Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-08 Thread Ed Singleton
to use del to clear a list appears to the inexperienced as being an odd shaped brick when they've already used the .clear() brick in other places. Having bricks that work in lots of places makes the language 'guessable'. I've never cleared a list before, but I've cleared dictionaries and I guess

Re: Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-06 Thread hlubenow
) # Just trying to clean the screen: if sys.platform == win32: os.system(cls) else: os.system(clear) print print Hello ! print print I just encrypted some text. It looks like this now: print print base64.b64encode(a[0]) print print 'Please notice, that I just encoded the text once more using

Re: Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-07 Thread hlubenow
the text to encrypt, a password is generated: a = doEncrypt(For your eyes only !, Melina) # Just trying to clean the screen: if sys.platform == win32: os.system(cls) else: os.system(clear) print print Hello ! print print I just encrypted some text. It looks like this now: print

Sun Grid Engine / NFS and Python shell execution question

2010-07-22 Thread J.B. Brown
within seconds of distributing the jobs to the compute nodes -- even though I'm doing nothing but executing the clear screen command, which technically doesn't pipe any output to the location for logging stdout. Even if I change the SGE script file to redirect standard output and error to explicitly

Re: Sun Grid Engine / NFS and Python shell execution question

2010-07-22 Thread MRAB
system skyrockets within seconds of distributing the jobs to the compute nodes -- even though I'm doing nothing but executing the clear screen command, which technically doesn't pipe any output to the location for logging stdout. Even if I change the SGE script file to redirect standard output

Re: How to escape # hash character in regex match strings

2009-06-14 Thread Lie Ryan
lurching Python schooling? As you're not being clear on what you wanted, I'm just guessing this is what you wanted: s = '123#abc456' re.match('\d+', re.sub('#\D+', '', s)).group() '123456' s = '123#this is a comment and is ignored456' re.match('\d+', re.sub('#\D+', '', s)).group() '123456

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread Joel Goldstick
version yet. The current version of Neobot (v0.7a) is written in BASH and Python3. To emulate the Linux shell's date command, use this Python function def DATE(): print(time.strftime(%a %B %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y)) Want an easy way to clear the terminal screen? Then try this: def clr(): os.system

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
the Linux shell's date command, use this Python function def DATE(): print(time.strftime(%a %B %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y)) Want an easy way to clear the terminal screen? Then try this: def clr(): os.system(['clear','cls'][os.**name == 'nt']) Here are two Linux-only functions: def GETRAM

Re: Share Code Tips

2013-07-19 Thread David Hutto
:%M:%S %Z %Y)) Want an easy way to clear the terminal screen? Then try this: def clr(): os.system(['clear','cls'][os.**name == 'nt']) Here are two Linux-only functions: def GETRAM(): print(linecache.getline('/**proc/meminfo', 1).replace('MemTotal:', '').strip()) #Get Total RAM

Re: Documentation suggestions

2005-12-06 Thread Ian Bicking
; if each section were to be a tutorial, the manual would be huge. Here I think the solution is to encourage separate tutorials and HOWTOs, and link to them from the LibRef. We don't have a clear place to put that material. People's personal pages leave the potential for material disappearing

[issue37903] IDLE Shell sidebar.

2021-05-07 Thread Raymond Hettinger
hose examples, need to be recognizable to humans as interactive sessions with outputs clearly distinguished from inputs. When I tried out the new sidebar in prep for a class, it was impossible to include the ps1 prompts in a cut and paste selection. They had to be manually typed ba

ANN: Urwid 1.2.0

2014-02-12 Thread Ian Ward
* Fall back to 80x24 if screen size detection fails * Fix screen.stop(), screen.start() disabling mouse events * Fix to make GridFlow v_sep argument behave as documented * Fix for registering high palette entries in the form hX where X 15 so that basic colors are applied in 88-color mode

Re: windows mem leak

2005-01-09 Thread Peter Hansen
it should be clear even before the machine grows unusable. Note that you can select which columns are shown in the Processes tab of the Task Manager window, to get more detail on a given process. (The Performance Monitor found under Control Panel, Administrative Tools can be even more useful

Re: Licensing Python code under the Python license

2005-03-12 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ville Vainio wrote: Daniel Thanks for the advice. I'll probably go with either the Daniel BSD license, or possibly the LGPL. But I'm leaning Daniel towards the BSD since it fits on the screen... Isn't MIT license even shorter and simpler? A while ago some Debian guys were speculating

Re: Why tuple with one item is no tuple

2005-03-16 Thread Antoon Pardon
-item tuple. A bit like every char being a string. There is no char. There are strings of lenght 1. That is a matter of view. But to illustrate what I mean, the following is an infinite loop in python s = 'hi' while true: s = s[0] And the above example makes it clear that there would

I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread castironpi
to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers). It may be profitable on some non-bank- breaking scale to compile the results. Shall I proceed? The risk is overunity, such that one person can't be at liberty to live, which in some technical political arenas would be an anarchy

Re: Can a low-level programmer learn OOP?

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Carlen
, there is an easily understood relationship between the objects and what you see on the screen - so its a great way of getting into OO - as far as people like you and me will go with it, which is not very far, as we tend to think in machine instructions... And for what its worth - you can programme

Re: Timeout test hangs IDLE

2007-12-06 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:03:49 -0300, Andreas Tawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: There was a strange error when using 'print' threads. When what I printed filled the entire screen, instead of moving all the text up, IDLE just hanged. Try running your code from the shell instead, to see

Re: subprocess leaves child living

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Bentley
know that if you use forkpty, the child get slaughtered, but using the subprocess module just seems much easier than forking. Yeah, and if there is some way (there may be, but I don't know) to make your python script the head of a process group (or session -- I'm not very clear

Saving output of Turtle Graphics?

2007-04-07 Thread Dick Moores
I accidentally stumbled across the Turtle Graphics module ( the other day and have been having some fun with it. Now I'm wondering if there is a way to build into a script the saving of each window just before it is cleared. For example, here are a couple that I've saved by screen

Re: Using Python for my web site

2006-07-31 Thread Luis M. González
is with its publisher handler. It let's you code your applications in a MVC (model view controller) style. This way you can cleanly separate presentation and logic, making your code more concise, clear and mantainable. With publisher, every function defined in your script represents a web page

Re: Python - Web Display Technology

2006-05-18 Thread Sybren Stuvel
scrollwheel works, but for scrolling horizontally the tilt wheel isn't supported. Another example: sometimes it's only clear what a link points to when you hover over it (revealing a text behind an image, for instance), which is impossible on some devices (think handhelds

Re: Bidirectional Networking

2008-12-11 Thread James Mills
question! I've been looking at and tinkering a little with the various networking modules in python. The examples are pretty clear and a module such as the SimpleXMLRPCServer is actually simple! All the examples though are based on a client interrogating a server, with the client initiating

Re: Sample code usable Tkinter listbox

2010-02-28 Thread Alf P. Steinbach
and scrollbar. And with the frame as attribute the object that you have a direct reference to would then not be the complete thing on screen, with respect to sizing and placement and such. I generally don't like widgets that present stuff outside their bounding box. I guess that could be fixed up somehow

Re: WxPython versus Tkinter.

2011-01-28 Thread Octavian Rasnita
the consequences? Again, it's not your beliefs about other tops that are causing problems for you. What's causing problems is the manner in which you are expressing your beliefs about this topic. My beliefs are that the majority doesn't care about the minority of screen reader users, because if it would

Re: Python, Tkinter and popen problem

2009-05-29 Thread MRAB
[:-1] # # end of file The \t is to prove where the screen output came from. From Peter Nonsense. The minimal Tkinter program is from

Re: RE Module Performance

2013-07-28 Thread Joshua Landau
sometimes severe impact in memory-constrained environments, though. See, about half-way down, specifically . The best verification

Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-14 Thread Mark Lawrence
versions would actually be enough of an improvement to justify changing it. To be clear: I have no intention of modifying the IDLE codebase just for fairly trivial points like this one line. The most satisfying (to me) of the possibilities is if key and key[0] == '' and key[-1

Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-23 Thread Chris Angelico
be explained at that level. Not really clear on what you're talking about on this part... If you were to create a web application, you'd have to worry about the same question of is this person an admin or just data-entry. If you were to do this as a single program that other programs script

Re: Making a pass form cgi = webpy framework

2013-06-24 Thread Νίκος
didn't is there an easiest way to print tables and forms by using python's html generation functions and not plain print statements that will make the code more clear? And also in my and other script i use if statements to check if user submitted data or not so to print them

[issue18103] Create a GUI test framework for Idle

2013-05-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
unittest rather than regrtest. One thing to copy may be to put gui-tests in a separate directory. I presume load_tests() could conditionally load tests in such a directory. It is not clear to me to what extent tk widgets can be created and manipulated without being shown on a screen or needing

Re: Python handles globals badly.

2015-09-03 Thread Michael Torrie
; Or does anyone really name a global var xxx and a function var xxx? I > am sure no one at all will do it. Not sure I follow you here. What do the names programmers choose have to do with it? If I'm looking at a function, which should never be more than a screen of code long, if I see

Re: Is this a bug or a feature in TkInter?

2018-05-10 Thread Terry Reedy
buttonHandler_a(self, event, arg1, arg2, arg3): print("buttonHandler_a received event", event) self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3) print("\n"*100) # clear the screen print("Starting program tt077.") root = Tk() myapp = M

[issue38958] asyncio REPL swallows KeyboardInterrupt while editing

2019-12-02 Thread Io Mintz
nux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. (InteractiveConsole) >>> spam KeyboardInterrupt Python 3.9.0a1+ (heads/master:a62ad4730c, Dec 2 2019, 17:38:37) [GCC 9.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright"

[issue39885] IDLE right click should unselect

2020-03-06 Thread Terry J. Reedy
. 0 (Examples: Windows Notepad and Firefox entry box). The cursor stays where it is and a selection stays selected, even if one has scrolled the cursor and possible selection off the screen with mousewheel or scrollbar. Paste inserts at the possibly hidden cursor, deleting any possibly hidden

Re: Fwd: Problemas para ejecutar Python en windows 7

2020-04-02 Thread Souvik Dutta
f those perennial questions. > > The issue (if I have understood it correctly) is that Python was damaged > when a framework or library was removed. So, Python was re-installed > from the official repository. However, whilst it will now start from > Geany (editor) there is no (longer) a Window

Re: Non IDE development strategy - what do others do that's fairly simple?

2020-07-29 Thread 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
e to do just about everything (even though the program > is GUI!) and so I tend to edit in one window and test in an adjacent > window on the same screen, I don't find GUI development environments > comfortable. +1. All of it. Except that I'm on Arch rather than XUbuntu, and our defin

Re: Exploring terminfo

2021-01-15 Thread Grant Edwards
vial it rather defeats the concept of >> using the terminfo functions to create text effects without >> diving into full curses screen control! > > Indeed, that appears to be the case for Python 3.x (unless we can > figure out a way to flush 's FILE *stdio stream from Python).

[issue45934] python curses newterm implementation

2021-12-05 Thread Julius Hamilton
Julius Hamilton added the comment: I’m trying to patch this bug. Here are my current working questions: 1. What is the relationship between an fd (file descriptor) and a terminal? What software / hardware component goes to “fd 0” to receive input from it? Is there a GNU Screen command

Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-26 Thread Joal Heagney
, , parsestring) newstring = re.sub(Y, , newstring) # Clear the screen turtle.clear() strlen = len(newstring) colorinc = 1.0 / float(strlen) turtle.color(colorator(0)) for i in range(strlen): value = newstring[i] turtle.color(colorator(float(i) * colorinc

Re: New website ?

2006-01-18 Thread Roel Schroeven
think the old site does a much better job of making clear what links are available and what's available on those links than the new one does. The site should invite users to read the content, the contrary of many corporate websites that seem to try to hide it, almost like the fineprint

Re: Opinions on KYLIX 3 (Delphi 4 Linux)

2005-07-20 Thread David Trudgett
approach of Delphi/Kylix (or other similar tools) is much chop. It encourages one, for instance, to just place elements on the screen in fixed positions that make no allowance for differing fonts, screen resolutions, etc. Java (my experience is with JBuilder) is much better in this regard, although

Re: How to import only one module in a package when the package has already imports the modules?

2009-10-31 Thread Peng Yu
SLOC *function*. My definition of long is more than one screen. How do functions of this length enhance the readability of your source code? If the code is of one screen, you can easily see what it does without having to scroll back and forth. And I always put a single class in a file. Why

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-20 Thread Adam Skutt
. They can't do the right thing if they believe that Tk or Silverlight or Flash is accessible no matter if they follow the recommendations for accessibility, because the screen readers don't support those interfaces. No, even using the right tools:

Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-12 Thread Gene Heskett
something I have never been able to do on any other operating system since, start assembling a long assembly language file on one of the screens on the color monitor, hit the clear key to advance to the amber screen and start a listing on it of the assemblers output listing file. Because the file

Re: Best way to find starting directory

2013-03-20 Thread Frank Millman
the files, while another user is still accessing them? Are these 'files' so enormous that you can't just use in-memory file objects? The analogy to global variables must be clear. They're fine if they're constant. But as soon as you have multiple threads making new versions of them, everything

Re: Pipes

2015-08-10 Thread E.D.G.
Windows programs, execute system or shell commands, read and respond to keyboard key presses, send text etc. to a running Windows program such as Notepad.exe and have it printed on the screen, and read and write to the Windows clipboard. Other important resources would be the ability

Re: Is vars() the most useless Python built-in ever?

2015-12-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
d explore the functionality of the language very easily. (One of the weaknesses of Python, and nearly all mainstream programming languages, is that there is nothing even remotely like an easy-to-explore UI for programming GUI applications.) > (2) The path to the underlying process is not even remot

Re: can't install/run pip (Latest version of Python)

2018-07-17 Thread Gene Heskett
3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:06:47) [MSC v.1914 32 > bit (Intel)] on win32 > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. > > Is this what you were suggesting? I wasn't clear enough, I was referring to your 'pip' inst

Re: can't install/run pip (Latest version of Python)

2018-07-17 Thread S Lea
copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. > > > > Is this what you were suggesting? > > I wasn't clear enough, I was referring to your 'pip' install. But since > this idents the 3.7 as 32 bit, I wonder if there is a 64 bit version >

GUI builders considered harmful (Was: anygui,anydb, any opinions?)

2005-06-05 Thread Mike Meyer
adopt to the environment it's being run in. Windows that don't fit on the screen are simply unacceptable - but all to common if you use a very small screen resolution. By flexible, I man the user should be able to adjust the UI to suit their viewing conditions - the DPI on the screen, the viewing

Re: Is vars() the most useless Python built-in ever?

2015-12-11 Thread Chris Angelico
ange to Python. All you need is to start by introducing a GUI builder, and then have a way to pop out an "event editor" where you enter the code to be run when a button gets clicked (and that code would then be Python). But I'm not sure we need that. In my experience, those kinds of "

Re: How to protect Python source from modification

2005-09-13 Thread Frank Millman
the widgets on the screen) took me a while to grasp, and it is still not 100% clear, but I can get it to do most of what I want. The cross-platform capability is very good, but there were times when I got something to work on one platform and not the other. After much experimenting I usually managed

Re: manipulating hex values

2008-04-01 Thread Grant Edwards
. Stop saying hex when you're talking about a string (array of bytes). hex is a way to _represent_ a value textually. It's simply a format used when print a value on paper or a screen. The value itself isn't hex any more than a particular instance of Canis lupus familiaris is English because

Re: Can a low-level programmer learn OOP?

2007-07-16 Thread Steve Holden
- for the GUI stuff, there is an easily understood relationship between the objects and what you see on the screen - so its a great way of getting into OO - as far as people like you and me will go with it, which is not very far, as we tend to think in machine instructions... And for what its worth

Re: Global variables within classes.

2007-11-09 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Stack instance ? Or: a given (Canvas instance, Thing instance) couple must share a same Stack instance ? Or (etc...) It gets things pushed onto it by them both. Both what ? classes ? instances ?-) Now the point that isn't clear is the exact relationship between Stack and Canvas. You didn't give

Re: append

2007-05-25 Thread James T. Dennis
are immutables. If you want to sequentially build a string, you can either rebind the name to a new string : Huh? Where did strings come into this question? s = for c in abcdef: s += c Huh? Why not just use: s = list(s)? For a more clear example: list(foo) ['f', 'o

Re: execute a function after each source code line ?

2007-06-01 Thread Steve Howell
that uses Python to intrepret another language (an educational language called Guido van Robot), and it also uses wxPython to allow the user to step through the program one line at a time, and the user gets quite visual feedback. Check out these screen shots, which hopefully illustrate something along

Re: SimplePrograms challenge

2007-06-20 Thread Steve Howell
That's not clear cut to me. I think vertical conciseness has an advantage for readability, as it means you get to keep more real code on the screen. What I meant was that doctest should be type this into the interpreter and you should see that. A doctest is not a unit test

Re: Prevent Modification of Script?

2007-04-05 Thread Subscriber123
do not know the password in Windows 98. It is quite simple, in fact I discovered it by accident. If that user was logged in last, and shut down the computer, you (1) start up the computer, (2) type in a few bogus passwords in the login screen and try to login with them, and (3) clear the password

xlrd number of rows in worksheet (was: Re: Pre-defining an action to take when an expected error occurs)

2006-09-17 Thread John Machin
On 16/09/2006 2:55 AM, Tempo wrote: John Machin thanks for all of your help, and I take responsibility for the way I worded my sentences in my last reply to this topic. So in an effort to say sorry, I want to make it clear to everybody that it seems as though errors in my code and use

Re: What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?

2009-01-11 Thread Sandro Tosi
of curiosity: how do you refresh those plots? in a loop closing/opening the figure or clear the figure and replot on it? are those graphs embedded in an application or are just shown on screen? What are the things you like the most of matplotlib, that you want to give emphasis to? And why

Re: Dynamic Form

2009-09-23 Thread BJ Swope
What is your code not doing? Are you winding up with duplicate data in the DB? Is your web browser re-submitting the form with the same data if you refresh the screen? Is your web browser pre-filling the fields of the form due to caching? I don't understand what's not working On Wed, Sep 23

Re: Dynamic Form

2009-09-24 Thread victorsubervi
in line... On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 9:13 PM, BJ Swope wrote: What is your code not doing? see below Are you winding up with duplicate data in the DB? yes Is your web browser re-submitting the form with the same data if you refresh the screen? yes Is your

Re: Community (A Modest Proposal)

2010-06-14 Thread Terry Reedy
! The fact that the shell does not insert a ... continuation is a real nuance! 1. I agree. 2. This does not much affect me since I do not directly enter compound statement with more than, say, 2 lines in the body, even with the command window interpreter. I much prefer a full screen editor

Re: help me debug my word capitalizer script

2012-08-22 Thread Chris Angelico
current focus is to fix this bug: 1. When I pass it any file, it does it stuff but inserts a blank line everytime it processes a new line. (Please notice that I don't want the output in an another file, I want it on screen). Firstly, THANK YOU for making your question so easy to work

Re: [OT] Free software versus software idea patents

2011-04-12 Thread harrismh777
, there is a 30-minute movie, Patent Absurdity: How software patents broke the system, which explains it well. =/block quote= it isn't clear to me that software and computation are synonymous. Lambda calculus only models computation, and software has real properties in implementation

Re: cmd.exe on WIndows - problem with displaying some Unicode characters

2014-08-04 Thread Glenn Linderman
On 8/3/2014 10:06 PM, Andrew Berg wrote: On 2014.08.03 23:14, Glenn Linderman wrote: Having read a bit about ConEmu, it seems that it is a pretty face built on top of Windows Console, by screen scraping the real (but hidden) Windows Console, and providing a number of interesting display

Re: reading and writing files

2011-08-23 Thread Dave Angel
and use that variable to write() to the other file, and also to print to the screen. Then if something's wrong, you can be sure it's the same both places. Never do something like y.write( till you're sure everything's working. That's a kind of optimization which doesn't save any

Re: Parse a Wireshark pcap file

2013-01-22 Thread Kevin Holleran
goal is to parse the data looking for post vars txtUserId txtPwd and extract them, dumping them to the screen as userid_value = password. I've never worked on Mac OSx And the only times I had and used scapy were on a work machine that's long gone. I still run Linux, but versions

Re: Pipes

2015-08-10 Thread Mark Lawrence
plots that could display on the screen and also be saved as .png files etc. numpy and matplotlib are the leaders here. The language also has to have the ability to be cloned. That means that it could be stored in some directory that could be copied from one computer to another

Re: Remote/Pair-Programming in-the-cloud

2019-08-05 Thread DL Neil
and the other a second. (but you can debate if that is "pair-programming") No, that's not pair programming. That's collaboration on a project, but it's not the sort of thing where you need to see the other person's screen. Agreed. "Pair-programming" seemed the closest, commonly-used

Re: Application window geometry specifier

2021-01-12 Thread Igor Korot
e database. > > Also imagine this application will be used by millions of users inside > > different companies. > > > > SInce the application will require DB access you will need a dialog to > > ask for credentials. > > > > I, personally, would be very sur

Re: Python, Tkinter and popen problem

2009-05-28 Thread norseman
. (stdin/stdout) Gee... There is never a County Lineman when needed is there Glen? :) It's not clear why you need to start the GUI at all as you seem to have control over boths scripts. Peter = To cover two responses at once

Re: python game

2013-06-19 Thread Joshua Landau
variables moveLeft = False moveRight = False moveDown = False moveUp = False MOVE_SPEED = 15 ER MER GERD Think about what you're doing here. If I ask you what direction an object on the screen is going in, do you say: 1) Left, about 15 pixels a frame 2) West at 5 klicks per hour 3) Left=True, Right

(A Possible Solution) Re: preferred way to set encoding for print

2009-09-16 Thread ~flow
this by convincing python to use utf-8 in any and all cases, and then live with the amount garbish that appears on screen when using cp850 and cp1252 terminals. what has changed in python is that they now somehow find out about the terminal's encoding, and then put that encoding into place and defend

RE: New Python implementation

2021-02-13 Thread Avi Gross via Python-list
) to send extra escape sequences to update your screen as changes were made. Sometimes it would clear the screen and re-enter the new stuff and sometimes delete three lines then put in the replacement and so on. End of example. There are other examples like a format for documents that might take one

Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread James Stroud
()# Notice I have a bias against 'top', 'master', 'root', etc fred.title('SUDOKU SCREEN') #fred.geometry('400x400') #fred.resizable(0,0) #-- Declare 9 frames plus one for the buttons fr1 = Frame(fred); fr2 = Frame(fred); fr3 = Frame(fred) fr4 = Frame

A learning exercise...yet another Sudoku solver with GUI

2006-01-18 Thread engsolnorm
, if any. Thanks, Norm import tkFileDialog fred = Tk()# Notice I have a bias against 'top', 'master', 'root', etc fred.title('SUDOKU SCREEN') #fred.geometry('400x400') #fred.resizable(0,0) #-- Declare 9 frames plus one for the buttons fr1

Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread engsolnorm
tkFileDialog fred = Tk()# Notice I have a bias against 'top', 'master', 'root', etc fred.title('SUDOKU SCREEN') #fred.geometry('400x400') #fred.resizable(0,0) #-- Declare 9 frames plus one for the buttons fr1 = Frame(fred); fr2 = Frame(fred); fr3 = Frame

Re: Urllib's urlopen and urlretrieve

2013-02-21 Thread Dave Angel
usually used for making larger and smaller versions of text for titles and such. link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen id=screen-switcher-stylesheet href=/styles/screen-switcher-default.css / This points to a css file, which refers to another one, called styles.css

Re: is this a valid import sequence ?

2007-06-23 Thread Alex Martelli
, but then it's not clear WHERE. Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away, as Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote. That's debatable. Why does Python have decorators when there was already a perfectly usable syntax

RE: walrus with a twist :+= or ...

2021-10-28 Thread Avi Gross via Python-list
rently unique while other programs like WORD make them in pairs with a clear open and close quote slanted differently. Would we be better able to write clear constructs if our programs also clearly marked beginning and ends of text in some contexts, perhaps allowing even things like nested text?

Re: From JoyceUlysses.txt -- words occurring exactly once

2024-06-08 Thread Thomas Passin via Python-list
to the screen. It's simple and works very well ... but I only designed it to have axis labels and the title of the plot. They are all three interactive, editable by the user. That's good, but for anything else it's hack time. Witness lines, legends, point labels, etc., etc. don't have a natural home

Re: GUI builders considered harmful (Was: anygui, anydb, any opinions?)

2005-06-05 Thread Chris Lambacher
- which is what I believe the user deserves. Please bear with me. By robust, I mean the user interface should adopt to the environment it's being run in. Windows that don't fit on the screen are simply unacceptable - but all to common if you use a very small screen resolution. By flexible, I

Re: OO in Python? ^^

2005-12-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
likely that all relevant things are visible on the screen at the same time etc. You'll make more errors that aren't typos. Python is designed to allow you to easily write short and clear programs. Its dynamic typing is a very important part of that. The important thing isn't that we are relieved from

Learning Python - IM Wiki

2005-07-08 Thread Jorge Louis De Castro
lease enter the following information"_url = raw_input("URL: ")_port = raw_input("Port: ")print "Starting IIM client on port: " + _port socketOut = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)socketOut.connect((_url, int(_port))) # clear screen he

Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Boddie
two different things; the first one being... bits of Python code that are embedded within an HTML file ... (this being from a message you quoted), although they don't really make themselves totally clear, because they then say... that after mapping .html will no longer be call as normal html

RE: manipulating hex values

2008-04-03 Thread Stephen Cattaneo
you're talking about a string (array of bytes). hex is a way to _represent_ a value textually. It's simply a format used when print a value on paper or a screen. The value itself isn't hex any more than a particular instance of Canis lupus familiaris is English because somebody spells it dog instead

Re: I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread Sanoski
come to the right place.  (Incoming this!)  Is this the Python newsgroup?  I heard it was called comp.lang.python. Now to repeat the subject line.  I'm stuck in Python. Now that was fun.  I will also try to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers).  It may be profitable

Re: I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread castironpi
to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers).  It may be profitable on some non-bank- breaking scale to compile the results.  Shall I proceed?  The risk is overunity, such that one person can't be at liberty to live, which in some technical political arenas would be an anarchy

Re: I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread castironpi
line.  I'm stuck in Python. Now that was fun.  I will also try to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers).  It may be profitable on some non-bank- breaking scale to compile the results.  Shall I proceed?  The risk is overunity, such that one person can't be at liberty

Re: I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread castironpi
it was called comp.lang.python. Now to repeat the subject line.  I'm stuck in Python. Now that was fun.  I will also try to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers).  It may be profitable on some non-bank- breaking scale to compile the results.  Shall I proceed?  The risk

Re: I'm stuck in Python!

2008-05-13 Thread castironpi
.  (Incoming this!)  Is this the Python newsgroup?  I heard it was called comp.lang.python. Now to repeat the subject line.  I'm stuck in Python. Now that was fun.  I will also try to enumerate simple screen savers (graphicals, graphiclizers).  It may be profitable on some non-bank

Re: Configuration Files and Tkinter--Possible?

2009-03-04 Thread W. eWatson
it is absolutely needed for the program. From what I can see on the web, and the few texts I have had access to, no one makes a clear distinction between the two choices by way of words or examples. This comes close: From Tkinter reference: a GUI for Python One special quality of a control variable

Re: is this a valid import sequence ?

2007-06-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
of the function was so short that it would be a pretty poor developer who didn't know it was a global. But in a more substantial function, one using lots of variables, it might not be clear which were global and which weren't unless you studied the code, line-by-line. it IS perfectly suitable

Re: Python script for mobile platforms -- suggested?

2007-08-14 Thread Jay Loden
guess is you'll take a performance (mem/cpu or both) hit, if for no other reason than introducing the Python interpreter overhead. For example, to create a menu that has an image in the center of the screen, the XML would be this: Page Frame type=Root Frame type=Image value

draw an image in wx.BufferedDC onto the page created by AddPage of wx.Notebook

2006-08-10 Thread zxo102
: # update the buffer dc = wx.MemoryDC() dc.SelectObject(self._Buffer) self.Draw(dc) # update the screen wx.ClientDC(self).Blit(0, 0, self.Width, self.Height, dc, 0, 0) class DrawWindow(BufferedWindow): def __init__(self, parent

Re: A curses-game I need help with.

2006-10-09 Thread Rob Wolfe
True def iMsg(self, msg): Same as msg(), but the screen will refresh instantly. 'i' is standing for Interface or Instant message. if isinstance(msg, str): msg = [msg] # List'it! count = len(msg) for item in msg

Re: textwrap.dedent replaces tabs?

2006-12-24 Thread Frederic Rentsch
be uniformly removed from the left of every line in `text`, optionally expanding tabs before altering the text. This can be used e.g. to make triple-quoted strings line up with the left edge of screen/whatever, while still presenting it in the source code in indented form

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