[admin] Resolved/Fixed bugs should include changeset/patch link [Was: Re: [Dom-Parsing] LC1 Comments Addressed for DOM Parsing and Serialization]

2014-03-28 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc public-pointer-events ] On 3/28/14 6:28 AM, ext Anne van Kesteren wrote: If you fix a bug, please post a link to the commit in the bug for ease of review and historical record. Yes, I agree that is a best practice we should all follow. I added this one point related to Editor roles and

Re: [admin] Reminder: March 28 is Deadline to register for April 10-11 f2f meeting

2014-03-28 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 3/28/14 1:09 PM, ext Ryosuke Niwa wrote: Sorry. It's a copy & paste error. It currently links to http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/wg/2014-04-Agenda. Oh, ok; fixed; thanks! WebApps' agenda page is . And a Reminder, Reminder today @ midnight Bo

Re: XMLHttpRequest Level 1- specification history

2014-03-31 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 3/30/14 8:02 PM, ext Jungkee Song wrote: I think the related testing efforts [1] (the current status [2]) from many industry players (of course Anne contributed enormous part of the test too) are improving the Web in a way. Yes, I agree, and thanks to all that contribute to this effort. -A

[April2014Meeting] Building an Issue and Bug focused agenda

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, The [Agenda] page for the April 10-11 meeting includes a list of Potential Topics and other than a meeting with some members of SysApps on April 10 to discuss the Service Worker and Manifest specs, currently, all other time slots are unallocated. Although we will allocate time slots

[April2014Meeting] Seeking status and plans from Editors not attending meeting; deadline April 9

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, The people in the To: list are spec Editors that are not registered for WebApps' April 10-11 meeting. Since you _won't_ attend the meeting, I would appreciate it if you would please provide a short status, plans, expectations and such for your spec(s). In general: what are the major i

[April2014Meeting] Plans and expectations for specs in CR; deadline April 9

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: public-webapps-testsuite ] Hi All, WebApps currently has 7 specs in CR, and 4 of them have at least one Draft implementation report [Interop]. In preparation for the upcoming meeting, I would appreciate if by April 9 the Test Facilitators these CRs would please provide a short status,

[testing] Proposal: close public-webapps-testsuite

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
To: Web Applications Working Group To: ACTION-713: If systeam can autoforward p-w-testsuite to p-test-infra, close p-w-ts (Web Applications Working Group) http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/713 On: Arthur Barstow Due: 2014-04-08 If you do not want to be notified on new action items

Re: [fileapi-directories-and-system/filewriter]

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/2/14 12:36 PM, ext Eric U wrote: Status: The specs are clearly dead; it's just been way down on my priority list to do anything about it. We should funnel it off to be a Note [or whatever the proper procedure is--Art?]. Thanks for the quick reply Eric. When a group agrees to stop w

CfC: publish WG Notes of File API: Writer and File API: Directories and System; deadline April 9

2014-04-02 Thread Arthur Barstow
Per Eric's e-mail earlier today [1], this is a Call for Consensus for WebApps to stop work on the File API Writer and File API: Directories and System specs and to publish a WG Note for these two specs. If this CfC passes, I propose removing the technical content of the Notes (like we did with

Re: [April2014Meeting] Building an Issue and Bug focused agenda

2014-04-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/2/14 4:17 PM, ext Arun Ranganathan wrote: On Apr 2, 2014, at 6:50 AM, Arthur Barstow <mailto:art.bars...@nokia.com>> wrote: File API; led by Jonas (will Arun join remotely?); which high priority bugs need discussion; status of LC processing; next steps If a dial-in is provide

Re: Screen Orientation Status

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/3/14 5:36 PM, ext Mounir Lamouri wrote: Hi, I have just updated the specification WD, solving most of the outstanding issues: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/screen-orientation/raw-file/tip/Overview.html (it is hot off the press, be gentle with typos and nits) There are now only two outstanding bug

Re: Screen Orientation Status

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/3/14 11:24 PM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote: On April 3, 2014 at 4:38:41 PM, Mounir Lamouri (mou...@lamouri.fr) wrote: Test suite: None yet. No test suite coordinator at the moment. I can create the test suite. Thanks Marcos! (I just added you as the Test Facilitator for this spec.)

Re: Pointer Lock Status

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/3/14 4:38 PM, ext Vincent Scheib wrote: Thanks for this information Vincent! Additional specification discussion: Artillery started a discussion "Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games" in public-webapps Feb 21 2014 raising the topic of limiting pointer movement to a rectangular ar

Re: [April2014Meeting] Seeking status and plans from Editors not attending meeting; deadline April 9

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/3/14 11:29 AM, ext Ted Mielczarek wrote: Implementation status: Thanks for this information Ted! Re testing, are you and/or Scott going to submit tests? If not, is there someone else that can help/lead the testing effort? Plan for last call status: I think we'd consider the spec prim

[DOM-P&S] Please review latest ED vis-à-vis LC#2 by April 11

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: public-webapps; please Reply-to: www-dom ] On 4/3/14 5:50 PM, ext Travis Leithead wrote: * DOM P&S: Travis; plan and expectations to get the spec back to LC I finished the last of the bugs today. It's now ready to head back to LC and then on to CR! Anne, All - Travis has now closed al

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/3/14 2:07 PM, ext Ted Mielczarek wrote: Trying to design an API that's everything to everyone is extremely hard and likely to produce unsatisfactory results. We chose to focus on the most useful subset of things that are common to all controllers. I believe the API we've spec'ed is useful

Re: [April2014Meeting] Seeking status and plans from Editors not attending meeting; deadline April 9

2014-04-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/4/14 10:19 AM, ext Ted Mielczarek wrote: Having a wiki to document v.next work would be great, I know we have a few things to put on there right away. If you can put up a skeleton page I'd be happy to fill it out with what I see as topics for v.next. I just created the skeleton doc

[testing] "unstable" tests: eventsource, workers, websockets, webmessaging, webstorage

2014-04-07 Thread Arthur Barstow
James identified tests "that aren't producing consistent results" . For WebApps, the test suites indentified are: eventsource, workers, websockets, webmessaging and webstorage. Please review these tests and if needed, create an issue and/or submit a fix

Re: Should events be preferably sent to the Window or the nearest object?

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/7/14 5:33 PM, ext Mounir Lamouri wrote: On Tue, 8 Apr 2014, at 8:37, Ian Hickson wrote: On Mon, 7 Apr 2014, Marcos Caceres wrote: On March 20, 2014 at 2:30:55 PM, Marcos Caceres (w...@marcosc.com) wrote: On March 20, 2014 at 12:58:44 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: Agreed. The exact target isn

Re: [April2014Meeting] Building an Issue and Bug focused agenda

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/9/14 12:03 AM, ext Maciej Stachowiak wrote: Would the WG be willing to put Web Components related topics on Friday when building the agenda? (Note: there are at least some Apple folks who will be there both days in any case.) On Apr 8, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Dimitri Glazkov

Re: [clipboard-apis] spec status

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/8/14 2:22 PM, ext Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote: So - regarding the short status, plans, expectations and such for your spec(s). Some details are still being discussed with implementors (special thanks to Ben Peters at Microsoft for bringing up issues recently). In particular, it's still s

Re: [April2014Meeting] Seeking status and plans from Editors not attending meeting; deadline April 9

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/8/14 10:33 PM, ext Kinuko Yasuda wrote: On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Arthur Barstow <mailto:art.bars...@nokia.com>> wrote: * Quota: Kinuko Spec status: working on an ED to address TAG feedback. Probably we need further discussion on some of the specific request

Re: [April2014Meeting] Plans and expectations for specs in CR; deadline April 9

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/9/14 10:19 AM, ext Zhang, Zhiqiang wrote: From: Arthur Barstow [mailto:art.bars...@nokia.com] * IDB: Zhiqiang; test suite status; plan to create an Implementation Report I've reviewed the open pull requests and moved all tests into https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/tree/m

Re: [April2014Meeting] Plans and expectations for specs in CR; deadline April 9

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/9/14 11:19 AM, ext Olli Pettay wrote: On 04/09/2014 09:10 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote: My recollection is that during the TPAC2013 meeting, Jonas said that functionality was implemented so yes, it would be good if someone would please clarify the situation and plan. Gecko doesn't

Re: [April2014Meeting] Plans and expectations for specs in CR; deadline April 9

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/9/14 1:06 PM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote: On 4/9/14 11:19 AM, ext Olli Pettay wrote: On 04/09/2014 09:10 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote: My recollection is that during the TPAC2013 meeting, Jonas said that functionality was implemented so yes, it would be good if someone would please clarify

[admin] WebApps and the Proposed changes to the TR Process

2014-04-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
TL;DR: April 21 is the deadline for comments for LC#2 of a revised Technical Reports (TR) process . If you have any comments about LC#2 itself, please send them to the public-w3process list

Re: [April2014Meeting] New PushAPI ED uploaded

2014-04-10 Thread Arthur Barstow
Thanks for this information Bryan! Yesterday, Jungkee and Wonsuk said they would like to discuss Push API during today's meeting and suggested a good time slot would be after the Service Worker slot (which is 13:30-14:30). Can you join via Zakim at 14:30(+) today? I've tentatively updated the a

[April2014Meeting] Draft minutes for April 10

2014-04-10 Thread Arthur Barstow
art LC2 ... CfC to stop work on File API specs. ... no one objected Ryo:any test on DOM P&S *ACTION:*barstow update testing info in PubStatus for DOM P&S spec [recorded inhttp://www.w3.org/2014/04/10-webapps-minutes.html#action01] Created ACTION-714 - Update testing info in pubstatu

Re: [Editing] Splitting Selection API Into a Separate Specification

2014-04-11 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/10/14 11:41 PM, ext Ryosuke Niwa wrote: I've uploaded the first cut the selection API specification unofficial draft at https://github.com/rniwa/selection-api Wow, that was quick; thanks! To facilitate review, I think it would be helpful if you would please create a `directly readable`

CfC: publish FPWD of Service Workers; deadline April 18

2014-04-11 Thread Arthur Barstow
Alex and Jungkee propose WebApps publish a First Public Working Draft of Service Workers and this is a Call for Consensus to do so, using the following Editor's Draft as the basis: This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to "

Re: Screen Orientation Status

2014-04-16 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/4/14 3:29 PM, ext Lars Knudsen wrote: what happened to the initiative to take a holistic view on DeviceOrientation, Media Queries and orientation lock all together? Hi Lars, Based on the minutes from today's Web Mobile meeting [1], it appears you and others have found a venue to discuss

Re: An error in document "http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/"

2014-04-17 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/17/14 12:09 PM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote: On April 17, 2014 at 5:46:17 AM, Wang, Peter H (peter.h.w...@intel.com) wrote: Hi all, I’ve found a small error in document http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/. In “7.12.4 Example of Usage”: 古老瓷地图 Ancient Chinese Maps should be 古老中国地图 Ancient Chinese

Re: An error in document "http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/"

2014-04-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/18/14 10:53 AM, ext Xiaoqian Cindy Wu wrote: on 18/04/2014 02:59, Marcos Caceres wrote: On April 17, 2014 at 12:21:06 PM, Arthur Barstow (art.bars...@nokia.com) wrote: I also noticed: the REC has a link to an ED that now 404s and the errata doc has a link to a "differences document&

CfC: publish LCWD of DOM Parsing and Serialization; deadline April 25

2014-04-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
Travis has now closed the last open bug [1] for DOM Parsing and Serialization so this is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish a LCWD of the spec, using the following ED as the basis: This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to "re

Re: [selection] [editing] Selection API Bugzilla is available

2014-04-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
> Are there any objections? If not, we will be moving some bugs over (in case you're tracking them). Ben - thanks for the heads-up. I think you should go ahead and move them. -Thanks, AB On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Ben Peters wrote: > The Selection API Bugzilla component [1] is now avail

Re: [charter] Addressable Ranges?

2014-04-22 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Doug, Do you have some prior art/work for this functionality (that could help people get a bit deeper understanding of the proposal)? All - if you have any feedback - both positive/+1 or negative - please do speak up by April 25 at the latest. -Thanks, AB On 4/18/14 3:45 PM, Doug Schepe

[admin] public-webapps-testsuite is now Closed

2014-04-22 Thread Arthur Barstow
As discussed a few weeks ago, public-webapps-testsuite is now closed and all previous subscribers have been unsubscribed. For all testing related discussions specific to WebApps, please use the public-webapps list and infrastructure type discussions, please use the public-test-infra list. -

Re: [charter] Addressable Ranges?

2014-04-25 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/22/14 9:40 AM, Doug Schepers wrote: Hi, Art– There are different approaches that could be taken, but one concrete implementation in JavaScript is from the Hypothes.is Annotator [1]. https://hypothes.is/blog/fuzzy-anchoring/ OK, so at this point, I think it would be helpful if you would

RfC: LCWD of Tracking Preference Expression (DNT); deadline June 18

2014-04-29 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, The Tracking Protection WG asked WebApps to review their April 24 LCWD of "Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)" so this is a Request for Comments: Individual WG members are encouraged to provide individual feedback. If anyone i

[admin] Please use IRC and #webapps for ad hoc "meetings"

2014-04-29 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, In addition to what Chaals said below, when folks meet to discuss WebApps' specs, please do use the #webapps channel to record the discussion (log is at [1]). There are a number of "cheat sheets" re the IRC bots (f.ex. [2]) so please do use those bots and if desired, we can easily as

[admin] putting Push API in W3C's Github repo [Was: Re: Progress on Push API]

2014-04-30 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/30/14 3:25 AM, EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA wrote: We developing the new version at [1], though not yet updated with the changes in my previous email. But if may be a good idea to migrate is to the W3C GitHub official repo. Hi Eduardo, WebApps already has a few specs using github.org/W3C so t

Re: [admin] putting Push API in W3C's Github repo [Was: Re: Progress on Push API]

2014-04-30 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/30/14 10:44 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: I'll work with Mike/Robin to create a new "push-api" project, unless you request otherwise. OK? Eduardo - Mike created this project <https://github.com/w3c/push-api>.

Re: [admin] putting Push API in W3C's Github repo [Was: Re: Progress on Push API]

2014-05-01 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/30/14 1:19 PM, Mounir Lamouri wrote: On Thu, 1 May 2014, at 1:50, EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA wrote: On 30 abr 2014 at 16:52:49, Arthur Barstow wrote: On 4/30/14 10:44 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: I'll work with Mike/Robin to create a new "push-api" project, unless you reques

RfC: LCWD of DOM Parsing and Serialization; deadline May 22

2014-05-01 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: public-webapps and public-html-admin; please Reply-to: www-dom ] WebApps requests comments on the May 1 Last Call Working Draft of "DOM Parsing and Serialization (DOMParser, XMLSerializer, innerHTML, and similar APIs)": If you hav

Re: [webcomponents]: Regular Conference Call Survey

2014-05-01 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/1/14 5:13 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote: I'm not, however, opposed to others having such conference calls as long as minutes/summary of discussions are posted on the mailing list. The expectation is the meeting will be announced at least 24 hours in advance and that minutes will be taken in #we

Re: [push-api] Push API draft migrated to the W3C GitHub repo

2014-05-06 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/5/14 12:51 PM, EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA wrote: Push API draft has been migrated to the W3C GitHub repo: https://github.com/w3c/push-api And this means the ED is now .

PSA: First Public Working Draft of Service Workers published

2014-05-08 Thread Arthur Barstow
The First Public Working Draft of Service Workers was published today: Congrats Jungkee and Alex and thanks to Philippe for preparing the `pub ready` version. -AB

[push] protocol drafts

2014-05-13 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Martin, Doug, I noticed there are two drafts related to push protocol: What are the plans and expectations for these specs (f.ex. do they address different use cas

Re: [charter] Addressable Ranges?

2014-05-14 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 4/25/14 8:44 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: On 4/22/14 9:40 AM, Doug Schepers wrote: Hi, Art– There are different approaches that could be taken, but one concrete implementation in JavaScript is from the Hypothes.is Annotator [1]. https://hypothes.is/blog/fuzzy-anchoring/ OK, so at this

[charter] Joint work with TAG on their Packaging on the Web spec?; deadline May 21

2014-05-14 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: www-tag; please Reply-to: public-webapps ] Hi All, In case you did not know, the TAG has been working on a "Packaging (format) on the Web" spec [1]. They have an initial draft they believe is ready for FPWD [2]. However, due to the IP constraints of the TAG's charter, they cannot curre

[webcomponents] Minutes from 20 May 2014 call

2014-05-20 Thread Arthur Barstow
The minutes from the May 20 Web Components call are available at the following and copied below: If anyone has any corrections, please reply to this e-mail. -Thanks, ArtB W3C - DRAFT - WebApps / Web Components

CfC: to create a new developer's list for WebApps' specs; deadline May 28

2014-05-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, About two years ago I proposed in [1] creating a new list (f.ex. public-webapps-devs) that is targeted toward developers using WebApps' specs. Such a list would be used by developers using the APIs (as opposed to implementers) as well as other related purposes such as announcing relev

Re: CfC: to create a new developer's list for WebApps' specs; deadline May 28

2014-05-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/21/14 7:02 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote: Developers seem to complain about us using mailing lists to communicate rather than GitHub or some other centralized platform that is not email. Might be worth checking with them first. Yes, good point Anne. I tweeted this Q with some tags that were

IndexedDB >> Proposed API Change: cursor.advance BACKWARD when direction is "prev"

2014-05-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc www-tag ; Marc - please use public-webapps for IDB discussions ] On 5/20/14 7:46 PM, marc fawzi wrote: Hi everyone, I've been using IndexedDB for a week or so and I've noticed that cursor.advance(n) will always move n items forward regardless of cursor direction. In other words, when th

Re: CfC: to create a new developer's list for WebApps' specs; deadline May 28

2014-05-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/21/14 11:17 AM, Robin Berjon wrote: I've been in several discussions on this topic over the past months, a good example of which is: https://twitter.com/tobie/status/457075677851037696 In reaction to that, I'm running an experiment to hold such discussions in a manner that may prove

Re: CfC: to create a new developer's list for WebApps' specs; deadline May 28

2014-05-22 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/21/14 10:47 AM, Brian Kardell wrote: I've kind of thought of Web Platform Docs as the developer end of things and w3c specs for implementers and wgs - is it possible to set something up under that banner? Perhaps; I haven't followed WPD so if anyone has data about its actual usage by

Re: [charter] Joint work with TAG on their Packaging on the Web spec?; deadline May 21

2014-05-22 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/14/14 2:46 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote: NOTE: in the absence of any non-resolvable feedback, this proposal will carry i.e. [3] will be updated to include this joint spec. FYI, this has been done. (I also explicitly added the Selection API and made a couple of additional edits based on

PSA: publishing FPWD of D3E Keyboard {key,code} Values specs and WD of UI Events

2014-05-28 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: public-webapps; please Reply-to: www-dom ] As previously discussed, Gary and Travis have moved the D3E event key and codes from the D3E and UI Events specs to the following new specs: * DOM Level 3 KeyboardEvent key Values

CfC: publish Candidate Recommendation of DOM Parsing and Serialization; deadline June 4

2014-05-28 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc public-webapps; please Reply-to: www-dom] Two bugs were raised against the May 1 LCWD of DOM Parsing and Serialization [LC]. Travis created a tracking document for these Bugs [Track] and considers the two patches ([P1] and [P2]) that address the comments as non-substantive. As such, he p

Re: WebApps and permission list?

2014-05-31 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/31/14 3:12 AM, Jeffrey Walton wrote: I have a question about WebApps manifests and permissions. The page is part of Manifest for Web Applications located at http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/manifest/. The document provides a permission member and the following description: The permission

[admin] Reminder of Patent Policy for Non-member Contributions [Was: Fwd: Re: CommandEvent for user intentions]

2014-06-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Piotr, All, This is a reminder the W3C's Patent Policy has a goal of assuring W3C Recommendations can be implemented Royalty-Free and this requires all spec contributions include a commitment to that policy. This topic was last discussed in September 2013 and I encourage all Contributors an

Re: File API - Writer suspension

2014-06-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/2/14 11:28 AM, Arun Ranganathan wrote: On Jun 1, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Julian Ladbury > wrote: I fail to understand why work on this API has been suspended. Just to be clear, by “this API” I think you mean: http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/file-sys

RfC: Last Call WD of "Encoding"; deadline July 1

2014-06-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
All, This is a Request for Comments for the June 3 "Encoding" specification that WebApps was asked to review: Individual WG members are encouraged to provide individual feedback. If anyone in WebApps wants to propose an official group resp

[admin] Process/Policy/Expectations for spec-specific distributed meetings

2014-06-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi All, Yesterday I received a request to hold a "spec-specific distributed meeting", with the expectation the meeting would use the #webapps IRC channel as well as the Consortium's voice conference system. Although I fully support this proposal, and encourage all Editors and active contribut

Re: Editing Conference Call June 6th

2014-06-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/4/14 11:42 AM, Ben Peters wrote: There will be a conference call on June 6th at 08:00 (8am) San Francisco time (PST) to discuss the recent editing topics contentEditable=minimal and CommandEvent[1]. We will be on #webapps with Zakim and will send minutes to this list. The pin and further

Re: [editing] CommandQuery Object and Event

2014-06-05 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/5/14 1:42 PM, Ben Peters wrote: From: Ryosuke Niwa [mailto:rn...@apple.com] Can this be an attribute on elements instead? Otherwise, browsers would have to repeatedly call these functions to update edit menu, etc... This may be an issue, I agree. But since it's dynamic and changes every t

PSA: publish new WD of Shadow DOM on June 12

2014-06-06 Thread Arthur Barstow
This is a heads-up that Hayato-san created a draft WD of Shadow DOM and the plan is to publish it on June 12: If anyone has any comments or concerns about this plan, please let us know by June 9 at the latest. -Than

Re: publish new WD of Shadow DOM on June 12

2014-06-06 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/6/14 8:39 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote: I am a big fan of the giant warning at the bottom of the document. Will it be maintained in the published version? That would be ideal. My current plan is to submit the document for publication `as is`. That said, I do think a small part of the expan

Re: [admin] Process/Policy/Expectations for spec-specific distributed meetings

2014-06-06 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/4/14 10:41 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: <https://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/WorkMode#Meetings.3F_What_Meetings.3F> I just added an important point to the above doc related to decisions at meetings. This point is a c-&-p of the following text in the group's charter: [[

Re: [webcomponents]: Telcon on as-needed basis from now on

2014-06-10 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/9/14 12:09 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote: I think it might be best to flip the "regular" bit to "off" for now, and only use this time slot when we have other participants. Thus, consider the weekly call cancelled unless there's an announcement otherwise. That sounds like a good plan Dimitri.

Re: PSA: publishing FPWD of D3E KeyboardEvent {key,code} Values specs and WD of UI Events

2014-06-12 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 5/28/14 10:42 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: [ Bcc: public-webapps; please Reply-to: www-dom ] As previously discussed, Gary and Travis have moved the D3E event key and codes from the D3E and UI Events specs to the following new specs: FYI, these three docs were published today: http://www.w3

CfC: to add Robust Anchoring API to WebApps' charter; deadline June 23

2014-06-16 Thread Arthur Barstow
u need? Regards- -Doug On 5/14/14 8:54 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: On 4/25/14 8:44 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: On 4/22/14 9:40 AM, Doug Schepers wrote: Hi, Art– There are different approaches that could be taken, but one concrete implementation in JavaScript is from the Hypothes.is Annot

[TPAC2014] Registration Now Open for October 27-31 meeting week; deadline Oct 8

2014-06-17 Thread Arthur Barstow
Registration is now open for the October 27-31 Technical Plenary and all Working Group meeting week: WebApps will meet on Monday and Tuesday (October 27 and 28). Registration for WebApps' meeting (as well as any other meetings and events that

RfC: LCWD of 'HTML Media Capture', 'Ambient Light Events' and 'Vibration API'; deadline 24 July

2014-06-23 Thread Arthur Barstow
WebApps has been asked to review three LCWDs published by DAPWG: * HTML Media Capture - * Ambient Light Events - * Vibration API -

RfC: OASIS' Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0; deadline 19 July

2014-06-23 Thread Arthur Barstow
Below is an request for comments for OASIS' "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0" Community Specification Draft: If you have any comments, please submit them by J

Re: WebIDL Spec Status

2014-06-24 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/23/14 4:04 PM, Glenn Adams wrote: What is the plan, i.e., schedule timeline, for moving WebIDL to REC? We have now a two year old CR that appears to be stuck and a 2nd Edition that I'm not sure has made it to FPWD. Hi Glenn, All, I don't have any new info re v1 beyond what Boris said a f

FYI: IETF Webpush Proposed charter

2014-06-24 Thread Arthur Barstow
FYI. Original Message Subject:Fwd: [Webpush] Proposed charter Resent-Date:Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:37:30 + Resent-From:www-...@w3.org Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:37:24 +0100 From: Daniel Appelquist To: TAG List FYI - there is a group forming in IETF (We

PSA: LCWD of Beacon spec published; deadline July 29

2014-06-24 Thread Arthur Barstow
This is a PSA regarding the publication of a LCWD of the Beacon API: WebApps wasn't specifically asked to review the LCWD but I wanted to mention it since this spec was previously discussed in this group. If you have any comments, please send t

Re: WebIDL Spec Status

2014-06-24 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/24/14 5:28 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote: I've put Web IDL work on my list of Q3 goals, so I will resume work on it next month. I still think that before publishing another draft on TR/ that we should resolve the open issues that apply to v1. Boris and I will be dividing up the open issue

Re: WebIDL Spec Status

2014-06-26 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 6/25/14 11:58 AM, Glenn Adams wrote: In the case of WebIDL, my personal preference would be to not spend precious effort on WebIDL 1 CR, but instead to: (1) publish WebIDL 1 CR as a WG Note without attempting to resolve outstanding issues, other than by clearly annotating the existence of

[streams-api] FYI, some status from Domenic

2014-06-27 Thread Arthur Barstow
FYI, if you are interested in some status of Streams, here's some info from Domenic:

Fwd: RFC723x (replace RFC2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1)

2014-07-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
Editors - please see Yves' e-mail re RFC2616 replacement and update your spec(s) accordingly. -Thanks, AB Original Message Subject: RFC723x (replace RFC2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1) Resent-Date:Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:19:52 + Resent-From:cha...@w3.o

PSA: Extensible Web Summit in Berlin September 11

2014-07-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: public-pointer-events ] On 7/8/14 6:50 PM, Coralie Mercier wrote: ... to continue the energy of the Extensible Web Summit in San Francisco [1], W3C is helping to organize the Extensible Web Summit on September 11, 2014, in Berlin, Germany. The summit is designed to bring in platform de

RfC: pre-LC version of Screen Orientation; deadline August 18

2014-08-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Bcc: www-tag, public-script-coord, public-web-security, public-web-mobile ; please Reply-to: public-webapps ] Hi All, Marcos and Mounir, the Editors of WebApps' Screen Orientation API, consider their spec feature complete with only a few minor [Bugs] open. As such, we seek wide review on th

[streams-api] Seeking status of the Streams API spec

2014-08-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
lic/public-sysapps/2014Jun/0014.html>. -Thanks, AB Original Message Subject:RE: Update on Streams API Status Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 17:57:05 + From: Paul Cotton To: Arthur Barstow (art.bars...@gmail.com) , Charles McCathie Nevile (cha...@yandex-team.ru

Re: First Draft of W3C version of URL Spec

2014-08-27 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 8/27/14 7:33 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 8/27/14, 4:50 PM, Daniel Appelquist wrote: with a few minimal editorial changes. What are the changes, specifically? The following service indicates only the boilerplate (start of doc through the Status of the Document section) plus a change in th

RfC: LCWD of Battery Status API; deadline October 2

2014-08-28 Thread Arthur Barstow
WebApps received a Request for Comments re DAPWG's August 28 Last Call WD of Battery Status API (last published as a [CR], see [Diff]): Individual WG members are encouraged to provide individual feedback. If anyone in WebApps wants to pro

Re: {Spam?} Re: [xhr]

2014-09-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 9/2/14 9:10 PM, Brendan Eich wrote: cha...@yandex-team.ru wrote: Sorry. As with showModalDialog() we would really like to make this > feature disappear. I realize this makes some forms of code generation > harder, but hopefully you can find a way around that in time. Perhaps we should s

Re: {Spam?} Re: [xhr]

2014-09-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 9/3/14 8:25 AM, Robert Hanson wrote: That I think what is unclear from the writing of the warning are two things: Per the specs' "Participate" boilerplate, perhaps you should file a bug (^1). -Thanks, AB ^1

[admin] Revised Proposed changes regarding references to editors' drafts

2014-09-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
Original Message Subject: [Pubrules] Revised Proposed changes regarding references to editors' drafts Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 12:13:48 -0500 From: Ian Jacobs To: spec-p...@w3.org Prod CC: Arthur Barstow , Marcos Caceres Hello spec-prod, Several months ago I send a lis

[admin] Towards making ED boilerplates more useful and consistency

2014-09-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Editors, All, Speaking of ED boilerplate data ... do we want to try to get some consistency regarding boilerplate data in our EDs? We have quite a bit of variation now. For example Clipboard and others are toward the more minimalist end of the spectrum:

Re: PFWG request for abstract and introductions

2014-09-04 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Michael, All, Thanks for your e-mail. I'm _really_ sorry for the delayed reply [this email was accidentally moved to my "Back Burner" folder where I just noticed it)! Although I will check all of WebApps' specs and ask Editors to update their documents accordingly, are there any specs tha

[TPAC2014] Reminder: f2f meeting registration deadline is October 8

2014-09-10 Thread Arthur Barstow
This is a reminder WebApps will meet on Monday and Tuesday (October 27 and 28) during [TPAC2014]. Registration for WebApps' meeting (as well as all other meetings and events that week) is mandatory. The registration deadline is October 8. The

PSA: publishing new WD of URL spec

2014-09-10 Thread Arthur Barstow
[ Sorry for the cross-posting but this is about a joint WD publication between WebApps and TAG. ] This is heads-up (aka PublicServiceAnnoucement) about the intent to publish a new WD of the URL spec (on or around Sept 16) using this ED as the basis: As previ

CfC: publish LCWD of Screen Orientation API; deadline September 18

2014-09-11 Thread Arthur Barstow
Mounir and Marcos would like to publish a LCWD of The Screen Orientation API and this is a Call for Consensus to do using the latest ED (not yet in the LCWD template) as the basis: The spec has three open Issues, all labeled Future + Enhancement an

PSA: publishing new WD of Clipboard API and events on Sept 18

2014-09-15 Thread Arthur Barstow
This is a heads-up Hallvord intends to publish a WD of "Clipboard API and events" and he is targeting a publication date of September 18. The ED If anyone has any comments or concerns about this plan, please let us know before the 18th.

Re: PSA: Extensible Web Summit in Berlin September 11

2014-09-16 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 7/9/14 4:15 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote: [ Bcc: public-pointer-events ] FYI, Robin reports the availability of minutes from the September 11 EWS in Berlin: [[ as you may know, last week the second edition of the "Extensible Web Summit" took place in Berlin. It was fun an interest

Re: PSA: publishing new WD of Clipboard API and events on Sept 18

2014-09-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 9/15/14 4:27 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: If anyone has any comments or concerns about this plan, please let us know before the 18th. Although there were some technical comments in reply to this PSA (and that's great, please keep the comments coming!), as we previously agreed, those com

Re: [admin] Towards making ED boilerplates more useful and consistency

2014-09-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
On 9/10/14 10:00 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote: On Sep 4, 2014, at 6:46 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote: Hi Editors, All, Speaking of ED boilerplate data ... do we want to try to get some consistency regarding boilerplate data in our EDs? We have

[selection-api] Moving toward First Public Working Draft

2014-09-20 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Ryosuke, Ben, Kenji, All, I'm looking for feedback about moving the Selection API [ED] to First Public Working Draft (FPWD) ... A `rule of thumb` I generally use when considering if a spec is ready for a FPWD is if the feature set is mostly complete although there is no expectation all fe

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