quot;Title"] = "Test 4";
uasort() is what you need here.
Also see the usort() documentation page for an example of how to write
the comparison callback function that you pass to uasort().
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web development
;REMOTE_ADDR'], $redirect_me))
header ("Location: ...");
If the addresses you are targeting are ranges in CIDR format (e.g., take a look at the PEAR package Net_IPv4.
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web development
underscores or both?
Without getting into personal preferences I'd say that the closest
thing we have to an industry standard are the PEAR conventions:
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web development
ner. With apologies to
the original poster for the drift and the perversity of this example:
print "$month";
print "";
Notes (warning, many personal biases included):
1. Quote all HTML attributes.
2. Use XHTML-compatible markup for "selected" attribute, nutty as it looks.
3. Use the month name, not the number, for your d
t. I'm all out of
> brain power on thinking how to go about reading it. I typically use
> simplexml to read xml and that's where my knowledge end.
Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but you may have to resort to
the plain ol' labor-intensive expat functions:
you are sending 100,000 messages, I'd have to guess you're
a spammer, as any org with a legitimate reason to mail 100K people at
once would be unlikely to be creating this script from scratch and
asking basic questions in php-general. But I could be wrong.)
good luck,
paul bissex,
bare minimum of what
> you will allow in a template.
I'd second the recommendation of Smarty -- as Matthew implies, you can
set it up to only allow a restricted set of tags in templates, and you
can define what those tags are so that they are intuitive to your
template-editing users.
The argument against template engines is well presented here:
Personally, I use Smarty for sites that need complex templating, and
pure PHP templating for everything else.
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web develop
;d' => 99, 'e' => 0);
print_r (array_filter ($a));
// Output:
[a] => foo
[d] => 99
As a previous poster noted, though, this will only work for you if "0"
and the empty string et al. are not significant in your application.
uot; . a_an ($table['field']) . " who is...";
Any time you start typing minor variants of the same thing over and
over, an alarm should go off in your head. That's what computers are
here to save us from!
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web developme
his design decision
is, though, in either language. Anybody?
paul bissex, e-scribe.com -- database-driven web development
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I had the same problem a few months ago. I switched to Mail::mime
thinking that the problem was my homebrew code, but still the same
thing -- Outlook didn't recognize the message as multipart.
The fix was changing the newline sequence from "\r\n" to "\n".
The Mail::mime constructor allows you to
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