On 8/3/2014 10:06 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:
On 2014.08.03 23:14, Glenn Linderman wrote:
Having read a bit about ConEmu, it seems that it is a "pretty face" built on
top of Windows Console, by screen scraping the real (but hidden) Windows
Console, and providing a number of interesting display features and modes. So
while it adds functionality to the Windows Console interface, it doesn't seem
like it is likely to fix bugs or resolve issues with code pages, font
selection, or Unicode character repertoires, which are the issues of this
thread and the bug I referenced earlier.

Can anyone with ConEmu installed refute this interpretation of its 

If you run cmd in it, you will still need to use cp65001.
Or some workaround. The latest workaround in the issue I referenced does not require cp65001 either, for output, at least.

This is not necessary
for  (or applicable to) other applications (such as a Python interpreter) run
How does one "directly run" another application using ConEmu? That wasn't clear from what I found to read. It sounded like you run ConEmu, run one or more shells within it, and launch programs from those shells? And so it was also unclear if a program launched from some batch file would have to have the batch file launched from ConEmu, also. Or does ConEmu grab the execution association for batch files to make that work more automatically?

ConEmu can use any arbitrary font available on the system. As I have
said, I have been able to display Unicode output on it from an application
written in Python. No mojibake, no replacement characters, just the exact
characters one would expect.
I do not know the internals of ConEmu and how it interacts with conhost and
whatever else, but I have not found a need to since it has just worked for me.
So you may not know the internals of ConEmu, but I presume you know the internals of your Python applications. What encodings do you use for stdout for those applications? Do you set up the Python environment variables that specify some particular encoding, in the ConEmu environment (or does it)? Because the default Python IO encoding in Windows seems to be obtained from the configured code page.

Of course the biggest problem with much free and open source software is the documentation; I wasn't able to find specific answers to all my questions by reading the ConEmu wiki. Maybe some of it would be clearer if I installed it, and your "just worked" comment is certainly encouraging me to "just try it", but while trying it may help me figure it out, adding another package to separately install for my users gives more complexity. See if you can push me over the edge :)

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