Re: [python-win32] Understanding Access Denied when calling win32process.TerminateProcess() from Run As Administrator prompt

2013-10-01 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Run As Administrator prompt on Windows 7 has several oddities. e.g. if you have mapped disks (on LAN), try to doDIR R:with command-line As Administrator and As User ...and you the problem. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau - Original Message - From: Tony Cappellini

Re: [python-win32] Understanding Access Denied when callingwin32process.TerminateProcess() from Run As Administrator prompt

2013-10-01 Thread Michel Claveau
Re ! The best (for me) solution: down the UAC-level to zero... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau - Original Message - From: Michel Claveau To: ; Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 9:57 PM Subject: Re: [python-win32] Understanding

Re: [python-win32] Windows 7 Python Command Line Use

2013-09-24 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Thank you for info -- Michel Claveau - Original Message - From: Tim Roberts To: Python-Win32 List Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 7:31 PM Subject: [python-win32] Windows 7 Python Command Line Use I'm posting here as a help for others

Re: [python-win32] Sending Keystrokes to Active Windows

2013-07-11 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Below an (little/partial) example... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau #- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import win32api,time,win32con def keyb(ch=None,shift=False,control=False,alt=False, delaik=0.02

[python-win32] Thanks to M Hammond for Pywin.217

2012-06-17 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Sorry for delay, but since several months, I can't post via the python-win32 mailing list. I am very happy with Pywin32 217 ; all my old problems are solved with this release. M. Hammond, thanks very much!!! -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32

Re: [python-win32] win32com in a 64bit laptop

2011-10-30 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Python27 The program can't start because python23.dll... Perhaps a bad version of pywin32... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Importing pictures in a worddocument in python?

2011-07-06 Thread Michel Claveau
) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] inserting an image in a word (2003) document

2011-06-01 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Try: sel = sel.InlineShapes.AddPicture(C:\\monimage.jpg,False,True) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Interaction between wxPython and win32ui on Win 7

2011-05-07 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I have the same problem, in several cases without wx (OCX+pywin32 ; ATL+ctypes ; etc.) For terminate these rebel scripts, I use this code: import os pid=os.getpid() os.system(TASKKILL /F /PID +str(pid)) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] can't import dde module after importing win32ui

2011-03-24 Thread Michel Claveau
-- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 216 released.

2011-03-04 Thread Michel Claveau
32 bits Python 2.7 with Windows 7 64 bits ( Python/Pywin 32 bits) The problem seems really linked to win32ui... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 216 released.

2011-02-28 Thread Michel Claveau
If that can help... In several hours, I will test on a new computer, without python... @+ -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 216 released.

2011-02-28 Thread Michel Claveau
for you. @-salutations (and sorry for my crappy english) -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 216 released.

2011-02-28 Thread Michel Claveau
Re-re... etc. I have the same problem with (in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32com\demos) good night (here, it is late...) -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 215 released.

2011-02-20 Thread Michel Claveau
. Essayez de réinstaller le programme pour corriger ce problème. OK, I know how to... but the back of this old problem gives a bad reputation. Then, no other problem. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list python-win32

Re: [python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 215 released.

2011-02-20 Thread Michel Claveau
infos: Python 2.6.5 ; Win7-32bits ; UAC disable ; user is admin @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] IE (ocx) OK, but python never close

2011-02-09 Thread Michel Claveau
Re! News: - no problem on XP - no problem on Vista - but, on win 7, I try with 6 computers. One no have the problem. Five have... (32 and 64 bits) I do not know why... @+ -- MCi ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyWin32 sur intel xeon 64-bit

2010-07-20 Thread Michel Claveau
(toujours IE-32). C'est tout. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Enable/disable Remote Desktop via Python

2010-05-13 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! It is easy to stop/restart the service TermService under Windows 7 (or equivalent under other windows). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Saving (publishing) an Excel or Word 2007 file as aPDF document.

2010-05-03 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Try (Excel_2007): xlTypePDF=0 objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat(xlTypePDF,C:\\monexcel.pdf) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ImageList_AddMasked?

2010-04-22 Thread Michel Claveau
Re ! Perhaps must be in winxpgui? Because I use: import winxpgui as win32gui But, I do not found, either, ImageList_AddMasked in winxpgui @+ -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] mini-PyWiG 0.6

2010-04-22 Thread Michel Claveau
aussi, il n'y aura pas de nouvelle version avan le moi de mai, pour cause de période de bilan. C'est là : @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ImageList_AddMasked?

2010-04-21 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I do not found ImageList_AddMasked in win32gui See: Am I blind? @+ -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] mini-PyWiG

2010-04-04 Thread Michel Claveau
, mais plutôt à offrir le minimum nécessaire. Il n'y a pas de documentation, mais des exemples simples à comprendre. Notez que les commentaires sont en franglais. C'est là : @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32

Re: [python-win32] Pywin32+MFC Ok on 7 Vista, bad on XP ; solved/r�solu

2010-03-31 Thread Michel Claveau
english (sorry) or they can read few my french comments... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Pywin32+MFC Ok on 7 Vista, bad on XP

2010-03-29 Thread Michel Claveau
or SelectObject...DC or DrawText ; but I use them almost everywhere. I can show my code, but it is 100 kB, too big for message. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau I write several scripts with Pywin32, for work with MFC's windows some controls. All scripts run good on Windows-7 (32 64) and Vista

[python-win32] Pywin32+MFC Ok on 7 Vista, bad on XP

2010-03-27 Thread Michel Claveau
(blind mode), it run. But everything is hidden by the white. Any idea? Thanks. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] win32gui and SysListView32

2010-02-18 Thread Michel Claveau
for my approx english. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] win32gui and SysListView32

2010-02-18 Thread Michel Claveau
) ; but it is not very fast. I think than a pure pywin32 is a good way to explore. Have a nice day. Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Does anyone know how to compile pywin32 for 64bitoperating system?

2009-09-12 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Easy: push 64 times the key [compile] ;o) Warning: 63 or minus give a modulo 32 bits... (sorry: je sors d'un big apéritif...) @+ Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] win32api.FindWindow returns 0 sometimes

2009-09-06 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Try to put a time.sleep(0.001) inside the while, for give some time to work to Windows... @+ -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Problems importing win32com

2009-08-15 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I suggest you desactivate UAC. Then reinstall Pywin32. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Problem with Python win32com while loading facebookhomepage

2009-07-25 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! The code below run OK for me. (Do not remove the sleep) @+ -- Michel Claveau # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import win32com.client import time ie = win32com.client.Dispatch('InternetExplorer.Application') time.sleep(4) ie.Visible=1 ie.Navigate('') time.sleep(4) txt

Re: [python-win32] trying to grab exe of foreground window

2009-07-24 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi, Eric! Below, derived from your code, an exemple for to found modules in memory (useful for scan memory with clamwin, or other usages) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau import win32api,win32con,win32process,win32security # Request privileges to enable debug process, so we can later use

Re: [python-win32] Python COM Server and VB6 Integration

2009-07-18 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! By default, dotNET ( Visual-Studio) need COM servers with TLB. But Python's COM servers no have TLB. For a solution from dotNET, search the expression Late Binding @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list python-win32

Re: [python-win32] using registered python com server dll from .NET

2009-07-06 Thread Michel Claveau
version) can use it. IMO, it is a dotNET problem, and no a Python problem. @+ -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] SourceForge homepage link to pywin32 files

2009-05-15 Thread Michel Claveau
Bonsoir ! Clic sur Browse all packages @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Python activex Scripting engine error

2009-03-07 Thread Michel Claveau
/body/html Note : J'ai repris votre script tel quel, mais tkinter n'est pas utilisé... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Slow convert collection to list (search a fastway)

2009-02-12 Thread Michel Claveau
you, and nice day for all, in Universe. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Slow convert collection to list (search a fast way)

2009-02-11 Thread Michel Claveau
with iter ; with 'for' ; etc. All is slow. Who know a way for fast get the collection like LIST? Thanks in advance. -- Michel Claveau (*) slow: 0.7 seconds for len=1000 ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Slow convert collection to list (search a fastway)

2009-02-11 Thread Michel Claveau
, and zorry for my rotten english. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] OT: MS Office Addin -- Guidance/Advice

2009-02-08 Thread Michel Claveau
Python, via COM. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] GetWindowsVersion on Longhorn

2009-02-06 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! win32api.GetVersionEx(1) (6, 0, 6001, 2, 'Service Pack 1', 1, 0, 256, 1, 30) on 2008: (6, 0, 6001, 2, 'Service Pack 1', 1, 0, 274, 2, 30) And, on Seven (for collectors): print win32api.GetVersionEx(1) (6, 1, 7000, 2, '', 0, 0, 256, 1, 0) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

[python-win32] cmp oleobj instance with Python 2.6.1 et pywin32

2009-02-04 Thread Michel Claveau
this message. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] cmp oleobj instance with Python 2.6.1 et pywin32

2009-02-04 Thread Michel Claveau
-- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Pb SxS for install

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Claveau
) - run all install/copy/configure under Admin, and under single user - test with Windows-7 and XP (I have anothers virtual computers) - etc. Thank you for yours contributions, and have a good day. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list python

Re: [python-win32] Merge of py3k branch complete!

2009-01-29 Thread Michel Claveau
problem: it is not in french... and I am a very bad reader of english) Obhama, Bush, Sarkozy can forget their plans anti-crisis: your is better. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list http

[python-win32] Pb SxS for install

2009-01-29 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! When I try to install pywin32-212.6.win32-py2.6.exe, I had a SideBySide error. Below, the complete message found in the journal of applications. Any idea, for solution ? Thanks in advance. -- Michel Claveau -- Nom du journal

Re: [python-win32] Pb SxS for install

2009-01-29 Thread Michel Claveau
loading with Python 2.6.1 import socket...) @-tomorrow -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Quiet Install Available?

2009-01-10 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Look ActivePython, from Active-State. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] python print statements

2009-01-07 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! 1) Define your print function. Example: def mprint(*par): for i in par: print i, print 2) in your code, replace all 'print' by 'mprint' 3) when you want cancel the print, modify only the mprint function. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] IEControler and Navigate method

2008-12-20 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! when I call the Navigate method on a IEControler a new instance of IE is created Not for me (Vista / XP / 2000). Perhaps your code is special? Perhaps a parameter on your IE? @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Internet Explorer Session independent Creation

2008-12-17 Thread Michel Claveau
=700 ie2 = finstance('') ie2.Left=610 ie2.Top=10 ie2.Width=600 ie2.Height=700 time.sleep(2) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Does Python need a native Windows GUI toolkit?

2008-12-01 Thread Michel Claveau
, no? ( @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Does Python need a native Windows GUI toolkit?

2008-11-28 Thread Michel Claveau
) standalone client. But, if you create another solution, I will look with very attention... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Use Python DCOM object without having pythoninstalled locally

2008-11-24 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! What is missing now? Python PyWin32 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Problem on install PyWin32

2008-11-21 Thread Michel Claveau
, Python 2.5.2 HELP!!! And... thanks by advance for all solutions. Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Problem on install PyWin32

2008-11-21 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! (bis) Found solution. Disabling the antivirus had not enough. But, after uninstall the antivirus (avast), the installation is performed normally. Note that, once avast reinstalled, the problem is not persisted. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] How to make python scripts output to current cmd window? (like linux terminal)

2008-11-16 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Use: cmd /k Example: cmd /k C:\myscripts\python\ But... After, it's you, who must close the window... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Problem of value returned by COM, from IE, with prototype.js

2008-11-10 Thread Michel Claveau
for my primitive/simplist/bad english. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] COM -- Dispatch() parameter

2008-10-21 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Launch PythonWin, and use [Tools] COM Browser and COM Makepy for know the names of COM objects properties. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Pb IE8-b2 + Python like ActiveScripting language

2008-08-30 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Impossible, for me, to use Python like ActiveScripting language, in a HTA, since IE-8 beta-2 installed. Run OK with IE5, IE6, IE7. But IE8 does not recognize Python (I however recorded several times python like language of ActiveScripting) Any idea or solution? -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] Play MP3s from Windows, Just Works

2008-08-12 Thread Michel Claveau
') mci.directsend('set toto time format milliseconds') err,buf=mci.directsend('status toto length ') print 'Duree du fichier : ',buf,' millisecondes' err,buf=mci.directsend('play toto from 0 to '+str(buf)) time.sleep(int(buf)/1000) mci.directsend('close toto') @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] Play MP3s from Windows, Just Works

2008-08-12 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! This is perfect. Works like a charm ... Thank you very much! Thanks for return. For info, MCI can, also, record from microphone, save file, give infos on sound files, play mp3, wma or mid, etc. It's an old techno of Windows. But... it's only on Windows. @-salutations -- Michel

Re: [python-win32] pywin32 install via setuptools -- conclusion?

2008-08-06 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! ActiveState has a package, for install Python + Pywin32 (+ others), with quiet install. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Com and Sapi 4 speech engine, tts commands

2008-07-11 Thread Michel Claveau
very few French voices. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Netbios api

2008-07-03 Thread Michel Claveau
, attendre que tout soit initialisé. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau PS : ce n'est pas un problème Python. ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] return tuples ( lists)

2008-06-29 Thread Michel Claveau
Sunday, with sun, bathe and aperitif. -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Querying the VNC Service fails sometimes

2008-06-23 Thread Michel Claveau
') @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] P3K?

2008-06-20 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! You ( MH) already proved your know-how. IMO, the best way is: made as you want... @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] P3K?

2008-06-20 Thread Michel Claveau
(Tandy), Sirius ( Victor), IBM, T1100 (Toshiba, the fisrt true laptop), etc. etc. But, it was at the previous millenium. The future is P3K. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC

2008-06-02 Thread Michel Claveau
pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC ctor has unknown varkind (3) - returning None No problem when I run my scripts. But, I don't understand the message (the worst: it is not even in French!). If somebody has an explanation (easy to understand), thanks in advance. Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] pywin32 build 211 released

2008-05-31 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I've finally released pywin32 build 211! Super mega very great new! To celebrate that, I invite you to aperitif, today, at midday. It's here:,4.639181spn=0.013801,0.045877t=hz=15at very soon;o)Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] Request for comments

2008-05-23 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! For IPC.Mailslot, if you need, you can look my little example-code (below). Tested for compatibility with Vista.waitfor.exe ; and tested XP = Vista via LAN (sorry for my bad english) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau # -*- coding: cp1252 -*- def mailslotserver(duree=99

Re: [python-win32] Vista and listening sockets

2008-05-07 Thread Michel Claveau
, tout ça n'est pas lié à Python. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Help about printing

2008-05-01 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Many printers do not handle transparency. What kind of printer is it? An invisible printer? ;-) Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Finding the selected file in Windows Explorer

2008-04-22 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Since Vista, Windows-Explorer and Internet-Explorer are separate. Previously it was possible to drive Windows-Explorer via COM. Vista made that impossible. IMO, you must seek another way that COM. Sorry. Michel Claveau ___ python-win32

Re: [python-win32] Windows Vista slow down Python xmlrpc

2008-03-07 Thread Michel Claveau
Thanks for the return. Another thing: do you have sun in NL? ;-) Michel Claveau ; Ardèche ; France. ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Building pywin32 on Vista 64

2008-03-07 Thread Michel Claveau
Windows-Serveur-2008-64bits (mais, auparavant, sous Vista, XP, 2000, 2003, etc.) Je n'ai eu aucun problème. Mais, j'ai fait ça en Administrateur, avec l'UAC (contrôle des comptes utilisateurs) désactivé, et le parefeu désactivé. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] possible to save the output of TTS to a WAV file?

2008-03-07 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi ! I'm trying to save the output of some TTS to a sound file, is this possible? Yes, it's possible. I had done that (save MS-agent's blah-blah), under XP, with Python. But, sorry, I completely forgot how I had proceeded... I remember only that I had used MCI. @-salutations -- Michel

Re: [python-win32] Windows Vista slow down Python xmlrpc

2008-03-06 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! If you replace localhost by, Vista become fast... e.g. :s=xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(;) I think that it's a name resolution problem... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list python

Re: [python-win32] Windows Vista slow down Python xmlrpc

2008-03-06 Thread Michel Claveau
set global ecncapability=disabled Results: my Vista become twice faster than my XP... @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Building pywin32 on Vista 64

2008-03-06 Thread Michel Claveau
really important. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] COM server support on Vista

2008-01-31 Thread Michel Claveau
; run OK (a bit slow) ietoolbar: install OK ; run OK. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] win32com: ServerBusy message

2008-01-29 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Server Busy is primarily during the opening of the server. Minimize the code inside opening (or use thread), for a faster return). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] How to access the Outlook Express

2008-01-24 Thread Michel Claveau
...) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] How to access the Outlook Express

2008-01-24 Thread Michel Claveau
, to remove, obtain the contents of it, etc. And, therefore, not only to send new messages. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] newbie question on calling frompython com client

2008-01-20 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Sorry, I can't read THE book, today. I only wish to say than Python-COM-dynamic-server run very well. I use this techno all days, and also many of my customers (but they don't know it ; because it's transparent, for them). @-salutations Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] How to use OpenOffice with win32com - saving andevent handling?

2008-01-14 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I have a class (not finished, but run OK), for drive OOo from PyWin32. See below. @+ Michel Claveau # # -*- coding: cp1252 -*- # # by Michel Claveau Informatique # # import types import time import

Re: [python-win32] Check if user has windows administrator

2008-01-14 Thread Michel Claveau
elevation, my installs run OK. Sorry for my bad English, and the half out-subject, and... have a good day. Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyWin add-in for Excel-2007 and SP1+update

2007-12-29 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! For info. Since SP-1 of MS-Office-2007 (december), in Vista, the PyWin add-in for Excel crashs lamentably... But, today, a (windows)-update corrects the problem. (you must re-activate blocked add-ins) Joy: Youpi! @-salutations Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] How to save the mails as it is in their own format

2007-12-28 Thread Michel Claveau
, it is already made!) @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Mailslot

2007-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau
of interactions with BATCH (with waitfor.exe), and I will show you that. But, considering my current workload, that will take a few days... @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] (in) Active State PyWin32 list

2007-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Look here: Perso, I see up December-2007 @+ Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Mailslot

2007-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! I've added CreateMailslot, GetMailslotInfo and SetMailslotInfo to win32file, so they should be available in the next release. 3 points : - thanks, Roger - Aggg! All this work, and all this time spent (by me), for nothing! - thanks, Roger!!! @-salutations Michel

[python-win32] Mailslot

2007-12-09 Thread Michel Claveau
problem is: I am not able to write a Mailslot server. I don't found any wrapper of the (kernel32) CreateMailslot et ReadFile functions. On this subject, Google is not my friend... Any idea? Perhaps a feature for the next release of PyWin32? Thank you to have read me. Michel Claveau

Re: [python-win32] How to get command line parameters of running processes via pywin32

2007-12-06 Thread Michel Claveau
Line Utility) @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] want to leave DOS console at any target dir

2007-11-21 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Try this: import os os.system('start TITLE cmd /KCD /DD:\\Dev\\python') #for dir: D:\\Dev\\python (TITLE is the title (yes!) of the window) @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list http

Re: [python-win32] win32 and .NET

2007-11-14 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! For access to dotNET resources from Python, a good way : @+ Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] win32 and .NET

2007-11-14 Thread Michel Claveau
... if you (re)-start from zero. @-salutations Michel Claveau ___ python-win32 mailing list

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