[ppiindia] BARU LAUNCHING DI INDONESIA - Ambil Peluang Terawal

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik Vemma Indonesia
Salam sejahtera, Wellcome to VEMMA !!We got something for you. VEMMA is for your HEALTH, and talking about MONEY?? Realisasikan IMPIAN anda!! Makes you DREAM come true! We're soo new here!So,be the first in the crowd! We wants you to be a leader on a wonderful journey of money making!

[ppiindia] BARU LAUNCHING DI INDONESIA - Ambil Peluang Terawal

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik Vemma Indonesia
Salam sejahtera, Wellcome to VEMMA !!We got something for you. VEMMA is for your HEALTH, and talking about MONEY?? Realisasikan IMPIAN anda!! Makes you DREAM come true! We're soo new here!So,be the first in the crowd! We wants you to be a leader on a wonderful journey of money making!

[ppiindia] Kebakaran Tingkatkan Angka Kemiskinan

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/index.php?detail=Newsid=12481 2009-12-15 Kebakaran Tingkatkan Angka Kemiskinan [JAKARTA] Banyaknya kebakaran, terutama di permukiman padat penduduk di Jakarta telah menimbulkan masalah baru. Masalah itu adalah bertambahnya jumlah orang miskin karena harta

[ppiindia] Wapres: Penduduk Miskin RI Tinggal 10 Persen

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Skandal Bank Century (BC) telah membuat banyak protes dan demonstrasi. Entah kapan bisa jelas siapa bersalah dan siapa tidak berasalah. Sebagaimana banyak kasus HAM mungkin juga skandal BC akan menghilang begitu saja tanpa diketahui solusinya. Meningat kebiasaan NKRI yang pada

[ppiindia] Economist: difficult to compete with Chinese products

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Reflection : If it is difficult to compete, why signed the agreement. Only idiots and lunatics would sign such agreement without any proper considerations. http://www.antaranews.com/en/news/1260986479/economist-difficult-to-compete-with-chinese-products Economist: difficult to compete with

[ppiindia] We Had to Kill Kelly Kwalik, Say Indonesia Police

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://thejakartaglobe.com/home/we-had-to-kill-kelly-kwalik-say-indonesia-police/347909 December 16, 2009 John Pakage Farouk Arnaz We Had to Kill Kelly Kwalik, Say Indonesia Police The National Police announced on Wednesday that they had shot and killed Kelly Kwalik, the charismatic leader

[ppiindia] Behind 'Balibo' And Its Banning

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://thejakartaglobe.com/lifeandtimes/behind-balibo-and-its-banning/347789 December 16, 2009 East Timor's President Jose Ramos-Horta (R) and actor Oscar Issac (L), who plays him 'Balibo.' (AFP Photo/Footprint Films) Behind 'Balibo' And Its Banning A young Jose Ramos-Horta, shown as the

[ppiindia] Facebook campaign targets Obama statue in Jakarta park

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refection : Agaknya di negeri-negeri Islam tidak ada patung [manusia], terkecuali di Turki dan Syria. Di Turki, pada umumnya adalah patung Mustafa Kemal Ataturk dan di Syria di sebuah kampung Golan yang diduduki oleh Israel ada patung orang Druz. Kalau ada patung, tentu berasal dari kekuasaan

[ppiindia] Man-made or earthly phenomenon?

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://english.aljazeera.net/focus/climatesos/2009/12/20091215132841134624.html Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:21 Mecca time, 07:21 GMT Man-made or earthly phenomenon? By Joanna Kakissis Delegates, including world leaders, at the climate

[ppiindia] Post-American scenarios in Afghanistan

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/in-paper-magazine/encounter/postamerican-scenarios-in-afghanistan-329 Post-American scenarios in Afghanistan By Ilhan Niaz Sunday, 13 Dec, 2009 | 03:47 AM PST | AFTER three decades of turmoil, violence and killings, Afghanistan

[ppiindia] Visions of Islam

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2009/976/cu1.htm 10 - 16 December 2009 Issue No. 976 Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875 Visions of Islam One of the world's most important private collections of Islamic art is currently on display at the Institut du monde arabe in Paris, writes David

[ppiindia] No more jihadi proxies

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\12\16\story_16-12-2009_pg3_3 Wednesday, December 16, 2009 WASHINGTON DIARY: No more jihadi proxies -Dr Manzur Ejaz Despite tall claims, extremism and Talibanisation kept on expanding during the Musharraf era. The trend was reversed only when

[ppiindia] What is property?

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\12\16\story_16-12-2009_pg3_4 Wednesday, December 16, 2009 PURPLE PATCH: What is property? -PJ Proudhon Everybody, in France, demands the conversion of the five percent bonds; they demand thereby the complete sacrifice of one species of

[ppiindia] China's Changing Views on Race

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/13/chinas-changing-views-on-race/?ref=asia December 13, 2009, 8:00 pm China's Changing Views on Race By THE EDITORS Philippe Lopez/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images Lou Jing, center, a contestant in a Chinese talent show this summer, caused an

[ppiindia] South Ossetia Wins Nauru's Recognition

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/south-ossetia-wins-naurus-recognition/396293.html South Ossetia Wins Nauru's Recognition 17 December 2009 By Nikolaus von Twickel Sergey Ponomarev / AP Abkhazia's president Sergei Bagapsh speaks in Sukhumi on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009. Tiny Nauru on

[ppiindia] An Open Letter to the Arab World

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=2id=19176 An Open Letter to the Arab World 16/12/2009 By Danny Ayalon* Since the reestablishment of our state, Israeli leaders have sought peace with their Arab neighbors. Our Declaration of Independence, Israel's founding document that

[ppiindia] Reform hopes fade in Indonesia

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/KL17Ae01.html Dec 17, 2009 Reform hopes fade in Indonesia By Fabio Scarpello DENPASAR - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's political gamble to widen his coalition and govern by broad consensus is backfiring just months after his

[ppiindia] China's Ignored Rural Poor

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_contenttask=viewid=2197Itemid=206 China's Ignored Rural Poor Written by Willy Lam Tuesday, 15 December 2009 The Communist Party seeks to help its deprived workers and farmers It is a mark of how far the Chinese

[ppiindia] Kuwaiti clerics firm against segregation in public places

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=MzA4NTY3Mjk4 Kuwaiti clerics firm against segregation in public places Published Date: December 16, 2009 By Ben Garcia, Staff Writer KUWAIT: Even as the Kuwait's parliamentary legislative committee has initially approved of the move to impose

[ppiindia] Halal food in Paris hotel

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.omanobserver.com/ Thursday December 17, 2009 / Dhul-Hajja 30, 1430 AH Halal food in Paris hotel By Vicky Buffery and Laurent Hamida IN a stylishly decorated restaurant in the heart of Paris, tucked between Bastille and Place de la Nation, Sophia Tabet is perusing a typical French

[ppiindia] Woman who bore 25 kids is new 'heroine'

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2item_no=332396version=1template_id=44parent_id=24 Woman who bore 25 kids is new 'heroine' Publish Date: Thursday,17 December, 2009, at 12:48 PM Doha Time Unable to read or write and extremely poor, Santkumari Pariyar seems an unlikely

[ppiindia] Dangerous times for journalists

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2item_no=332304version=1template_id=46parent_id=26 Dangerous times for journalists Publish Date: Thursday,17 December, 2009, at 12:12 PM Doha Time By Kamran Rehmat/Islamabad

[ppiindia] Gus Mus: Tahu-tahu Tahun Baru

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik Ananto
Tahu-tahu Tahun Baru Oleh: KH. A. Mustofa Bisri Tahu-tahu Ahad. Tahu-tahu Senin. Tahu-tahu Selasa. Tahu-tahu Rabu. Tahu Kamis. Tahu Jumat. Tahu-tahu Sabtu. Tahu-tahu Januari. Tahu-tahu Februari. Tahu-tahu Maret. Tahu-tahu April. Tahu-tahu Mei. Tahu-tahu Juni. Tahu-tahu Juli. Tahu-tahu Agustus.

[ppiindia] Media Online Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik MANG UCUP
Media Online Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Dalam kurun waktu hampir sembilan bulan ini saya telah memperpanjang keanggotaan dalam sebuah forum kepenulisan creative writing, tempat para penulis internasional berkumpul untuk saling berbagi ilmu lewat tulisan-tulisan dan review mereka. Salah

[ppiindia] Lilin Natal

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik MANG UCUP
Lilin dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Candle yang diserap dari bahasa Latin Cardere yang berarti Kelap-kelip. Lilin sudah dikenal oleh bangsa Mesir sejak 3.000 tahun sebelum Masehi. Orang Yahudi setiap Jumat sore 18 menit sebelum matahari terbenam selalu menyalakan lilin untuk menyambut dimulainya

[ppiindia] Fwd: Belajar / Mengajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Instan? Bisaaa!

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik Putri
info bagus .. kalo tertarik jangan reply saya tapi langsung aja email dibawah ! - Original Message - From: farahlie (farah...@mail.com) Sent: Desember 15, 2009 01:30 AM Subject: Belajar / Mengajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Instan? Bisaaa! Anda ingin belajar bahasa Inggris? Tapi tidak ada

[ppiindia] I just uploaded a photo that I want you to see!

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar
Hello! I just uploaded a photo on shohibul's DailyFlog page that I want you to see. Please come and see: http://www.mydailyflog.com/go/invite_register/shohibul/49792884stc=18 Thanks! Shohibul Siregar Got a digital camera? MyDailyFlog is a personal

[ppiindia] Hamas: PLO vote on Abbas 'illegal'

2009-12-16 Terurut Topik sunny
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1260930883362pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter Hamas: PLO vote on Abbas 'illegal' Dec. 17, 2009 Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST The PLO Central Council on Wednesday approved a resolution calling on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud