republican savagery against the poor and working classes of America, I am haunted by a nagging worry. It goes like this: Suppose the socially callous budget-cutters do succeed in substantially reducing the deficit. Will that, as they claim, really result in signific

Re: [PEN-L:1012] Re: Generational Differences among Marxists

1995-10-17 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Market socialists are NOT against planning things like water, sanitation, education or health care. Nor are they against planning in the areas of energy provision, transportation systems, or environmental protection. Nor are they against economic planning more generally, especially to combat une

Re: [PEN-L:988] Re: Generational Differences among Marxists

1995-10-17 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Louis, I am not a professor and I'm not an economist, so if your young groupies still want to debate market socialists, feel free to send them my way. Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:943] correction

1995-10-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Sorry, the table needs correcting. In the corporate tax rates segment, read Ireland 38% Belgium 39% Germany 45% Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:942] Low wages and unemployment

1995-10-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Did anyone else out there find the article in today New York Times business section on foreign investment in Britain as crazy as I did? Included with the article is a statistical table which I reproduce below. What I want to know is how come the authors can get away with such brazen disregar

Re: [PEN-L:910] Re: Alternatives to Stalin

1995-10-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Louis said: > Bukharin was an important foe of Stalin's bureaucratic policies > and he maintained his integrity until the very end. Bukharin sided with Stalin against Trotsky and the Left Opposition. Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:794] Proyect, planning, and market socialism

1995-10-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Louis Proyect is one of those people who keep saying the same thing over and over even after they have been corrected. I'll try one more time: Louis, listen carefully--MARKET SOCIALISTS ARE *NOT* AGAINST PLANNING. THEY GENERALLY FAVOR DEMOCRATICALLY ACCOUNTABLE FORMS OF STRATEGIC PLANNING. WHA

Conservative and stupid

1995-10-09 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Among many British academics the Conservative Party is often referred to as the Stupid Party--perhaps this has some historical link to the quote below, but I don't know. The last poll I saw on the subject put voting support among university lecturers for the Tories in the single figures. Peter B

[PEN-L:510] Saudi Arabia

1995-09-23 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Another market- and private sector-glorifying advertizing supplement in today's <23 Sept> New York Times, this one on Saudi Arabia, has this to say: "Privatization has become a cult word in current government policy..." Then this heading: "Private investors clamor for equity"--no wonder, becau

[PEN-L:509] Re: Mondragon

1995-09-22 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Let me quote from David Schweickart's article in *Science and Society* , 'Economic Democracy: A Worthy Socialism that Would Really Work' . Believing that God gives almost all people equal intellectual potential, potential blocked by conditions of unequal power, and dismayed that not a single work

[PEN-L:504] Re: risk shift

1995-09-22 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Response to Carla Orcutt, Ph.D > > Peter Burns SJ wrote: > >The evidence is that worker-controlled enterprises have > >better levels of productivity and motivation _and_ > >greater internal equality of income on average than > >do comparable capitalist firms. > > > Do you have any recent referen

[PEN-L:487] Britain imprisons the poor

1995-09-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I am listening to NPR right now, and there's an item on the record number of people in Britain going to prison for non-payment of fines because they're too poor, up to 23,000 of them. The scumbag Tory government hailed the record jail numbers until the detail was pointed out. The non-payers, it

[PEN-L:486] Re: risk shift

1995-09-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
The evidence is that worker-controlled enterprises have better levels of productivity and motivation _and_ greater internal equality of income on average than do comparable capitalist firms. Peter Burns SJ Michael Etchison said: > > Tom Walker passes on, 9/19, Michael Belzer's summary whi

[PEN-L:481] South Korea

1995-09-20 Thread Robert Peter Burns
A few weeks ago, did something appear on this list giving some references to the role of economic planning in South Korean development? If so, I would be very grateful if someone could post them on to me again. Thanks Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:362] EPI STudy-Profits Up, Wages Down (fwd)

1995-09-06 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Forwarded message: Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 11:42:20 -0600 Reply-To: LEFT-L - Building a Democratic Left Movement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sender: LEFT-L - Building a Democratic Left Movement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: Talmadge Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: EP

[PEN-L:5099] Inequality--ref for Devine & Schettino

1995-05-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Devine and Schettino might want to look at: T. Persson and G. Tabellini, 'Is Inequality Harmful for Growth?' _American Economic Review_ vol. 84/3 (June 1994), 600-621 and World Bank, _World Development Report 1991_, especially page 137. Cheers, Peter Burns SJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5082] It makes you sick

1995-05-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Here's an excerpt from today's Los Angeles Times "Column Left" article by Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh, entitled "Living Well at Workers' Expense". The authors are fellows at the Institute for Policy Studies. BEGIN EXCERPT: Mexico's currency crisis has created a windfall for U.S. companies t

[PEN-L:5075] Brits, USA, inequality

1995-05-13 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Doug Henwood provides some figures on income inequality and poverty rates. However, I am a little concerned about the dates for those figures. Britain experienced a whopping recession in 1980-1981, and by the mid 80s was having a fairly rapid recovery. But there was another helluva recession

[PEN-L:5072] Re: Brits, USA, and inequality

1995-05-13 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Jeff writes: > I may have been wrong. The rate of growth may have been higher in Britian > but real earnings for all UK workers rose and the real pay of those at the > bottom grew. From 1979 to 1989 the lower decile in the US saw a drop of 11 > to 17 percent compared to an increase of 12 percen

[PEN-L:5069] Brits, NZ, and inequality

1995-05-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
You could well be right, Jeff. I was relying on a British publication of a couple of months ago reporting on the findings of the Rowntree study. Since then I saw that E. Wolff of NYU has produced a study which was reported in the New York Times. A couple of questions, though, if it's that stud

[PEN-L:5067] Re: UK & NZ: "Religious" Revitalization

1995-05-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Jim said: > Plus: Susan George and Fabrizio Sabelli have published FAITH AND > CREDIT: THE WORLD BANK'S SECULAR EMPIRE. (Westview Press, 1994) > They argue that the WB is a religious institution. As the > Roman Catholic Church was to feudalism, so the WB is to > global capitalism. Right, Peter B

[PEN-L:5056] Brits, NZ, and Chile

1995-05-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Here's the Rowntree reference I promised: _Income and Wealth_ which is available from: Joseph Rowntree Foundation The Homestead 40 Water End York, YO3 6LP England, UK price 9 pounds sterling A 5 page free summary is also available apparently. Another free market disaster area of course is Ch

[PEN-L:5050] Re: Brits> NZ too

1995-05-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Ellen Dannin and others who haven't seen it should take a look at the transcript of the CBC program "Ideas" on New Zealand which is available in the pen-l archives. It's very long, so one should probably download it, and print it out. In NZ they have tried being even more Thatcherite than Thatc

[PEN-L:5043] Brits

1995-05-12 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I'm from Scotland, currently living in Los Angeles--don't know if that counts as being a Brit. However I will be spending the summer back home in Glasgow, and in Cambridge, England. Last summer I published a short article called "Global Thatcherism in the Light of the British Experience" ; amo

[PEN-L:5014] Revolt of the Haves

1995-05-08 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Does anyone out there know if any cross-country studies have been made of the correlations or lack of them between levels of real wages and benefits , and levels of unemployment? I doubt if there is a correlation, but has anything of interest been observed in this matter-- we hear so much from

[PEN-L:5004] Re: Revolt of the Haves

1995-05-08 Thread Robert Peter Burns
This is on Bill's reply to my reply: > > Peter said: > > >I am all for asceticism, frugality, "more soul" and such > >for the well-to-do folks > >as you know , but doesn't a solution based on > >getting people to adopt moral consumption patterns > >presuppose the myth of consumer sovereignty?

[PEN-L:4988] Re: revolt of the haves

1995-05-07 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Bill, I am all for asceticism, frugality, "more soul" and such for the well-to-do folks as you know , but doesn't a solution based on getting people to adopt moral consumption patterns presuppose the myth of consumer sovereignty? Or are all those billions spent on marketing just a waste of mo

[PEN-L:4986] Revolt of the Haves

1995-05-06 Thread Robert Peter Burns
I am enjoying the discussion on this topic because a) the issue is absolutely central to the future of left politics and progressive economics, and b) because Cockshott and Selden have made a fine start in formulating the issues. Are people acquainted with a recent book by J. Brecher and T. Cost

[PEN-L:4847] Wharton, Not Thornton!!!

1995-04-27 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Sorry, Dale WHARTON, not Thornton!! Apologies, PBsj

[PEN-L:4846] assets tax

1995-04-27 Thread Robert Peter Burns
In Schweickart's book the capital assets tax REPLACES interest . Just having an assets tax in a capitalist economy, however, IN ADDITION to interest, might well lead to strategic bashing of the working class, and capital flight. Still, I am sympathetic to an assets tax, perhaps set at a modest r

[PEN-L:4789] self-employment

1995-04-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Anny Schaefer wonders about self-employment's relation to being a "worker". Although I don't entirely agree with it--the author uses anti-socialist and anti-Marxist rhetoric--there is a book by David Ellerman called PROPERTY AND CONTRACT IN ECONOMICS: THE CASE FOR ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY which has as

[PEN-L:4785] Re: marxist analysis of the environment

1995-04-21 Thread Robert Peter Burns
> > Hi. I have been reading quite a few student papers from the ecofeminist > perspective in the last few weeks -- from a particularly spiritual > ecofeminist point of view. These students, I think, could benefit from > a Marxist primer on the environmental crisis, but I don't know the > literatu

[PEN-L:4754] "Worker" (fwd)

1995-04-18 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Re: "worker" Good question! As used in Schweickart's work I think it means anyone who has to rely on paid employment--other than senior managerial employment--for the bulk of her/his income, and not on ownerhip and/or control of private capital. This leaves open, as S would definitel

[PEN-L:4732] dsanet: lost message two (fwd)

1995-04-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Just received this and found it interesting given recent pen-l discussions. PBsj Forwarded message: > From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Apr 15 17:27:38 1995 > From: Herbert Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: dsanet: lost message two > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 17:06:23 -0700 (P

[PEN-L:4730] Schweickart's book

1995-04-15 Thread Robert Peter Burns
At the end of my first post, I mentioned that I endorse strongly David Schweickart's excellent book, AGAINST CAPITALISM , and I asked if other list members had read it and formed an opinion. My sense is that this work, like Schweickart's earlier gem CAPITALISM OR WORKER CONTROL? , has not had the

[PEN-L:4721] Re: Religious social justice

1995-04-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
A question to Bill Mitchell: When anti-socialists start listing all the crimes of "socialism", you know, the Gulag, the purges, the appalling inefficiency, the destruction of the environment, the lies, the lack of freedom, the famines, the brutal, corrupt, stupid dictators, its "never having work

[PEN-L:4717] Religious social justice

1995-04-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Patrick, I heartily agree with you that religious-minded people need to give up their illusions in capitalism--that's one reason I am writing the book. My point was and remains, simply, that having a religious faith-based commitment to social justice is quite compatible with a class-based approa

[PEN-L:4714] Religious social justice crew

1995-04-14 Thread Robert Peter Burns
Patrick Bond wrote > your proposed alliance with the religious social justice crew > (or interest-free money or Grameen Banking or the like) has less > appeal than grounding a critique of finance in class conflict. Here I > would start with corporate campaigns (highlighting financial control > of