RE: Re: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Max B. Sawicky Have you read the Forward recently? It's under new (old) ownership, I'm told. One of the old-timers told me it's "back on track." mbs Absolutely. As one of the last few in the old tradition, I'm a dinosaur. jks

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Max B. Sawicky
[In re the TV version of the Warsaw uprising] Sure the film was lousy with Nazis. But there was nothing about fascism -- only terribly bad guys called 'Nazis' some pretty bad guys called 'Poles,' and some schlemiels who were jews (one of whom redeems himself). The Bund was referenced in the con

Re: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Justin Schwartz
>I wrote:>> a friend of mine -- an anthropologist named Martin Cohen -- has >done a lot of research on this (and he's not the only one). He argues that >there was an amazing amount of Jewish armed resistance to the Nazis, even >in >Germany. Well, what's an amazing amount? I visited the very mov

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Devine, James
> Not necessarily. Properly reconstructed, the resistance > could serve the purposes of elites. For instance, the > recent TV movie about the Warsaw ghetto uprising was > leached of left political content and framed the rebellion > as a more honorable form of suicide: stand-and-fight > as a matt

Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Michael Perelman
I remember hearing an interview on KPFA in Berkeley sometime ago regarding a story of several teenagers, boys and girls, who were Jewish partisans. Perhaps somebody knows the book. They showed incredible courage and ingenuity. Eventually they settled in Israel. The leader, hardened by the war,

RE: RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Max Sawicky
> I think it's slightly more sinister: the elite wants passive > donors to their > cause and support for Israel no matter what. Zionism and > standing-and-fighting are seen as mutually exclusive > alternatives. Further, > the Bund tradition of socialist or labor-oriented Jews is > anathema, whe

RE: RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Devine, James
I wrote:>> a friend of mine -- an anthropologist named Martin Cohen -- has done a lot of research on this (and he's not the only one). He argues that there was an amazing amount of Jewish armed resistance to the Nazis, even in Germany. Also, he argues that the U.S. Jewish establishment hates this

RE: RE: Fightin' Yids

2002-03-25 Thread Max Sawicky
if true, one reason could be the extent to which the resistance was intertwined with the Soviets. the documentary makes heavy use of Soviet archives, including old reenactments that use Russian soldiers. portraying both partisans and Nazi's. mbs > a friend of mine -- an anthropologist named Ma