[PHP] Re: issue with connecting to DB

2003-03-30 Thread Joel Colombo
... running redhat with mysql PHP combo. all worked after i restarted the mysql service from command line. Joel Colombo Jennifer Fountain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Here is the code: ?php $link = mysql_connect(xxx, x, x) or die(Could

[PHP] Re: Installation

2003-03-26 Thread Joel Colombo
Here is the whole setup simple step-by-step even for PERL if you want ! http://www.ricocheting.com/server/apache.html Joel Daniel Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dear Sir I require a complete installation package if possible. I am operating XP Pro, but

[PHP] Re: Session's length.

2003-03-22 Thread Joel Colombo
by Joel Colombo L0vch1y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - php-general. I used such code: $exp = 60*60*24*10; # for ten days. session_set_cookie_params($exp); But it works wrong - cookies were removed right after i have rebooted. The other way is to put

Re: [PHP] File System

2003-03-17 Thread Joel Colombo
($dest_file) etc etc etc) { unlink($dest_file) } -- or -- do charles method and be sure if you want to delete it is gets deleted. if (unlink($dest_file)) { // Actions when deleted }else { // Actions if file does not exist, or fails, or is errored, or etc etc etc.. } Joel Colombo

[PHP] Re: Function/globalizing

2003-03-16 Thread Joel Colombo
Try: somewhere global define : $encryptiontechnique = 'ENCRYPT ALGORITHM'; function encryptPassword($password, $salt='') { global $encryptiontechnique; if ($salt === '') { $salt = $encryptiontechnique; } // CODE.. } Joel Colombo Liam Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

[PHP] Re: List tables

2003-03-15 Thread Joel Colombo
duplicate POST from php.db Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, i would like to list all of the tables and field names in my database e.g. table 1 field 1 field 2 field 3 table 2 field 1 field 2 field 3 table 3 field 1 field 2

[PHP] Re: ZEND_SET_SYMBOL compilation error

2003-03-12 Thread Joel Colombo
might want to post this to the developers group. php.dev Joel Joe Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I am writing a PHP extension on Win32. I put a ZEND_SET_SYMBOL in the php_init_xxx_globals() and it failed to compile under Win32 using VC++ 5.0, the error I

[PHP] Re: what problem in this sql

2003-03-12 Thread Joel Colombo
then 1 table in FROM. u must always specify where u are selecting from as well unless u SELECT * FROM t1, t2... that will work or SELECT t1.*, t2.field_a, t2.field_c... works also. Joel Colombo Alawi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SELECT type_id, type_name

[PHP] Re: what problem in this sql

2003-03-12 Thread Joel Colombo
oh and i just noticed u want to select the 'type_id' twice... i assume from each table SO u need to... SELECT table1.type_id AS t1_type_id, table2.type_id AS t2_type_id FROM t1, t2 use the 'AS' function it helps with a lot of headache later... trying to figure out y u get the wrong index ! Joel

[PHP] Re: need help with parsing form input ...

2003-03-11 Thread Joel Colombo
function make_alphanum($string_val) { return eregi_replace([^[:alnum:]], , $string_val); } strips everything except ALPHA and NUM Chars Joel Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Greetings. I'm out of my league here, not knowing enough about regular

Re: [PHP] timestamp to english

2003-03-10 Thread Joel Colombo
jim there is no need for the second parameter in Date() for PHP, unless u want something other then current time. Date ('m-d-y') is the same as Date ('m-d-y', Time()) Joel James Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] In mysql use DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(time),%H

[PHP] Re: standard html, hidden table's row and controls

2003-03-10 Thread Joel Colombo
This is a PHP group please post JS questions to a JS group unless u have PHP code in inside requiring help !!! IE considers it non-active when style.display = 'none' you can not reference it via the 'javascipt' controls. it must be made visible to work in IE... i think u should look at another

[PHP] Re: timestamp to english

2003-03-09 Thread Joel Colombo
PHP look at the Date( ) Function at php.net http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php Joel Lord Loh. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] How do I convert the unix time stamp (the one I get by the time()) to a readable English language time I am getting

[PHP] Re: Yarrrrgggghhhhh || Simplest php question in existence........

2003-03-03 Thread Joel Colombo
query result like MYSQL ? $x = mysql_result($result, 0, 'field'); another way for mysql_result $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $value = $r['fieldname']; -- OR -- just an array ? $result['fieldname'] = 5; $x = 'fieldname'; echo ($result[$x]); did that help ? i think

Re: [PHP] Yarrrrgggghhhhh || Simplest php question in existence........

2003-03-03 Thread Joel Colombo
not mysql_fetch_array unless u need those int indexes. mysql_fetch_assoc is the same thing but does not index the integer value, just the string field name. Joel Leif K-Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Use mysql_fetch_array instead of mysql_fetch_row. CF High

[PHP] Re: Maximum execution time explanation needed

2003-02-24 Thread Joel Colombo
stick a. set_time_limit(XXX); at the top of the page where XXX is the maximum time u would like it to run. ex... 180 for say 3 minutes. Joel Colombo Mathieu Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ok, i got this script i run on my server, this script runs

[PHP] Re: Permission Denied

2003-02-23 Thread Joel Colombo
u might have something on the ownership issue. i ran into the same thing... play with php's chown command. look it up php.net may help, i was having a similar issue a few months back. Joel John Taylor-Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Stephen, It seems like

[PHP] Re: cookie problem..

2003-02-23 Thread Joel Colombo
make sure u run a session_start(); before anything on the page u cant access any session vars without it. Joel Terry Lau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello, I want to set a cookie when I enter a text into the text field, and it shows the text I submitted


2003-02-19 Thread Joel Colombo
I am lost on this pdf_open_image(); i am creating an image... can i do this $image = ImageCreateTrueColor(100, 100); $red = ImageColorAllocate ($image, 255, 0, 0); $blue = ImageColorAllocate ($image, 0, 0, 255); ImageFilledRectangle($image, 0, 0, 100, 100, $red);

Re: [PHP] DB row selection

2003-02-19 Thread Joel Colombo
same thing $query = SELECT * FROM polls ORDER BY pollID DESC LIMIT 1; dont need both params for LIMIT. just the num of rows u want back works too. Joel Hans Prins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... That's weird.. that was the first

[PHP] MYSQL natsort() ?

2002-07-29 Thread Joel Colombo
This is a mysql question, cause i can do it with a natsort in php. question is can u do it directly in the MYSQL SELECT ? I am wondering if the SELECT statement can have a natural order by. Table has 5 rows. field name number values : 10 2 15 30 150 a regular order by

[PHP] Re: date

2002-07-24 Thread Joel Colombo
i use seconds in place of time alot. using the PHP time() function and Date() functions u can do a lot. instead of a time / date TIMESTAMP field type i use an INT type i then call the $the_time = Time(); and insert that. then u can manipulate the hell outta that INT value from the DB with php's

[PHP] Re: $PHP_SELF question

2002-04-18 Thread Joel Colombo
did u try $HTTP_REFERER ? that might do it... havent tested with an include though. Joel Theodore Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... I've got an include file that provides the basic framework for every page on my site, and at the bottom

[PHP] Re: Random number Question

2002-04-18 Thread Joel Colombo
actually if (intval($guess) == $number { would be more acuate then the trim ( ) you would eliminate all alpha characters and floating points saying it has to be a whole integer Joel Ralph Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... In

[PHP] Re: Directory

2002-04-16 Thread Joel Colombo
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.php all the file system functions Joel Colombo Jeroen Timmers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Hello, can i read a directory for files and other directory's with a php function for exam

[PHP] Re: passed val compare to array val

2002-04-12 Thread Joel Colombo
Sundogcurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Hi guys, like every other problem I have this one is SURE to be painfully simple to fix and make me look g0ofy again. I have an edit user form with checkboxes like the one below : INPUT type=checkbox

[PHP] Re: php+myslq+IDE

2002-04-09 Thread Joel Colombo
go download.com get EditPlus the trial runs up and still works without limit. very cool program Javier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Is there any free app. for php coding? I tried komodo but I can't get it to work in debug mode. Also tried