Re: Nothing at port 25? RESOLVED

2001-08-06 Thread Alex Le Fevre
. Duh! It was fixed the instant I put that back. Thanks for catching that, though. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Nothing at Port 25?

2001-08-05 Thread Alex Le Fevre
here know if I've got things right from the Qmail end? Thanks. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: url of sqwebmail too long!!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Alex Le Fevre
/, not Of course, it's probably a question more for an Apache list, but if you or someone else knows how to do that, it would make both of us quite happy. :-) Alex Le Fevre

OT: Sending Mail with C++

2001-05-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre
? If so, I'd appreciate either some tips or a pointer to a URL discussing it. Thanks in advance. Alex Le Fevre

Re: OT: Sending Mail with C++

2001-05-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Please supply more information: 1) At what point is your program failing? The program itself doesn't seem to fail. I put a cout statement after my last line of code, and it pops up just fine. 2) If it gets far enough, are you capturing the exit code of /usr/bin/sendmail (or

Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre
t;; print MAIL "Subject: Quote for $date\n"; print MAIL $sdata[rand(@sdata)]; close MAIL; $recip, when I printed it to the screen for testing purposes, came out as user\, which is exactly what I need. Any idea why the mailwrapper would append my local domain like that? Thanks, Alex Le Fevre

Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre
No it isn't. The =~ s stuff is totally unnecessary, as you're not passing the address on the command line to sendmail... Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I *am* trying to pass the e-mail address from the command line to sendmail. And yes, $recip *is* user\ -- I printed it to

Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Aw come on, take away the =~ s line and you'll be fine. I promise. ::Looks chagrined:: Hmm. You were right. I just know that I need the "\" before the "@" when I hard-code, so I thought it would be necessary with my variable as well. And NO, you're not trying to pass the recip on the

Re: Aliases chdir problems

2001-04-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Not quite; that will try to deliver to an mbox file named "Maildir" in username's homedir, but as user alias. Chances are that you want that .qmail file to contain "username" instead, which will forward the mail from the long name to the short username. Then, that user's .qmail file (or

Alternate MDA

2001-03-28 Thread Alex Le Fevre
with Qmail, and all of that good stuff, and I don't see a lot about switching MDAs. Could anyone point me to a good resource on the subject? Thanks, Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. http

Re: Alternate MDA

2001-03-28 Thread Alex Le Fevre
... Note that users will still be able to override this choice with a .qmail file. Thus, you're saying, if there's a .qmail file, the .mailfilter file gets ignored? Alex __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Content Types

2001-03-23 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I'm no Perl coder, but it looks to me like you're sending everything as part of the message header -- you need a completely blank line (i.e. no whitespace on the line) between the end of the message headers, and the start of your first MIME part. That just makes everything show up as

Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre
if this would be right for all types of attachments. Thanks, Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre
That made it come through as a bunch of gobbledygook to my mail...but that's OK, because I know what I have to write on my mailwrapper to get it to see that it's an attachment. I think that suggestion will do the trick. Thanks! Alex Le Fevre __ Do

RE: Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Hmmm...I thought I had it, but not quite. For some reason, my Perl script is outputting to the screen, not my mailwrapper. Are there any limitations on what you can send to the mailwrapper? My program is below: #!/usr/bin/perl $fileout = system("/bin/cat /home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |

Content Types

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I've solved my earlier problem of getting my script to output an encoded file to the mailwrapper. My only problem is, I'm having real trouble getting mail agents to see the attachment properly. Using this script: #!/usr/bin/perl $fileout = `cat /home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |

/usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I'm done? Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: /usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre
EOF -- close the fd. If I'm actually typing my info in -- after calling /usr/bin/sendmail -t from a command line -- is that Ctrl-z? Alex __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: /usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre
OK, that's cool...but now I have (presumably) one last question. I've got my script printing From: $usermail to /usr/bin/sendmail, and it's working well enough both to trap the address the user enters and put it into the From: field. My question is, what field to I need to put $usermail into so

Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
of qmail if I find it's not functional? Are there any config files I need to be checking? Thanks for your help. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Put symlinks in place as the qmail docs tell you. I have, I kill -HUP'ed qmail-send, and it still doesn't work. Why wouldn't it work Alex __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
DJB posted to this list once, pointing out problems with mailer.conf -- if the system fails to open it (out of fds, etc), it defaults to using sendmail -- hardly what you want. The symlink solution is more reliable, and no files need to be parsed either. You're still both missing my

Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
qmail-inject can't work, you need the sendmail-wrapper - normally /var/qmail/bin/sendmail. This does work as it should normally. Id it doesn't there are some serious misconfigurations. How can I test /var/qmail/bin/sendmail? Do you think there would be a way to check to make sure my script


2001-03-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Mar 5 00:26 sendmail What could be wrong with this? I need this form ASAP, as I have business customers who will be using it soon. Thanks, Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices. http

/var/qmail/bin/sendmail (addendum)

2001-03-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
Also, I tried: echo to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/sendmail That gave me these lines in /var/log/maillog: Mar 11 11:23:02 www qmail: 984327782.476368 info msg 2920341: bytes 212 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 9916 uid 0 Mar 11 11:23:02 www qmail: 984327782.477601 end msg 2920341 echo

Which program?

2001-03-10 Thread Alex Le Fevre
r any help you may be able to provide. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
/home/alias On the contrary; I get the satisfaction of seeing someone actually putting the effort into running qmail, and being polite about it at the same time. Glad to hear I'm not just leeching off of your brains. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
How about the output of `ls -ld / /home /home/alias /home/alias/.qmail*` ? My thinking at this point is this has to be an ownership/permissions issue. bash-2.04# ls -ld / /home /home/alias /home/alias/.qmail* drwxr-xr-x 17 root wheel 512 Feb 6 14:10 / drwxr-xr-x 26 root wheel 512 Feb

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
No, chown it to alias. In fact, make that `chown -R alias:users /home/alias` to make it right. You can change the group to whatever your proper default is under your OS. Ummm...would that be wheel? I'm running OBSD 2.8. Sadly enough, after doing `chown -R alias:users /home/alias`, I

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I don't think so. wheel is a privileged group, isn't it? You want something with no elevated privileges. OK then, say, popuser? Maybe, but I doubt it. Are the qmail log messages explaining the failure the same as before? And of course you HUP'ed qmail-send... The log messages don't

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre
What does: grep alias /etc/passwd show? alias:*:1009:10::/home/alias:/bin/csh __ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre in virtualdomains will make [EMAIL PROTECTED] be controlled by ~alias/.qmail-threeacesolutions-info . No, ~alias means 'the home directory of user "alias"', which is needed by qmail. It doesn't involve the creation of any

Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
1. Did you HUP qmail-send or restart qmail? qmail-send only reads virtualdomains at startup. I do that after every change. I had made that kind of mistake earlier, and felt really stupid after folks on the list pointed it out. 2. Post the output of `qmail-showctl`. qmail home

Logfile Turnover

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
to change it back to daily or so. Can anyone tell me where I can tweak this? Thanks, Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!

Re: Logfile Turnover

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I seriously doubt that anyone can give you any useful advice -- you haven't given us enough information. What generates /var/log/maillog? syslog, multilog, (insert your program of choice here)? Honestly, I'm a bit newbieish to say concretely. I know that Qmail has been handling my e-mail,

POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-10 Thread Alex Le Fevre
s-com/info/::: . I think I even have /users/poppasswd right: info:(encrypted_pass):popuser:/home/popuser/popboxes/threeacesolutions-com/info Obviously, I've given qmail-send more than one -HUP in my testing. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Ale

Sqwebmail Documentation

2001-01-25 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I know this is the wrong place to ask, but the sqwebmail mailing list is incredibly slow/unpopulated. Do any of you know where I could find documentation for that package? I'm trying to do things like set up multiple virtual domains, change my timeout time, etc. Thanks, Alex Le Fevre

Unable to chdir (4.2.1)

2001-01-24 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I've got a working qmail system up and running now -- but only one user on it gets mail. All the other users I'm trying are getting the error "Unable to chdir to maildir (4.2.1)" in the maillog when trying to deliver mail to them. All of these undeliverable users have Maildirs in their home

Error Message Numbers

2001-01-21 Thread Alex Le Fevre
I've noticed that, whenever an error occurs with qmail, a specific number is attached in the maillog. I'd like to be able to just go look those up and leave you all alone, but I don't know where to do so. Could you let me know? Thanks, Alex le Fevre

Qmail Under TCPServer

2001-01-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre
there so anyone out there can tell if I've put those lines in the wrong place. FYI, the system is OpenBSD 2.8, running on an old Pentium-200. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - Buy

Re: Qmail Under TCPServer

2001-01-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre
: On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 12:28:30PM -0800, Alex Le Fevre wrote: The last part of my /etc/rc reads: # Alternatively, on some architectures, xdm may be started in /etc/ttys. if [ "X${xdm_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then echo 'starting xdm...'; /usr/X11R6

Good MUAs

2001-01-19 Thread Alex Le Fevre
insecure and unstable, and that BSD mail is worse. However, it makes no mention of a good MUA. What would you all recommend, and where could I get it? I need clients for both my OpenBSD box and eventual Windows clients (for whom I am considering building a POP "toaster"). Thanks, Ale


2001-01-18 Thread Alex Le Fevre
-alex both exist, containing simply ./Maildir/. /home/alex/Maildir also exists. Thanks for your help. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.


2000-12-19 Thread Alex Le Fevre
? Is there some standard directory I'm pointing to with this alias, or some other standard concept behind it? Thanks for any help. Alex Le Fevre __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.