[proletar] Re: Insyaflah!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik rezameutia
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Xyzman Irsyaad Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (del) Saya sendiri juga mempertanyakan pesan-pesan yang telah saya peroleh, suara-suara yang saya dengar. Benarkah semuanya adalah kata-kata dari ALlah SWT atau hanya halusinasi saya? Bukankah wahyu juga turun

[proletar] The Guardian: Bomb suspect 'became a militant' in prison

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Bomb suspect 'became a militant' in prison Background details emerge of refugee pair who grew up in Britain, amid alarm at scapegoating of asylum seekers Alan Travis and Audrey Gillan Thursday July 28, 2005 Guardian Muktar Said-Ibrahim, the suspected bomber still on the run is believed to

[proletar] CNN: Pakistan: New arrest in Pearl case

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Pakistan: New arrest in Pearl case LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -- Police and intelligence agents have arrested a man suspected of luring Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl to his death, officials said. The man, identified as Hashim Qadeer, was captured Wednesday in a bus at a terminal

[proletar] Re: [TIKUNGAN] CNN: 12 unexploded bombs found in car

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
12 unexploded bombs found in car LONDON, England (CNN) -- More than a dozen unexploded bombs were found in a car at Luton train station in north London five days after the deadly July 7 terror attack on London's transit system, two sources familiar with the investigation told CNN. The

[proletar] The Times: Bombs find shows outrages on 7/7 and 21/7 were linked

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
July 28, 2005 The devastation caused by the blast inside a carriage of the Tube train between King's Cross and Russell Square stations in the July 7 attacks. The images were leaked to ABC News by US law enforcement sources and shown on television there yesterday (ABC NEWS EXCLUSIVE) Bombs

[proletar] Konsep soal harga manusia dalam hukum

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik kim3hook
Quote : In the April 9, 2002 issue, The Wall Street Journal published the concept of blood money in Saudi Arabia. If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follow. 100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man 50,000 riyals

Re: [proletar] Fwd: [Bible-Forums] 3 Pertanyaan tentang Alkitab

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Ambon
Umat kristen bebas menyatakan pendapat tentang apa yang dipikirkan sekalipun mempertanyaan keberdaan Tuhan. Sudah tidak ada fatwa-fatwaan yang diakihiri dengan penerapan hukum zaman perbudakan primitif. Mereka lebih bebas dari pada petinggi agama yang terikat pada tatatertib gereja, makanya

[proletar] Re: Menantikan zaman enlightenment?suatu pertanyaan sekaligus tantangan!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, king_of_tort [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tumben loe Kim Hook, bisa mikir logis dan nalar, saya setuju dgn pendapat loe ini dalam hal ini, tapi ada TAPINYA TIDAK SEMUA MUSLIM berpandangan dan berpikiran demikian, tapi itu khusus buat mereka2 yg

[proletar] Re: Insyaflah!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Xyzman Irsyaad Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... Semua rekan-rekan seperti Kim Hook, Zhao Yun, Maradjo Lelo, serta yang lain-lainnya; GERAKKANLAH HATI MEREKA SEHINGGA MEREKA MEMPOSTING KE MILIS INI MENYATAKAN KEIMANAN MEREKA! Kasihan kamu ! Jadi inget Pak

[proletar] BBC: Nine more held by terror police

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Nine more held by terror police Anti-terror police have arrested nine men in Tooting, south London. The arrests came after three women in Stockwell were detained on suspicion of harbouring offenders, by police investigating the 21 July attacks. A hunt for three of the bombers is

[proletar] Psikologi itu ilmu tebak2an!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik mangucup88
Saya yakin banyak pembaca yg sudah merasa familier dgn kata2 seperti kholeris, melankholis, phlegmatis dan sanguinis tanpa mereka mengetahui, bahwa sebenarnya teori tsb berasal dari Hippocrates yg berpendapat bahwa dlm diri seseorang terdapat 4 macam cairan tubuh yang mempengaruhi karakter

[proletar] China wants Indonesia as strategic partner

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***This has become an important issue, no doubt, but we need to strengthen Asia because as you can see, the European Union is strong, as is America and other powers. By establishing this kind of relations with China, I am in support of the concept of a stronger Asia as well so as to be a

Re: [proletar] Re: Insyaflah!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik wir_sambi
Kalau dicepit pintu kira2 bisa ngecret gak ya ? Ada yang pernah nyoba ? ws On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 23:16:44 -0700 (PDT) rezameutia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Xyzman Irsyaad Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (del) Saya sendiri juga mempertanyakan pesan-pesan

[proletar] China wants Indonesia as strategic partner

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***Strategic partnership dengan Tiongkok akan angkat Indonesia kembali ke bangku big borther di ASEAN, seperti ASEAN di zaman Soeharto. Ini tentu membikin AS kempas kempis dan dak dik duk, tidak berani terusi konspirasi bom Marriott episode 2... ***Tentu, poros Jakarta-Beijing-Pyongyang tidak

[proletar] Apakah ini kriteria Barisan Sakit Hati?

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Harry Adinegara
Tayangan 7.30 report ,TV ABC,perlu saya ungkap disini agar para members milis ini bisa membenahi posisinya dalam masalah pelecehan HAM. Pelecehan HAM yang terjadi di tahun 1944, dan tertuduh adalah seorang warga Australia asal Hongaria. Diberitakan/ disorot disini seorang warga negara Aussie

[proletar] Blair denies row with wife over terror laws

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
July 27, 2005 Blair denies row with wife over terror laws By Jenny Booth, Times Online Tony Blair today defended his wife after she made a speech criticising the effects of new anti-terror laws on human rights. The Prime Minister dismissed suggestions that he was at loggerheads with Mrs

[proletar] BBC: Shooting officer sent on holiday

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Shooting officer sent on holiday A police officer involved in the fatal shooting of an innocent Brazilian man at a London Tube station has been given a holiday paid for by Scotland Yard. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair personally authorised the break for the officer and his

[proletar] BBC: Transport police 'on high alert'

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Transport police 'on high alert' A major police operation is under way on the UK's transport system, with officers on a precautionary high alert. The effort to reassure the public and deter would-be attackers saw the rail system's largest ever deployment, British Transport Police said.

[proletar] BBC: Call for mosque chairman to quit

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Call for mosque chairman to quit A Birmingham MP has called for the chairman of the city's Central Mosque to resign after he said the government could not be trusted. Chairman Dr Mohammed Naseem made the comments after terror suspect Yasin Hassan Omar was arrested in Small Heath on

[proletar] BBC: Hate crimes 'rise after UK bombs'

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Hate crimes 'rise after UK bombs' The number of attacks on Asians has risen significantly since the London bombings, police and Muslim groups say. The number reported to the Islamic Human Rights Commission - not including those reported to police - has risen more than 13-fold, its chairman

[proletar] BBC: IRA says armed campaign is over

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
IRA says armed campaign is over The IRA has formally ordered an end to its armed campaign and says it will pursue exclusively peaceful means. In a long-awaited statement, the republican organisation said it would follow a democratic path ending more than 30 years of violence. The IRA

[proletar] CNN: California Guard unit faces abuse allegations

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
California Guard unit faces abuse allegations Accusations involve detainee mistreatment LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A company of the California Army National Guard has been placed on restricted duty amid allegations that members of the unit mistreated detainees in Iraq, military

[proletar] Aljazeera: Algerian Islamist held for Iraq comment

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Algerian Islamist held for Iraq comment by Wednesday 27 July 2005 9:20 PM GMT Belhadj served 12 years in prison for 'threatening state security' Algerian police have arrested a former leading member of an Islamic group for voicing support for Iraqi fighters as the country mourned the death of

[proletar] Re: BBC: Hate crimes 'rise after UK bombs'

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... This backlash is exactly what those who promote terrorism want police say. ... Fiq, Pandangan polisi itu mirip-mirip pandangan tokoh² masyakrakat didunia Barat yang belum tentu benar akan terjadi seperti itu. Karena

[proletar] Mau dibawa ke mana negara ini?

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik ma_suryawan
Saya cuma mengomentari, kalimat ini: ...,Pak Ud -- yang merupakan ulama senior NU dan putra pendiri NU KH Hasyim Asy'ari -- mengharapkan agar pemerintah bersikap tegas, dengan segera melakukan pelarangan terhadap ajaran Ahmadiyah secara nasional dan melikuidasi aset-asetnya untuk kepentingan

[proletar] Re: Menantikan zaman enlightenment?suatu pertanyaan sekaligus tantangan!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik king_of_tort
Wah... kambuh lagi! Keluar tuh sifat bego dan bodo dikau, barusan dipuji dikit 'punya otak'..eh malah balik lagi jadi bloon.. Udah dech Kim, ngomong aja tuh sama batu, emang cuma disitu level intelektual kamu... Malas ngomong sama cecunguk goblok ! Tukang generalisasi ! Udah mandi dan gosok

[proletar] Kapal TNI Dikepung Kapal Dan Heli Malaysia

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.indomedia.com/bpost/072005/29/nusantara/nusa1.htm Kapal TNI Dikepung Kapal Dan Heli Malaysia Medan, BPost Perseteruan TNI AL dengan militer Malaysia terus berlanjut. Setelah kapal kedua negara ini sempat bertabrakan dalam kasus Blok Ambalat, Senin (25/7) lalu, kapal milik Polisi

[proletar] Kasus Rekening 15 Pati Polri--

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.balipost.co.id/balipostcetak/2005/7/29/b1.htm Dari Warung Global Interaktif Bali Post Kasus Rekening 15 Pati Polri-- Perlu UU Pembuktian Terbalik Lima belas perwira tinggi (pati) Polri memiliki rekening bank yang saldonya dinilai tidak wajar, sehingga sulit dipercaya itu hasil dari

[proletar] Indonesia plans naval shake-up

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Last Update: Thursday, July 28, 2005. 8:12pm (AEST) Indonesia plans naval shake-up Indonesia is planning a major shake-up of its naval forces, creating a third fleet to be based in the eastern-most province of Papua. The redistribution of personnel and vessels comes as Jakarta is striving to

[proletar] Re: Insyaflah!

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik rezameutia
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wir_sambi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Kalau dicepit pintu kira2 bisa ngecret gak ya ? Ada yang pernah nyoba ? tanya aja sama dokter boyke atau dokter naek l. tobing di pakubuwono. kalo bisa, lumayan ngirit sabun, wir. ws On Wed, 27 Jul 2005

[proletar] Re: Apakah ini kriteria Barisan Sakit Hati?

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik rezameutia
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Harry Adinegara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tayangan 7.30 report ,TV ABC,perlu saya ungkap disini agar para members milis ini bisa membenahi posisinya dalam masalah pelecehan HAM. Pelecehan HAM yang terjadi di tahun 1944, dan tertuduh adalah seorang warga Australia

[proletar] Why This Male Guardian's Consent for Everything?

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.arabnews.com/?page=9section=0article=67656d=29m=7y=2005pix=community.jpgcategory=Features Friday, 29, July, 2005 (22, Jumada al-Thani, 1426) Why This Male Guardian's Consent for Everything? Jawahir Al-Subaie, [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is an underlying

[proletar] [Berita] [Hindu.com] [Ahmadiyyas to attend London meet]

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik R. Ali
*http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/28/stories/2005072815361300.htm** Ahmadiyyas to attend London meet *Special Correspondent CHENNAI: A large number of representatives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect are expected to attend the international Ahmadiyya Convention in London on July 29. ``While the

[proletar] [Berita] [allafrica.com] Parliament Gets New Mmajority Leader

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik R. Ali
http://allafrica.com/stories/200507280778.html Parliament Gets New Mmajority Leader Concord Times (Freetown) July 28, 2005 Posted to the web July 28, 2005 Regina Pratt Freetown Hon. Mohamed Fofanah was Wednesday appointed the new Majority Leader in Parliament by President Kabbah to replace

[proletar] [Berita] [ghanaweb.com] Give priority to family Panning issues -Prof

2005-07-28 Terurut Topik R. Ali
http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel.php?ID=86782 General News of Wednesday, 27 July 2005 Give priority to family Panning issues -Prof Ghana Real Estate Catalog Accra, July 27, GNA- Professor Fred T. Sai, Presidential Advisor on Population and HIV/AIDS issues on Wednesday