
2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
led by their Queen. They were resisting capitalism, which took the specific form of the Dole Corporation. Does anybody think that native Hawaiians experienced "social benefits" due to capitalism? Does the plantation system mark progress over the pastoral and fishing mode of production t


2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
n the right direction," he says. "But that is all that we have done." Achebe says it was impossible not to be troubled by the poverty and decay evident in his country. "Even arriving at the airport in Lagos is depressing," he says. "You suddenly felt that something was wrong. . ." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
e lynchpin of the Analytical Marxism school whose major figures have drifted in various weird directions over the past 10 years and who have never been involved with concrete struggles against the capitalist system. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
evolutions in the west. In many ways, his hopes were realized through the 1917 revolution which violated Menshevik stagist conceptions about the need to realize capitalism before moving on to socialism. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: reparations

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
, Rattlesnake University, East Jesus, Nebraska, Fall 1993. (pp. 123-456) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Tulsa reparations

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
e that she never thought she would see the day. "It’s great," she said. "I think the survivors should be helped, and the children of survivors." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

shirtless helots neo-asceticism

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
m broiling a sirloin steak for dinner, courtesy of a Vinegar Factory gift certificate from Michael and Karen Yates. Yummy!!! Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Ernest Mandel's real views

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
LITION OF CAPITALIST DOMINATION AND CLASS SOCIETY IN GENERAL. And in this sense imperialism ultimately works for us. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

non-capitalist development

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
he US, he just might starve to death. When these extreme conditions are generalized as they are through much of Central and Latin America, no wonder the cry is for Freedom Now!!! Or as Fidel Castro put it, "Patria Libre o Muerte!!!" Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

non-capitalist development

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
Doug: Louis Proyect wrote: Essentially, this is the same kind of argument being made by defenders of capitalism in this discussion. They say that things are getting better in the third world. Look at life expectancy figures. They are better than they were 100 years ago. Isn't that progress? Why

capitalist versus socialist progress

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
le that even Western economists began to speak of the "North Korean Miracle." In fact, according to the economist Joan Robinson, writing in 1965, "All economic miracles of the postwar world are put in the shade by these achievements." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
The latest Nation ( has an article by Randall Robinson defending reparations. There is also an interesting website linked to the article: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Karl Marx quote

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
"History does nothing, It posses no immense wealth, fights no battles. It is rather man, who does everything, who posseses and fights." Does anybody know where this can be found? Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Does capitalism make sense?

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
recession), and some of the worst losses when profits are rising (i.e. late in an expansion). Doug Actually, I kind of knew this already since I have finally gotten around to reading "Wall Street"... Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Protest against killer cops

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
this list, visit: http:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _ Want to find the best email lists? Check out the Topica 20! Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The 1920s redux

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
scribe the global economy of the past 20 years? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Does capitalism make sense?

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
lis, Eddie Murphy or Mel Gibson sequels to Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop and Lethal Weapon. 3. Clean up my neighborhood of all the 25 year old louts who get drunk on Friday night and break beer bottles and puke on the sidewalks. 4. Over the counter Viagra. 5. Reunite New Zealand and Australia. Lou

Not One Less

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
I think the retreat was driven overwhelmingly by internal factors - the conservatives fake socialists defeated the radicals. A Marxist koan? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Karl Marx quote

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
Have you tried a word or phrase search at the Marxism archive? Got the next best thing, Hinrich Kuhl. He identified it as from The Holy Family. We're lining him up for the next "Do you want to be a Marxist Millionaire" quiz show. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Re: Karl Marx quote

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
kritischen Kritik, MEW Bd. 2, S. 98] Hinrich Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Fear and insecurity over the 1955 bull market

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
market has bee getting in the committee hearings and in the press is more important than a thousand glowing predictions from Eisenhower, from the Join Congressional Committee on the Economy Report, or from Fortune magazine. It has momentarily stripped away the pretentious and boastful facade and shown the cankers of fear and insecurity behind it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Not One Less

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
ch that socialists can take heart from in "Not One Less." It is a sign that the embers of social justice have not been extinguished in China. For as long as directors like Zhang Yimou are given a platform in China, there is evidence that the revolutionary spirit has not been vanquished. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Does capitalism make sense?

2000-02-25 Thread Louis Proyect
investors uneasy... Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Amadou Diallo

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
awakening of the youth is a very good sign indeed. Amadou Diallo's martyrdom might not have been in vain. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Fear and insecurity over the 1955 bull market

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
re so used to thinking of Marxists as "catastrophists" that when they say something that doesn't jibe with your expectations, you can't even recognize it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Fear and insecurity over the 1955 bull market

2000-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect
s about opponents of postmodernism being reductionist, maybe you should set an example yourself. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect
mortgages.) (clip) Full Review at: First chapter of book at: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Henry Liu on the Diallou verdict.

2000-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect
heir system can file, through their NGOs, a dissenting report on US conditions and sponsor a resolution to censor the US government at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva. Henry C.K. Liu Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Bad writing

2000-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect
's NY Times acrostic) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

China and trade surplus

2000-02-28 Thread Louis Proyect
members. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Not One Less

2000-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect
n I refer to Marxist haiku, I am referring to similarly brief descriptions of highly complex social and political phenomenon such as the decline of Chinese communism. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Re: coffee

2000-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect
pite "favorable" GDP statistics. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Lessons in Chinese history, politics and economics

2000-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect
oped with some insulation the the rest of the capitalistic globe. This is why WTO is not good for China at this time, until the rules change in favor of the developing economies and socialist systems. Henry C.K. Liu Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Shake-Up at Pacifica

2000-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect
3, was the front man for the group that became the first principally black partnership to own a modern professional sports franchise. He isn't answering many questions about what went wrong in Denver, except to insist that he is neither broke nor broken-hearted. (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxis

Keynesians and Post Keynesians and growth

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
, but that's what makes life interesting. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Smartness alone is not enough

2000-02-08 Thread Louis Proyect
ic outlook, because they do not upon depend upon "discussions" with the capitalists. They believe in fighting for their betterment. But what we have tried to point to in this article is that the fight for our rights is not a fight without a goal. If, in the fight between labor and capital, labo

Airplanes falling out of the sky

2000-02-01 Thread Louis Proyect
eal justice would be a sentences of life imprisonment for the scum running American industry and finance and their puppets inside the beltway. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

1950s teenage Trotskyist

2000-02-01 Thread Louis Proyect
at working-class Hispanics are now the SWP’s targeted recruits. I saw nothing frivolous, nothing that challenged the view of socialism as the province of asceticism. Clearly, the current SWP wants to project an image that omits the inconsistencies, the aristocratic predilections, the panache that have characterized more than one of its revolutionary forebears, including, albeit briefly, myself. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

When Adlai Stephenson waved the rebel flag

2000-02-03 Thread Louis Proyect
y coming back into the fold. For my part, they are welcome." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Pessimism over Japan

2000-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

capitalist versus socialist progress

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
was the sudden withdrawal of Soviet aid and technical support and, from 1962 to 1965, a reduction in trade between the two countries. Not surprisingly, this had a serious impact on the North Korean economy. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

capitalist versus socialist progress

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
eader Moammar Gadhafi "ever missed a meal because of a U.S. trade embargo. The only people hurt by food and medicine embargoes are poor people in those countries." (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Reparations and capitalistprogress.

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
over Vietnam. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Reparations and capitalist progress.

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
grade. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

New Darity and Myers book reviewed

2000-02-18 Thread Louis Proyect
immodest proposal for reparations. Copyright (c) 2000 by EH.Net and H-Net, all rights reserved. This work may be copied for non-profit educational use if proper credit is given to the author and the list. For other permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Whaples, Book Review E

a certain minimum willingness to face facts, to accept criticism...

2000-02-19 Thread Louis Proyect
that the U.S. left's "historic task of capturing the most formidable citadel of capitalism" would require humility all around: "a certain minimum willingness to face facts, to accept criticism, to admit mistakes, and to try new methods." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The Wayback machine

2000-02-19 Thread Louis Proyect
from the start and Braverman eventually went to work there. My biggest beef with the Communist Party is that it never broke with the Democrats. The Democrats, after all, are much more murderous and disgusting than Stalin ever was. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Class, race, basketball and oil

2000-02-21 Thread Louis Proyect
omach,' said Ibrahim, 49, a retired air force officer and father of eight, including two unemployed sons, all of whom live at home. 'And we are hungry now; we are in need.'" Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Re: Keynes and Marx

2000-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
nvolve competition with private enterprise or they confer benefits on the masses and thus indirectly undermine authority and privileges of the capitalists and their upper-class allies and retainers. "As to a direct assault on inequality of incomes, it is clear that this strikes a very heart of ou

New Deal theorists and their legacies

2000-02-22 Thread Louis Proyect
t the EH.NET Administrator ([EMAIL PROTECTED]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 513-529-3308). Published by EH.NET (February 2000) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The Commodification of the avant-garde: Clemente, Basquiat, Haring

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
st society that has not only exhausted efforts not only to criticize itself, but that has cut off all possibilities for allowing the "Other" to criticize it. The co-optation of avant-garde artists is simply the logical conclusion of a systematic commodification of everything, including subversion

A new student movement in Mexico

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
/review/021300mexico-leftists-review.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

CIA gave green light to murder Americans in Chile

2000-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect
e the logical outcome of government of Chile paranoia." Complete article at: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Focus on the Corporation announcement

2000-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Corporation columns are posted at Postings on corp-focus are limited to the columns. If you would like to comment on the columns, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Against psychopolitics

2000-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
t has been established by a reference to "clinical evidence" that itself has no command over political data unless one imagines it does. The psychological explanation, then, harbors the fallacy of "affirming the consequent": the political rebel is really rebelling against par

closet Keynsians

2000-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect
h capitalism because (rightly or wrongly) it associates socialism with the failed experiments of Communism. On the contrary, the problem is that they associate socialism with the failed experiment of a relatively humane capitalism. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

From Michael Gavin in East Germany on Haider protests

2000-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect
keep you informed. - end quote - If and when I hear something new I'll post another message. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The Chinese Question and American Labor Historians

2000-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect
ted in 1891 by Edward and Eleanor Marx-Aveling. More relevantly, it would provide an enormous assist to the posthumous fulfillment of Gutman's project: treating a broadened understanding of the class struggle as the unifying feature of America's labor movement, relegating labor union racism and workers' g

The Americanization of Elián

2000-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect
n González, told reporters. In the fashion of teenagers, Elián showed up at the meeting on Wednesday wearing a gold chain. He has been taught to wear baseball caps, backwards, and to use beepers and cell phones. He plays Nintendo games and watches video movies. Louis Proyect (The Marxism ma

Abu-Mumia Jamal and the labor movement

2000-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
nd strong support, financial and otherwise. Donations may be made to National Black United Fund (Please make checks payable to National Black United Fund/Mumia) at 40 Clinton Street, 5th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect
ven more power is its unstinting but compassionate portrayal of the cast's vulnerabilities. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

de-radicalized Latin American economic history

2000-02-24 Thread Louis Proyect
of Interdisciplinary History_ in Autumn 2000. Copyright (c) 2000 by EH.NET and H-Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.NET Administrator ([EMAIL PROTECTED]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 513-529-3308). Published by EH.NET (February 2000) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

R. Crumb's Short History of America

2000-02-17 Thread Louis Proyect Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-19 Thread Louis Proyect
possibility that world economic growth will slow," Mr. Téllez said. "I hope Mr. Richardson will say this loud and clear." Full article at: Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Automation and the trade unions in 1954

2000-02-19 Thread Louis Proyect
cannot weld them together into an army with banners. They breathe the spirit of bureaucracy, not labor militancy. They inspire complacency and conservatism, not sacrifice and struggle. The long retreat was halted and labor started going places two decades ago when the CIO was first set up. Now, labor is in a pocket again, and needs a new militant unionism integrated with a political labor organization to tackle the job. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Capitalism kills

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
's manager of corporate communications. (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Keynes Marx (from Chris Brady)

2000-02-15 Thread Louis Proyect
to those contradictions that Keynes shied away from in loyalty to his class. Sweezy, son of a J. P. Morgan financier, was and remains a class traitor. I raise my glass to him. Down with capitalism. Chris Brady, Las Cruces, CHILE Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Longer hours, not technology, explains labor productivity advances

2000-02-14 Thread Louis Proyect
. That's a lesson that should not be lost on America and its brave new economy. Stephen S. Roach is chief economist and director of global economics for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Full article at: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing

The art market

2000-02-15 Thread Louis Proyect
9, [auction rooms] doubled as gambling room, vanity parade and surrogate stock market, with overtones of bullring, prize ring, cockfight, dogfight and manfight. It was as if the collective unconscious of the newly monied world had come out of hiding and every last instinct of greed and cupidity and ostentation was let loose." Collector Asher Edelman was even, blunter: "The auction is a hog-pen environment. People are coming to auctions to show how rich and important they are. I think it’s wonderful. It creates a great form of patronage. So I welcome the hogs to the hog pens. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-16 Thread Louis Proyect
Full article at: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Liquidity trap

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
for women. (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Casino mentality

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
it particularly hard for investors to work out what companies were worth. "Are some of today's companies really worth 1,000 times nothing?" he asked the audience of 1,800 at the Jesuit university. (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Is Prozac Driving Wall Street? (cont.)

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
s business back then... Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Blair and Putin's Third Way Make-Over

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Putin objectively and from class criteria." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

The importance of Eugene V. Debs

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
capital that it has been able to create in its more affluent days. And here, it is the heritage of Debs that serves best, and will come into its own as the Left regroups itself, and launches —when the objective conditions are opportune—a new crusade for socialism. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Nerds on strike

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
the information age." Full article at: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Protectionism, free trade and socialism

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
ile and apparel imports from its current level of 0.8 percent! Shame on the people blocking this bill. Shame on them. Full article at: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

The academic-industrial complex

2000-03-07 Thread Louis Proyect
ns willing to invest in academic research. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:


2000-03-05 Thread Louis Proyect
Paul LaFargue said philanthropy is the capitalist making gifts at retail of whatever he stole at wholesale. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Richard Rorty and social security

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
LBO: Back to Clinton and his scandal. Max Sawicky of the Economic Policy Institute says that Clinton -- whom Sawicky describes as "the product of crossbreeding a polecat and a jellyfish" -- seems far more willing to appease the privatizers than he's been in the past, in an effort to keep his jo

Richard Rorty and social security

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
to genuine means-testing at a much lower cutoff point, which would turn Social Security from a social insurance to a welfare program. Perhaps, but the connection between one and the other is far from certain, a broken rather than a straight political line. Joel Blau Louis Proyect (The Marxism ma

Richard Rorty and social security

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
Peterson's alley, lubrication for turning SS into a welfare program. There are very few geezers with $100k+ incomes, so Rorty's scheme would have little economic effect. But the political effect would be pretty bad. Doug This is what I was trying to say. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing

Richard Rorty and social security

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
movement it leads is reluctant to dismantle Pinochet's economic "reforms". Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Keynesians and Post Keynesians and growth

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
was also resistant to interest rate hokie-pokie and pump priming. So can't we say that in a certain sense the musty old categories such as the "falling rate of profit" have more explanatory value for Japan's fix than post-Kenysian ones? Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Keynesians and Post Keynesians and growth

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
obviously is in line with your general foregrounding of the role of finance and money as a force equal to production. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Keynesians and Post Keynesians and growth

2000-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect
hi Sakaiya told a news conference yesterday. Sakaiya's remarks followed the release of government data showing consumer prices fell 0.9 per cent in January from a year earlier and 0.3 per cent from December, which he acknowledged were ''very large drops." Louis Proyect (The Marxis

The birth of the New Left?

2000-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect
as well as the middle class which is fed up with the years of hopeless political crisis. To accept the Billoux conception of the function of the "New Left" would be to reduce it to the kind of satellite which has existed in Eastern Europe, and nothing could be better calculated to repel the Frenc

Gold rush

2000-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect
credit is given to the author and the list. For other permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

Ecology and the American Socialist

2000-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect
s they are willing to get busy in a small way at innumerable points throughout the country to recover what was thrown away by participation in two world wars at the instigation of heady power politicians. If the best we can hope for is something handed down from Washington, we might as wel

The two Americas

2000-03-03 Thread Louis Proyect
obably would not be charged and was released today to an aunt. (clip) Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Anti-capitalist computer programming

2000-03-03 Thread Louis Proyect
tirely consistent." Full article at: Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

Re: Kadosh correction

2000-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect
the Talmud and women are there to support them. This means first of all procreating and secondly to cook and to keep the house clean. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:


2000-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect
ponse that the film "Kadosh" hints at. It is a positive sign that the film criticizes some of the most backward elements of Israel society and at least points the way toward a deepening critique of that society, including its secular but racist elements. Louis Proyect (The Marxism mailing list:

World labor needs independence and solidarity

2000-03-04 Thread Louis Proyect
t is and, given that, where it might be able to go." Doesn't Bacon's call for the need to relate to official Chinese trade unions as they *are* make Henry Liu's remonstrations more understandable? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list:

[PEN-L:2220] Re: Alan Sokal

1999-01-17 Thread Louis Proyect
nded Nicaraguan contra support, anti-abortion initiatives, anti-gay ballot initiatives, etc. He said that this was the only place that would offer him funding and I should not read too much into it. I guess on questions like this, I will remain a crude economic determinist. Louis Proyect (

[PEN-L:2243] Re: : Alan Sokal

1999-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
he conflicts within it, and takes its most obscurantist factions as spokespeople for the whole." This is just Wall Street Journal crap. Louis Proyect (

[PEN-L:2258] Re: Alan

1999-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
often than acknowledged, inference to the best hypothesis is a ranking of probabilities, not certitude. Relieved of the hubris that demands universal laws, archaeologists can incorporate the data of prehistory into the multiple histories of America. The Land of Prehistory is not beyond a frontier, but our own backyards. Louis Proyect (

[PEN-L:2260] Re: Alan Sokal

1999-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
and seeking our success not in dominating what is really indominable but in farsighted, humane, and gentle responses to inevitable surprise. The best defense of science under reactionary attack is to insist on science for the people. Louis Proyect (

[PEN-L:2274] Re: Alan Sokal

1999-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
, who themselves are seeking custody of the deceased for further study. That was even before the Norsemen showed up. Legal arguments will resume shortly. Maeder is a New York Daily News columnist. Louis Proyect (

[PEN-L:2278] Is Kennewick Man really Big Foot?

1999-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect
crazy," he said. Copyright © 1998 LEXIS®-NEXIS®, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Louis Proyect (

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