I found most of my answers in a wonderful book written by Dave Sill
"Life with Qmail" http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html and the rest in
this mailing list.
James wrote:
> I've installed qmail, and I can send messages out to the world just fine..
> but I can't "get" messages fr
James wrote:
> I've installed qmail, and I can send messages out to the world just fine..
> but I can't "get" messages from the world.
> The faq's and howto pages have me confused. I read something about the
> /users/assign file, but am completely confused about setting that up. All
> I wa
I've installed qmail, and I can send messages out to the world just fine..
but I can't "get" messages from the world.
The faq's and howto pages have me confused. I read something about the
/users/assign file, but am completely confused about setting that up. All
I want at this point is to allow
> > I also was looking around for examples of standard "adduser"
> > scripts that had been modified for use with qmail.
Do you want the whole thing or just the relevant parts?
BTW: *DO* *NOT* run this script on your system -- it's is completely
customized for an
y clues you could provide would be much appreciated.
It's a named pipe. Easiest way to re-create it is to go to your qmail
source directory and run ``make setup'' again.
> I also was looking around for examples of standard "adduser"
> scripts that had been modified fo
Just look at your adduser command. It probably copies a "skeleton"
directory over to the users's home directory.
Set up the Maildir in there. (Or just setup the .qmail files.).
Matt Soffen
Webmaster - http://www.iso-ne.com/
| I was forced to do some file movement as a result of a crash. I have
| traced one problem to trigger file permissions, but for the life of
| me cannot find a way to change the file type so that it reads
| pwr-
That should be pwr--w--w-.
The proper way is to run
chmod" on my linux boxen and found little.. odd
that.. Found evidence of the trigger permission file everywhere, but
no actual lines on what the fix is, just info that it needs fixin! .. :^)
I also was looking around for examples of standard "adduser"
scripts that had been modifie